blob: c175877a249eaeed4ca3e078fb4e8545a178fe1a [file] [log] [blame]
package org.checkerframework.dataflow.util;
import com.sun.source.tree.MethodTree;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import javax.lang.model.element.AnnotationMirror;
import javax.lang.model.element.Element;
import org.checkerframework.dataflow.qual.Deterministic;
import org.checkerframework.dataflow.qual.Pure;
import org.checkerframework.dataflow.qual.Pure.Kind;
import org.checkerframework.dataflow.qual.SideEffectFree;
import org.checkerframework.javacutil.AnnotationProvider;
import org.checkerframework.javacutil.InternalUtils;
* An utility class for working with the {@link SideEffectFree}, {@link Deterministic}, and {@link
* Pure} annotations.
* @see SideEffectFree
* @see Deterministic
* @see Pure
* @author Stefan Heule
public class PurityUtils {
/** Does the method {@code tree} have any purity annotation? */
public static boolean hasPurityAnnotation(AnnotationProvider provider, MethodTree tree) {
return !getPurityKinds(provider, tree).isEmpty();
/** Does the method {@code methodElement} have any purity annotation? */
public static boolean hasPurityAnnotation(AnnotationProvider provider, Element methodElement) {
return !getPurityKinds(provider, methodElement).isEmpty();
/** Is the method {@code tree} deterministic? */
public static boolean isDeterministic(AnnotationProvider provider, MethodTree tree) {
Element methodElement = InternalUtils.symbol(tree);
return isDeterministic(provider, methodElement);
/** Is the method {@code methodElement} deterministic? */
public static boolean isDeterministic(AnnotationProvider provider, Element methodElement) {
List<Kind> kinds = getPurityKinds(provider, methodElement);
return kinds.contains(Kind.DETERMINISTIC);
/** Is the method {@code tree} side-effect-free? */
public static boolean isSideEffectFree(AnnotationProvider provider, MethodTree tree) {
Element methodElement = InternalUtils.symbol(tree);
return isSideEffectFree(provider, methodElement);
/** Is the method {@code methodElement} side-effect-free? */
public static boolean isSideEffectFree(AnnotationProvider provider, Element methodElement) {
List<Kind> kinds = getPurityKinds(provider, methodElement);
return kinds.contains(Kind.SIDE_EFFECT_FREE);
/** @return the types of purity of the method {@code tree}. */
public static List<Pure.Kind> getPurityKinds(AnnotationProvider provider, MethodTree tree) {
Element methodElement = InternalUtils.symbol(tree);
return getPurityKinds(provider, methodElement);
* @return the types of purity of the method {@code methodElement}. TODO: should the return type
* be an EnumSet?
public static List<Pure.Kind> getPurityKinds(
AnnotationProvider provider, Element methodElement) {
AnnotationMirror pureAnnotation = provider.getDeclAnnotation(methodElement, Pure.class);
AnnotationMirror sefAnnotation =
provider.getDeclAnnotation(methodElement, SideEffectFree.class);
AnnotationMirror detAnnotation =
provider.getDeclAnnotation(methodElement, Deterministic.class);
List<Pure.Kind> kinds = new ArrayList<>();
if (pureAnnotation != null) {
if (sefAnnotation != null) {
if (detAnnotation != null) {
return kinds;