blob: 303b06951f83d8c2e88bd45596558fc0ab57de16 [file] [log] [blame]
<p>Dictionary of strings; values are subject to
<a href="${link make-variables#predefined_label_variables}">$(location)</a> and
<a href="${link make-variables}">"Make variable"</a> substitution; default is <code>{}</code></p>
<p>Specifies additional environment variables to set when the target is
executed by <code>bazel run</code>.
This attribute only applies to native rules, like <code>cc_binary</code>, <code>py_binary</code>,
and <code>sh_binary</code>. It does not apply to Starlark-defined executable rules.
<em class="harmful">NOTE: The environment variables are not set when you run the target
outside of Bazel (for example, by manually executing the binary in