blob: 320ee9b7726fce2540ec648f3ce1ce22520edc3d [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2014 The Bazel Authors. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
import javax.annotation.Nullable;
* Represents one of the following:
* <ul>
* <li>A single package (e.g. "//foo/bar")
* <li>All transitive subpackages of a package, inclusive (e.g. "//foo/bar/...", which includes
* "//foo/bar")
* <li>All packages (i.e. "//...")
* </ul>
* <p>Typically (exclusively?) used for package visibility, as part of a {@link PackageGroup}
* target.
* <p>A package specification is specific to a single {@link RepositoryName} unless it is the "all
* packages" specification.
// TODO(b/279784354): Delete PackageSpecification; reimplement bzl visibility using something else.
public abstract class PackageSpecification {
private static final String PUBLIC_VISIBILITY = "public";
private static final String PRIVATE_VISIBILITY = "private";
private static final String ALL_BENEATH_SUFFIX = "/...";
private static final String NEGATIVE_PREFIX = "-";
// Used for interpreting `visibility` labels.
private static final String PACKAGE_LABEL = "__pkg__";
private static final String SUBTREE_LABEL = "__subpackages__";
/** Returns {@code true} if the package spec includes the provided {@code packageName}. */
protected abstract boolean containsPackage(PackageIdentifier packageName);
* Returns a string representation of this package spec.
* <p>The repository is included, unless it is the main repository, in which case there will be no
* leading {@literal @}. For instance, {@code "@somerepo//pkg/subpkg"} and {@code
* "//otherpkg/..."} are both valid outputs.
* <p>Note that since {@link #fromString} does not accept label strings with repositories, this
* representation is not guaranteed to be round-trippable.
* <p>If {@code includeDoubleSlash} is false, then in the case of the main repository, the leading
* {@code //} will also be omitted, so that the output looks like {@code otherpkg/...}. This form
* is deprecated.
// TODO(b/77598306): Remove the parameter after switching all callers to pass true.
protected abstract String asString(boolean includeDoubleSlash);
public String toString() {
return asString(/*includeDoubleSlash=*/ false);
* Parses the string {@code spec} into a {@link PackageSpecification}, within the context of the
* given repository name.
* <p>{@code spec} may have the following forms:
* <ol>
* <li>The full name of a single package, without repository qualification, prefixed with "//"
* (e.g. "//foo/bar"). The resulting specification contains exactly that package.
* <li>The same, but suffixed with "/..." for a non-root package ("//foo/bar/...") or "..." for
* the root package ("//..."). The resulting specification contains that package and all its
* subpackages.
* <li>The string constants "public" or "private". The resulting specification contains either
* all packages or no packages, respectively.
* </ol>
* In the first two cases, the repository of the given package name is taken to be {@code
* repositoryName}. In the third case the repository name is ignored.
* <p>In the first two cases, {@code spec} may also be prefixed by a "-". The resulting
* specification contains the same set of packages but is marked as being negated. (Negation logic
* is applied at the level of {@link PackageGroupContents}.)
* <p>Setting {@code allowPublicPrivate} to false disallows the string constants "public" and
* "private". Note that if {@link #asString} is called with {@code includeDoubleSlash} set to
* false, the stringification of "public" and "//public" is ambiguous (likewise for private),
* hence why it might be appropriate to prohibit these forms.
* <p>Setting {@code repoRootMeansCurrentRepo} to false restores the following legacy behavior: In
* the specific case where {@code spec} is "//..." (or its negation), the package specification
* contains <i>all</i> packages (possibly marked as negated) rather than just those packages in
* {@code repositoryName}. In other words, "//..." behaves the same as "public". However, "//"
* still represents just the root package of {@code repositoryName}.
* <p>To protect against requiring users to update to a disallowed syntax, it is illegal to
* specify {@code repoRootMeansCurrentRepo} without also specifying {@code allowPublicPrivate}.
* @throws InvalidPackageSpecificationException if the string does not fit one of these forms
// TODO(#16365): Remove allowPublicPrivate.
// TODO(#16324): Remove legacy behavior and repoRootMeansCurrentRepo param.
public static PackageSpecification fromString(
RepositoryName repositoryName,
String spec,
boolean allowPublicPrivate,
boolean repoRootMeansCurrentRepo)
throws InvalidPackageSpecificationException {
if (repoRootMeansCurrentRepo && !allowPublicPrivate) {
throw new InvalidPackageSpecificationException(
"Cannot use new \"//...\" meaning without allowing new \"public\" syntax. Try enabling"
+ " --incompatible_package_group_has_public_syntax or disabling"
+ " --incompatible_fix_package_group_reporoot_syntax.");
if (!allowPublicPrivate
&& (spec.equals(PUBLIC_VISIBILITY) || spec.equals(PRIVATE_VISIBILITY))) {
throw new InvalidPackageSpecificationException(
"Use of \"%s\" package specification requires enabling"
+ " --incompatible_package_group_has_public_syntax",
boolean negative = false;
if (spec.startsWith(NEGATIVE_PREFIX)) {
negative = true;
spec = spec.substring(NEGATIVE_PREFIX.length());
if (spec.equals(PUBLIC_VISIBILITY) || spec.equals(PRIVATE_VISIBILITY)) {
throw new InvalidPackageSpecificationException(
String.format("Cannot negate \"%s\" package specification", spec));
PackageSpecification packageSpecification =
fromStringPositive(repositoryName, spec, repoRootMeansCurrentRepo);
return negative ? new NegativePackageSpecification(packageSpecification) : packageSpecification;
private static PackageSpecification fromStringPositive(
RepositoryName repositoryName, String spec, boolean repoRootMeansCurrentRepo)
throws InvalidPackageSpecificationException {
if (spec.equals(PUBLIC_VISIBILITY)) {
return AllPackages.INSTANCE;
} else if (spec.equals(PRIVATE_VISIBILITY)) {
return NoPackages.INSTANCE;
if (!spec.startsWith("//")) {
throw new InvalidPackageSpecificationException(
"invalid package name '%s': must start with '//' or be 'public' or 'private'", spec));
String pkgPath;
boolean allBeneath = false;
if (spec.endsWith(ALL_BENEATH_SUFFIX)) {
allBeneath = true;
pkgPath = spec.substring(0, spec.length() - ALL_BENEATH_SUFFIX.length());
if (pkgPath.equals("/")) {
// spec was "//...".
if (repoRootMeansCurrentRepo) {
pkgPath = "//";
} else {
// Legacy behavior: //... is "public".
return AllPackages.INSTANCE;
} else {
pkgPath = spec;
PackageIdentifier unqualifiedPkgId;
try {
unqualifiedPkgId = PackageIdentifier.parse(pkgPath);
} catch (LabelSyntaxException e) {
throw new InvalidPackageSpecificationException(
String.format("invalid package name '%s': %s", spec, e.getMessage()));
PackageIdentifier pkgId =
PackageIdentifier.create(repositoryName, unqualifiedPkgId.getPackageFragment());
return allBeneath ? new AllPackagesBeneath(pkgId) : new SinglePackage(pkgId);
* Parses a string to a {@code PackageSpecification} for use with .bzl load visibility.
* <p>This rejects negative package patterns, and translates the exception type into {@code
* EvalException}.
* <p>Note that load visibility package specifications always behave as if {@code
* --incompatible_package_group_has_public_syntax} and {@code
* --incompatible_fix_package_group_reporoot_syntax} are enabled.
public static PackageSpecification fromStringForBzlVisibility(
RepositoryName repositoryName, String spec) throws EvalException {
PackageSpecification result;
try {
result =
/*allowPublicPrivate=*/ true,
/*repoRootMeansCurrentRepo=*/ true);
} catch (InvalidPackageSpecificationException e) {
throw new EvalException(e.getMessage());
if (result instanceof NegativePackageSpecification) {
throw Starlark.errorf("Cannot use negative package patterns here");
return result;
* Parses the provided {@link Label} into a {@link PackageSpecification} specific to the {@link
* RepositoryName} associated with the label.
* <p>If {@code label.getName.equals("__pkg__")} then this results in a {@link
* PackageSpecification} that contains exactly the named package.
* <p>If {@code label.getName.equals("__subpackages__")} then this results in a {@link
* PackageSpecification} that contains all transitive subpackages of that package, inclusive.
* <p>If the label's name is neither "__pkg__" nor "__subpackages__", this returns {@code null}.
* <p>Note that there is no {@link Label} associated with the {@link RepositoryName}-agnostic
* "public" specification ("//..." under legacy semantics).
static PackageSpecification fromLabel(Label label) {
if (label.getName().equals(PACKAGE_LABEL)) {
return new SinglePackage(label.getPackageIdentifier());
} else if (label.getName().equals(SUBTREE_LABEL)) {
return new AllPackagesBeneath(label.getPackageIdentifier());
} else {
return null;
public static PackageSpecification everything() {
return AllPackages.INSTANCE;
public static PackageSpecification nothing() {
return NoPackages.INSTANCE;
private static final class SinglePackage extends PackageSpecification {
private final PackageIdentifier singlePackageName;
SinglePackage(PackageIdentifier singlePackageName) {
this.singlePackageName = singlePackageName;
protected boolean containsPackage(PackageIdentifier packageName) {
return this.singlePackageName.equals(packageName);
protected String asString(boolean includeDoubleSlash) {
return PackageGroupContents.stringForSinglePackage(singlePackageName, includeDoubleSlash);
public boolean equals(Object o) {
if (this == o) {
return true;
if (!(o instanceof SinglePackage)) {
return false;
SinglePackage that = (SinglePackage) o;
return singlePackageName.equals(that.singlePackageName);
public int hashCode() {
return singlePackageName.hashCode();
private static final class AllPackagesBeneath extends PackageSpecification {
private final PackageIdentifier prefix;
AllPackagesBeneath(PackageIdentifier prefix) {
this.prefix = prefix;
protected boolean containsPackage(PackageIdentifier packageName) {
return packageName.getRepository().equals(prefix.getRepository())
&& packageName.getPackageFragment().startsWith(prefix.getPackageFragment());
protected String asString(boolean includeDoubleSlash) {
return PackageGroupContents.stringForAllPackagesBeneath(prefix, includeDoubleSlash);
public boolean equals(Object o) {
if (this == o) {
return true;
if (!(o instanceof AllPackagesBeneath)) {
return false;
AllPackagesBeneath that = (AllPackagesBeneath) o;
return prefix.equals(that.prefix);
public int hashCode() {
return prefix.hashCode();
/** A package specification for a negative match, e.g. {@code -//pkg/sub/...}. */
private static final class NegativePackageSpecification extends PackageSpecification {
private final PackageSpecification delegate;
NegativePackageSpecification(PackageSpecification delegate) {
this.delegate = delegate;
protected boolean containsPackage(PackageIdentifier packageName) {
return delegate.containsPackage(packageName);
protected String asString(boolean includeDoubleSlash) {
return "-" + delegate.asString(includeDoubleSlash);
public boolean equals(Object obj) {
if (this == obj) {
return true;
return obj instanceof NegativePackageSpecification
&& delegate.equals(((NegativePackageSpecification) obj).delegate);
public int hashCode() {
return NegativePackageSpecification.class.hashCode() ^ delegate.hashCode();
static final class AllPackages extends PackageSpecification {
@SerializationConstant @VisibleForSerialization
static final PackageSpecification INSTANCE = new AllPackages();
protected boolean containsPackage(PackageIdentifier packageName) {
return true;
protected String asString(boolean includeDoubleSlash) {
return PackageGroupContents.stringForAllPackages(includeDoubleSlash);
public boolean equals(Object o) {
return o instanceof AllPackages;
public int hashCode() {
return AllPackages.class.hashCode();
static final class NoPackages extends PackageSpecification {
@SerializationConstant @VisibleForSerialization
static final PackageSpecification INSTANCE = new NoPackages();
protected boolean containsPackage(PackageIdentifier packageName) {
return false;
protected String asString(boolean includeDoubleSlash) {
return "private";
public boolean equals(Object o) {
return o instanceof NoPackages;
public int hashCode() {
return NoPackages.class.hashCode();
/** Exception class to be thrown when a specification cannot be parsed. */
static class InvalidPackageSpecificationException extends Exception {
private InvalidPackageSpecificationException(String message) {
* Represents a collection of {@link PackageSpecification}s logically corresponding to a single
* {@code package_group}'s {@code packages} attribute.
* <p>Supports testing whether a given package is contained, taking into account negative specs.
* <p>Duplicate specs (e.g., ["//foo", "//foo"]) may or may not be deduplicated. Iteration order
* may vary from the order in which specs were provided, but is guaranteed to be deterministic.
* <p>For modeling a {@code package_group}'s transitive contents (i.e., via the {@code includes}
* attribute), see {@link PackageSpecificationProvider}.
public abstract static class PackageGroupContents {
// This class is optimized for memory and cpu.
// TODO(b/279784354): Further improvements are possible.
// PackageGroupContents instances are retained through and after the analysis phase. Therefore,
// in order to save memory, we don't retain PackageSpecification instances but instead unroll
// them, storing just lists and sets of PackageIdentifier instances.
// To save cpu, we store the PackageIdentifier instances corresponding to positive/negative
// single package specifications in sets so we get a fast-path hit on them. Also, we check
// negatives first since package_group semantics require we check all negatives no matter what.
// Both of these cpu optimizations combine well in practice since there are some package_group
// targets with very large lists of negative single package specifications.
abstract ImmutableSet<PackageIdentifier> singlePackagePositives();
abstract ImmutableList<PackageIdentifier> allPackagesBeneathPositives();
abstract boolean hasPositiveAllPackages();
abstract ImmutableSet<PackageIdentifier> singlePackageNegatives();
abstract ImmutableList<PackageIdentifier> allPackagesBeneathNegatives();
abstract boolean hasPrivate();
abstract boolean hasNegativeAllPackages();
* Creates a {@link PackageGroupContents} representing a collection of {@link
* PackageSpecification}s.
public static PackageGroupContents create(
ImmutableList<PackageSpecification> packageSpecifications) {
var singlePackagePositivesBuilder = ImmutableSet.<PackageIdentifier>builder();
var allPackagesBeneathPositivesBuilder = ImmutableList.<PackageIdentifier>builder();
boolean hasPositiveAllPackages = false;
var singlePackageNegativesBuilder = ImmutableSet.<PackageIdentifier>builder();
var allPackagesBeneathNegativesBuilder = ImmutableList.<PackageIdentifier>builder();
boolean hasPrivate = false;
boolean hasNegativeAllPackages = false;
for (PackageSpecification spec : packageSpecifications) {
if (spec instanceof SinglePackage) {
singlePackagePositivesBuilder.add(((SinglePackage) spec).singlePackageName);
if (spec instanceof AllPackagesBeneath) {
allPackagesBeneathPositivesBuilder.add(((AllPackagesBeneath) spec).prefix);
if (spec instanceof AllPackages) {
hasPositiveAllPackages = true;
if (spec instanceof NoPackages) {
// We can't drop NoPackages because it still needs to be serialized, e.g. in bazel query
// output.
hasPrivate = true;
PackageSpecification delegate = ((NegativePackageSpecification) spec).delegate;
if (delegate instanceof SinglePackage) {
singlePackageNegativesBuilder.add(((SinglePackage) delegate).singlePackageName);
if (delegate instanceof AllPackagesBeneath) {
allPackagesBeneathNegativesBuilder.add(((AllPackagesBeneath) delegate).prefix);
if (delegate instanceof AllPackages) {
hasNegativeAllPackages = true;
throw new IllegalStateException(spec.toString());
return new AutoValue_PackageSpecification_PackageGroupContents(,,
* Returns true if the given package matches at least one of this {@code PackageGroupContents}'
* positive specifications and none of its negative specifications.
public final boolean containsPackage(PackageIdentifier packageIdentifier) {
// DO NOT use streams or iterators here as they create excessive garbage.
if (hasNegativeAllPackages()) {
return false;
if (singlePackageNegatives().contains(packageIdentifier)) {
return false;
// The following line is just so that we don't call the method inside the loop (which may or
// may not be optimized away... better be on the safe side).
var allPackagesBeneathNegatives = allPackagesBeneathNegatives();
for (int i = 0; i < allPackagesBeneathNegatives.size(); i++) {
if (matchesAllPackagesBeneath(packageIdentifier, allPackagesBeneathNegatives.get(i))) {
return false;
if (hasPositiveAllPackages()) {
return true;
if (singlePackagePositives().contains(packageIdentifier)) {
return true;
var allPackagesBeneathPositives = allPackagesBeneathPositives();
for (int i = 0; i < allPackagesBeneathPositives.size(); i++) {
if (matchesAllPackagesBeneath(packageIdentifier, allPackagesBeneathPositives.get(i))) {
return true;
return false;
private static boolean matchesAllPackagesBeneath(
PackageIdentifier pkgId, PackageIdentifier prefix) {
return pkgId.getRepository().equals(prefix.getRepository())
&& pkgId.getPackageFragment().startsWith(prefix.getPackageFragment());
* Does the equivalent of mapping {@link PackageSpecification#asString} to the component package
* specs.
* <p>Note that strings for specs that cross repositories can't be reparsed using {@link
* PackageSpecification#fromString}.
* <p>The special public constant will serialize as {@code "public"} if {@code
* includeDoubleSlash} is true, and {@code "//..."} otherwise. The private constant will always
* serialize as {@code "private"},
public final ImmutableList<String> packageStrings(boolean includeDoubleSlash) {
ImmutableList.Builder<String> resultBuilder = ImmutableList.builder();
for (PackageIdentifier pkgId : singlePackagePositives()) {
resultBuilder.add(stringForSinglePackage(pkgId, includeDoubleSlash));
for (PackageIdentifier pkgId : allPackagesBeneathPositives()) {
resultBuilder.add(stringForAllPackagesBeneath(pkgId, includeDoubleSlash));
for (PackageIdentifier pkgId : singlePackageNegatives()) {
resultBuilder.add("-" + stringForSinglePackage(pkgId, includeDoubleSlash));
for (PackageIdentifier pkgId : allPackagesBeneathNegatives()) {
resultBuilder.add("-" + stringForAllPackagesBeneath(pkgId, includeDoubleSlash));
if (hasPositiveAllPackages()) {
if (hasPrivate()) {
if (hasNegativeAllPackages()) {
resultBuilder.add("-" + stringForAllPackages(includeDoubleSlash));
private static String stringForAllPackages(boolean includeDoubleSlash) {
// Under legacy formatting rules, use legacy syntax. This avoids ambiguity between "public"
// and "//public", and ensures that AllPackages is round-trippable when the value of
// includeDoubleSlash matches allowPublicPrivate.
return includeDoubleSlash ? "public" : "//...";
private static String stringForSinglePackage(
PackageIdentifier pkgId, boolean includeDoubleSlash) {
if (includeDoubleSlash) {
return pkgId.getCanonicalForm();
} else {
// PackageIdentifier#toString implements the legacy behavior of omitting the double slash
// for the main repo.
return pkgId.toString();
private static String stringForAllPackagesBeneath(
PackageIdentifier pkgId, boolean includeDoubleSlash) {
if (pkgId.getPackageFragment().equals(PathFragment.EMPTY_FRAGMENT)) {
// Special case: Emit "//..." rather than suffixing "/...", which would yield "/...".
// Make sure not to strip the repo in the case of "@repo//...".
// Note that "//..." is the desired result, not "...", even under the legacy behavior of
// includeDoubleSlash=false.
return pkgId.getCanonicalForm() + "...";
if (includeDoubleSlash) {
return pkgId.getCanonicalForm() + ALL_BENEATH_SUFFIX;
} else {
// PackageIdentifier#toString implements the legacy behavior of omitting the double slash
// for the main repo.
return pkgId.toString() + ALL_BENEATH_SUFFIX;
* /** Returns a string representation of this package spec without the repository, and which is
* round-trippable through {@link #fromString}.
* <p>For instance, {@code @somerepo//pkg/subpkg/...} turns into {@code "//pkg/subpkg/..."}.
* <p>Omitting the repository means that the returned strings are ambiguous in the absence of
* additional context. But, for instance, if interpreted with respect to a {@code
* package_group}'s {@code packages} attribute, the strings always have the same repository as
* the package group.
* <p>Note that this is ambiguous w.r.t. specs that reference other repositories.
* <p>The special public and private constants will serialize as {@code "public"} and {@code
* "private"} respectively.
public final ImmutableList<String> packageStringsWithDoubleSlashAndWithoutRepository() {
ImmutableList.Builder<String> resultBuilder = ImmutableList.builder();
for (PackageIdentifier pkgId : singlePackagePositives()) {
for (PackageIdentifier pkgId : allPackagesBeneathPositives()) {
for (PackageIdentifier pkgId : singlePackageNegatives()) {
resultBuilder.add("-" + stringForSinglePackageWithDoubleSlashAndWithoutRepository(pkgId));
for (PackageIdentifier pkgId : allPackagesBeneathNegatives()) {
"-" + stringForAllPackagesBeneathWithDoubleSlashAndWithoutRepository(pkgId));
if (hasPositiveAllPackages()) {
if (hasPrivate()) {
private static String stringForSinglePackageWithDoubleSlashAndWithoutRepository(
PackageIdentifier pkgId) {
return "//" + pkgId.getPackageFragment().getPathString();
private static String stringForAllPackagesBeneathWithDoubleSlashAndWithoutRepository(
PackageIdentifier pkgId) {
PathFragment pathFragment = pkgId.getPackageFragment();
return pathFragment.equals(PathFragment.EMPTY_FRAGMENT)
? "//..."
: "//" + pathFragment.getPathString() + ALL_BENEATH_SUFFIX;