blob: ef1a2c5d73df7e293ea07a9831131d3713b65954 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2023 The Bazel Authors. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
set -eu
# Outputs the major version of gcov.
# Returns 1 if gcov is not installed or a version before 7.0 was found.
function get_gcov_version() {
local -r gcov_location=$(which gcov)
if [[ ! -x ${gcov_location:-/usr/bin/gcov} ]]; then
echo "gcov not installed."
return 1
# Extract gcov's version: the output of `gcov --version` contains the
# version as a set of major-minor-patch numbers, of which we extract
# the major version.
# gcov --version outputs a line like:
# gcov (Debian 7.3.0-5) 7.3.0
# llvm-cov gcov --version outputs a line like:
# LLVM version 9.0.1
local version=$("${gcov_location}" --version | sed -n -E -e 's/^.*\s([0-9]+)\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\s?.*$/\1/p')
if [ "$version" -lt 7 ]; then
echo "gcov versions before 7.0 is not supported."
return 1
# Disable llvm-cov for now - coverage tests on OSX don't work
# TODO(cmita): Fix and enable.
"$gcov_location" -version | grep "LLVM" && \
echo "gcov LLVM version not supported." && return 1
echo "$version"
# Returns 0 if gcov is not installed or if a version before 7.0 was found.
# Returns 1 otherwise.
# Inverts the return value of get_gcov_version
function is_gcov_missing_or_wrong_version() {
if get_gcov_version; then
return 1
return 0
# Asserts if the given expected coverage result is included in the given output
# file.
# - expected_coverage The expected result that must be included in the output.
# - output_file The location of the coverage output file.
function assert_coverage_result() {
local expected_coverage="${1}"; shift
local output_file="${1}"; shift
# Replace newlines with commas to facilitate the assertion.
local expected_coverage_no_newlines="$( echo "$expected_coverage" | tr '\n' ',' )"
local output_file_no_newlines="$( cat "$output_file" | tr '\n' ',' )"
# strip any trailing commas
expected_coverage_no_newlines="$( echo "$expected_coverage_no_newlines" | sed 's/,*$//')"
output_file_no_newlines="$( echo "$output_file_no_newlines" | sed 's/,*$//' )"
(echo "$output_file_no_newlines" \
| grep -F "$expected_coverage_no_newlines") \
|| fail "Expected coverage result
was not found in actual coverage report:
<$( cat "$output_file" )>"
# Asserts if the given expected coverage result is included in the given output
# file, accounting for the fact that branch coverage is disabled for gcov v7
# - expected coverage The expected result that must be included in the output.
# - output_file The location of the coverage output file.
function assert_cc_coverage_result() {
local expected_coverage="${1}"; shift
local output_file="${1}"; shift
# we disable branch coverage when using gcov 7 so we should strip all branch
# information from the "expected" result before checking.
local gcov_version="$(get_gcov_version)"
if [[ "$gcov_version" -le 7 ]]; then
expected_coverage=$(echo "$expected_coverage" | grep -v "^BR")
assert_coverage_result "$expected_coverage" "$output_file"
# Returns the path of the code coverage report that was generated by Bazel by
# looking at the current $TEST_log. The method fails if TEST_log does not
# contain any coverage report for a passed test.
function get_coverage_file_path_from_test_log() {
local ending_part="$(sed -n -e '/PASSED/,$p' "$TEST_log")"
local coverage_file_path=$(grep -Eo "/[/a-zA-Z0-9\.\_\-]+\.dat$" <<< "$ending_part")
[[ -e "$coverage_file_path" ]] || fail "Coverage output file does not exist!"
echo "$coverage_file_path"