blob: d9f4be2ccd35fb955aec90a2f2af87d3ac9f4e53 [file] [log] [blame]
<a name=""></a>
<p><code>List of <a href="${link build-ref#labels}">labels</a>
; optional</code></p>
Files needed by this rule at runtime. May list file or rule targets. Generally
allows any target.
The default outputs and runfiles of targets in the <code>data</code> attribute
should appear in the <code>*.runfiles</code> area of any executable which is
output by or has a runtime dependency on this target. This may include data
files or binaries used when this target's
<a href="#typical.srcs"><code>srcs</code></a> are executed. See the
<a href="${link build-ref#data}">data dependencies</a>
section for more information about how to depend on and use data files.
New rules should define a <code>data</code> attribute if they process
inputs which might use other inputs at runtime. Rules' implementation functions
must also <a href="">populate the target's
runfiles</a> from the outputs and runfiles of any <code>data</code> attribute,
as well as runfiles from any dependency attribute which provides either
source code or runtime dependencies.