blob: 847340c1c6af066ef09ca0c4204f5431bf9588a7 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Bazel Authors. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
import static;
import static;
import java.util.List;
import org.junit.Test;
import org.junit.runner.RunWith;
import org.junit.runners.JUnit4;
/** Tests of the Starlark resolver. */
public class ResolverTest {
private final FileOptions.Builder options = FileOptions.builder();
// Resolves a file using the current options,
// in an environment with a single predeclared name, pre.
// Errors are recorded in file.errors().
private StarlarkFile resolveFile(String... lines) throws SyntaxError.Exception {
ParserInput input = ParserInput.fromLines(lines);
StarlarkFile file = StarlarkFile.parse(input,;
Resolver.resolveFile(file, Resolver.moduleWithPredeclared("pre"));
return file;
// Assertions that parsing and resolution succeeds.
private void assertValid(String... lines) throws SyntaxError.Exception {
StarlarkFile file = resolveFile(lines);
if (!file.ok()) {
throw new SyntaxError.Exception(file.errors());
// Asserts that parsing of the program succeeds but resolution fails
// with at least the specified error.
private void assertInvalid(String expectedError, String... lines) throws SyntaxError.Exception {
List<SyntaxError> errors = getResolutionErrors(lines);
assertContainsError(errors, expectedError);
// Returns the non-empty list of resolution errors of the program.
private List<SyntaxError> getResolutionErrors(String... lines) throws SyntaxError.Exception {
StarlarkFile file = resolveFile(lines);
if (file.ok()) {
throw new AssertionError("resolution succeeded unexpectedly");
return file.errors();
public void testAssignmentNotValidLValue() throws Exception {
assertInvalid("cannot assign to '\"a\"'", "'a' = 1");
public void testAugmentedAssignmentWithMultipleLValues() throws Exception {
"cannot perform augmented assignment on a list or tuple expression", //
"a, b += 2, 3");
public void testReturnOutsideFunction() throws Exception {
"return statements must be inside a function", //
"return 2\n");
public void testLoadAfterStatement() throws Exception {
List<SyntaxError> errors = getResolutionErrors("a = 5", "load(':b.bzl', 'c')");
assertContainsError(errors, ":2:1: load statements must appear before any other statement");
assertContainsError(errors, ":1:1: \tfirst non-load statement appears here");
public void testAllowLoadAfterStatement() throws Exception {
"a = 5", //
"load(':b.bzl', 'c')");
public void testDuplicateBindingWithinALoadStatement() throws Exception {
"load statement defines 'x' more than once", //
"load('module', 'x', 'x')");
"load statement defines 'x' more than once", //
"load('module', 'x', x='y')");
public void testConflictsAtToplevel_default() throws Exception {
List<SyntaxError> errors = getResolutionErrors("x=1; x=2");
assertContainsError(errors, ":1:6: 'x' redeclared at top level");
assertContainsError(errors, ":1:1: 'x' previously declared here");
errors = getResolutionErrors("x=1; load('module', 'x')");
assertContainsError(errors, ":1:22: conflicting file-local declaration of 'x'");
assertContainsError(errors, ":1:1: 'x' previously declared as global here");
// Also: "loads must appear first"
errors = getResolutionErrors("load('module', 'x'); x=1");
assertContainsError(errors, ":1:22: conflicting global declaration of 'x'");
assertContainsError(errors, ":1:17: 'x' previously declared as file-local here");
errors = getResolutionErrors("load('module', 'x'); load('module', 'x')");
assertContainsError(errors, ":1:38: 'x' redeclared at top level");
assertContainsError(errors, ":1:17: 'x' previously declared here");
public void testConflictsAtToplevel_loadBindsGlobally() throws Exception {
List<SyntaxError> errors = getResolutionErrors("x=1; x=2");
assertContainsError(errors, ":1:6: 'x' redeclared at top level");
assertContainsError(errors, ":1:1: 'x' previously declared here");
errors = getResolutionErrors("x=1; load('module', 'x')");
assertContainsError(errors, ":1:22: 'x' redeclared at top level");
assertContainsError(errors, ":1:1: 'x' previously declared here");
// Also: "loads must appear first"
errors = getResolutionErrors("load('module', 'x'); x=1");
assertContainsError(errors, ":1:22: 'x' redeclared at top level");
assertContainsError(errors, ":1:17: 'x' previously declared here");
errors = getResolutionErrors("load('module', 'x'); load('module', 'x')");
assertContainsError(errors, ":1:38: 'x' redeclared at top level");
assertContainsError(errors, ":1:17: 'x' previously declared here");
public void testConflictsAtToplevel_allowToplevelRebinding() throws Exception {
// This flag allows rebinding of globals, or of file-locals,
// but a given name cannot be both globally and file-locally bound.
assertValid("x=1; x=2");
List<SyntaxError> errors = getResolutionErrors("x=1; load('module', 'x')");
assertContainsError(errors, ":1:22: conflicting file-local declaration of 'x'");
assertContainsError(errors, ":1:1: 'x' previously declared as global here");
// Also: "loads must appear first"
errors = getResolutionErrors("load('module', 'x'); x=1");
assertContainsError(errors, ":1:22: conflicting global declaration of 'x'");
assertContainsError(errors, ":1:17: 'x' previously declared as file-local here");
assertValid("load('module', 'x'); load('module', 'x')");
public void testConflictsAtToplevel_loadBindsGlobally_allowToplevelRebinding() throws Exception {
assertValid("x=1; x=2");
assertValid("x=1; load('module', 'x')");
assertValid("load('module', 'x'); x=1");
assertValid("load('module', 'x'); load('module', 'x')");
public void testForbiddenToplevelIfStatement() throws Exception {
"if statements are not allowed at the top level", //
"if pre: a = 2");
public void testUndefinedName() throws Exception {
assertInvalid("name 'foo' is not defined", "[foo for x in []]");
public void testFunctionLocalVariable() throws Exception {
"name 'a' is not defined", //
"def func2(b):",
" c = b",
" c = a",
"def func1():",
" a = 1",
" func2(2)");
public void testFunctionLocalVariableDoesNotEffectGlobalEnv() throws Exception {
"name 'a' is not defined", //
"def func1():",
" a = 1",
"def func2(b):",
" b = a");
public void testFunctionParameterDoesNotEffectGlobalEnv() throws Exception {
"name 'a' is not defined", //
"def func1(a):",
" return a",
"def func2():",
" b = a");
public void testDefinitionByItself() throws Exception {
// Variables are assumed to be statically visible in the block (even if they might not be
// initialized).
assertValid("a = a");
assertValid("a += a");
assertValid("[[] for _ in [] for a in a]");
assertValid("def f():", " for a in a: pass");
public void testLocalEnvironmentsAreSeparate() throws Exception {
"def func1():", //
" a = 1",
"def func2():",
" a = 'abc'");
public void testBuiltinsCanBeShadowed() throws Exception {
assertValid("pre = 1");
public void testGlobalShadowsPredeclaredForEntireFile() throws Exception {
// global 'pre' shadows predeclared of same name.
List<SyntaxError> errors = getResolutionErrors("pre; pre = 1; pre = 2");
assertContainsError(errors, ":1:15: 'pre' redeclared at top level");
assertContainsError(errors, ":1:6: 'pre' previously declared here");
public void testTwoFunctionsWithTheSameName() throws Exception {
// Def statements act just like an assignment statement.
List<SyntaxError> errors = getResolutionErrors("def foo(): pass", "def foo(): pass");
assertContainsError(errors, ":2:5: 'foo' redeclared at top level");
assertContainsError(errors, ":1:5: 'foo' previously declared here");
public void testFunctionDefRecursion() throws Exception {
assertValid("def func():", " func()\n");
public void testMutualRecursion() throws Exception {
assertValid("def foo(i):", " bar(i)", "def bar(i):", " foo(i)", "foo(4)");
public void testFunctionDefinedBelow() throws Exception {
assertValid("def bar(): a = foo() + 'a'", "def foo(): return 1\n");
public void testGlobalDefinedBelow() throws Exception {
assertValid("def bar(): return x", "x = 5\n");
public void testLocalVariableDefinedBelow() throws Exception {
"def bar():",
" for i in pre(5):",
" if i > 2: return x",
" x = i" // x is visible in the entire function block
public void testFunctionDoesNotExist() throws Exception {
"name 'foo' is not defined", //
"def bar(): a = foo() + 'a'");
public void testTupleLiteralWorksForDifferentTypes() throws Exception {
assertValid("('a', 1)");
public void testDictExpressionDifferentValueTypeWorks() throws Exception {
assertValid("{'a': 1, 'b': 'c'}");
// Starlark built-in functions specific tests
public void testFuncReturningDictAssignmentAsLValue() throws Exception {
"def my_dict():", //
" return {'a': 1}",
"def func():",
" my_dict()['b'] = 2");
public void testEmptyLiteralGenericIsSetInLaterConcatWorks() throws Exception {
"def func():", //
" s = {}",
" s['a'] = 'b'");
public void testBuiltinGlobalFunctionsReadOnlyInFuncDefBody() throws Exception {
assertValid("def func():", " rule = 'abc'");
public void testBuiltinGlobalFunctionsReadOnlyAsFuncDefArg() throws Exception {
assertValid("def func(rule):", " return rule");
public void testTopLevelForFails() throws Exception {
"for loops are not allowed at the top level", //
"for i in []: 0\n");
public void testComprehension() throws Exception {
// The operand of the first for clause is resolved outside the comprehension block.
assertInvalid("name 'x' is not defined", "[() for x in x]");
assertValid("[() for x in () for x in x]"); // forward ref
public void testDuplicateParameter() throws Exception {
"duplicate parameter: a",
"def func(a, b, a):", //
" a = 1");
public void testParameterOrdering() throws Exception {
// ordering
"required parameter a may not follow **kwargs", //
"def func(**kwargs, a): pass");
"required positional parameter b may not follow an optional parameter", //
"def func(a=1, b): pass");
"optional parameter may not follow **kwargs", //
"def func(**kwargs, a=1): pass");
"* parameter may not follow **kwargs", //
"def func(**kwargs, *args): pass");
"* parameter may not follow **kwargs", //
"def func(**kwargs, *): pass");
"bare * must be followed by keyword-only parameters", //
"def func(*): pass");
// duplicate parameters
assertInvalid("duplicate parameter: a", "def func(a, a): pass");
assertInvalid("duplicate parameter: a", "def func(a, a=1): pass");
assertInvalid("duplicate parameter: a", "def func(a, *a): pass");
assertInvalid("duplicate parameter: a", "def func(*a, a): pass");
assertInvalid("duplicate parameter: a", "def func(*a, a=1): pass");
assertInvalid("duplicate parameter: a", "def func(a, **a): pass");
assertInvalid("duplicate parameter: a", "def func(*a, **a): pass");
// multiple *
assertInvalid("multiple * parameters not allowed", "def func(a, *, b, *): pass");
assertInvalid("multiple * parameters not allowed", "def func(a, *args, b, *): pass");
assertInvalid("multiple * parameters not allowed", "def func(a, *, b, *args): pass");
assertInvalid("multiple * parameters not allowed", "def func(a, *args, b, *args): pass");
// multiple **kwargs
assertInvalid("multiple ** parameters not allowed", "def func(**kwargs, **kwargs): pass");
assertValid("def f(a, b, c=1, d=2, *args, e, f=3, g, **kwargs): pass");
public void testArgumentOrdering() throws Exception {
// positionals go before keywords
"positional argument may not follow keyword", //
"pre(a=1, 0)");
// keywords must be unique
"duplicate keyword argument: a", //
"pre(a=1, a=2)");
// no arguments after **kwargs
"positional argument may not follow **kwargs", //
"pre(**0, 0)");
"keyword argument a may not follow **kwargs", //
"pre(**0, a=1)");
"*args may not follow **kwargs", //
"pre(**0, *0)");
"multiple **kwargs not allowed", //
"pre(**0, **0)");
"*args may not follow **kwargs", // also, a parse error
"pre(**0, *)");
// bad arguments after *args
"positional argument may not follow *args", //
"pre(*0, 1)");
"keyword argument a may not follow *args", //
"pre(*0, a=1)"); // Python (even v2) allows this
"multiple *args not allowed", //
"pre(*0, *0)");
assertValid("pre(0, a=0, *0, **0)");
public void testUndefError() throws Exception {
// Regression test for a poor error message.
List<SyntaxError> errors = getResolutionErrors("lambda: undef");
assertThat(errors.get(0).message()).isEqualTo("name 'undef' is not defined");
public void testBindingScopeAndIndex() throws Exception {
"xᴳ₀ = 0", //
"yᴳ₁ = 1",
"zᴳ₂ = 2",
"xᴳ₀(xᴳ₀, yᴳ₁, preᴾ₀)",
"[xᴸ₀ for xᴸ₀ in xᴳ₀ if yᴳ₁]",
"def fᴳ₃(xᴸ₀ = xᴳ₀):",
" xᴸ₀ = yᴸ₁",
" yᴸ₁ = zᴳ₂");
// Load statements create file-local bindings.
// Functions that reference load bindings are closures.
"load('module', aᶜ₀='a', bᴸ₁='b')", //
"aᶜ₀, bᴸ₁",
"def fᴳ₀(): aᶠ₀");
// If a name is bound globally, all toplevel references
// resolve to it, even those that precede it.
checkBindings("preᴳ₀; preᴳ₀=1; preᴳ₀");
"aᴳ₀, bᴳ₁ = 0, 0", //
"def fᴳ₂(aᴸ₀=bᴳ₁):",
" aᴸ₀, bᴳ₁",
" [(aᴸ₁, bᴳ₁) for aᴸ₁ in aᴸ₀]");
// Nested functions have lexical scope.
"def fᴳ₀(aᴸ₀, bᶜ₁):", // b is a cell: an indirect local shared with nested functions
" aᴸ₀",
" def gᴸ₂(cᴸ₀):",
" bᶠ₀, cᴸ₀"); // b is a free var: a reference to a cell of an outer function
// Multiply nested functions.
"load('module', aᶜ₀='a')",
"bᴳ₀ = 0",
"def fᴳ₁(cᶜ₀):",
" aᶠ₀, bᴳ₀, cᶜ₀",
" def gᶜ₁(dᶜ₀):",
" aᶠ₀, bᴳ₀, cᶠ₁, dᶜ₀, fᴳ₁",
" def hᶜ₁(eᴸ₀):",
" aᶠ₀, bᴳ₀, cᶠ₁, dᶠ₂, eᴸ₀, fᴳ₁, gᶠ₃, hᶠ₄");
// checkBindings verifies the binding (scope and index) of each identifier.
// Every variable must be followed by a superscript letter (its scope)
// and a subscript numeral (its index). They are replaced by spaces, the
// file is resolved, and then the computed information is written over
// the spaces. The resulting string must match the input.
private void checkBindings(String... lines) throws Exception {
String src = Joiner.on("\n").join(lines);
StarlarkFile file = resolveFile(src.replaceAll("[₀₁₂₃₄₅₆₇₈₉ᴸᴳᶜᶠᴾᵁ]", " "));
if (!file.ok()) {
throw new AssertionError("resolution failed: " + file.errors());
String[] out = new String[] {src};
new NodeVisitor() {
public void visit(Identifier id) {
// Replace ...x__... with ...xᴸ₀...
out[0] =
out[0].substring(0, id.getEndOffset())
+ "ᴸᴳᶜᶠᴾᵁ".charAt(id.getBinding().getScope().ordinal()) // follow order of enum
+ "₀₁₂₃₄₅₆₇₈₉".charAt(id.getBinding().getIndex()) // 10 is plenty
+ out[0].substring(id.getEndOffset() + 2);