Release 0.17.1 (2018-09-14)

Baseline: aa118ca818baf722aede0bc48d0a17584fa45b6e

Cherry picks:
   + 0e0462589528154cb5160411991075a2000b5452:
     Update checker framework dataflow and javacutil versions
   + 3987300d6651cf0e6e91b395696afac6913a7d66:
     Stop using --release in versioned java_toolchains
   + 438b2773b8c019afa46be470b90bcf70ede7f2ef:
     make_deb: Add new empty line in the end of conffiles file
   + 504401791e0a0e7e3263940e9e127f74956e7806:
     Properly mark configuration files in the Debian package.
   + 9ed9d8ac4347408d15c8fce7c9c07e5c8e658b30:
     Add flag
   + 22d761ab42dfb1b131f1facbf490ccdb6c17b89c:
     Update protobuf to 3.6.1 -- add new files
   + 27303d79c38f2bfa3b64ee7cd7a6ef03a9a87842:
     Update protobuf to 3.6.1 -- update references
   + ddc97ed6b0367eb443e3e09a28d10e65179616ab:
     Update protobuf to 3.6.1 -- remove 3.6.0 sources
   + ead1002d3803fdfd4ac68b4b4872076b19d511a2:
     Fix protobuf in the WORKSPACE
   + 12dcd35ef7a26d690589b0fbefb1f20090cbfe15:
     Revert "Update to JDK 10 javac"
   + 7eb9ea150fb889a93908d96896db77d5658e5005:
     Automated rollback of
     a106bc5249cacc8c54 and
     b697f5852bc5742a36 and some manual merging.
   + 4566a428c5317d87940aeacfd65f1018340e52b6:
     Fix tests on JDK 9 and 10
   + 1e9f0aa89dad38eeab0bd40e95e689be2ab6e5e5:
     Fix more tests on JDK 9 and 10
   + a572c1cbc8c26f625cab6716137e2d57d05cfdf3:
     Add ubuntu1804_nojava, ubuntu1804_java9, ubuntu1804_java10 to
   + 29f1de099e4f6f0f50986aaa4374fc5fb7744ee8:
     Disable Android shell tests on the "nojava" platform.
   + b495eafdc2ab380afe533514b3bcd7d5b30c9935:
     Update bazel_toolchains to latest release.
   + 9323c57607d37f9c949b60e293b573584906da46:
     Windows: fix writing java.log
   + 1aba9ac4b4f68b69f2d91e88cfa8e5dcc7cb98c2:
     Automated rollback of commit
   + 2579b791c023a78a577e8cb827890139d6fb7534:
     Fix toolchain_java9 on --host_javabase=<jdk9> after
   + 2834613f93f74e988c51cf27eac0e59c79ff3b8f:
     Include also ext jars in the bootclasspath jar.

Incompatible changes:

  - Loading @bazel_tools//tools/build_defs/repo:git_repositories.bzl
    no longer works. Load @bazel_tools//tools/build_defs/repo:git.bzl
  - If the same artifact is generated by two distinct but identical
    actions, and a downstream action has both those actions' outputs
    in its inputs, the artifact will now appear twice in the
    downstream action's inputs. If this causes problems in Skylark
    actions, you can use the uniquify=True argument in Args.add_args.
  - If the same artifact is generated by two distinct but identical
    actions, and a downstream action has both those actions' outputs
    in its inputs, the artifact will now appear twice in the
    downstream action's inputs. If this causes problems in Skylark
    actions, you can use the uniquify=True argument in Args.add_args.
  - Labels in C++ rules' linkopts attribute are not expanded anymore
    unless they are wrapped, e.g: $(location //foo:bar)
  - If the same artifact is generated by two distinct but identical
    actions, and a downstream action has both those actions' outputs
    in its inputs, the artifact will now appear twice in the
    downstream action's inputs. If this causes problems in Skylark
    actions, you can use the uniquify=True argument in Args.add_args.
  - New bazelrc file list.
  - Windows: when BAZEL_SH envvar is not defined and Bazel searches
    for a suitable bash.exe, Bazel will no longer look for Git Bash
    and no longer recommend installing it as a Bash implementation.
    See issue #5751.
  - New bazelrc file list.

New features:

  - The aquery command now supports --output=text.
  - Java, runfiles: the Java runfiles library is now in
    @bazel_tools//tools/java/runfiles. The old target
    (@bazel_tools//tools/runfiles:java-runfiles) is deprecated and
    will be removed in Bazel 0.18.0.
  - Java, runfiles: the Java runfiles library is now in
    @bazel_tools//tools/java/runfiles. The old target
    (@bazel_tools//tools/runfiles:java-runfiles) is deprecated and
    will be removed in Bazel 0.19.0 (not 0.18.0, as stated earlier).

Important changes:

  - Allow @ in package names.
  - Remove support for java_runtime_suite; use alias() together with
    select() instead.
  - Python wrapper scripts for MSVC are removed.
  - [JavaInfo] Outputs are merged in java_common.merge().
  - Faster analysis by improved parallelization.
  - --experimental_shortened_obj_file_path is removed.
  - Introduce the --remote_cache_proxy flag,
    which allows for remote http caching to connect
    via a unix domain socket.
  - No longer define G3_VERSION_INFO for c++ linkstamp compiles, as
    it was a duplicate of G3_TARGET_NAME.
  - Added support for Android NDK r17. The default STL is now
    `libc++`, and support for targeting `mips`, `mips64` and `ARMv5`
    (`armeabi`) has been removed.
  - Add aquery command to get analysis time information about the
    action graph.
  - Fixed compatibility with aar_import when using aapt2.  AAPT2 is
    now supported for Android app builds without resource shrinking.
    To use it, pass the `--android_aapt=aapt2` flag or define
  - Code coverage is collected for Java binaries invoked from sh_test.
  - java_common.compile creates the native headers jar accesible via
  - Deleting deprecated no-op flag --show_package_location
  - The JDK shipped with Bazel was updated to JDK10.
  - Rename the startup flag --host_javabase to --server_javabase to
    avoid confusion with the build flag --host_javabase
  - newly added options --experimental_repository_hash_file and
      --experimental_verify_repository_rules allow to verify for
      the directory generated against pre-recorded hashes. See
      for those options.
  - Removed the gen_jars output group
  - --subcommands can now take a "pretty_print" value
    ("--subcommands=pretty_print") to print the
    arguments of subcommands as a list for easier reading.
  - follow-up to
  - A rule error is now thrown if a Skylark rule implementation
    function returns multiple providers of the same type.
  - When using Bazel's remote execution feature and Bazel has to
    fallback to local execution for an action, Bazel used
    local execution until now. From this release on, you can use the
    flag --remote_local_fallback_strategy=<strategy> to tell Bazel
    strategy to use in that case.
  - Execution Log Parser can now, when printing it out, filter the
    log by runner type
  - A rule error is now thrown if a Skylark rule implementation
    function returns multiple providers of the same type.
  - Removed the gen_jars output group
  - Removed the gen_jars output group
  - Set --defer_param_files to default to true.
  - Sort attribute lists in proto-form query output to fix
    non-deterministic genquery output.
  - Replace 0/1 with False/True for testonly attribute
  - bazel now supports a .bazelignore file specifying
      directories to be ignored; however, these directories still
      have to be well founded and, in particular, may not contain
      symlink cycles.
  - Add more detailed reporting of the differences between startup
  - update data binding to 3.2.0
  - For Android incremental dexing actions, Bazel now persists its
    DexBuilder process across individual actions. From our
    benchmarks, this results in a 1.2x speedup for clean local builds.
  - The standard `xcode_VERSION` feature now always uses exactly two
    components in the version, even if you specify `--xcode_version`
    more or fewer than two.
  - A rule error will be thrown if a Skylark rule implementation
    function returns multiple providers of the same type. Try the
    `--incompatible_disallow_conflicting_providers` flag to ensure
    your code is forward-compatible.
  - Removed notion of FULLY_STATIC linking mode from C++ rules.
  - In documentation, we've renamed Skylark into Starlark.
  - Execution Log Parser can now, when printing it out, reorder the
    actions for easier text diffs
  - Linkstamps are no longer recompiled after server restart.
  - Use VanillaJavaBuilder and disable header compilation in
    toolchain_hostjdk8. The default toolchain will soon drop
    compatibility with JDK 8. Using a JDK 8 host_javabase
    will only be supported when using 'VanillaJavaBuilder' (which
    does not support Error Prone,
    Strict Java Deps, or reduced classpaths) and with header
    compilation disabled.
  - In the future, Bazel will expand tree artifacts in runfiles, too,
    which causes the sandbox to link each file individually into the
    sandbox directory, instead of symlinking the entire directory. In
    this release, the behavior is not enabled by default yet. Please
    try it out via
    s_tree and let us know if it causes issues. If everything looks
    good, this behavior will become the default in a following
diff --git a/ b/
index f65e713..375bca5 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -1,3 +1,204 @@
+## Release 0.17.1 (2018-09-14)
+Baseline: aa118ca818baf722aede0bc48d0a17584fa45b6e
+Cherry picks:
+   + 0e0462589528154cb5160411991075a2000b5452:
+     Update checker framework dataflow and javacutil versions
+   + 3987300d6651cf0e6e91b395696afac6913a7d66:
+     Stop using --release in versioned java_toolchains
+   + 438b2773b8c019afa46be470b90bcf70ede7f2ef:
+     make_deb: Add new empty line in the end of conffiles file
+   + 504401791e0a0e7e3263940e9e127f74956e7806:
+     Properly mark configuration files in the Debian package.
+   + 9ed9d8ac4347408d15c8fce7c9c07e5c8e658b30:
+     Add flag
+     --incompatible_symlinked_sandbox_expands_tree_artifacts_in_runfil
+     es_tree.
+   + 22d761ab42dfb1b131f1facbf490ccdb6c17b89c:
+     Update protobuf to 3.6.1 -- add new files
+   + 27303d79c38f2bfa3b64ee7cd7a6ef03a9a87842:
+     Update protobuf to 3.6.1 -- update references
+   + ddc97ed6b0367eb443e3e09a28d10e65179616ab:
+     Update protobuf to 3.6.1 -- remove 3.6.0 sources
+   + ead1002d3803fdfd4ac68b4b4872076b19d511a2:
+     Fix protobuf in the WORKSPACE
+   + 12dcd35ef7a26d690589b0fbefb1f20090cbfe15:
+     Revert "Update to JDK 10 javac"
+   + 7eb9ea150fb889a93908d96896db77d5658e5005:
+     Automated rollback of
+     a106bc5249cacc8c54 and
+     b697f5852bc5742a36 and some manual merging.
+   + 4566a428c5317d87940aeacfd65f1018340e52b6:
+     Fix tests on JDK 9 and 10
+   + 1e9f0aa89dad38eeab0bd40e95e689be2ab6e5e5:
+     Fix more tests on JDK 9 and 10
+   + a572c1cbc8c26f625cab6716137e2d57d05cfdf3:
+     Add ubuntu1804_nojava, ubuntu1804_java9, ubuntu1804_java10 to
+     postsubmit.
+   + 29f1de099e4f6f0f50986aaa4374fc5fb7744ee8:
+     Disable Android shell tests on the "nojava" platform.
+   + b495eafdc2ab380afe533514b3bcd7d5b30c9935:
+     Update bazel_toolchains to latest release.
+   + 9323c57607d37f9c949b60e293b573584906da46:
+     Windows: fix writing java.log
+   + 1aba9ac4b4f68b69f2d91e88cfa8e5dcc7cb98c2:
+     Automated rollback of commit
+     de22ab0582760dc95f33e217e82a7b822378f625.
+   + 2579b791c023a78a577e8cb827890139d6fb7534:
+     Fix toolchain_java9 on --host_javabase=<jdk9> after
+     7eb9ea150fb889a93908d96896db77d5658e5005
+   + 2834613f93f74e988c51cf27eac0e59c79ff3b8f:
+     Include also ext jars in the bootclasspath jar.
+Incompatible changes:
+  - Loading @bazel_tools//tools/build_defs/repo:git_repositories.bzl
+    no longer works. Load @bazel_tools//tools/build_defs/repo:git.bzl
+    instead.
+  - If the same artifact is generated by two distinct but identical
+    actions, and a downstream action has both those actions' outputs
+    in its inputs, the artifact will now appear twice in the
+    downstream action's inputs. If this causes problems in Skylark
+    actions, you can use the uniquify=True argument in Args.add_args.
+  - If the same artifact is generated by two distinct but identical
+    actions, and a downstream action has both those actions' outputs
+    in its inputs, the artifact will now appear twice in the
+    downstream action's inputs. If this causes problems in Skylark
+    actions, you can use the uniquify=True argument in Args.add_args.
+  - Labels in C++ rules' linkopts attribute are not expanded anymore
+    unless they are wrapped, e.g: $(location //foo:bar)
+  - If the same artifact is generated by two distinct but identical
+    actions, and a downstream action has both those actions' outputs
+    in its inputs, the artifact will now appear twice in the
+    downstream action's inputs. If this causes problems in Skylark
+    actions, you can use the uniquify=True argument in Args.add_args.
+  - New bazelrc file list.
+  - Windows: when BAZEL_SH envvar is not defined and Bazel searches
+    for a suitable bash.exe, Bazel will no longer look for Git Bash
+    and no longer recommend installing it as a Bash implementation.
+    See issue #5751.
+  - New bazelrc file list.
+New features:
+  - The aquery command now supports --output=text.
+  - Java, runfiles: the Java runfiles library is now in
+    @bazel_tools//tools/java/runfiles. The old target
+    (@bazel_tools//tools/runfiles:java-runfiles) is deprecated and
+    will be removed in Bazel 0.18.0.
+  - Java, runfiles: the Java runfiles library is now in
+    @bazel_tools//tools/java/runfiles. The old target
+    (@bazel_tools//tools/runfiles:java-runfiles) is deprecated and
+    will be removed in Bazel 0.19.0 (not 0.18.0, as stated earlier).
+Important changes:
+  - Allow @ in package names.
+  - Remove support for java_runtime_suite; use alias() together with
+    select() instead.
+  - Python wrapper scripts for MSVC are removed.
+  - [JavaInfo] Outputs are merged in java_common.merge().
+  - Faster analysis by improved parallelization.
+  - --experimental_shortened_obj_file_path is removed.
+  - Introduce the --remote_cache_proxy flag,
+    which allows for remote http caching to connect
+    via a unix domain socket.
+  - No longer define G3_VERSION_INFO for c++ linkstamp compiles, as
+    it was a duplicate of G3_TARGET_NAME.
+  - Added support for Android NDK r17. The default STL is now
+    `libc++`, and support for targeting `mips`, `mips64` and `ARMv5`
+    (`armeabi`) has been removed.
+  - Add aquery command to get analysis time information about the
+    action graph.
+  - Fixed compatibility with aar_import when using aapt2.  AAPT2 is
+    now supported for Android app builds without resource shrinking.
+    To use it, pass the `--android_aapt=aapt2` flag or define
+    android_binary.aapt_version=aapt2.
+  - Code coverage is collected for Java binaries invoked from sh_test.
+  - java_common.compile creates the native headers jar accesible via
+    JavaInfo.outputs.native_headers.
+  - Deleting deprecated no-op flag --show_package_location
+  - The JDK shipped with Bazel was updated to JDK10.
+  - Rename the startup flag --host_javabase to --server_javabase to
+    avoid confusion with the build flag --host_javabase
+  - newly added options --experimental_repository_hash_file and
+      --experimental_verify_repository_rules allow to verify for
+    repositories
+      the directory generated against pre-recorded hashes. See
+    documentation
+      for those options.
+  - Removed the gen_jars output group
+  - --subcommands can now take a "pretty_print" value
+    ("--subcommands=pretty_print") to print the
+    arguments of subcommands as a list for easier reading.
+  - follow-up to
+    645e3142f3c44b9e8
+  - A rule error is now thrown if a Skylark rule implementation
+    function returns multiple providers of the same type.
+  - When using Bazel's remote execution feature and Bazel has to
+    fallback to local execution for an action, Bazel used
+    non-sandboxed
+    local execution until now. From this release on, you can use the
+    new
+    flag --remote_local_fallback_strategy=<strategy> to tell Bazel
+    which
+    strategy to use in that case.
+  - Execution Log Parser can now, when printing it out, filter the
+    log by runner type
+  - A rule error is now thrown if a Skylark rule implementation
+    function returns multiple providers of the same type.
+  - Removed the gen_jars output group
+  - Removed the gen_jars output group
+  - Set --defer_param_files to default to true.
+  - Sort attribute lists in proto-form query output to fix
+    non-deterministic genquery output.
+  - Replace 0/1 with False/True for testonly attribute
+  - bazel now supports a .bazelignore file specifying
+      directories to be ignored; however, these directories still
+      have to be well founded and, in particular, may not contain
+      symlink cycles.
+  - Add more detailed reporting of the differences between startup
+    options.
+  - update data binding to 3.2.0
+  - For Android incremental dexing actions, Bazel now persists its
+    DexBuilder process across individual actions. From our
+    benchmarks, this results in a 1.2x speedup for clean local builds.
+  - The standard `xcode_VERSION` feature now always uses exactly two
+    components in the version, even if you specify `--xcode_version`
+    with
+    more or fewer than two.
+  - A rule error will be thrown if a Skylark rule implementation
+    function returns multiple providers of the same type. Try the
+    `--incompatible_disallow_conflicting_providers` flag to ensure
+    your code is forward-compatible.
+  - Removed notion of FULLY_STATIC linking mode from C++ rules.
+  - In documentation, we've renamed Skylark into Starlark.
+  - Execution Log Parser can now, when printing it out, reorder the
+    actions for easier text diffs
+  - Linkstamps are no longer recompiled after server restart.
+  - Use VanillaJavaBuilder and disable header compilation in
+    toolchain_hostjdk8. The default toolchain will soon drop
+    compatibility with JDK 8. Using a JDK 8 host_javabase
+    will only be supported when using 'VanillaJavaBuilder' (which
+    does not support Error Prone,
+    Strict Java Deps, or reduced classpaths) and with header
+    compilation disabled.
+  - In the future, Bazel will expand tree artifacts in runfiles, too,
+    which causes the sandbox to link each file individually into the
+    sandbox directory, instead of symlinking the entire directory. In
+    this release, the behavior is not enabled by default yet. Please
+    try it out via
+    --incompatible_symlinked_sandbox_expands_tree_artifacts_in_runfile
+    s_tree and let us know if it causes issues. If everything looks
+    good, this behavior will become the default in a following
+    release.
 ## Release 0.16.1 (2018-08-13)
@@ -3146,3 +3347,4 @@