blob: ab5badcb9277000685511eeac12b7085ede4deb4 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Bazel Authors. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
import java.util.IllegalFormatException;
/** Syntax node for a binary operator expression. */
public final class BinaryOperatorExpression extends Expression {
private final Expression lhs;
private final Expression rhs;
private final Operator operator;
public BinaryOperatorExpression(Operator operator, Expression lhs, Expression rhs) {
this.lhs = lhs;
this.rhs = rhs;
this.operator = operator;
public Expression getLhs() {
return lhs;
public Expression getRhs() {
return rhs;
* Returns the operator kind for this binary operation.
public Operator getOperator() {
return operator;
public void prettyPrint(Appendable buffer) throws IOException {
// TODO(bazel-team): Possibly omit parentheses when they are not needed according to operator
// precedence rules. This requires passing down more contextual information.
buffer.append(' ');
buffer.append(' ');
public String toString() {
// This omits the parentheses for brevity, but is not correct in general due to operator
// precedence rules.
return lhs + " " + operator + " " + rhs;
/** Implements comparison operators. */
private static int compare(Object lval, Object rval, Location location) throws EvalException {
try {
return, rval);
} catch (EvalUtils.ComparisonException e) {
throw new EvalException(location, e);
/** Implements the "in" operator. */
private static boolean in(Object lval, Object rval, Environment env, Location location)
throws EvalException {
if (env.getSemantics().incompatibleDepsetIsNotIterable() && rval instanceof SkylarkNestedSet) {
throw new EvalException(
"argument of type '"
+ EvalUtils.getDataTypeName(rval)
+ "' is not iterable. "
+ "in operator only works on lists, tuples, dicts and strings. "
+ "Use --incompatible_depset_is_not_iterable=false to temporarily disable "
+ "this check.");
} else if (rval instanceof SkylarkQueryable) {
return ((SkylarkQueryable) rval).containsKey(lval, location);
} else if (rval instanceof String) {
if (lval instanceof String) {
return ((String) rval).contains((String) lval);
} else {
throw new EvalException(
"'in <string>' requires string as left operand, not '"
+ EvalUtils.getDataTypeName(lval)
+ "'");
} else {
throw new EvalException(
"argument of type '"
+ EvalUtils.getDataTypeName(rval)
+ "' is not iterable. "
+ "in operator only works on lists, tuples, dicts and strings.");
* Evaluates a short-circuiting binary operator, i.e. boolean {@code and} or {@code or}.
* <p>In contrast to {@link #evaluate}, this method takes unevaluated expressions. The left-hand
* side expression is evaluated exactly once, and the right-hand side expression is evaluated
* either once or not at all.
* @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@code operator} is not {@link Operator#AND} or
* {@link Operator#OR}.
public static Object evaluateWithShortCircuiting(
Operator operator,
Expression lhs,
Expression rhs,
Environment env,
Location loc)
throws EvalException, InterruptedException {
Object lval = lhs.eval(env);
if (operator == Operator.AND) {
return EvalUtils.toBoolean(lval) ? rhs.eval(env) : lval;
} else if (operator == Operator.OR) {
return EvalUtils.toBoolean(lval) ? lval : rhs.eval(env);
} else {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Not a short-circuiting operator: " + operator);
* Evaluates {@code lhs @ rhs}, where {@code @} is the operator, and returns the result.
* <p>This method does not implement any short-circuiting logic for boolean operations, as the
* parameters are already evaluated.
public static Object evaluate(
Operator operator,
Object lhs,
Object rhs,
Environment env,
Location loc)
throws EvalException, InterruptedException {
return evaluate(operator, lhs, rhs, env, loc, /*isAugmented=*/false);
* Evaluates {@code lhs @= rhs} and returns the result, possibly mutating {@code lhs}.
* <p>Whether or not {@code lhs} is mutated depends on its type. If it is mutated, then it is also
* the return value.
public static Object evaluateAugmented(
Operator operator,
Object lhs,
Object rhs,
Environment env,
Location loc)
throws EvalException, InterruptedException {
return evaluate(operator, lhs, rhs, env, loc, /*isAugmented=*/true);
private static Object evaluate(
Operator operator,
Object lhs,
Object rhs,
Environment env,
Location location,
boolean isAugmented)
throws EvalException, InterruptedException {
try {
switch (operator) {
// AND and OR are included for completeness, but should normally be handled using
// evaluateWithShortCircuiting() instead of this method.
case AND:
return EvalUtils.toBoolean(lhs) ? rhs : lhs;
case OR:
return EvalUtils.toBoolean(lhs) ? lhs : rhs;
case PLUS:
return plus(lhs, rhs, env, location, isAugmented);
case PIPE:
return pipe(lhs, rhs, env, location);
case MINUS:
return minus(lhs, rhs, location);
case MULT:
return mult(lhs, rhs, env, location);
case DIVIDE:
return divide(lhs, rhs, location);
return percent(lhs, rhs, location);
return lhs.equals(rhs);
return !lhs.equals(rhs);
case LESS:
return compare(lhs, rhs, location) < 0;
return compare(lhs, rhs, location) <= 0;
return compare(lhs, rhs, location) > 0;
return compare(lhs, rhs, location) >= 0;
case IN:
return in(lhs, rhs, env, location);
case NOT_IN:
return !in(lhs, rhs, env, location);
throw new AssertionError("Unsupported binary operator: " + operator);
} // endswitch
} catch (ArithmeticException e) {
throw new EvalException(location, e.getMessage());
Object doEval(Environment env) throws EvalException, InterruptedException {
if (operator == Operator.AND || operator == Operator.OR) {
return evaluateWithShortCircuiting(operator, lhs, rhs, env, getLocation());
} else {
return evaluate(operator, lhs.eval(env), rhs.eval(env), env, getLocation());
public void accept(SyntaxTreeVisitor visitor) {
public Kind kind() {
/** Implements Operator.PLUS. */
private static Object plus(
Object lval, Object rval, Environment env, Location location, boolean isAugmented)
throws EvalException {
// int + int
if (lval instanceof Integer && rval instanceof Integer) {
return Math.addExact((Integer) lval, (Integer) rval);
// string + string
if (lval instanceof String && rval instanceof String) {
return (String) lval + (String) rval;
if (lval instanceof SelectorValue || rval instanceof SelectorValue
|| lval instanceof SelectorList
|| rval instanceof SelectorList) {
return SelectorList.concat(location, lval, rval);
if ((lval instanceof Tuple) && (rval instanceof Tuple)) {
return Tuple.concat((Tuple<?>) lval, (Tuple<?>) rval);
if ((lval instanceof MutableList) && (rval instanceof MutableList)) {
if (isAugmented) {
MutableList<Object> list = (MutableList) lval;
list.addAll((MutableList<?>) rval, location, env.mutability());
return list;
} else {
return MutableList.concat((MutableList<?>) lval, (MutableList<?>) rval, env.mutability());
if (lval instanceof SkylarkDict && rval instanceof SkylarkDict) {
if (env.getSemantics().incompatibleDisallowDictPlus()) {
throw new EvalException(
"The `+` operator for dicts is deprecated and no longer supported. Please use the "
+ "`update` method instead. You can temporarily enable the `+` operator by passing "
+ "the flag --incompatible_disallow_dict_plus=false");
return<?, ?>) lval, (SkylarkDict<?, ?>) rval, env);
if (lval instanceof Concatable && rval instanceof Concatable) {
Concatable lobj = (Concatable) lval;
Concatable robj = (Concatable) rval;
Concatter concatter = lobj.getConcatter();
if (concatter != null && concatter.equals(robj.getConcatter())) {
return concatter.concat(lobj, robj, location);
} else {
throw typeException(lval, rval, Operator.PLUS, location);
// TODO(bazel-team): Remove deprecated operator.
if (lval instanceof SkylarkNestedSet) {
if (env.getSemantics().incompatibleDepsetUnion()) {
throw new EvalException(
"`+` operator on a depset is forbidden. See "
+ " for "
+ "recommendations. Use --incompatible_depset_union=false "
+ "to temporarily disable this check.");
return new SkylarkNestedSet((SkylarkNestedSet) lval, rval, location);
throw typeException(lval, rval, Operator.PLUS, location);
/** Implements Operator.PIPE. */
private static Object pipe(Object lval, Object rval, Environment env, Location location)
throws EvalException {
if (lval instanceof SkylarkNestedSet) {
if (env.getSemantics().incompatibleDepsetUnion()) {
throw new EvalException(
"`|` operator on a depset is forbidden. See "
+ " for "
+ "recommendations. Use --incompatible_depset_union=false "
+ "to temporarily disable this check.");
return new SkylarkNestedSet((SkylarkNestedSet) lval, rval, location);
throw typeException(lval, rval, Operator.PIPE, location);
/** Implements Operator.MINUS. */
private static Object minus(Object lval, Object rval, Location location) throws EvalException {
if (lval instanceof Integer && rval instanceof Integer) {
return Math.subtractExact((Integer) lval, (Integer) rval);
throw typeException(lval, rval, Operator.MINUS, location);
/** Implements Operator.MULT. */
private static Object mult(Object lval, Object rval, Environment env, Location location)
throws EvalException {
Integer number = null;
Object otherFactor = null;
if (lval instanceof Integer) {
number = (Integer) lval;
otherFactor = rval;
} else if (rval instanceof Integer) {
number = (Integer) rval;
otherFactor = lval;
if (number != null) {
if (otherFactor instanceof Integer) {
return Math.multiplyExact(number, (Integer) otherFactor);
} else if (otherFactor instanceof String) {
// Similar to Python, a factor < 1 leads to an empty string.
return Strings.repeat((String) otherFactor, Math.max(0, number));
} else if (otherFactor instanceof SkylarkList) {
// Similar to Python, a factor < 1 leads to an empty string.
return ((SkylarkList<?>) otherFactor).repeat(number, env.mutability());
throw typeException(lval, rval, Operator.MULT, location);
/** Implements Operator.DIVIDE. */
private static Object divide(Object lval, Object rval, Location location) throws EvalException {
// int / int
if (lval instanceof Integer && rval instanceof Integer) {
if (rval.equals(0)) {
throw new EvalException(location, "integer division by zero");
// Integer division doesn't give the same result in Java and in Python 2 with
// negative numbers.
// Java: -7/3 = -2
// Python: -7/3 = -3
// We want to follow Python semantics, so we use float division and round down.
return (int) Math.floor(Double.valueOf((Integer) lval) / (Integer) rval);
throw typeException(lval, rval, Operator.DIVIDE, location);
/** Implements Operator.PERCENT. */
private static Object percent(Object lval, Object rval, Location location)
throws EvalException {
// int % int
if (lval instanceof Integer && rval instanceof Integer) {
if (rval.equals(0)) {
throw new EvalException(location, "integer modulo by zero");
// Python and Java implement division differently, wrt negative numbers.
// In Python, sign of the result is the sign of the divisor.
int div = (Integer) rval;
int result = ((Integer) lval).intValue() % Math.abs(div);
if (result > 0 && div < 0) {
result += div; // make the result negative
} else if (result < 0 && div > 0) {
result += div; // make the result positive
return result;
// string % tuple, string % dict, string % anything-else
if (lval instanceof String) {
String pattern = (String) lval;
try {
if (rval instanceof Tuple) {
return Printer.formatWithList(pattern, (Tuple) rval);
return Printer.format(pattern, rval);
} catch (IllegalFormatException e) {
throw new EvalException(location, e.getMessage());
throw typeException(lval, rval, Operator.PERCENT, location);
* Throws an exception signifying incorrect types for the given operator.
private static EvalException typeException(
Object lval, Object rval, Operator operator, Location location) {
// NB: this message format is identical to that used by CPython 2.7.6 or 3.4.0,
// though python raises a TypeError.
// For more details, we'll hopefully have usable stack traces at some point.
return new EvalException(
"unsupported operand type(s) for %s: '%s' and '%s'",