blob: 535e9df771c6591f583288bf23d308d46b250f63 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2023 The Bazel Authors. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
Definition of JavaInfo provider.
load(":common/cc/cc_common.bzl", "cc_common")
load(":common/java/java_plugin_info.bzl", "merge_without_outputs")
load(":common/java/java_semantics.bzl", "semantics")
load(":common/cc/cc_info.bzl", "CcInfo")
load(":common/java/java_common.bzl", "java_common")
_JavaOutputInfo = provider(
doc = "The outputs of Java compilation.",
fields = {
"class_jar": "(File) A classes jar file.",
"compile_jar": "(File) An interface jar file.",
"ijar": "Deprecated: Please use compile_jar.",
"compile_jdeps": "(File) Compile time dependencies information (deps.proto file).",
"generated_class_jar": "(File) A jar containing classes generated via annotation processing.",
"generated_source_jar": "(File) The source jar created as a result of annotation processing.",
"native_headers_jar": "(File) A jar of CC header files supporting native method implementation.",
"manifest_proto": "(File) The manifest protobuf file of the manifest generated from JavaBuilder.",
"jdeps": "(File) The jdeps protobuf file of the manifest generated from JavaBuilder.",
"source_jars": "([File]) A list of sources archive files.",
"source_jar": "Deprecated: Please use source_jars instead.",
_ModuleFlagsInfo = provider(
doc = "Provider for the runtime classpath contributions of a Java binary.",
fields = {
"add_exports": "(depset[str]) Add-Exports configuration.",
"add_opens": "(depset[str]) Add-Opens configuration.",
_JavaRuleOutputJarsInfo = provider(
doc = "Deprecated: use java_info.java_outputs. Information about outputs of a Java rule.",
fields = {
"jdeps": "Deprecated: Use java_info.java_outputs.",
"native_headers": "Deprecated: Use java_info.java_outputs[i].jdeps.",
"jars": "Deprecated: Use java_info.java_outputs[i].native_headers_jar.",
_JavaGenJarsInfo = provider(
doc = "Deprecated: Information about jars that are a result of annotation processing for a Java rule.",
fields = {
"enabled": "Deprecated. Returns true if annotation processing was applied on this target.",
"class_jar": "Deprecated: Please use JavaInfo.java_outputs.generated_class_jar instead.",
"source_jar": "Deprecated: Please use JavaInfo.java_outputs.generated_source_jar instead.",
"transitive_class_jars": "Deprecated. A transitive set of class file jars from annotation " +
"processing of this rule and its dependencies.",
"transitive_source_jars": "Deprecated. A transitive set of source archives from annotation " +
"processing of this rule and its dependencies.",
"processor_classpath": "Deprecated: Please use JavaInfo.plugins instead.",
"processor_classnames": "Deprecated: Please use JavaInfo.plugins instead.",
def _validate_provider_list(provider_list, what, expected_provider_type):
java_common.check_provider_instances(provider_list, what, expected_provider_type)
def _javainfo_init(
source_jar = None,
compile_jdeps = None,
generated_class_jar = None,
generated_source_jar = None,
native_headers_jar = None,
manifest_proto = None,
neverlink = False,
deps = [],
runtime_deps = [],
exports = [],
exported_plugins = [],
jdeps = None,
native_libraries = []):
"""The JavaInfo constructor
output_jar: (File) The jar that was created as a result of a compilation.
compile_jar: (File) A jar that is the compile-time dependency in lieu of `output_jar`.
source_jar: (File) The source jar that was used to create the output jar. Optional.
compile_jdeps: (File) jdeps information about compile time dependencies to be consumed by
JavaCompileAction. This should be a binary proto encoded using the deps.proto protobuf
included with Bazel. If available this file is typically produced by a header compiler.
generated_class_jar: (File) A jar file containing class files compiled from sources
generated during annotation processing. Optional.
generated_source_jar: (File) The source jar that was created as a result of annotation
processing. Optional.
native_headers_jar: (File) A jar containing CC header files supporting native method
implementation (typically output of javac -h). Optional.
manifest_proto: (File) Manifest information for the rule output (if available). This should
be a binary proto encoded using the manifest.proto protobuf included with Bazel. IDEs
and other tools can use this information for more efficient processing. Optional.
neverlink: (bool) If true, only use this library for compilation and not at runtime.
deps: ([JavaInfo]) Compile time dependencies that were used to create the output jar.
runtime_deps: ([JavaInfo]) Runtime dependencies that are needed for this library.
exports: ([JavaInfo]) Libraries to make available for users of this library.
exported_plugins: ([JavaPluginInfo]) Optional. A list of exported plugins.
jdeps: (File) jdeps information for the rule output (if available). This should be a binary
proto encoded using the deps.proto protobuf included with Bazel. If available this file
is typically produced by a compiler. IDEs and other tools can use this information for
more efficient processing. Optional.
native_libraries: ([CcInfo]) Native library dependencies that are needed for this library.
(dict) arguments to the JavaInfo provider constructor
_validate_provider_list(deps, "deps", JavaInfo)
_validate_provider_list(runtime_deps, "runtime_deps", JavaInfo)
_validate_provider_list(exports, "exports", JavaInfo)
_validate_provider_list(native_libraries, "native_libraries", CcInfo)
source_jars = [source_jar] if source_jar else []
plugin_info = merge_without_outputs(exported_plugins + exports)
if neverlink:
transitive_runtime_jars = depset()
transitive_runtime_jars = depset(
order = "preorder",
direct = [output_jar],
transitive = [dep.transitive_runtime_jars for dep in exports + deps + runtime_deps],
transitive_compile_time_jars = depset(
order = "preorder",
direct = [compile_jar] if compile_jar else [],
transitive = [dep.transitive_compile_time_jars for dep in exports + deps],
java_outputs = [_JavaOutputInfo(
class_jar = output_jar,
compile_jar = compile_jar,
ijar = compile_jar, # deprecated
compile_jdeps = compile_jdeps,
generated_class_jar = generated_class_jar,
generated_source_jar = generated_source_jar,
native_headers_jar = native_headers_jar,
manifest_proto = manifest_proto,
jdeps = jdeps,
source_jars = source_jars,
source_jar = source_jar, # deprecated
result = {
"transitive_runtime_jars": transitive_runtime_jars,
"transitive_runtime_deps": transitive_runtime_jars, # deprecated
"transitive_compile_time_jars": transitive_compile_time_jars,
"transitive_deps": transitive_compile_time_jars, # deprecated
"compile_jars": depset(
order = "preorder",
direct = [compile_jar] if compile_jar else [],
transitive = [dep.compile_jars for dep in exports],
"full_compile_jars": depset(
order = "preorder",
direct = [output_jar],
transitive = [
for dep in exports
"source_jars": source_jars,
"runtime_output_jars": [output_jar],
"transitive_source_jars": depset(
direct = source_jars,
# TODO(hvd): native also adds source jars from deps, but this should be unnecessary
transitive = [
for dep in deps + runtime_deps + exports
"transitive_native_libraries": depset(
transitive = [dep.transitive_native_libraries for dep in runtime_deps + exports + deps] +
[cc_common.merge_cc_infos(cc_infos = native_libraries).transitive_native_libraries()],
"module_flags_info": _ModuleFlagsInfo(
add_exports = depset(transitive = [
for dep in deps + exports
add_opens = depset(transitive = [
for dep in deps + exports
"plugins": plugin_info.plugins,
"api_generating_plugins": plugin_info.api_generating_plugins,
"java_outputs": java_outputs,
# deprecated
"outputs": _JavaRuleOutputJarsInfo(
jars = java_outputs,
jdeps = jdeps,
native_headers = native_headers_jar,
"annotation_processing": _JavaGenJarsInfo(
enabled = False,
class_jar = generated_class_jar,
source_jar = generated_source_jar,
transitive_class_jars = depset(
direct = [generated_class_jar] if generated_class_jar else [],
transitive = [
for dep in deps + exports
if dep.annotation_processing
transitive_source_jars = depset(
direct = [generated_source_jar] if generated_source_jar else [],
transitive = [
for dep in deps + exports
if dep.annotation_processing
processor_classnames = depset(),
processor_classpath = depset(),
"compilation_info": None,
"_neverlink": neverlink,
"_transitive_full_compile_time_jars": depset(
order = "preorder",
direct = [output_jar],
transitive = [dep._transitive_full_compile_time_jars for dep in exports + deps],
"_plugin_info": plugin_info,
"_compile_time_java_dependencies": depset(
order = "preorder",
transitive = [dep._compile_time_java_dependencies for dep in exports] +
([depset([compile_jdeps])] if compile_jdeps else []),
result.update(**semantics.extra_java_info(cc_common, deps, runtime_deps, exports, native_libraries))
return result
JavaInfo, _new_javainfo = provider(
doc = "Info object encapsulating all information by java rules.",
fields = {
"transitive_runtime_jars": "(depset[File]) A transitive set of jars required on the runtime classpath.",
"transitive_compile_time_jars": "(depset[File]) The transitive set of jars required to build the target.",
"compile_jars": """(depset[File]) The jars required directly at compile time. They can be interface jars
(ijar or hjar), regular jars or both, depending on whether rule
implementations chose to create interface jars or not.""",
"full_compile_jars": """(depset[File]) The regular, full compile time Jars required by this target directly.
They can be:
- the corresponding regular Jars of the interface Jars returned by JavaInfo.compile_jars
- the regular (full) Jars returned by JavaInfo.compile_jars
Note: JavaInfo.compile_jars can return a mix of interface Jars and
regular Jars.<p>Only use this method if interface Jars don't work with
your rule set(s) (e.g. some Scala targets) If you're working with
Java-only targets it's preferable to use interface Jars via
"source_jars": """([File]) A list of Jars with all the source files (including those generated by
annotations) of the target itself, i.e. NOT including the sources of the
transitive dependencies.""",
"outputs": "Deprecated: use java_outputs.",
"annotation_processing": "Deprecated: Please use plugins instead.",
"runtime_output_jars": "([File]) A list of runtime Jars created by this Java/Java-like target.",
"transitive_deps": "Deprecated: Please use transitive_compile_time_jars instead.",
"transitive_runtime_deps": "Deprecated: please use transitive_runtime_jars instead.",
"transitive_source_jars": "(depset[File]) The Jars of all source files in the transitive closure.",
"transitive_native_libraries": """(depset[LibraryToLink]) The transitive set of CC native
libraries required by the target.""",
"cc_link_params_info": "Deprecated. C++ libraries to be linked into Java targets.",
"module_flags_info": "(_ModuleFlagsInfo) The Java module flag configuration.",
"plugins": """(_JavaPluginDataInfo) Data about all plugins that a consuming target should
This is typically either a `java_plugin` itself or a `java_library` exporting
one or more plugins.
A `java_library` runs annotation processing with all plugins from this field
appearing in <code>deps</code> and `plugins` attributes.""",
"api_generating_plugins": """"(_JavaPluginDataInfo) Data about API generating plugins
defined or exported by this target.
Those annotation processors are applied to a Java target before
producing its header jars (which contain method signatures). When
no API plugins are present, header jars are generated from the
sources, reducing critical path.
The `api_generating_plugins` is a subset of `plugins`.""",
"java_outputs": "(_JavaOutputInfo) Information about outputs of this Java/Java-like target.",
"compilation_info": """(java_compilation_info) Compilation information for this
Java/Java-like target.""",
"_transitive_full_compile_time_jars": "internal API, do not use",
"_compile_time_java_dependencies": "internal API, do not use",
"_neverlink": "internal API, do not use",
"_plugin_info": "internal API, do not use",
init = _javainfo_init,