blob: b15bdadc61cc22a4d8e0cfc621e20e70ec6443d4 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2021 The Bazel Authors. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import java.util.Optional;
import javax.annotation.Nullable;
* Stores the mapping from apparent repo name to canonical repo name, from the viewpoint of an
* "owner repo".
* <p>For repositories from the WORKSPACE file, if the requested repo doesn't exist in the mapping,
* we fallback to the requested name. For repositories from Bzlmod, we return null to let the caller
* decide what to do.
public class RepositoryMapping {
/* A repo mapping that always falls back to using the apparent name as the canonical name. */
public static final RepositoryMapping ALWAYS_FALLBACK = createAllowingFallback(ImmutableMap.of());
private final ImmutableMap<String, RepositoryName> entries;
@Nullable private final RepositoryName ownerRepo;
private RepositoryMapping(
Map<String, RepositoryName> entries, @Nullable RepositoryName ownerRepo) {
this.entries = ImmutableMap.copyOf(entries);
this.ownerRepo = ownerRepo;
/** Returns all the entries in this repo mapping. */
public final ImmutableMap<String, RepositoryName> entries() {
return entries;
* The owner repo of this repository mapping. It is for providing useful debug information when
* repository mapping fails due to enforcing strict dependency, therefore it's only recorded when
* we don't fall back to the requested repo name.
public final RepositoryName ownerRepo() {
return ownerRepo;
public boolean equals(Object o) {
if (this == o) {
return true;
if (!(o instanceof RepositoryMapping)) {
return false;
RepositoryMapping that = (RepositoryMapping) o;
return Objects.equal(entries, that.entries) && Objects.equal(ownerRepo, that.ownerRepo);
public int hashCode() {
return Objects.hashCode(entries, ownerRepo);
public static RepositoryMapping create(
Map<String, RepositoryName> entries, RepositoryName ownerRepo) {
return new RepositoryMapping(
Preconditions.checkNotNull(entries), Preconditions.checkNotNull(ownerRepo));
public static RepositoryMapping createAllowingFallback(Map<String, RepositoryName> entries) {
return new RepositoryMapping(Preconditions.checkNotNull(entries), null);
* Create a new {@link RepositoryMapping} instance based on existing repo mappings and given
* additional mappings. If there are conflicts, existing mappings will take precedence.
public RepositoryMapping withAdditionalMappings(Map<String, RepositoryName> additionalMappings) {
HashMap<String, RepositoryName> allMappings = new HashMap<>(additionalMappings);
return new RepositoryMapping(allMappings, ownerRepo());
* Create a new {@link RepositoryMapping} instance based on existing repo mappings and given
* additional mappings. If there are conflicts, existing mappings will take precedence. The owner
* repo of the given additional mappings is ignored.
public RepositoryMapping withAdditionalMappings(RepositoryMapping additionalMappings) {
return withAdditionalMappings(additionalMappings.entries());
* Returns the canonical repository name associated with the given apparent repo name. The
* provided apparent repo name is assumed to be valid.
public RepositoryName get(String preMappingName) {
RepositoryName canonicalRepoName = entries().get(preMappingName);
if (canonicalRepoName != null) {
return canonicalRepoName;
// If the owner repo is not present, that means we should fall back to the requested repo name.
if (ownerRepo() == null) {
return RepositoryName.createUnvalidated(preMappingName);
} else {
return RepositoryName.createUnvalidated(preMappingName).toNonVisible(ownerRepo());
* Whether the repo with this mapping is subject to strict deps; when strict deps is off, unknown
* apparent names are silently treated as canonical names.
public boolean usesStrictDeps() {
return ownerRepo() != null;
* Returns the first apparent name in this mapping that maps to the given canonical name, if any.
public Optional<String> getInverse(RepositoryName postMappingName) {
return entries().entrySet().stream()
.filter(e -> e.getValue().equals(postMappingName))
* Creates a new {@link RepositoryMapping} instance that is the equivalent of composing this
* {@link RepositoryMapping} with another one. That is, {@code a.composeWith(b).get(name) ===
* b.get(a.get(name))} (treating {@code b} as allowing fallback).
* <p>Since we're treating the result of {@code a.get(name)} as an apparent repo name instead of a
* canonical repo name, this only really makes sense when {@code a} does not use strict deps (i.e.
* allows fallback).
public RepositoryMapping composeWith(RepositoryMapping other) {
!usesStrictDeps(), "only an allow-fallback mapping can be composed with other mappings");
HashMap<String, RepositoryName> entries = new HashMap<>(other.entries());
for (Map.Entry<String, RepositoryName> entry : entries().entrySet()) {
RepositoryName mappedName = other.get(entry.getValue().getName());
entries.put(entry.getKey(), mappedName.isVisible() ? mappedName : entry.getValue());
return new RepositoryMapping(entries, null);
* Returns a new {@link RepositoryMapping} instance with identical contents, except that the
* inverse mapping is cached, causing {@link #getInverse} to be much more efficient. This is
* particularly important for the main repo mapping, as it's often used to generate display-form
* labels ({@link Label#getDisplayForm}).
public RepositoryMapping withCachedInverseMap() {
var inverse = Maps.<RepositoryName, String>newHashMapWithExpectedSize(entries.size());
for (Map.Entry<String, RepositoryName> entry : entries.entrySet()) {
inverse.putIfAbsent(entry.getValue(), entry.getKey());
var inverseCopy = ImmutableMap.copyOf(inverse);
return new RepositoryMapping(entries, ownerRepo) {
public Optional<String> getInverse(RepositoryName postMappingName) {
return Optional.ofNullable(inverseCopy.get(postMappingName));