blob: d8f1ee8bdf72daa210d074466056ba2eb839638b [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Bazel Authors. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import javax.annotation.Nullable;
* The Resolver resolves each identifier in a syntax tree to its binding, and performs other
* validity checks.
* <p>When a variable is defined, it is visible in the entire block. For example, a global variable
* is visible in the entire file; a variable in a function is visible in the entire function block
* (even on the lines before its first assignment).
* <p>Resolution is a mutation of the syntax tree, as it attaches binding information to Identifier
* nodes. (In the future, it will attach additional information to functions to support lexical
* scope, and even compilation of the trees to bytecode.) Resolution errors are reported in the
* analogous manner to scan/parse errors: for a StarlarkFile, they are appended to {@code
* StarlarkFile.errors}; for an expression they are reported by an SyntaxError.Exception exception.
* It is legal to resolve a file that already contains scan/parse errors, though it may lead to
* secondary errors.
public final class Resolver extends NodeVisitor {
// TODO(adonovan):
// - use "keyword" (not "named") and "required" (not "mandatory") terminology everywhere,
// including the spec.
// - move the "no if statements at top level" check to bazel's check{Build,*}Syntax
// (that's a spec change), or put it behind a FileOptions flag (no spec change).
/** Scope discriminates the scope of a binding: global, local, etc. */
public enum Scope {
/** Binding is local to a function, comprehension, or file (e.g. load). */
/** Binding is non-local and occurs outside any function or comprehension. */
/** Binding is local to a function, comprehension, or file, but shared with nested functions. */
/** Binding is an implicit parameter whose value is the CELL of some enclosing function. */
/** Binding is predeclared by the application (e.g. glob in Bazel). */
/** Binding is predeclared by the core (e.g. None). */
public String toString() {
return super.toString().toLowerCase();
* A Binding is a static abstraction of a variable. The Resolver maps each Identifier to a
* Binding.
public static final class Binding {
private Scope scope;
private final int index; // index within frame (LOCAL/CELL), freevars (FREE), or module (GLOBAL)
@Nullable private final Identifier first; // first binding use, if syntactic
private Binding(Scope scope, int index, @Nullable Identifier first) {
this.scope = scope;
this.index = index;
this.first = first;
/** Returns the name of this binding's identifier. */
public String getName() {
return first != null ? first.getName() : null;
/** Returns the scope of the binding. */
public Scope getScope() {
return scope;
* Returns the index of a binding within its function's frame (LOCAL/CELL), freevars (FREE), or
* module (GLOBAL).
public int getIndex() {
return index;
public String toString() {
return first == null
? scope.toString()
: String.format(
"%s[%d] %s @ %s", scope, index, first.getName(), first.getStartLocation());
/** A Resolver.Function records information about a resolved function. */
public static final class Function {
private final String name;
private final Location location;
private final ImmutableList<Parameter> params;
private final ImmutableList<Statement> body;
private final boolean hasVarargs;
private final boolean hasKwargs;
private final int numKeywordOnlyParams;
private final ImmutableList<String> parameterNames;
private final boolean isToplevel;
private final ImmutableList<Binding> locals;
private final int[] cellIndices;
private final ImmutableList<Binding> freevars;
private final ImmutableList<String> globals; // TODO(adonovan): move to Program.
private Function(
String name,
Location loc,
ImmutableList<Parameter> params,
ImmutableList<Statement> body,
boolean hasVarargs,
boolean hasKwargs,
int numKeywordOnlyParams,
List<Binding> locals,
List<Binding> freevars,
List<String> globals) { = name;
this.location = loc;
this.params = params;
this.body = body;
this.hasVarargs = hasVarargs;
this.hasKwargs = hasKwargs;
this.numKeywordOnlyParams = numKeywordOnlyParams;
ImmutableList.Builder<String> names = ImmutableList.builderWithExpectedSize(params.size());
for (Parameter p : params) {
this.parameterNames =;
this.isToplevel = name.equals("<toplevel>");
this.locals = ImmutableList.copyOf(locals);
this.freevars = ImmutableList.copyOf(freevars);
this.globals = ImmutableList.copyOf(globals);
// Create an index of the locals that are cells.
int ncells = 0;
int nlocals = locals.size();
for (int i = 0; i < nlocals; i++) {
if (locals.get(i).scope == Scope.CELL) {
this.cellIndices = new int[ncells];
for (int i = 0, j = 0; i < nlocals; i++) {
if (locals.get(i).scope == Scope.CELL) {
cellIndices[j++] = i;
* Returns the name of the function. It may be "<toplevel>" for the implicit function that holds
* the top-level statements of a file, or "<expr>" for the implicit function that evaluates a
* single expression.
public String getName() {
return name;
/** Returns the value denoted by the function's doc string literal, or null if absent. */
public String getDocumentation() {
if (getBody().isEmpty()) {
return null;
Statement first = getBody().get(0);
if (!(first instanceof ExpressionStatement)) {
return null;
Expression expr = ((ExpressionStatement) first).getExpression();
if (!(expr instanceof StringLiteral)) {
return null;
return ((StringLiteral) expr).getValue();
/** Returns the function's local bindings, parameters first. */
public ImmutableList<Binding> getLocals() {
return locals;
* Returns the indices within {@code getLocals()} of the "cells", that is, local variables of
* thus function that are shared with nested functions. The caller must not modify the result.
public int[] getCellIndices() {
return cellIndices;
* Returns the list of names of globals referenced by this function. The order matches the
* indices used in compiled code.
public ImmutableList<String> getGlobals() {
return globals;
* Returns the list of enclosing CELL or FREE bindings referenced by this function. At run time,
* these values, all of which are cells containing variables local to some enclosing function,
* will be stored in the closure. (CELL bindings in this list are local to the immediately
* enclosing function, while FREE bindings pass through one or more intermediate enclosing
* functions.)
public ImmutableList<Binding> getFreeVars() {
return freevars;
/** Returns the location of the function's identifier. */
public Location getLocation() {
return location;
* Returns the function's parameters, in "run-time order": non-keyword-only parameters,
* keyword-only parameters, {@code *args}, and finally {@code **kwargs}. A bare {@code *}
* parameter is dropped.
public ImmutableList<Parameter> getParameters() {
return params;
* Returns the effective statements of the function's body. (For the implicit function created
* to evaluate a single standalone expression, this may contain a synthesized Return statement.)
// TODO(adonovan): eliminate when we switch to compiler.
public ImmutableList<Statement> getBody() {
return body;
/** Reports whether the function has an {@code *args} parameter. */
public boolean hasVarargs() {
return hasVarargs;
/** Reports whether the function has a {@code **kwargs} parameter. */
public boolean hasKwargs() {
return hasKwargs;
* Returns the number of the function's keyword-only parameters, such as {@code c} in {@code def
* f(a, *b, c, **d)} or {@code def f(a, *, c, **d)}.
public int numKeywordOnlyParams() {
return numKeywordOnlyParams;
/** Returns the names of the parameters. Order is as for {@link #getParameters}. */
public ImmutableList<String> getParameterNames() {
return parameterNames;
* isToplevel indicates that this is the <toplevel> function containing top-level statements of
* a file.
// TODO(adonovan): remove this when we remove Bazel's "export" hack,
// or switch to a compiled representation of function bodies.
public boolean isToplevel() {
return isToplevel;
* A Module is a static abstraction of a Starlark module (see {@link
*})). It describes, for the resolver and compiler, the set of
* variable names that are predeclared, either by the interpreter (UNIVERSAL) or by the
* application (PREDECLARED), plus the set of pre-defined global names (which is typically empty,
* except in a REPL or EvaluationTestCase scenario).
public interface Module {
* Resolves a name to a GLOBAL, PREDECLARED, or UNIVERSAL binding.
* @throws Undefined if the name is not defined.
Scope resolve(String name) throws Undefined;
* An Undefined exception indicates a failure to resolve a top-level name. If {@code candidates}
* is non-null, it provides the set of accessible top-level names, which, along with local
* names, will be used as candidates for spelling suggestions.
final class Undefined extends Exception {
@Nullable private final Set<String> candidates;
public Undefined(String message, @Nullable Set<String> candidates) {
this.candidates = candidates;
// A simple implementation of the Module for testing.
// It defines only the predeclared names---no "universal" names (e.g. None)
// or initially-defined globals (as happens in a REPL).
// Realistically, most clients will use an eval.Module.
// TODO(adonovan): move into test/ tree.
public static Module moduleWithPredeclared(String... names) {
ImmutableSet<String> predeclared = ImmutableSet.copyOf(names);
return (name) -> {
if (predeclared.contains(name)) {
return Scope.PREDECLARED;
throw new Resolver.Module.Undefined(
String.format("name '%s' is not defined", name), predeclared);
private static class Block {
@Nullable private final Block parent; // enclosing block, or null for tail of list
@Nullable Node syntax; // Comprehension, DefStatement/LambdaExpression, StarlarkFile, or null
private final ArrayList<Binding> frame; // accumulated locals of enclosing function
// Accumulated CELL/FREE bindings of the enclosing function that will provide
// the values for the free variables of this function; see Function.getFreeVars.
// Null for toplevel functions and expressions, which have no free variables.
@Nullable private final ArrayList<Binding> freevars;
// Bindings for names defined in this block.
// Also, as an optimization, memoized lookups of enclosing bindings.
private final Map<String, Binding> bindings = new HashMap<>();
@Nullable Block parent,
@Nullable Node syntax,
ArrayList<Binding> frame,
@Nullable ArrayList<Binding> freevars) {
this.parent = parent;
this.syntax = syntax;
this.frame = frame;
this.freevars = freevars;
private final List<SyntaxError> errors;
private final FileOptions options;
private final Module module;
// List whose order defines the numbering of global variables in this program.
private final List<String> globals = new ArrayList<>();
// A cache of PREDECLARED, UNIVERSAL, and GLOBAL bindings queried from the module.
private final Map<String, Binding> toplevel = new HashMap<>();
// Linked list of blocks, innermost first, for functions and comprehensions and (finally) file.
private Block locals;
private int loopCount;
private Resolver(List<SyntaxError> errors, Module module, FileOptions options) {
this.errors = errors;
this.module = module;
this.options = options;
// Formats and reports an error at the start of the specified node.
private void errorf(Node node, String format, Object... args) {
errorf(node.getStartLocation(), format, args);
// Formats and reports an error at the specified location.
private void errorf(Location loc, String format, Object... args) {
errors.add(new SyntaxError(loc, String.format(format, args)));
* First pass: add bindings for all variables to the current block. This is done because symbols
* are sometimes used before their definition point (e.g. functions are not necessarily declared
* in order).
private void createBindingsForBlock(Iterable<Statement> stmts) {
for (Statement stmt : stmts) {
private void createBindings(Statement stmt) {
switch (stmt.kind()) {
createBindingsForLHS(((AssignmentStatement) stmt).getLHS());
case IF:
IfStatement ifStmt = (IfStatement) stmt;
if (ifStmt.getElseBlock() != null) {
case FOR:
ForStatement forStmt = (ForStatement) stmt;
case DEF:
DefStatement def = (DefStatement) stmt;
bind(def.getIdentifier(), /*isLoad=*/ false);
case LOAD:
LoadStatement load = (LoadStatement) stmt;
Set<String> names = new HashSet<>();
for (LoadStatement.Binding b : load.getBindings()) {
// Reject load('...', '_private').
Identifier orig = b.getOriginalName();
if (orig.isPrivate() && !options.allowLoadPrivateSymbols()) {
errorf(orig, "symbol '%s' is private and cannot be imported", orig.getName());
// A load statement may not bind a single name more than once,
// even if options.allowToplevelRebinding.
Identifier local = b.getLocalName();
if (names.add(local.getName())) {
bind(local, /*isLoad=*/ true);
} else {
errorf(local, "load statement defines '%s' more than once", local.getName());
case FLOW:
case RETURN:
// nothing to declare
private void createBindingsForLHS(Expression lhs) {
for (Identifier id : Identifier.boundIdentifiers(lhs)) {
bind(id, /*isLoad=*/ false);
private void assign(Expression lhs) {
if (lhs instanceof Identifier) {
// Bindings are created by the first pass (createBindings),
// so there's nothing to do here.
} else if (lhs instanceof IndexExpression) {
} else if (lhs instanceof ListExpression) {
for (Expression elem : ((ListExpression) lhs).getElements()) {
} else if (lhs instanceof DotExpression) {
visit(((DotExpression) lhs).getObject());
} else {
errorf(lhs, "cannot assign to '%s'", lhs);
public void visit(Identifier id) {
Binding bind = use(id);
if (bind != null) {
public void visit(ReturnStatement node) {
if (locals.syntax instanceof StarlarkFile) {
errorf(node, "return statements must be inside a function");
public void visit(CallExpression node) {
// validate call arguments
boolean seenVarargs = false;
boolean seenKwargs = false;
Set<String> keywords = null;
for (Argument arg : node.getArguments()) {
if (arg instanceof Argument.Positional) {
if (seenVarargs) {
errorf(arg, "positional argument may not follow *args");
} else if (seenKwargs) {
errorf(arg, "positional argument may not follow **kwargs");
} else if (keywords != null) {
errorf(arg, "positional argument may not follow keyword argument");
} else if (arg instanceof Argument.Keyword) {
String keyword = ((Argument.Keyword) arg).getName();
if (seenVarargs) {
errorf(arg, "keyword argument %s may not follow *args", keyword);
} else if (seenKwargs) {
errorf(arg, "keyword argument %s may not follow **kwargs", keyword);
if (keywords == null) {
keywords = new HashSet<>();
if (!keywords.add(keyword)) {
errorf(arg, "duplicate keyword argument: %s", keyword);
} else if (arg instanceof Argument.Star) {
if (seenKwargs) {
errorf(arg, "*args may not follow **kwargs");
} else if (seenVarargs) {
errorf(arg, "multiple *args not allowed");
seenVarargs = true;
} else if (arg instanceof Argument.StarStar) {
if (seenKwargs) {
errorf(arg, "multiple **kwargs not allowed");
seenKwargs = true;
public void visit(ForStatement node) {
if (locals.syntax instanceof StarlarkFile) {
"for loops are not allowed at the top level. You may move it inside a function "
+ "or use a comprehension, [f(x) for x in sequence]");
Preconditions.checkState(loopCount > 0);
public void visit(LoadStatement node) {
if (!(locals.syntax instanceof StarlarkFile)) {
errorf(node, "load statement not at top level");
// Skip super.visit: don't revisit local Identifier as a use.
public void visit(FlowStatement node) {
if (node.getFlowKind() != TokenKind.PASS && loopCount <= 0) {
errorf(node, "%s statement must be inside a for loop", node.getFlowKind());
public void visit(DotExpression node) {
// Do not visit the field.
public void visit(Comprehension node) {
ImmutableList<Comprehension.Clause> clauses = node.getClauses();
// Following Python3, the first for clause is resolved
// outside the comprehension block. All the other loops
// are resolved in the scope of their own bindings,
// permitting forward references.
Comprehension.For for0 = (Comprehension.For) clauses.get(0);
// A comprehension defines a distinct lexical block
// in the same function's frame.
pushLocalBlock(node, this.locals.frame, this.locals.freevars);
for (Comprehension.Clause clause : clauses) {
if (clause instanceof Comprehension.For) {
Comprehension.For forClause = (Comprehension.For) clause;
for (int i = 0; i < clauses.size(); i++) {
Comprehension.Clause clause = clauses.get(i);
if (clause instanceof Comprehension.For) {
Comprehension.For forClause = (Comprehension.For) clause;
if (i > 0) {
} else {
Comprehension.If ifClause = (Comprehension.If) clause;
public void visit(DefStatement node) {
public void visit(LambdaExpression expr) {
public void visit(IfStatement node) {
if (locals.syntax instanceof StarlarkFile) {
"if statements are not allowed at the top level. You may move it inside a function "
+ "or use an if expression (x if condition else y).");
public void visit(AssignmentStatement node) {
// Disallow: [e, ...] += rhs
// Other bad cases are handled in assign.
if (node.isAugmented() && node.getLHS() instanceof ListExpression) {
"cannot perform augmented assignment on a list or tuple expression");
// Resolves a non-binding identifier to an existing binding, or null.
private Binding use(Identifier id) {
String name = id.getName();
// Locally defined in this function, comprehension,
// or file block, or an enclosing one?
Binding bind = lookupLexical(name, locals);
if (bind != null) {
return bind;
// Defined at toplevel (global, predeclared, universal)?
bind = toplevel.get(name);
if (bind != null) {
return bind;
Scope scope;
try {
scope = module.resolve(name);
} catch (Resolver.Module.Undefined ex) {
if (!Identifier.isValid(name)) {
// If Identifier was created by Parser.makeErrorExpression, it
// contains misparsed text. Ignore ex and report an appropriate error.
errorf(id, "contains syntax errors");
} else if (ex.candidates != null) {
// Exception provided toplevel candidates.
// Show spelling suggestions of all symbols in scope,
String suggestion = SpellChecker.didYouMean(name, getAllSymbols(ex.candidates));
errorf(id, "%s%s", ex.getMessage(), suggestion);
} else {
errorf(id, "%s", ex.getMessage());
return null;
switch (scope) {
case GLOBAL:
bind = new Binding(scope, globals.size(), id);
// Accumulate globals in module.
bind = new Binding(scope, 0, id); // index not used
throw new IllegalStateException("bad scope: " + scope);
toplevel.put(name, bind);
return bind;
// lookupLexical finds a lexically enclosing local binding of the name,
// plumbing it through enclosing functions as needed.
private static Binding lookupLexical(String name, Block b) {
Binding bind = b.bindings.get(name);
if (bind != null) {
return bind;
if (b.parent != null) {
bind = lookupLexical(name, b.parent);
if (bind != null) {
// If a local binding was found in a parent block,
// and this block is a function, then it is a free variable
// of this function and must be plumbed through.
// Add an implicit FREE binding (a hidden parameter) to this function,
// and record the outer binding that will supply its value when
// we construct the closure.
// Also, mark the outer LOCAL as a CELL: a shared, indirect local.
// (For a comprehension block there's nothing to do,
// because it's part of the same frame as the enclosing block.)
// This step may occur many times if the lookupLexical
// recursion returns through many functions.
if (b.syntax instanceof DefStatement || b.syntax instanceof LambdaExpression) {
Scope scope = bind.getScope();
if (scope == Scope.LOCAL || scope == Scope.FREE || scope == Scope.CELL) {
if (scope == Scope.LOCAL) {
bind.scope = Scope.CELL;
int index = b.freevars.size();
bind = new Binding(Scope.FREE, index, bind.first);
// Memoize, to avoid duplicate free vars and repeated walks.
b.bindings.put(name, bind);
return bind;
// Common code for def, lambda.
private Function resolveFunction(
Node syntax, // DefStatement or LambdaExpression
String name,
Location loc,
ImmutableList<Parameter> parameters,
ImmutableList<Statement> body) {
// Resolve defaults in enclosing environment.
for (Parameter param : parameters) {
if (param instanceof Parameter.Optional) {
// Enter function block.
ArrayList<Binding> frame = new ArrayList<>();
ArrayList<Binding> freevars = new ArrayList<>();
pushLocalBlock(syntax, frame, freevars);
// Check parameter order and convert to run-time order:
// positionals, keyword-only, *args, **kwargs.
Parameter.Star star = null;
Parameter.StarStar starStar = null;
boolean seenOptional = false;
int numKeywordOnlyParams = 0;
// TODO(adonovan): opt: when all Identifiers are resolved to bindings accumulated
// in the function, params can be a prefix of the function's array of bindings.
ImmutableList.Builder<Parameter> params =
for (Parameter param : parameters) {
if (param instanceof Parameter.Mandatory) {
// e.g. id
if (starStar != null) {
"required parameter %s may not follow **%s",
} else if (star != null) {
} else if (seenOptional) {
"required positional parameter %s may not follow an optional parameter",
bindParam(params, param);
} else if (param instanceof Parameter.Optional) {
// e.g. id = default
seenOptional = true;
if (starStar != null) {
errorf(param, "optional parameter may not follow **%s", starStar.getName());
} else if (star != null) {
bindParam(params, param);
} else if (param instanceof Parameter.Star) {
// * or *args
if (starStar != null) {
errorf(param, "* parameter may not follow **%s", starStar.getName());
} else if (star != null) {
errorf(param, "multiple * parameters not allowed");
} else {
star = (Parameter.Star) param;
} else {
// **kwargs
if (starStar != null) {
errorf(param, "multiple ** parameters not allowed");
starStar = (Parameter.StarStar) param;
// * or *args
if (star != null) {
if (star.getIdentifier() != null) {
bindParam(params, star);
} else if (numKeywordOnlyParams == 0) {
errorf(star, "bare * must be followed by keyword-only parameters");
// **kwargs
if (starStar != null) {
bindParam(params, starStar);
return new Function(
star != null && star.getIdentifier() != null,
starStar != null,
private void bindParam(ImmutableList.Builder<Parameter> params, Parameter param) {
if (bind(param.getIdentifier(), /*isLoad=*/ false)) {
errorf(param, "duplicate parameter: %s", param.getName());
* Process a binding use of a name by adding a binding to the current block if not already bound,
* and associate the identifier with it. Reports whether the name was already bound in this block.
private boolean bind(Identifier id, boolean isLoad) {
String name = id.getName();
boolean isNew = false;
Binding bind;
// TODO(adonovan): factor out bindLocal/bindGlobal cases
// and simply the condition below.
// outside any function/comprehension, and not a (local) load? => global binding.
if (locals.syntax instanceof StarlarkFile && !(isLoad && !options.loadBindsGlobally())) {
bind = toplevel.get(name);
if (bind == null) {
// New global binding: add to module and to toplevel cache.
isNew = true;
bind = new Binding(Scope.GLOBAL, globals.size(), id);
toplevel.put(name, bind);
// Does this new global binding conflict with a file-local load binding?
Binding prevLocal = locals.bindings.get(name);
if (prevLocal != null) {
globalLocalConflict(id, bind.scope, prevLocal); // global, local
} else {
toplevelRebinding(id, bind); // global, global
} else {
// Binding is local to file, function, or comprehension.
bind = locals.bindings.get(name);
if (bind == null) {
// New local binding: add to enclosing function's frame and bindings map.
isNew = true;
bind = new Binding(Scope.LOCAL, locals.frame.size(), id);
locals.bindings.put(name, bind);
if (isLoad) {
// Does this (file-local) load binding conflict with a previous one?
if (!isNew) {
toplevelRebinding(id, bind); // local, local
// ...or a previous global?
Binding prev = toplevel.get(name);
if (prev != null && prev.scope == Scope.GLOBAL) {
globalLocalConflict(id, bind.scope, prev); // local, global
return !isNew;
// Report conflicting top-level bindings of same scope, unless options.allowToplevelRebinding.
private void toplevelRebinding(Identifier id, Binding prev) {
if (!options.allowToplevelRebinding()) {
errorf(id, "'%s' redeclared at top level", id.getName());
if (prev.first != null) {
errorf(prev.first, "'%s' previously declared here", id.getName());
// Report global/local scope conflict on top-level bindings.
private void globalLocalConflict(Identifier id, Scope scope, Binding prev) {
String newqual = scope == Scope.GLOBAL ? "global" : "file-local";
String oldqual = prev.getScope() == Scope.GLOBAL ? "global" : "file-local";
errorf(id, "conflicting %s declaration of '%s'", newqual, id.getName());
if (prev.first != null) {
errorf(prev.first, "'%s' previously declared as %s here", id.getName(), oldqual);
// Returns the union of accessible local and top-level symbols.
private Set<String> getAllSymbols(Set<String> predeclared) {
Set<String> all = new HashSet<>();
for (Block b = locals; b != null; b = b.parent) {
return all;
// Report an error if a load statement appears after another kind of statement.
private void checkLoadAfterStatement(List<Statement> statements) {
Statement firstStatement = null;
for (Statement statement : statements) {
// Ignore string literals (e.g. docstrings).
if (statement instanceof ExpressionStatement
&& ((ExpressionStatement) statement).getExpression() instanceof StringLiteral) {
if (statement instanceof LoadStatement) {
if (firstStatement == null) {
errorf(statement, "load statements must appear before any other statement");
errorf(firstStatement, "\tfirst non-load statement appears here");
if (firstStatement == null) {
firstStatement = statement;
* Performs static checks, including resolution of identifiers in {@code file} in the environment
* defined by {@code module}. The StarlarkFile is mutated. Errors are appended to {@link
* StarlarkFile#errors}.
public static void resolveFile(StarlarkFile file, Module module) {
Resolver r = new Resolver(file.errors, module, file.getOptions());
ImmutableList<Statement> stmts = file.getStatements();
// Check that load statements are on top.
if (r.options.requireLoadStatementsFirst()) {
ArrayList<Binding> frame = new ArrayList<>();
r.pushLocalBlock(file, frame, /*freevars=*/ null);
// First pass: creating bindings for statements in this block.
// Second pass: visit all references.
// If the final statement is an expression, synthesize a return statement.
int n = stmts.size();
if (n > 0 && stmts.get(n - 1) instanceof ExpressionStatement) {
Expression expr = ((ExpressionStatement) stmts.get(n - 1)).getExpression();
stmts =
.addAll(stmts.subList(0, n - 1))
// Annotate with resolved information about the toplevel function.
new Function(
/*params=*/ ImmutableList.of(),
/*body=*/ stmts,
/*hasVarargs=*/ false,
/*hasKwargs=*/ false,
/*numKeywordOnlyParams=*/ 0,
/*freevars=*/ ImmutableList.of(),
* Performs static checks, including resolution of identifiers in {@code expr} in the environment
* defined by {@code module}. This operation mutates the Expression. Syntax must be resolved
* before it is evaluated.
public static Function resolveExpr(Expression expr, Module module, FileOptions options)
throws SyntaxError.Exception {
List<SyntaxError> errors = new ArrayList<>();
Resolver r = new Resolver(errors, module, options);
ArrayList<Binding> frame = new ArrayList<>();
r.pushLocalBlock(null, frame, /*freevars=*/ null); // for bindings in list comprehensions
if (!errors.isEmpty()) {
throw new SyntaxError.Exception(errors);
// Return no-arg function that computes the expression.
return new Function(
/*params=*/ ImmutableList.of(),
/*hasVarargs=*/ false,
/*hasKwargs=*/ false,
/*numKeywordOnlyParams=*/ 0,
/*freevars=*/ ImmutableList.of(),
private void pushLocalBlock(
Node syntax, ArrayList<Binding> frame, @Nullable ArrayList<Binding> freevars) {
locals = new Block(locals, syntax, frame, freevars);
private void popLocalBlock() {
locals = locals.parent;