blob: d81d857dfec61019f4e251bd99996c530688b68b [file] [log] [blame]
#!/bin/bash -x
# Copyright 2016 The Bazel Authors. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# This script collects code coverage data for C++ sources, after the tests
# were executed.
# Bazel C++ code coverage collection support is poor and limited. There is
# an ongoing effort to improve this (tracking issue #1118).
# Bazel uses the lcov tool for gathering coverage data. There is also
# an experimental support for clang llvm coverage, which uses the .profraw
# data files to compute the coverage report.
# This script assumes the following environment variables are set:
# - COVERAGE_DIR Directory containing metadata files needed for
# coverage collection (e.g. gcda files, profraw).
# - COVERAGE_MANIFEST Location of the instrumented file manifest.
# - COVERAGE_GCOV_PATH Location of gcov. This is set by the TestRunner.
# - ROOT Location from where the code coverage collection
# was invoked.
# The script looks in $COVERAGE_DIR for the C++ metadata coverage files (either
# gcda or profraw) and uses either lcov or gcov to get the coverage data.
# The coverage data is placed in $COVERAGE_OUTPUT_FILE.
# Checks if clang llvm coverage should be used instead of lcov.
function uses_llvm() {
if stat "${COVERAGE_DIR}"/*.profraw >/dev/null 2>&1; then
return 0
return 1
# Returns 0 if gcov must be used, 1 otherwise.
function uses_gcov() {
[[ "$GCOV_COVERAGE" -eq "1" ]] && return 0
return 1
function init_gcov() {
# Symlink the gcov tool such with a link called gcov. Clang comes with a tool
# called llvm-cov, which behaves like gcov if symlinked in this way (otherwise
# we would need to invoke it with "llvm-cov gcov").
# For more details see
# Computes code coverage data using the clang generated metadata found under
# Writes the collected coverage into the given output file.
function llvm_coverage() {
local output_file="${1}"; shift
export LLVM_PROFILE_FILE="${COVERAGE_DIR}/%h-%p-%m.profraw"
"${COVERAGE_GCOV_PATH}" merge -output "${output_file}" \
# Computes code coverage data using gcda files found under $COVERAGE_DIR.
# Writes the collected coverage into the given output file in lcov format.
function lcov_coverage() {
local output_file="${1}"; shift
cat "${COVERAGE_MANIFEST}" | grep ".gcno$" | while read gcno; do
mkdir -p "${COVERAGE_DIR}/$(dirname ${gcno})"
cp "${ROOT}/${gcno}" "${COVERAGE_DIR}/${gcno}"
local lcov_tool="$(which lcov)"
if [[ ! -x "$lcov_tool" ]]; then
# Run lcov over the .gcno and .gcda files to generate the lcov tracefile.
# -c - Collect coverage data
# --no-external - Do not collect coverage data for system files
# --ignore-errors graph - Ignore missing .gcno files; Bazel only instruments
# some files
# -q - Quiet mode
# --gcov-tool "${GCOV}" - Pass the local symlink to be uses as gcov by lcov
# -b /proc/self/cwd - Use this as a prefix for all source files instead of
# the current directory
# -d "${COVERAGE_DIR}" - Directory to search for .gcda files
# -o "${COVERAGE_OUTPUT_FILE}" - Output file
$lcov_tool -c --no-external --ignore-errors graph \
--gcov-tool "${GCOV}" -b /proc/self/cwd \
-d "${COVERAGE_DIR}" -o "${output_file}"
# Fix up the paths to be relative by removing the prefix we specified above.
sed -i -e "s*/proc/self/cwd/**g" "${output_file}"
# Generates a code coverage report in gcov intermediate text format by invoking
# gcov and using the profile data (.gcda) and notes (.gcno) files.
# The profile data files are expected to be found under $COVERAGE_DIR.
# The notes file are expected to be found under $ROOT.
# - output_file The location of the file where the generated code coverage
# report is written.
function gcov_coverage() {
local output_file="${1}"; shift
touch "$output_file"
# Move .gcno files in $COVERAGE_DIR as the gcda files, because gcov
# expects them to be under the same directory.
cat "${COVERAGE_MANIFEST}" | grep ".gcno$" | while read gcno_path; do
local gcda="${COVERAGE_DIR}/$(dirname ${gcno_path})/$(basename ${gcno_path} .gcno).gcda"
# If the gcda file was not found we generate empty coverage from the gcno
# file.
if [[ -f "$gcda" ]]; then
# gcov expects both gcno and gcda files to be in the same directory.
# We overcome this by copying the gcno to $COVERAGE_DIR where the gcda
# files are expected to be.
if [ ! -f "${COVERAGE_DIR}/${gcno_path}" ]; then
mkdir -p "${COVERAGE_DIR}/$(dirname ${gcno_path})"
cp "$ROOT/${gcno_path}" "${COVERAGE_DIR}/${gcno_path}"
# Invoke gcov to generate a code coverage report with the flags:
# -i Output gcov file in an intermediate text format.
# The output is a single .gcov file per .gcda file.
# No source code is required.
# -b Write branch frequencies to the output file, and
# write branch summary info to the standard output.
# -o directory The directory containing the .gcno and
# .gcda data files.
# "${gcda"} The input file name. gcov is looking for data files
# named after the input filename without its extension.
"${GCOV}" -i -b -o "$(dirname ${gcda})" "${gcda}"
# gcov produces files called <source file name>.gcov in the current
# directory. These contain the coverage information of the source file
# they correspond to. One .gcov file is produced for each source
# (and/or header) file containing code which was compiled to produce
# the .gcda files.
# We try to find the correct source and header files that were generated
# for the current gcno.
# Retrieving every .gcov file that was generated in the current
# directory is not correct because it can contain coverage information
# for sources that are not included by the command line flag
# --instrumentation_filter.
local gcov_file="$(get_source_or_header_file source $gcno_path)"
if [ -f "$gcov_file" ]; then
cat "$gcov_file" >> "${output_file}"
# We don't need this file anymore.
rm -f "$gcov_file"
gcov_file="$(get_source_or_header_file header $gcno_path)"
if [ -f "$gcov_file" ]; then
cat "$gcov_file" >> "${output_file}"
# We don't need this file anymore.
rm -f "$gcov_file"
echo "Coverage output file contains:"
cat "${output_file}"
# Returns a .gcov corresponding to either a C++ source file or a C++ header
# file depending on the given file type, that could have been generated by gcov
# for the given gcno file.
# - filetype Can be either "source" or "header".
# - gcno_file The .gcno filename.
function get_source_or_header_file() {
local filetype="${1}"; shift
local gcno_file="${1}"; shift
# gcov places results in the current working dir. The gcov documentation
# doesn't provide much details about how the name of the output file is
# generated, other than hinting at it being named <source file name>.gcov.
# Since we only know the gcno filename, we try and see which of the
# following extensions the source file had.
declare -a source_extensions
case "$filetype" in
("source") source_extensions=("" ".cc" ".cpp" ".c") ;;
("header") source_extensions=(".h" ".hh") ;;
declare -a is_pic_extensions=("" ".pic")
local gcov_file=""
for ext in "${source_extensions[@]}"
for pic_ext in "${is_pic_extensions[@]}"
gcov_file="$(basename ${gcno_file} "$pic_ext.gcno")$ext.gcov"
if [ -f "$gcov_file" ]; then
echo "$gcov_file" && return
function main() {
if uses_llvm; then
# All the output files must be generated under COVERAGE_DIR.
# When this script is invoked by tools/test/ the
# .dat and .gcov files will be picked up by CoverageOutputGenerator and their
# content will be converted and/or merged with other reports to an lcov
# format, generating the final code coverage report.
# The .profdata file will also be picked up by CoverageOutputGenerator but it
# won't be merged or converted to lcov, but its content will be copied to the
# final code coverage report.
("GCOV") gcov_coverage "$COVERAGE_DIR/_cc_coverage.gcov" ;;
("LCOV") lcov_coverage "$COVERAGE_DIR/_cc_coverage.dat" ;;
("PROFDATA") llvm_coverage "$COVERAGE_DIR/_cc_coverage.profdata" ;;
(*) echo "Coverage tool $BAZEL_CC_COVERAGE_TOOL not supported" \
&& exit 1