blob: 73018237fbb8c44a31bbea8026d727949532965f [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Bazel Authors. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.function.Predicate;
import javax.annotation.Nullable;
* A graph, defined by a set of functions that can construct values from value keys.
* <p>The value constructor functions ({@link SkyFunction}s) can declare dependencies on
* prerequisite {@link SkyValue}s. The {@link MemoizingEvaluator} implementation makes sure that
* those are created beforehand.
* <p>The graph caches previously computed values. Arbitrary values can be invalidated between calls
* to {@link #evaluate}; they will be recreated the next time they are requested.
public interface MemoizingEvaluator {
* Computes the transitive closure of a given set of values. See {@link
* EagerInvalidator#invalidate}.
* <p>The returned EvaluationResult is guaranteed to contain a result for at least one root if
* keepGoing is false. It will contain a result for every root if keepGoing is true, <i>unless</i>
* the evaluation failed with a "catastrophic" error. In that case, some or all results may be
* missing.
<T extends SkyValue> EvaluationResult<T> evaluate(
Iterable<? extends SkyKey> roots, EvaluationContext evaluationContext)
throws InterruptedException;
* Ensures that after the next completed {@link #evaluate} call the current values of any value
* matching this predicate (and all values that transitively depend on them) will be removed from
* the value cache. All values that were already marked dirty in the graph will also be deleted,
* regardless of whether or not they match the predicate.
* <p>If a later call to {@link #evaluate} requests some of the deleted values, those values will
* be recomputed and the new values stored in the cache again.
* <p>To delete all dirty values, you can specify a predicate that's always false.
void delete(Predicate<SkyKey> pred);
* Marks dirty values for deletion if they have been dirty for at least as many graph versions
* as the specified limit.
* <p>This ensures that after the next completed {@link #evaluate} call, all such values, along
* with all values that transitively depend on them, will be removed from the value cache. Values
* that were marked dirty after the threshold version will not be affected by this call.
* <p>If a later call to {@link #evaluate} requests some of the deleted values, those values will
* be recomputed and the new values stored in the cache again.
* <p>To delete all dirty values, you can specify 0 for the limit.
void deleteDirty(long versionAgeLimit);
* Returns the values in the graph.
* <p>The returned map may be a live view of the graph.
// TODO(bazel-team): Replace all usages of getValues, getDoneValues, getExistingValue,
// and getExistingErrorForTesting with usages of WalkableGraph. Changing the getValues usages
// require some care because getValues gives access to the previous value for changed/dirty nodes.
Map<SkyKey, SkyValue> getValues();
* Returns an {@link InMemoryGraph} containing all of the nodes backing this evaluator.
* <p>Throws {@link UnsupportedOperationException} if this evaluator does not store its entire
* graph in memory.
InMemoryGraph getInMemoryGraph();
* Informs the evaluator that a sequence of evaluations at the same version has finished.
* Evaluators may make optimizations under the assumption that successive evaluations are all at
* the same version. A call of this method tells the evaluator that the next evaluation is not
* guaranteed to be at the same version.
default void noteEvaluationsAtSameVersionMayBeFinished(ExtendedEventHandler eventHandler)
throws InterruptedException {
* Tells the evaluator to post any logging statistics that it may have accumulated over the last
* sequence of evaluations. Normally called internally by {@link
* #noteEvaluationsAtSameVersionMayBeFinished}.
default void postLoggingStats(ExtendedEventHandler eventHandler) {}
* Returns the done (without error) values in the graph.
* <p>The returned map may be a live view of the graph.
Map<SkyKey, SkyValue> getDoneValues();
* Returns a value if and only if an earlier call to {@link #evaluate} created it; null otherwise.
* <p>This method should mainly be used by tests that need to verify the presence of a value in
* the graph after an {@link #evaluate} call.
SkyValue getExistingValue(SkyKey key) throws InterruptedException;
NodeEntry getExistingEntryAtCurrentlyEvaluatingVersion(SkyKey key) throws InterruptedException;
* Returns an error if and only if an earlier call to {@link #evaluate} created it; null
* otherwise.
* <p>This method should only be used by tests that need to verify the presence of an error in the
* graph after an {@link #evaluate} call.
@SuppressWarnings("VisibleForTestingMisused") // Only exists for testing.
ErrorInfo getExistingErrorForTesting(SkyKey key) throws InterruptedException;
* Tests that want finer control over the graph being used may provide a {@code transformer} here.
* This {@code transformer} will be applied to the graph for each invalidation/evaluation.
void injectGraphTransformerForTesting(GraphTransformerForTesting transformer);
/** Transforms a graph, possibly injecting other functionality. */
interface GraphTransformerForTesting {
InMemoryGraph transform(InMemoryGraph graph);
ProcessableGraph transform(ProcessableGraph graph);
GraphTransformerForTesting NO_OP =
new GraphTransformerForTesting() {
public InMemoryGraph transform(InMemoryGraph graph) {
return graph;
public ProcessableGraph transform(ProcessableGraph graph) {
return graph;
* Writes a brief summary about the graph to the given output stream.
* <p>Not necessarily thread-safe. Use only for debugging purposes.
void dumpSummary(PrintStream out);
* Writes a list of counts of each node type in the graph to the given output stream.
* <p>Not necessarily thread-safe. Use only for debugging purposes.
void dumpCount(PrintStream out);
* Writes a detailed summary of the graph to the given output stream. For each key matching the
* given filter, prints the key name and deps are printed. The deps are printed in groups
* according to the dependency order registered in Skyframe.
* <p>Not necessarily thread-safe. Use only for debugging purposes.
void dumpDeps(PrintStream out, Predicate<String> filter) throws InterruptedException;
* Writes a detailed summary of the graph to the given output stream. For each key matching the
* given filter, prints the key name and its reverse deps.
* <p>Not necessarily thread-safe. Use only for debugging purposes.
void dumpRdeps(PrintStream out, Predicate<String> filter) throws InterruptedException;
* Cleans up the pool when {@link InMemoryGraph} serves as an alternative global pool to weak
* interner for interning {@link SkyKey}.
void cleanupInterningPools();