blob: b925f91b04ffbb69c000f1b663cabcbf58cfbbc1 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
package org.checkerframework.javacutil;
import java.nio.ByteBuffer;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Map;
import javax.annotation.processing.ProcessingEnvironment;
import javax.lang.model.element.AnnotationMirror;
import javax.lang.model.element.AnnotationValue;
import javax.lang.model.element.AnnotationValueVisitor;
import javax.lang.model.element.ElementKind;
import javax.lang.model.element.ExecutableElement;
import javax.lang.model.element.VariableElement;
import javax.lang.model.type.ArrayType;
import javax.lang.model.type.TypeKind;
import javax.lang.model.type.TypeMirror;
import javax.lang.model.util.Elements;
import javax.lang.model.util.Types;
* A collection of helper methods related to type annotation handling.
* @see AnnotationUtils
public class TypeAnnotationUtils {
// Class cannot be instantiated.
private TypeAnnotationUtils() {
throw new AssertionError("Class TypeAnnotationUtils cannot be instantiated.");
* Check whether a TypeCompound is contained in a list of TypeCompounds.
* @param list the input list of TypeCompounds
* @param tc the TypeCompound to find
* @return true, iff a TypeCompound equal to tc is contained in list
public static boolean isTypeCompoundContained(
Types types, List<TypeCompound> list, TypeCompound tc) {
for (Attribute.TypeCompound rawat : list) {
if (contentEquals(,
// TODO: in previous line, it would be nicer to use reference equality:
// rawat.type == tc.type &&
// or at least "isSameType":
// types.isSameType(rawat.type, tc.type) &&
// but each fails in some cases.
&& rawat.values.equals(tc.values)
&& isSameTAPositionExceptTreePos(rawat.position, tc.position)) {
return true;
return false;
private static boolean contentEquals(Name n1, Name n2) {
// Views of underlying bytes, not copies as with Name#contentEquals
ByteBuffer b1 = ByteBuffer.wrap(n1.getByteArray(), n1.getByteOffset(), n1.getByteLength());
ByteBuffer b2 = ByteBuffer.wrap(n2.getByteArray(), n2.getByteOffset(), n2.getByteLength());
return b1.equals(b2);
* Compare two TypeAnnotationPositions for equality.
* @param p1 the first position
* @param p2 the second position
* @return true, iff the two positions are equal
public static boolean isSameTAPosition(TypeAnnotationPosition p1, TypeAnnotationPosition p2) {
return isSameTAPositionExceptTreePos(p1, p2) && p1.pos == p2.pos;
public static boolean isSameTAPositionExceptTreePos(
TypeAnnotationPosition p1, TypeAnnotationPosition p2) {
return p1.isValidOffset == p2.isValidOffset
&& p1.bound_index == p2.bound_index
&& p1.exception_index == p2.exception_index
&& p1.location.equals(p2.location)
&& Arrays.equals(p1.lvarIndex, p2.lvarIndex)
&& Arrays.equals(p1.lvarLength, p2.lvarLength)
&& Arrays.equals(p1.lvarOffset, p2.lvarOffset)
&& p1.offset == p2.offset
&& p1.onLambda == p2.onLambda
&& p1.parameter_index == p2.parameter_index
&& p1.type == p2.type
&& p1.type_index == p2.type_index;
* Returns a newly created Attribute.Compound corresponding to an argument AnnotationMirror.
* @param am an AnnotationMirror, which may be part of an AST or an internally created subclass
* @return a new Attribute.Compound corresponding to the AnnotationMirror
public static Attribute.Compound createCompoundFromAnnotationMirror(
ProcessingEnvironment env, AnnotationMirror am) {
// Create a new Attribute to match the AnnotationMirror.
List<Pair<Symbol.MethodSymbol, Attribute>> values = List.nil();
for (Map.Entry<? extends ExecutableElement, ? extends AnnotationValue> entry :
am.getElementValues().entrySet()) {
Attribute attribute =
attributeFromAnnotationValue(env, entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());
values = values.append(new Pair<>((Symbol.MethodSymbol) entry.getKey(), attribute));
return new Attribute.Compound((Type.ClassType) am.getAnnotationType(), values);
* Returns a newly created Attribute.TypeCompound corresponding to an argument AnnotationMirror.
* @param am an AnnotationMirror, which may be part of an AST or an internally created subclass
* @param tapos the type annotation position to use
* @return a new Attribute.TypeCompound corresponding to the AnnotationMirror
public static Attribute.TypeCompound createTypeCompoundFromAnnotationMirror(
ProcessingEnvironment env, AnnotationMirror am, TypeAnnotationPosition tapos) {
// Create a new Attribute to match the AnnotationMirror.
List<Pair<Symbol.MethodSymbol, Attribute>> values = List.nil();
for (Map.Entry<? extends ExecutableElement, ? extends AnnotationValue> entry :
am.getElementValues().entrySet()) {
Attribute attribute =
attributeFromAnnotationValue(env, entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());
values = values.append(new Pair<>((Symbol.MethodSymbol) entry.getKey(), attribute));
return new Attribute.TypeCompound((Type.ClassType) am.getAnnotationType(), values, tapos);
* Returns a newly created Attribute corresponding to an argument AnnotationValue.
* @param meth the ExecutableElement that is assigned the value, needed for empty arrays
* @param av an AnnotationValue, which may be part of an AST or an internally created subclass
* @return a new Attribute corresponding to the AnnotationValue
public static Attribute attributeFromAnnotationValue(
ProcessingEnvironment env, ExecutableElement meth, AnnotationValue av) {
return av.accept(new AttributeCreator(env, meth), null);
private static class AttributeCreator implements AnnotationValueVisitor<Attribute, Void> {
private final ProcessingEnvironment processingEnv;
private final Types modelTypes;
private final Elements elements;
private final javacTypes;
private final ExecutableElement meth;
public AttributeCreator(ProcessingEnvironment env, ExecutableElement meth) {
this.processingEnv = env;
Context context = ((JavacProcessingEnvironment) env).getContext();
this.elements = env.getElementUtils();
this.modelTypes = env.getTypeUtils();
this.javacTypes =;
this.meth = meth;
public Attribute visit(AnnotationValue av, Void p) {
return av.accept(this, p);
public Attribute visit(AnnotationValue av) {
return visit(av, null);
public Attribute visitBoolean(boolean b, Void p) {
TypeMirror booleanType = modelTypes.getPrimitiveType(TypeKind.BOOLEAN);
return new Attribute.Constant((Type) booleanType, b ? 1 : 0);
public Attribute visitByte(byte b, Void p) {
TypeMirror byteType = modelTypes.getPrimitiveType(TypeKind.BYTE);
return new Attribute.Constant((Type) byteType, b);
public Attribute visitChar(char c, Void p) {
TypeMirror charType = modelTypes.getPrimitiveType(TypeKind.CHAR);
return new Attribute.Constant((Type) charType, c);
public Attribute visitDouble(double d, Void p) {
TypeMirror doubleType = modelTypes.getPrimitiveType(TypeKind.DOUBLE);
return new Attribute.Constant((Type) doubleType, d);
public Attribute visitFloat(float f, Void p) {
TypeMirror floatType = modelTypes.getPrimitiveType(TypeKind.FLOAT);
return new Attribute.Constant((Type) floatType, f);
public Attribute visitInt(int i, Void p) {
TypeMirror intType = modelTypes.getPrimitiveType(TypeKind.INT);
return new Attribute.Constant((Type) intType, i);
public Attribute visitLong(long i, Void p) {
TypeMirror longType = modelTypes.getPrimitiveType(TypeKind.LONG);
return new Attribute.Constant((Type) longType, i);
public Attribute visitShort(short s, Void p) {
TypeMirror shortType = modelTypes.getPrimitiveType(TypeKind.SHORT);
return new Attribute.Constant((Type) shortType, s);
public Attribute visitString(String s, Void p) {
TypeMirror stringType = elements.getTypeElement("java.lang.String").asType();
return new Attribute.Constant((Type) stringType, s);
public Attribute visitType(TypeMirror t, Void p) {
if (t instanceof Type) {
return new Attribute.Class(javacTypes, (Type) t);
assert false : "Unexpected type of TypeMirror: " + t.getClass();
return null;
public Attribute visitEnumConstant(VariableElement c, Void p) {
if (c instanceof Symbol.VarSymbol) {
Symbol.VarSymbol sym = (Symbol.VarSymbol) c;
if (sym.getKind() == ElementKind.ENUM_CONSTANT) {
return new Attribute.Enum(sym.type, sym);
assert false : "Unexpected type of VariableElement: " + c.getClass();
return null;
public Attribute visitAnnotation(AnnotationMirror a, Void p) {
return createCompoundFromAnnotationMirror(processingEnv, a);
public Attribute visitArray(java.util.List<? extends AnnotationValue> vals, Void p) {
if (!vals.isEmpty()) {
List<Attribute> valAttrs = List.nil();
for (AnnotationValue av : vals) {
valAttrs = valAttrs.append(av.accept(this, p));
ArrayType arrayType = modelTypes.getArrayType(valAttrs.get(0).type);
return new Attribute.Array((Type) arrayType, valAttrs);
} else {
return new Attribute.Array((Type) meth.getReturnType(), List.<Attribute>nil());
public Attribute visitUnknown(AnnotationValue av, Void p) {
assert false : "Unexpected type of AnnotationValue: " + av.getClass();
return null;
public static TypeAnnotationPosition unknownTAPosition() {
return new TypeAnnotationPosition();
public static TypeAnnotationPosition methodReturnTAPosition(final int pos) {
TypeAnnotationPosition tapos = new TypeAnnotationPosition();
tapos.type = TargetType.METHOD_RETURN;
tapos.pos = pos;
return tapos;
public static TypeAnnotationPosition methodReceiverTAPosition(final int pos) {
TypeAnnotationPosition tapos = new TypeAnnotationPosition();
tapos.type = TargetType.METHOD_RECEIVER;
tapos.pos = pos;
return tapos;
public static TypeAnnotationPosition methodParameterTAPosition(final int pidx, final int pos) {
TypeAnnotationPosition tapos = new TypeAnnotationPosition();
tapos.type = TargetType.METHOD_FORMAL_PARAMETER;
tapos.parameter_index = pidx;
tapos.pos = pos;
return tapos;
public static TypeAnnotationPosition methodThrowsTAPosition(final int tidx, final int pos) {
TypeAnnotationPosition tapos = new TypeAnnotationPosition();
tapos.type = TargetType.THROWS;
tapos.type_index = tidx;
tapos.pos = pos;
return tapos;
public static TypeAnnotationPosition fieldTAPosition(final int pos) {
TypeAnnotationPosition tapos = new TypeAnnotationPosition();
tapos.type = TargetType.FIELD;
tapos.pos = pos;
return tapos;
public static TypeAnnotationPosition classExtendsTAPosition(final int implidx, final int pos) {
TypeAnnotationPosition tapos = new TypeAnnotationPosition();
tapos.type = TargetType.CLASS_EXTENDS;
tapos.type_index = implidx;
tapos.pos = pos;
return tapos;
public static TypeAnnotationPosition typeParameterTAPosition(final int tpidx, final int pos) {
TypeAnnotationPosition tapos = new TypeAnnotationPosition();
tapos.type = TargetType.CLASS_TYPE_PARAMETER;
tapos.parameter_index = tpidx;
tapos.pos = pos;
return tapos;
public static TypeAnnotationPosition methodTypeParameterTAPosition(
final int tpidx, final int pos) {
TypeAnnotationPosition tapos = new TypeAnnotationPosition();
tapos.type = TargetType.METHOD_TYPE_PARAMETER;
tapos.parameter_index = tpidx;
tapos.pos = pos;
return tapos;
public static TypeAnnotationPosition typeParameterBoundTAPosition(
final int tpidx, final int bndidx, final int pos) {
TypeAnnotationPosition tapos = new TypeAnnotationPosition();
tapos.type = TargetType.CLASS_TYPE_PARAMETER_BOUND;
tapos.parameter_index = tpidx;
tapos.bound_index = bndidx;
tapos.pos = pos;
return tapos;
public static TypeAnnotationPosition methodTypeParameterBoundTAPosition(
final int tpidx, final int bndidx, final int pos) {
TypeAnnotationPosition tapos = new TypeAnnotationPosition();
tapos.type = TargetType.METHOD_TYPE_PARAMETER_BOUND;
tapos.parameter_index = tpidx;
tapos.bound_index = bndidx;
tapos.pos = pos;
return tapos;
public static TypeAnnotationPosition copyTAPosition(final TypeAnnotationPosition tapos) {
TypeAnnotationPosition res = new TypeAnnotationPosition();
res.isValidOffset = tapos.isValidOffset;
res.bound_index = tapos.bound_index;
res.exception_index = tapos.exception_index;
res.location = List.from(tapos.location);
if (tapos.lvarIndex != null) {
res.lvarIndex = Arrays.copyOf(tapos.lvarIndex, tapos.lvarIndex.length);
if (tapos.lvarLength != null) {
res.lvarLength = Arrays.copyOf(tapos.lvarLength, tapos.lvarLength.length);
if (tapos.lvarOffset != null) {
res.lvarOffset = Arrays.copyOf(tapos.lvarOffset, tapos.lvarOffset.length);
res.offset = tapos.offset;
res.onLambda = tapos.onLambda;
res.parameter_index = tapos.parameter_index;
res.pos = tapos.pos;
res.type = tapos.type;
res.type_index = tapos.type_index;
return res;
public static Type unannotatedType(final TypeMirror in) {
final Type impl = (Type) in;
return impl.unannotatedType();