blob: 8a8dc2cb2b65c5ae22a0358bdc59139569755f5e [file] [log] [blame]
workspace(name = "io_bazel")
# Protobuf expects an //external:python_headers label which would contain the
# Python headers if fast Python protos is enabled. Since we are not using fast
# Python protos, bind python_headers to a dummy target.
name = "python_headers",
actual = "//:dummy",
# Bind to dummy targets if no android SDK/NDK is present.
name = "android_sdk_for_testing",
actual = "//:dummy",
name = "android_ndk_for_testing",
actual = "//:dummy",
# For tools/cpp/test/...
load("//tools/cpp/test:docker_repository.bzl", "docker_repository")
# In order to run the Android integration tests, run
# scripts/ and uncomment the next two lines.
# load("/WORKSPACE.user", "android_repositories")
# android_repositories()
# This allows rules written in skylark to locate apple build tools.
bind(name = "xcrunwrapper", actual = "@bazel_tools//tools/objc:xcrunwrapper")