blob: e775b4c89a5a0df03a97423ec55b5353b8642a17 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Bazel Authors. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
import static java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets.US_ASCII;
import java.nio.charset.Charset;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
* Provides methods to measure the current resource usage of the current process. Also provides some
* convenience methods to obtain several system characteristics, like number of processors , total
* memory, etc.
public final class ResourceUsage {
* Use instead of
* because the latter does not
* support getTotalPhysicalMemorySize() and getFreePhysicalMemorySize().
private static final OperatingSystemMXBean OS_BEAN =
(OperatingSystemMXBean) ManagementFactory.getOperatingSystemMXBean();
private static final MemoryMXBean MEM_BEAN = ManagementFactory.getMemoryMXBean();
private static final Splitter WHITESPACE_SPLITTER = Splitter.on(CharMatcher.whitespace());
private static final Pattern PSI_AVG10_VALUE_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("^full avg10=([\\d.]+).*");
private ResourceUsage() {}
/** Returns the number of processors available to the Java virtual machine. */
public static int getAvailableProcessors() {
return OS_BEAN.getAvailableProcessors();
/** Returns the total physical memory in bytes. */
public static long getTotalPhysicalMemorySize() {
return OS_BEAN.getTotalPhysicalMemorySize();
/** Returns the operating system architecture. */
public static String getOsArchitecture() {
return OS_BEAN.getArch();
/** Returns the operating system name. */
public static String getOsName() {
return OS_BEAN.getName();
/** Returns the operating system version. */
public static String getOsVersion() {
return OS_BEAN.getVersion();
* Returns the initial size of heap memory in bytes.
* @see MemoryMXBean#getHeapMemoryUsage()
public static long getHeapMemoryInit() {
return MEM_BEAN.getHeapMemoryUsage().getInit();
* Returns the initial size of non heap memory in bytes.
* @see MemoryMXBean#getNonHeapMemoryUsage()
public static long getNonHeapMemoryInit() {
return MEM_BEAN.getNonHeapMemoryUsage().getInit();
* Returns the maximum size of heap memory in bytes.
* @see MemoryMXBean#getHeapMemoryUsage()
public static long getHeapMemoryMax() {
return MEM_BEAN.getHeapMemoryUsage().getMax();
* Returns the maximum size of non heap memory in bytes.
* @see MemoryMXBean#getNonHeapMemoryUsage()
public static long getNonHeapMemoryMax() {
return MEM_BEAN.getNonHeapMemoryUsage().getMax();
/** Returns a measurement of the current resource usage of the current process. */
public static Measurement measureCurrentResourceUsage() {
return new Measurement(
(float) OS_BEAN.getSystemLoadAverage(),
* Returns the current cpu utilization of the current process with the given id in ms. The
* returned array contains the following information: The 1st entry is the number of ms that the
* process has executed in user mode, and the 2nd entry is the number of ms that the process has
* executed in kernel mode. Reads /proc/self/stat to obtain this information. The values may not
* have millisecond accuracy.
private static long[] getCurrentCpuUtilizationInMs() {
try {
File file = new File("/proc/self/stat");
if (file.isDirectory() || !file.canRead()) {
return new long[2];
List<String> stat =
WHITESPACE_SPLITTER.splitToList(Files.asCharSource(file, US_ASCII).read());
if (stat.size() < 15) {
return new long[2]; // Tolerate malformed input.
// /proc/self/stat contains values in jiffies, which are 10 ms.
return new long[] {Long.parseLong(stat.get(13)) * 10, Long.parseLong(stat.get(14)) * 10};
} catch (NumberFormatException | IOException e) {
return new long[2];
* Reads the Pressure Staller Indicator file for a given type and returns the double value for
* `avg10`, or -1 if we couldn't read that value.
public static float readPressureStallIndicator(String type) {
String fileName = "/proc/pressure/" + type;
File procFile = new File(fileName);
if (!procFile.canRead()) {
return -1.0F;
try {
List<String> lines = Files.readLines(procFile, Charset.defaultCharset());
for (String l : lines) {
if (l.startsWith("full avg10")) {
Matcher matcher = PSI_AVG10_VALUE_PATTERN.matcher(l);
if (!matcher.matches()) {
return -1.0F;
return Float.parseFloat(;
return -1.0F;
} catch (IOException e) {
return -1.0F;
public static long getAvailableMemory() {
long availableMemory;
try {
// TODO(larsrc): Use control flow instead of execptions
ProcMeminfoParser meminfo = new ProcMeminfoParser();
// Convert to bytes so that the fallback units are consistent.
availableMemory = meminfo.getFreeRamKb() << 10;
} catch (IOException e) {
// /proc/meminfo isn't available outside Linux. On OS X, the OperatingSystem bean returns the
// number of free pages multiplied by the page size, which is still incorrect. What we really
// want here is (vm_stats.inactive_count + vm_stats.free_count) * page_size, but Java gives us
// only free.
// Seems like some virtual Ganeti machines also have issues getting this.
availableMemory = OS_BEAN.getFreePhysicalMemorySize();
return availableMemory;
/** A snapshot of the resource usage of the current process at a point in time. */
public static final class Measurement {
private final long timeInNanos;
private final long heapMemoryUsed;
private final long heapMemoryCommitted;
private final long nonHeapMemoryUsed;
private final long nonHeapMemoryCommitted;
private final float loadAverageLastMinute;
private final float memoryPressureLast10Sec;
private final float ioPressureLast10Sec;
private final long freePhysicalMemory;
private final long[] cpuUtilizationInMs;
public Measurement(
long heapMemoryUsed,
long heapMemoryCommitted,
long nonHeapMemoryUsed,
long nonHeapMemoryCommitted,
float loadAverageLastMinute,
float memoryPressureLast10Sec1,
float ioPressureLast10Sec1,
long freePhysicalMemory,
long[] cpuUtilizationInMs) {
timeInNanos = System.nanoTime();
this.heapMemoryUsed = heapMemoryUsed;
this.heapMemoryCommitted = heapMemoryCommitted;
this.nonHeapMemoryUsed = nonHeapMemoryUsed;
this.nonHeapMemoryCommitted = nonHeapMemoryCommitted;
this.loadAverageLastMinute = loadAverageLastMinute;
this.memoryPressureLast10Sec = memoryPressureLast10Sec1;
this.ioPressureLast10Sec = ioPressureLast10Sec1;
this.freePhysicalMemory = freePhysicalMemory;
this.cpuUtilizationInMs = cpuUtilizationInMs;
/** Returns the time of the measurement in ms. */
public long getTimeInMs() {
return timeInNanos / 1000000;
* Returns the amount of used heap memory in bytes at the time of measurement.
* @see MemoryMXBean#getHeapMemoryUsage()
public long getHeapMemoryUsed() {
return heapMemoryUsed;
* Returns the amount of used non heap memory in bytes at the time of measurement.
* @see MemoryMXBean#getNonHeapMemoryUsage()
public long getHeapMemoryCommitted() {
return heapMemoryCommitted;
* Returns the amount of memory in bytes that is committed for the Java virtual machine to use
* for the heap at the time of measurement.
* @see MemoryMXBean#getHeapMemoryUsage()
public long getNonHeapMemoryUsed() {
return nonHeapMemoryUsed;
* Returns the amount of memory in bytes that is committed for the Java virtual machine to use
* for non heap memory at the time of measurement.
* @see MemoryMXBean#getNonHeapMemoryUsage()
public long getNonHeapMemoryCommitted() {
return nonHeapMemoryCommitted;
* Returns the system load average for the last minute at the time of measurement.
* @see OperatingSystemMXBean#getSystemLoadAverage()
public float getLoadAverageLastMinute() {
return loadAverageLastMinute;
* Returns the memory pressure from the Linux Pressure Stall Indicator system, or -1 if PSI
* cannot be read.
public float getMemoryPressureLast10Sec() {
return memoryPressureLast10Sec;
* Returns the I/O pressure from the Linux Pressure Stall Indicator system, or -1 if PSI cannot
* be read.
public float getIoPressureLast10Sec() {
return ioPressureLast10Sec;
/** Returns the free physical memmory in bytes at the time of measurement. */
public long getFreePhysicalMemory() {
return freePhysicalMemory;
* Returns the current cpu utilization of the current process in ms. The returned array contains
* the following information: The 1st entry is the number of ms that the process has executed in
* user mode, and the 2nd entry is the number of ms that the process has executed in kernel
* mode. Reads /proc/self/stat to obtain this information.
public long[] getCpuUtilizationInMs() {
return new long[] {cpuUtilizationInMs[0], cpuUtilizationInMs[1]};