blob: dfbb8ca6517b81d6a1bdc98a05966bac7f64d56a [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Bazel Authors. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
import java.nio.file.Files;
import java.nio.file.LinkOption;
import java.nio.file.attribute.DosFileAttributes;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference;
import java.util.regex.Matcher;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import javax.annotation.Nullable;
/** File system implementation for Windows. */
public class WindowsFileSystem extends JavaIoFileSystem {
// Properties of 8dot3 (DOS-style) short file names:
// - they are at most 11 characters long
// - they have a prefix (before "~") that is {1..6} characters long, may contain numbers, letters,
// "_", even "~", and maybe even more
// - they have a "~" after the prefix
// - have {1..6} numbers after "~" (according to [1] this is only one digit, but MSDN doesn't
// clarify this), the combined length up till this point is at most 8
// - they have an optional "." afterwards, and another {0..3} more characters
// - just because a path looks like a short name it isn't necessarily one; the user may create
// such names and they'd resolve to themselves
// [1]
// bullet point (3) (on 2016-12-05)
static final Predicate<String> SHORT_NAME_MATCHER =
new Predicate<String>() {
private final Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile("^(.{1,6})~([0-9]{1,6})(\\..{0,3}){0,1}");
public boolean apply(@Nullable String input) {
Matcher m = pattern.matcher(input);
return input.length() <= 12
&& m.matches()
&& m.groupCount() >= 2
&& ( + < 8; // the "~" makes it at most 8
/** Resolves DOS-style, shortened path names, returning the last segment's long form. */
private static final Function<String, String> WINDOWS_SHORT_PATH_RESOLVER =
path -> {
try {
// Since Path objects are created hierarchically, we know for sure that every segment of
// the path, except the last one, is already canonicalized, so we can return just that.
// Plus the returned value is passed to Path.getChild so we must not return a full
// path here.
return PathFragment.create(WindowsFileOperations.getLongPath(path)).getBaseName();
} catch (IOException e) {
return null;
private enum WindowsPathFactory implements PathFactory {
public Path createRootPath(FileSystem filesystem) {
return new WindowsPath(filesystem, PathFragment.ROOT_DIR, null);
public Path createChildPath(Path parent, String childName) {
Preconditions.checkState(parent instanceof WindowsPath);
return new WindowsPath(parent.getFileSystem(), childName, (WindowsPath) parent);
public Path getCachedChildPathInternal(Path path, String childName) {
return WindowsPathFactory.getCachedChildPathInternalImpl(
private static Path getCachedChildPathInternalImpl(
Path parent, String child, Function<String, String> resolver) {
if (parent != null && parent.isRootDirectory()) {
// This is a top-level directory. It's either a drive name ("C:" or "c") or some other
// Unix path (e.g. "/usr").
// We need to translate it to an absolute Windows path. The correct way would be looking
// up /etc/mtab to see if any mount point matches the prefix of the path, and change the
// prefix to the mounted path. Looking up /etc/mtab each time we create a path however
// would be too expensive so we use a heuristic instead.
// If the name looks like a volume name ("C:" or "c") then we treat it as such, otherwise
// we make it relative to UNIX_ROOT, thus "/usr" becomes "C:/tools/msys64/usr".
// This heuristic ignores other mount points as well as procfs.
// TODO(laszlocsomor): use GetLogicalDrives to retrieve the list of drives and only apply
// this heuristic for the valid drives. It's possible that the user has a directory "/a"
// but no "A:\" drive, so in that case we should prepend the MSYS root.
if (WindowsPath.isWindowsVolumeName(child)) {
child = WindowsPath.getDriveLetter((WindowsPath) parent, child) + ":";
} else {
if (UNIX_ROOT.get() == null) {
String jvmFlag = "bazel.windows_unix_root";
PathFragment value = determineUnixRoot(jvmFlag);
if (value == null) {
throw new IllegalStateException(
"\"%1$s\" JVM flag is not set. Use the --host_jvm_args flag or export the "
+ "BAZEL_SH environment variable. For example "
+ "\"--host_jvm_args=-D%1$s=c:/tools/msys64\" or "
+ "\"set BAZEL_SH=c:/tools/msys64/usr/bin/bash.exe\". "
+ "parent=(%2$s) name=(%3$s)",
jvmFlag, parent, child));
parent = parent.getRelative(UNIX_ROOT.get());
String resolvedChild = child;
if (parent != null && !parent.isRootDirectory() && SHORT_NAME_MATCHER.apply(child)) {
String pathString = parent.getPathString();
if (!pathString.endsWith("/")) {
pathString += "/";
pathString += child;
resolvedChild = resolver.apply(pathString);
return Path.getCachedChildPathInternal(
// If resolution succeeded, or we didn't attempt to resolve, then `resolvedChild` has the
// child name. If it's null, then resolution failed; use the unresolved child name in that
// case.
resolvedChild != null ? resolvedChild : child,
// If resolution failed, likely because the path doesn't exist, then do not cache the
// child. If we did, then in case the path later came into existence, we'd have a stale
// cache entry.
/* cacheable */ resolvedChild != null);
* Creates a {@link PathFactory} with a mock shortname resolver.
* <p>The factory works exactly like the actual one ({@link WindowsPathFactory#INSTANCE}) except
* it's using the mock resolver.
public static PathFactory createForTesting(final Function<String, String> mockResolver) {
return new PathFactory() {
public Path createRootPath(FileSystem filesystem) {
return INSTANCE.createRootPath(filesystem);
public Path createChildPath(Path parent, String childName) {
return INSTANCE.createChildPath(parent, childName);
public Path getCachedChildPathInternal(Path path, String childName) {
return WindowsPathFactory.getCachedChildPathInternalImpl(path, childName, mockResolver);
/** A windows-specific subclass of Path. */
protected static final class WindowsPath extends Path {
// The drive letter is '\0' if and only if this Path is the filesystem root "/".
private char driveLetter;
private WindowsPath(FileSystem fileSystem) {
this.driveLetter = '\0';
private WindowsPath(FileSystem fileSystem, String name, WindowsPath parent) {
super(fileSystem, name, parent);
this.driveLetter = getDriveLetter(parent, name);
protected void buildPathString(StringBuilder result) {
if (isRootDirectory()) {
} else {
if (isTopLevelDirectory()) {
} else {
WindowsPath parent = (WindowsPath) getParentDirectory();
if (!parent.isTopLevelDirectory()) {
public void reinitializeAfterDeserialization() {
getParentDirectory().isRootDirectory() || getParentDirectory() instanceof WindowsPath);
this.driveLetter =
(getParentDirectory() != null) ? ((WindowsPath) getParentDirectory()).driveLetter : '\0';
public boolean isMaybeRelativeTo(Path ancestorCandidate) {
Preconditions.checkState(ancestorCandidate instanceof WindowsPath);
return ancestorCandidate.isRootDirectory()
|| driveLetter == ((WindowsPath) ancestorCandidate).driveLetter;
public boolean isTopLevelDirectory() {
return isRootDirectory() || getParentDirectory().isRootDirectory();
public PathFragment asFragment() {
String[] segments = getSegments();
if (segments.length > 0) {
// Strip off the first segment that contains the volume name.
segments = Arrays.copyOfRange(segments, 1, segments.length);
return PathFragment.create(driveLetter, true, segments);
protected Path getRootForRelativePathComputation(PathFragment relative) {
Path result = this;
if (relative.isAbsolute()) {
result = getFileSystem().getRootDirectory();
if (!relative.windowsVolume().isEmpty()) {
result = result.getRelative(relative.windowsVolume());
return result;
private static boolean isWindowsVolumeName(String name) {
return (name.length() == 1 || (name.length() == 2 && name.charAt(1) == ':'))
&& Character.isLetter(name.charAt(0));
private static char getDriveLetter(WindowsPath parent, String name) {
if (parent == null) {
return '\0';
} else {
if (parent.isRootDirectory()) {
"top-level directory on Windows must be a drive (name = '%s')",
return Character.toUpperCase(name.charAt(0));
} else {
return parent.driveLetter;
protected synchronized void applyToChildren(Predicate<Path> function) {
static PathFactory getPathFactoryForTesting(Function<String, String> mockResolver) {
return WindowsPathFactory.createForTesting(mockResolver);
private static final AtomicReference<PathFragment> UNIX_ROOT = new AtomicReference<>(null);
public static final LinkOption[] NO_OPTIONS = new LinkOption[0];
public static final LinkOption[] NO_FOLLOW = new LinkOption[] {LinkOption.NOFOLLOW_LINKS};
protected PathFactory getPathFactory() {
return WindowsPathFactory.INSTANCE;
public String getFileSystemType(Path path) {
// TODO(laszlocsomor): implement this properly, i.e. actually query this information from
// somewhere (java.nio.Filesystem? System.getProperty? implement JNI method and use WinAPI?).
return "ntfs";
protected void createSymbolicLink(Path linkPath, PathFragment targetFragment) throws IOException {
Path targetPath =
? getPath(targetFragment)
: linkPath.getParentDirectory().getRelative(targetFragment);
try {
java.nio.file.Path link = getIoFile(linkPath).toPath();
java.nio.file.Path target = getIoFile(targetPath).toPath();
// Still Create a dangling junction if the target doesn't exist.
if (!target.toFile().exists() || target.toFile().isDirectory()) {
WindowsFileOperations.createJunction(link.toString(), target.toString());
} else {
Files.copy(target, link);
} catch (java.nio.file.FileAlreadyExistsException e) {
throw new IOException(linkPath + ERR_FILE_EXISTS);
} catch (java.nio.file.AccessDeniedException e) {
throw new IOException(linkPath + ERR_PERMISSION_DENIED);
} catch (java.nio.file.NoSuchFileException e) {
throw new FileNotFoundException(linkPath + ERR_NO_SUCH_FILE_OR_DIR);
public boolean supportsSymbolicLinksNatively(Path path) {
return false;
public boolean isFilePathCaseSensitive() {
return false;
protected boolean fileIsSymbolicLink(File file) {
try {
if (isJunction(file)) {
return true;
} catch (IOException e) {
// Did not work, try in another way
return super.fileIsSymbolicLink(file);
public static LinkOption[] symlinkOpts(boolean followSymlinks) {
return followSymlinks ? NO_OPTIONS : NO_FOLLOW;
protected FileStatus stat(Path path, boolean followSymlinks) throws IOException {
File file = getIoFile(path);
final DosFileAttributes attributes;
try {
attributes = getAttribs(file, followSymlinks);
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new FileNotFoundException(path + ERR_NO_SUCH_FILE_OR_DIR);
final boolean isSymbolicLink = !followSymlinks && fileIsSymbolicLink(file);
FileStatus status =
new FileStatus() {
public boolean isFile() {
return attributes.isRegularFile() || (isSpecialFile() && !isDirectory());
public boolean isSpecialFile() {
return attributes.isOther();
public boolean isDirectory() {
return attributes.isDirectory();
public boolean isSymbolicLink() {
return isSymbolicLink;
public long getSize() throws IOException {
return attributes.size();
public long getLastModifiedTime() throws IOException {
return attributes.lastModifiedTime().toMillis();
public long getLastChangeTime() {
// This is the best we can do with Java NIO...
return attributes.lastModifiedTime().toMillis();
public long getNodeId() {
// TODO(bazel-team): Consider making use of attributes.fileKey().
return -1;
return status;
protected boolean isDirectory(Path path, boolean followSymlinks) {
if (!followSymlinks) {
try {
if (isJunction(getIoFile(path))) {
return false;
} catch (IOException e) {
return false;
return super.isDirectory(path, followSymlinks);
* Returns true if the path refers to a directory junction, directory symlink, or regular symlink.
* <p>Directory junctions are symbolic links created with "mklink /J" where the target is a
* directory or another directory junction. Directory junctions can be created without any user
* privileges.
* <p>Directory symlinks are symbolic links created with "mklink /D" where the target is a
* directory or another directory symlink. Note that directory symlinks can only be created by
* Administrators.
* <p>Normal symlinks are symbolic links created with "mklink". Normal symlinks should not point
* at directories, because even though "mklink" can create the link, it will not be a functional
* one (the linked directory's contents cannot be listed). Only Administrators may create regular
* symlinks.
* <p>This method returns true for all three types as long as their target is a directory (even if
* they are dangling), though only directory junctions and directory symlinks are useful.
static boolean isJunction(File file) throws IOException {
return WindowsFileOperations.isJunction(file.getPath());
private static DosFileAttributes getAttribs(File file, boolean followSymlinks)
throws IOException {
return Files.readAttributes(
file.toPath(), DosFileAttributes.class, symlinkOpts(followSymlinks));
private static PathFragment determineUnixRoot(String jvmArgName) {
// Get the path from a JVM flag, if specified.
String path = System.getProperty(jvmArgName);
if (path == null) {
return null;
path = path.trim();
if (path.isEmpty()) {
return null;
PathFragment result = PathFragment.create(path);
if (result.getDriveLetter() == '\0' || !result.isAbsolute()) {
return null;
return result;