blob: e7e5a1639d3e62e7d69ba9033cc82b59e27a9130 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Bazel Authors. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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import java.util.List;
/** Command-line options for building Objective-C targets. */
@AutoCodec(strategy = AutoCodec.Strategy.PUBLIC_FIELDS)
public class ObjcCommandLineOptions extends FragmentOptions {
name = "ios_simulator_version",
defaultValue = "9.3",
category = "run",
converter = DottedVersionConverter.class,
documentationCategory = OptionDocumentationCategory.TESTING,
effectTags = {OptionEffectTag.TEST_RUNNER},
help =
"The version of iOS to run on the simulator when running or testing. This is ignored "
+ "for ios_test rules if a target device is specified in the rule."
public DottedVersion iosSimulatorVersion;
name = "ios_simulator_device",
defaultValue = "iPhone 5s",
category = "run",
documentationCategory = OptionDocumentationCategory.TESTING,
effectTags = {OptionEffectTag.TEST_RUNNER},
help =
"The device to simulate when running an iOS application in the simulator, e.g. "
+ "'iPhone 6'. You can get a list of devices by running 'xcrun simctl list "
+ "devicetypes' on the machine the simulator will be run on."
public String iosSimulatorDevice;
name = "watchos_simulator_version",
defaultValue = "2.0",
category = "run",
converter = DottedVersionConverter.class,
documentationCategory = OptionDocumentationCategory.TESTING,
effectTags = {OptionEffectTag.TEST_RUNNER},
help = "The version of watchOS to run on the simulator when running or testing."
public DottedVersion watchosSimulatorVersion;
name = "watchos_simulator_device",
defaultValue = "Apple Watch - 38mm",
category = "run",
documentationCategory = OptionDocumentationCategory.TESTING,
effectTags = {OptionEffectTag.TEST_RUNNER},
help =
"The device to simulate when running an watchOS application in the simulator, e.g. "
+ "'Apple Watch - 38mm'. You can get a list of devices by running 'xcrun simctl list "
+ "devicetypes' on the machine the simulator will be run on."
public String watchosSimulatorDevice;
name = "tvos_simulator_version",
defaultValue = "9.0",
category = "run",
converter = DottedVersionConverter.class,
documentationCategory = OptionDocumentationCategory.TESTING,
effectTags = {OptionEffectTag.TEST_RUNNER},
help = "The version of tvOS to run on the simulator when running or testing."
public DottedVersion tvosSimulatorVersion;
name = "tvos_simulator_device",
defaultValue = "Apple TV 1080p",
category = "run",
documentationCategory = OptionDocumentationCategory.TESTING,
effectTags = {OptionEffectTag.TEST_RUNNER},
help =
"The device to simulate when running an tvOS application in the simulator, e.g. "
+ "'Apple TV 1080p'. You can get a list of devices by running 'xcrun simctl list "
+ "devicetypes' on the machine the simulator will be run on."
public String tvosSimulatorDevice;
name = "objc_generate_linkmap",
defaultValue = "false",
category = "flags",
documentationCategory = OptionDocumentationCategory.OUTPUT_SELECTION,
effectTags = {OptionEffectTag.AFFECTS_OUTPUTS},
help = "Specifies whether to generate a linkmap file."
public boolean generateLinkmap;
name = "objccopt",
allowMultiple = true,
defaultValue = "",
category = "flags",
documentationCategory = OptionDocumentationCategory.OUTPUT_PARAMETERS,
effectTags = {OptionEffectTag.ACTION_COMMAND_LINES},
help = "Additional options to pass to Objective C compilation."
public List<String> copts;
name = "ios_memleaks",
defaultValue = "false",
category = "misc",
documentationCategory = OptionDocumentationCategory.TESTING,
effectTags = {OptionEffectTag.ACTION_COMMAND_LINES},
help = "Enable checking for memory leaks in ios_test targets."
public boolean runMemleaks;
name = "experimental_enable_objc_cc_deps",
defaultValue = "true",
documentationCategory = OptionDocumentationCategory.TOOLCHAIN,
metadataTags = {OptionMetadataTag.INCOMPATIBLE_CHANGE},
effectTags = {OptionEffectTag.LOADING_AND_ANALYSIS},
help =
"Allows objc_* rules to depend on cc_library and causes any objc dependencies to be "
+ "built with --cpu set to \"ios_<--ios_cpu>\" for any values in --ios_multi_cpu."
public boolean enableCcDeps;
name = "experimental_objc_fastbuild_options",
defaultValue = "-O0,-DDEBUG=1",
converter = CommaSeparatedOptionListConverter.class,
documentationCategory = OptionDocumentationCategory.OUTPUT_PARAMETERS,
effectTags = {OptionEffectTag.ACTION_COMMAND_LINES},
help = "Uses these strings as objc fastbuild compiler options."
public List<String> fastbuildOptions;
name = "experimental_objc_enable_module_maps",
defaultValue = "false",
documentationCategory = OptionDocumentationCategory.OUTPUT_SELECTION,
effectTags = {OptionEffectTag.ACTION_COMMAND_LINES},
help = "Enables module map generation and interpretation."
public boolean enableModuleMaps;
name = "objc_enable_binary_stripping",
defaultValue = "false",
category = "flags",
documentationCategory = OptionDocumentationCategory.OUTPUT_PARAMETERS,
effectTags = {OptionEffectTag.ACTION_COMMAND_LINES},
help =
"Whether to perform symbol and dead-code strippings on linked binaries. Binary "
+ "strippings will be performed if both this flag and --compilationMode=opt are "
+ "specified."
public boolean enableBinaryStripping;
name = "apple_generate_dsym",
defaultValue = "false",
category = "flags",
documentationCategory = OptionDocumentationCategory.OUTPUT_SELECTION,
effectTags = {OptionEffectTag.AFFECTS_OUTPUTS, OptionEffectTag.ACTION_COMMAND_LINES},
help = "Whether to generate debug symbol(.dSYM) file(s)."
public boolean appleGenerateDsym;
name = "ios_signing_cert_name",
defaultValue = "null",
category = "flags",
documentationCategory = OptionDocumentationCategory.SIGNING,
effectTags = {OptionEffectTag.ACTION_COMMAND_LINES},
help =
"Certificate name to use for iOS signing. If not set will fall back to provisioning "
+ "profile. May be the certificate's keychain identity preference or (substring) of "
+ "the certificate's common name, as per codesign's man page (SIGNING IDENTITIES)."
public String iosSigningCertName;
name = "objc_debug_with_GLIBCXX",
defaultValue = "false",
documentationCategory = OptionDocumentationCategory.OUTPUT_PARAMETERS,
effectTags = {OptionEffectTag.ACTION_COMMAND_LINES},
help =
"If set, and compilation mode is set to 'dbg', define GLIBCXX_DEBUG, "
public boolean debugWithGlibcxx;
name = "extra_entitlements",
defaultValue = "null",
category = "flags",
converter = LabelConverter.class,
documentationCategory = OptionDocumentationCategory.SIGNING,
effectTags = {OptionEffectTag.CHANGES_INPUTS},
help =
"Location of a .entitlements file that is merged into any iOS signing action in this "
+ "build."
public Label extraEntitlements;
name = "device_debug_entitlements",
defaultValue = "true",
category = "flags",
documentationCategory = OptionDocumentationCategory.SIGNING,
effectTags = {OptionEffectTag.CHANGES_INPUTS},
help =
"If set, and compilation mode is not 'opt', objc apps will include debug entitlements "
+ "when signing."
public boolean deviceDebugEntitlements;
name = "objc_use_dotd_pruning",
defaultValue = "true",
category = "flags",
documentationCategory = OptionDocumentationCategory.BUILD_TIME_OPTIMIZATION,
effectTags = {OptionEffectTag.CHANGES_INPUTS, OptionEffectTag.LOADING_AND_ANALYSIS},
help =
"If set, .d files emited by clang will be used to prune the set of inputs passed into objc "
+ "compiles."
public boolean useDotdPruning;
name = "enable_apple_binary_native_protos",
defaultValue = "true",
category = "flags",
documentationCategory = OptionDocumentationCategory.OUTPUT_SELECTION,
effectTags = {OptionEffectTag.AFFECTS_OUTPUTS},
metadataTags = {OptionMetadataTag.INCOMPATIBLE_CHANGE},
help = "If set, apple_binary will generate and link objc protos into the output binary."
public boolean enableAppleBinaryNativeProtos;
name = "experimental_objc_header_thinning",
defaultValue = "false",
category = "flags",
documentationCategory = OptionDocumentationCategory.BUILD_TIME_OPTIMIZATION,
effectTags = {OptionEffectTag.CHANGES_INPUTS, OptionEffectTag.LOADING_AND_ANALYSIS},
metadataTags = {OptionMetadataTag.EXPERIMENTAL},
help =
"If set then ObjcCompile actions will have their action inputs reduced by running a tool "
+ "to detect which headers are actually required for compilation."
public boolean experimentalObjcHeaderThinning;
name = "objc_header_thinning_partition_size",
defaultValue = "120",
documentationCategory = OptionDocumentationCategory.BUILD_TIME_OPTIMIZATION,
help = "The maximum number of source files to process within in each header scanning action."
public int objcHeaderThinningPartitionSize;
name = "objc_header_scanner_tool",
defaultValue = "@bazel_tools//tools/objc:header_scanner",
converter = LabelConverter.class,
documentationCategory = OptionDocumentationCategory.TOOLCHAIN,
effectTags = {OptionEffectTag.CHANGES_INPUTS},
help =
"Location of tool to scan Objective-C code for inclusions and output a .headers_list "
+ "file."
public Label objcHeaderScannerTool;
name = "apple_sdk",
defaultValue = "null",
converter = LabelConverter.class,
documentationCategory = OptionDocumentationCategory.TOOLCHAIN,
effectTags = {OptionEffectTag.AFFECTS_OUTPUTS, OptionEffectTag.LOADING_AND_ANALYSIS},
help =
"Location of target that will provide the appropriate Apple SDK for the current build "
+ "configuration."
public Label appleSdk;
name = "incompatible_strict_objc_module_maps",
category = "incompatible changes",
defaultValue = "false",
documentationCategory = OptionDocumentationCategory.TOOLCHAIN,
metadataTags = {OptionMetadataTag.INCOMPATIBLE_CHANGE},
effectTags = {OptionEffectTag.CHANGES_INPUTS, OptionEffectTag.LOADING_AND_ANALYSIS},
help =
"Propagates Objective-C module maps only to direct dependencies in the 'objc' provider, "
+ "not to all transitive dependencies."
public boolean strictObjcModuleMaps;
public FragmentOptions getHost() {
ObjcCommandLineOptions host = (ObjcCommandLineOptions) super.getHost();
// This should have the same value in both target and host configurations
host.objcHeaderScannerTool = this.objcHeaderScannerTool;
return host;