blob: a848ba5b560a6e5b4a703d9aa881b8fd6db1b6a0 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2015 The Bazel Authors. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
import javax.annotation.concurrent.Immutable;
* Uniquely identifies a package. Contains the (canonical) name of the repository this package lives
* in, and the package's path fragment.
* <p>Used as a {@link SkyKey} to request a {@link
public final class PackageIdentifier implements SkyKey, Comparable<PackageIdentifier> {
private static final SkyKeyInterner<PackageIdentifier> interner = SkyKey.newInterner();
public static PackageIdentifier create(String repository, PathFragment pkgName)
throws LabelSyntaxException {
return create(RepositoryName.create(repository), pkgName);
public static PackageIdentifier create(RepositoryName repository, PathFragment pkgName) {
return interner.intern(new PackageIdentifier(repository, pkgName));
/** Creates {@code PackageIdentifier} from a known-valid string. */
public static PackageIdentifier createUnchecked(String repository, String pkgName) {
return create(RepositoryName.createUnvalidated(repository), PathFragment.create(pkgName));
public static final PackageIdentifier EMPTY_PACKAGE_ID =
public static PackageIdentifier createInMainRepo(String name) {
return createInMainRepo(PathFragment.create(name));
public static PackageIdentifier createInMainRepo(PathFragment name) {
return create(RepositoryName.MAIN, name);
* Tries to infer the package identifier from the given exec path. This method does not perform
* any I/O, but looks solely at the structure of the exec path. The resulting identifier may
* actually be a subdirectory of a package rather than a package, e.g.:
* <pre><code>
* + foo/BUILD
* + foo/bar/
* </code></pre>
* In this case, this method returns a package identifier for foo/bar, even though that is not a
* package. Callers need to look up the actual package if needed.
public static PackageIdentifier discoverFromExecPath(
PathFragment execPath, boolean forFiles, boolean siblingRepositoryLayout) {
Preconditions.checkArgument(!execPath.isAbsolute(), execPath);
PathFragment tofind =
? Preconditions.checkNotNull(
execPath.getParentDirectory(), "Must pass in files, not root directory")
: execPath;
PathFragment prefix =
if (tofind.startsWith(prefix)) {
// Using the path prefix can be either "external" or "..", depending on whether the sibling
// repository layout is used.
RepositoryName repository = RepositoryName.createUnvalidated(tofind.getSegment(1));
return PackageIdentifier.create(repository, tofind.subFragment(2));
} else {
return PackageIdentifier.createInMainRepo(tofind);
* The identifier for this repository. This is either "" or prefixed with an "@", e.g., "@myrepo".
private final RepositoryName repository;
/** The name of the package. */
private final PathFragment pkgName;
* Precomputed hash code. Hash/equality is based on repository and pkgName. Note that due to weak
* interning, x.equals(y) usually implies x==y.
private final int hashCode;
private PackageIdentifier(RepositoryName repository, PathFragment pkgName) {
this.repository = Preconditions.checkNotNull(repository);
this.pkgName = Preconditions.checkNotNull(pkgName);
this.hashCode = HashCodes.hashObjects(repository, pkgName);
public static PackageIdentifier parse(String input) throws LabelSyntaxException {
if (input.contains(":")) {
throw LabelParser.syntaxErrorf("invalid package identifier '%s': contains ':'", input);
LabelParser.Parts parts = LabelParser.Parts.parse(input + ":dummy_target");
RepositoryName repoName =
parts.repo() == null ? RepositoryName.MAIN : RepositoryName.createUnvalidated(parts.repo());
return create(repoName, PathFragment.create(parts.pkg()));
public RepositoryName getRepository() {
return repository;
public PathFragment getPackageFragment() {
return pkgName;
* Returns a path to the source code for this package relative to the corresponding source root.
* Returns pkgName for all repositories.
public PathFragment getSourceRoot() {
return pkgName;
* Get the top level dir after the root.
* <p>Used for some symlink planting strategies.
public String getTopLevelDir() {
return getSourceRoot().isEmpty() ? "" : getSourceRoot().getSegment(0);
* Returns the package path fragment to derived artifacts for this package. Returns pkgName if
* this is in the main repository or siblingRepositoryLayout is true. Otherwise, returns
* external/[repository name]/[pkgName].
// TODO(bazel-team): Rename getDerivedArtifactPath or similar.
public PathFragment getPackagePath(boolean siblingRepositoryLayout) {
return repository.isMain() || siblingRepositoryLayout
? pkgName
public PathFragment getExecPath(boolean siblingRepositoryLayout) {
return repository.getExecPath(siblingRepositoryLayout).getRelative(pkgName);
* Returns the runfiles/execRoot path for this repository (relative to the x.runfiles/main-repo/
* directory).
public PathFragment getRunfilesPath() {
return repository.getRunfilesPath().getRelative(pkgName);
* Returns the package in label syntax format.
* <p>Packages in the main repo are formatted without a repo qualifier.
// TODO(bazel-team): Maybe rename to "getDefaultForm"?
public String getCanonicalForm() {
return repository.getCanonicalForm() + "//" + pkgName;
* Returns an absolutely unambiguous canonical form for this package in label form. Parsing this
* string in any environment, even when subject to repository mapping, should identify the same
* package.
public String getUnambiguousCanonicalForm() {
return repository.getNameWithAt() + "//" + pkgName;
* Returns a label representation for this package that is suitable for display. The returned
* string is as simple as possible while referencing the current package when parsed in the
* context of the main repository whose repository mapping is provided.
* @param mainRepositoryMapping the {@link RepositoryMapping} of the main repository
* @return
* <dl>
* <dt><code>//some/pkg</code>
* <dd>if this package lives in the main repository
* <dt><code>@protobuf//some/pkg</code>
* <dd>if this package lives in a repository with "protobuf" as <code>name</code> of a
* repository in WORKSPACE or as apparent name of a Bzlmod dependency of the main module
* <dt><code>@@protobuf~3.19.2//some/pkg</code>
* <dd>only with Bzlmod if the current package belongs to a repository that is not visible
* from the main module
public String getDisplayForm(RepositoryMapping mainRepositoryMapping) {
return repository.getDisplayForm(mainRepositoryMapping) + "//" + pkgName;
public SkyFunctionName functionName() {
return SkyFunctions.PACKAGE;
public SkyKeyInterner<?> getSkyKeyInterner() {
return interner;
* Returns the package path, possibly qualified with a repository name.
* <p>Packages that live in the main repo are stringified without a "@" qualifier or "//"
* separator (e.g. "foo/bar"). All other packages include these (e.g. "@repo//foo/bar").
// TODO(bazel-team): The absence of "//" for the main repo seems strange. Can we eliminate
// that disparity?
public String toString() {
if (repository.isMain()) {
return pkgName.getPathString();
return getCanonicalForm();
public boolean equals(Object object) {
if (this == object) {
return true;
if (!(object instanceof PackageIdentifier)) {
return false;
PackageIdentifier that = (PackageIdentifier) object;
return this.hashCode == that.hashCode
&& pkgName.equals(that.pkgName)
&& repository.equals(that.repository);
public int hashCode() {
return this.hashCode;
@SuppressWarnings("ReferenceEquality") // Performance optimization.
public int compareTo(PackageIdentifier that) {
// Fast-paths for the common case of the same package or a package in the same repository.
if (this == that) {
return 0;
if (repository == that.repository) {
return pkgName.compareTo(that.pkgName);
return ComparisonChain.start()
.compare(repository.getName(), that.repository.getName())
.compare(pkgName, that.pkgName)