blob: cf61d49d0806e4eac393c08a81e4276ee074fe40 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2022 The Bazel Authors. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
import static java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets.UTF_8;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import javax.annotation.Nullable;
/** This class manages cgroups directories for memory-limiting sandboxed processes. */
public class CgroupsInfo {
private static final GoogleLogger logger = GoogleLogger.forEnclosingClass();
* A regexp that matches cgroups entries in {@code /proc/mounts}.
* <p>Group 1 is empty (cgroups v1) or '2' (cgroups v2) Group 2 is the mount point. Group 3 is the
* options, which for v1 includes which hierarchies are mounted here.
private static final Pattern CGROUPS_MOUNT_PATTERN =
public static final String PROC_SELF_MOUNTS_PATH = "/proc/self/mounts";
public static final String PROC_SELF_CGROUP_PATH = "/proc/self/cgroup";
/** If non-null, this is a cgroups directory that sandboxes can put their directories into. */
@Nullable private static volatile CgroupsInfo instance;
private final boolean isCgroupsV2;
private final File blazeDir;
private final File mountPoint;
private CgroupsInfo(boolean isCgroupsV2, File blazeDir, File mountPoint) {
this.isCgroupsV2 = isCgroupsV2;
this.blazeDir = blazeDir;
this.mountPoint = mountPoint;
* Creates a cgroups directory for Blaze to place sandboxes in. Figures out whether cgroups v1 or
* v2 is available, and for cgroups v2 sets subtree control for the <code>memory</code> and <code>
* pids</code> controllers.
* <p>The cgroups directory is created at most once per Blaze instance.
* @return A CgroupsInfo object that defines the cgroups directory that Blaze can use for
* sub-processes. The Blaze process itself is not moved into this directory.
* @throws IOException If there are errors reading any of the required files.
public static CgroupsInfo create() throws IOException {
static CgroupsInfo create(String procSelfMountsPath, String procSelfCgroupPath)
throws IOException {
Pair<File, Boolean> cgroupsMount = getMemoryCgroupInfo(new File(procSelfMountsPath));
File blazeDir;
File cgroupsMountPoint = cgroupsMount.first;
if (cgroupsMount.second) {
File cgroupsNode = getBlazeMemoryCgroup(cgroupsMountPoint, 0, procSelfCgroupPath);
// In cgroups v2, we need to step back from the leaf node to make a further hierarchy.
blazeDir =
new File(
"blaze_" + ProcessHandle.current().pid() + "_spawns.slice");
logger.atInfo().log("Creating cgroups v2 node at %s", blazeDir);
return new CgroupsInfo(true, blazeDir, cgroupsMountPoint);
} else {
int memoryHierarchy = getMemoryHierarchy(new File(procSelfCgroupPath));
File cgroupsNode =
getBlazeMemoryCgroup(cgroupsMountPoint, memoryHierarchy, procSelfCgroupPath);
blazeDir = new File(cgroupsNode, "blaze_" + ProcessHandle.current().pid() + "_spawns");
logger.atInfo().log("Creating cgroups v1 node at %s", blazeDir);
return new CgroupsInfo(false, blazeDir, cgroupsMountPoint);
* Sets the subtree controllers we need. This also checks that the controllers are available.
* @param blazeDir A directory in the cgroups hierarchy.
* @throws IOException If reading or writing the {@code cgroup.controllers} or {@code
* cgroup.subtree_control} file fails.
* @throws IllegalStateException if the {@code memory} and {code pids} controllers are either not
* available or cannot be set for subtrees.
private static void setSubtreeControllers(File blazeDir) throws IOException {
var controllers =
Joiner.on(' ').join(Files.readLines(new File(blazeDir, "cgroup.controllers"), UTF_8));
if (!(controllers.contains("memory") && controllers.contains("pids"))) {
throw new IllegalStateException(
"Required controllers 'memory' and 'pids' not found in %s/cgroup.controllers",
var subtreeControllers =
Joiner.on(' ').join(Files.readLines(new File(blazeDir, "cgroup.subtree_control"), UTF_8));
if (!subtreeControllers.contains("memory") || !subtreeControllers.contains("pids")) {
Files.asCharSink(new File(blazeDir, "cgroup.subtree_control"), UTF_8)
.write("+memory +pids\n");
public boolean isCgroupsV2() {
return isCgroupsV2;
/** A cgroups directory for this Blaze instance to put sandboxes in. */
public File getBlazeDir() {
return blazeDir;
/** The place where the cgroups (memory) file system is mounted. */
public File getMountPoint() {
return mountPoint;
* Reads from the given file (e.g. /proc/mounts) where cgroups are mounted. If both cgroups v1 and
* cgroups v2 are mounted, the one that has the memory controller is used.
* <p>In cgroups v1, a typical mount line looks like this (note {@code memory} in the options):
* <pre>
* cgroup /dev/cgroup/memory cgroup rw,memory,hugetlb 0 0
* </pre>
* In cgroups v2, there is only one relevant line, and it looks like this:
* <pre>
* cgroup2 /sys/fs/cgroup cgroup2 rw,[...] 0 0
* </pre>
* @param procMountsPath Paths of the mounts file, e.g. /proc/mounts
* @return Pair of
* <ol>
* <li>the path of the cgroups mount (for cgroups v1, this is the memory hierarchy) and
* <li>whether this is cgroups v2.
* </ol>
* @throws IOException If there are errors reading the given file.
static Pair<File, Boolean> getMemoryCgroupInfo(File procMountsPath) throws IOException {
var procMountContents = Files.readLines(procMountsPath, UTF_8);
Pair<File, Boolean> v1 = null;
Pair<File, Boolean> v2 = null;
for (String s : procMountContents) {
Matcher m = CGROUPS_MOUNT_PATTERN.matcher(s);
if (m.matches()) {
if ( {
// v1
if ("memory")) {
// For now, we only care about the memory cgroup
v1 = Pair.of(new File(, false);
} else {
// v2
v2 = Pair.of(new File(, true);
// If we found the memory controller in v1, we use that, just in case we have a hybrid system
// where some controllers are v1 and some are v2. It would be harder to detect if v2 has the
// memory controller
if (v1 != null) {
return v1;
if (v2 != null) {
return v2;
throw new IllegalStateException(
"Cgroups requested, but no applicable cgroups are mounted on this machine");
* Returns the number of the memory cgroups v1 hierarchy.
* <p>The <code>/proc/self/cgroup</code> file look like this in v1:
* <pre>
* 8:net:/some/path
* 7:memory,hugetlb:/some/other/path
* ...
* </pre>
* In v2, there is only one entry, and it looks something like
* <pre>
* 0::/user.slice/user-123.slice/session-1.scope
* </pre>
* @param procSelfCgroupPath Path for the <code>/proc/self/cgroup</code> file.
* @return The hierarchy number for the cgroups v1 hierarchy that contains the memory controller.
* @throws IOException If there are errors reading the file.
static int getMemoryHierarchy(File procSelfCgroupPath) throws IOException {
List<String> devCgroupContents = Files.readLines(procSelfCgroupPath, UTF_8);
for (String s : devCgroupContents) {
if (s.contains("memory")) {
return Integer.parseInt(Splitter.on(":").split(s).iterator().next());
throw new IllegalStateException(
"Cgroups v1 requested, but no memory cgroup found in %s", procSelfCgroupPath));
* Returns the path of the memory cgroups node that Blaze itself runs inside.
* @param mountPoint Where the cgroups hierarchy (with the memory controller for v1) is mounted.
* @param memoryHierarchyId The v1 hierarchy that contains the memory controller, or 0 for v2.
* @param procSelfPath The path of the <code>/proc/self/cgroup</code> file.
* @return A <code>File</code> object of the cgroup directory of the current process.
* @throws IOException If the given file cannot be read.
static File getBlazeMemoryCgroup(File mountPoint, int memoryHierarchyId, String procSelfPath)
throws IOException {
var procSelfCgroupContents = Files.readLines(new File(procSelfPath), UTF_8);
if (procSelfCgroupContents.isEmpty()) {
throw new IOException("Cgroups requested, but /proc/self/cgroup is empty");
File cgroupsNode = null;
for (String s : procSelfCgroupContents) {
List<String> parts = Splitter.on(":").limit(3).splitToList(s);
if (parts.size() == 3 && Integer.parseInt(parts.get(0)) == memoryHierarchyId) {
String path = parts.get(2);
if (path.startsWith(File.pathSeparator)) {
path = path.substring(1);
cgroupsNode = new File(mountPoint, path);
if (cgroupsNode == null) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Found no memory cgroups entries in '" + procSelfPath + "'");
if (!cgroupsNode.exists()) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Cgroups node '" + cgroupsNode + "' does not exist");
if (!cgroupsNode.isDirectory()) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Cgroups node " + cgroupsNode + " is not a directory");
if (!cgroupsNode.canWrite()) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Cgroups node " + cgroupsNode + " is not writable");
return cgroupsNode;
public static CgroupsInfo getInstance() throws IOException {
if (instance == null) {
synchronized (CgroupsInfo.class) {
if (instance == null) {
instance = create();
return instance;
* Creates a cgroups directory with the given memory limit.
* @param memoryLimit Memory limit in megabytes (MiB).
* @param dirName Base name of the directory created. In cgroups v2, <code>.scope</code> gets
* appended.
public String createMemoryLimitCgroupDir(String dirName, int memoryLimit) throws IOException {
File cgroupsDir;
if (isCgroupsV2) {
cgroupsDir = new File(blazeDir, dirName + ".scope");
// In cgroups v2, we need to propagate the controllers into new subdirs.
Files.asCharSink(new File(cgroupsDir, ""), UTF_8).write("1\n");
Files.asCharSink(new File(cgroupsDir, "memory.max"), UTF_8)
.write(Long.toString(memoryLimit * 1024L * 1024L));
} else {
cgroupsDir = new File(getBlazeDir(), dirName);
Files.asCharSink(new File(cgroupsDir, "memory.limit_in_bytes"), UTF_8)
.write(Long.toString(memoryLimit * 1024L * 1024L));
return cgroupsDir.toString();