blob: 7ecae1a6ff4a052bc6adc4d1dab1824a4f073526 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Bazel Authors. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
import javax.annotation.Nullable;
/** Utility methods for use by Java-related parts of the build system. */
public final class JavaUtil {
private JavaUtil() {}
// ---------- Java related methods
* TODO(bazel-team): (2009)
* This way of figuring out Java source roots is basically
* broken. I think we need to support these two use cases:
* (1) A user puts their shell into a directory named java.
* (2) Someplace in the tree, there's a package named java.
* (1) is more important than (2); and (2) cannot always be guaranteed
* due to sloppy implementations in the past; most notably the old
* tools/ code for compiling Java.
* Basically, to implement correct semantics, we will need to configure
* Java source roots based on the package path, plus some heuristics to
* support legacy code, maybe.
* Roughly:
* Given a path, find the source root that applies to it by
* - walk over the elements in the package path
* - add "java", "javatests" to them
* - find the first element that is a maximal prefix to the Java file
* - for experimental, some legacy support that basically has some
* arbitrary padding before the Java sourceroot.
* Given the filename of a Java source file, returns the name of the toplevel Java class defined
* within it.
public static String getJavaClassName(PathFragment path) {
return FileSystemUtils.removeExtension(path.getBaseName());
/** Java source roots, used to relativize resource paths and infer main_class values. */
public static final ImmutableSet<String> KNOWN_SOURCE_ROOTS =
ImmutableSet.of("java", "javatests", "src", "testsrc");
* Finds the index of the segment in a Java path fragment that precedes the source root. Starts
* from the first "java" or "javatests" or "src" or "testsrc" segment. If the found item was
* "src", check if this is followed by "main" or "test" and then "java" or "resources" (maven
* layout). If the found item was "src", or "java"/"javatests" at the first segment, check for a
* nested root directory (src, java or javatests). A nested root must be followed by
* (com|net|org), or matching maven structure for nested "src", to be accepted, to avoid false
* positives.
* @param path a Java source dir or file path
* @return the index of the java segment or -1 iff no java segment was found.
private static int javaSegmentIndex(PathFragment path) {
if (path.isAbsolute()) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("path must not be absolute: '" + path + "'");
int rootIndex = Iterables.indexOf(path.segments(), KNOWN_SOURCE_ROOTS::contains);
if (rootIndex == -1) {
return -1;
final boolean isSrc = "src".equals(path.getSegment(rootIndex));
int checkMavenIndex = isSrc ? rootIndex : -1;
if (rootIndex == 0 || isSrc) {
// Check for a nested root directory.
for (int i = rootIndex + 1, max = path.segmentCount() - 2; i <= max; i++) {
String segment = path.getSegment(i);
if ("src".equals(segment)
|| (isSrc && ("javatests".equals(segment) || "java".equals(segment)))) {
String next = path.getSegment(i + 1);
if ("com".equals(next) || "org".equals(next) || "net".equals(next)) {
// Check for common first element of java package, to avoid false positives.
rootIndex = i;
} else if ("src".equals(segment)) {
// Also accept maven style src/(main|test)/(java|resources).
checkMavenIndex = i;
// Check for (main|test)/(java|resources) after /src/.
if (checkMavenIndex >= 0 && checkMavenIndex + 2 < path.segmentCount()) {
String next = path.getSegment(checkMavenIndex + 1);
if ("main".equals(next) || "test".equals(next)) {
next = path.getSegment(checkMavenIndex + 2);
if ("java".equals(next) || "resources".equals(next)) {
rootIndex = checkMavenIndex + 2;
return rootIndex;
/** Given the PathFragment of a Java source file, returns the Java package to which it belongs. */
public static String getJavaPackageName(PathFragment path) {
int index = javaSegmentIndex(path) + 1;
path = path.subFragment(index, path.segmentCount() - 1);
return path.getPathString().replace('/', '.');
* Given the PathFragment of a file without extension, returns the Java fully qualified class name
* based on the Java root relative path of the specified path or 'null' if no java root can be
* determined.
* <p>For example, "java/foo/bar/wiz" and "javatests/foo/bar/wiz" both result in "".
* <p>TODO(bazel-team): (2011) We need to have a more robust way to determine the Java root of a
* relative path rather than simply trying to find the "java" or "javatests" or "src" directory.
public static String getJavaFullClassname(PathFragment path) {
PathFragment javaPath = getJavaPath(path);
if (javaPath != null) {
return javaPath.getPathString().replace('/', '.');
return null;
* Given the PathFragment of a Java source file, returns the Java root relative path or 'null' if
* no java root can be determined.
* <p>For example, "{workspace}/java/foo/bar/wiz" and "{workspace}/javatests/foo/bar/wiz" both
* result in "foo/bar/wiz".
* <p>TODO(bazel-team): (2011) We need to have a more robust way to determine the Java root of a
* relative path rather than simply trying to find the "java" or "javatests" directory.
public static PathFragment getJavaPath(PathFragment path) {
int index = javaSegmentIndex(path);
if (index >= 0) {
return path.subFragment(index + 1);
return null;
* Given the PathFragment of a Java source file, returns the Java root of the specified path or
* 'null' if no java root can be determined.
* <p>Example 1: "{workspace}/java/foo/bar/wiz" and "{workspace}/javatests/foo/bar/wiz" result in
* "{workspace}/java" and "{workspace}/javatests" Example 2: "java/foo/bar/wiz" and
* "javatests/foo/bar/wiz" result in "java" and "javatests"
* <p>TODO(bazel-team): (2011) We need to have a more robust way to determine the Java root of a
* relative path rather than simply trying to find the "java" or "javatests" directory.
public static PathFragment getJavaRoot(PathFragment path) {
int index = javaSegmentIndex(path);
if (index >= 0) {
return path.subFragment(0, index + 1);
return null;