blob: c7d079e05b03c886fccfeee8fbb8c9bd7a5f1713 [file] [log] [blame]
# pylint: disable=g-bad-file-header
# Copyright 2016 The Bazel Authors. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
"""Configuring the C++ toolchain on Windows."""
def _auto_configure_warning_maybe(repository_ctx, msg):
"""Output warning message when CC_CONFIGURE_DEBUG is enabled."""
if is_cc_configure_debug(repository_ctx):
def _get_escaped_windows_msys_crosstool_content(repository_ctx, use_mingw = False):
"""Return the content of msys crosstool."""
bazel_sh = get_env_var(repository_ctx, "BAZEL_SH", "", False).replace("\\", "/").lower()
tokens = bazel_sh.rsplit("/", 1)
msys_root = ""
if tokens[0].endswith("/usr/bin"):
msys_root = tokens[0][:len(tokens[0]) - len("usr/bin")]
elif tokens[0].endswith("/bin"):
msys_root = tokens[0][:len(tokens[0]) - len("bin")]
prefix = "mingw64" if use_mingw else "usr"
tool_path_prefix = escape_string(msys_root) + prefix
tool_bin_path = tool_path_prefix + "/bin"
tool_path = {}
for tool in ["ar", "compat-ld", "cpp", "dwp", "gcc", "gcov", "ld", "nm", "objcopy", "objdump", "strip"]:
if msys_root:
tool_path[tool] = tool_bin_path + "/" + tool
tool_path[tool] = "msys_gcc_installation_error.bat"
return (((
' abi_version: "local"\n' +
' abi_libc_version: "local"\n' +
' builtin_sysroot: ""\n' +
' compiler: "msys-gcc"\n' +
' host_system_name: "local"\n' +
" needsPic: false\n" +
' target_libc: "msys"\n' +
' target_cpu: "x64_windows"\n' +
' target_system_name: "local"\n'
) if not use_mingw else "") +
' tool_path { name: "ar" path: "%s" }\n' % tool_path["ar"] +
' tool_path { name: "compat-ld" path: "%s" }\n' % tool_path["ld"] +
' tool_path { name: "cpp" path: "%s" }\n' % tool_path["cpp"] +
' tool_path { name: "dwp" path: "%s" }\n' % tool_path["dwp"] +
' tool_path { name: "gcc" path: "%s" }\n' % tool_path["gcc"] +
' tool_path { name: "gcov" path: "%s" }\n' % tool_path["gcov"] +
' tool_path { name: "ld" path: "%s" }\n' % tool_path["ld"] +
' tool_path { name: "nm" path: "%s" }\n' % tool_path["nm"] +
' tool_path { name: "objcopy" path: "%s" }\n' % tool_path["objcopy"] +
' tool_path { name: "objdump" path: "%s" }\n' % tool_path["objdump"] +
' tool_path { name: "strip" path: "%s" }\n' % tool_path["strip"] +
((' cxx_builtin_include_directory: "%s/"\n' % tool_path_prefix) if msys_root else "") +
' artifact_name_pattern { category_name: "executable" prefix: "" extension: ".exe"}\n' +
' cxx_flag: "-std=gnu++0x"\n' +
' linker_flag: "-lstdc++"\n' +
' objcopy_embed_flag: "-I"\n' +
' objcopy_embed_flag: "binary"\n' +
' feature { name: "targets_windows" implies: "copy_dynamic_libraries_to_binary" enabled: true }\n' +
' feature { name: "copy_dynamic_libraries_to_binary" }\n' +
" feature {\n" +
' name: "gcc_env"\n' +
" enabled: true\n" +
" env_set {\n" +
' action: "c-compile"\n' +
' action: "c++-compile"\n' +
' action: "c++-module-compile"\n' +
' action: "c++-module-codegen"\n' +
' action: "c++-header-parsing"\n' +
' action: "assemble"\n' +
' action: "preprocess-assemble"\n' +
' action: "c++-link-executable"\n' +
' action: "c++-link-dynamic-library"\n' +
' action: "c++-link-nodeps-dynamic-library"\n' +
' action: "c++-link-static-library"\n' +
" env_entry {\n" +
' key: "PATH"\n' +
' value: "%s"\n' % tool_bin_path +
" }\n" +
" }\n" +
" }")
def _get_system_root(repository_ctx):
"""Get System root path on Windows, default is C:\\\Windows. Doesn't %-escape the result."""
if "SYSTEMROOT" in repository_ctx.os.environ:
return escape_string(repository_ctx.os.environ["SYSTEMROOT"])
_auto_configure_warning_maybe(repository_ctx, "SYSTEMROOT is not set, using default SYSTEMROOT=C:\\Windows")
return "C:\\Windows"
def _add_system_root(repository_ctx, env):
if "PATH" not in env:
env["PATH"] = ""
env["PATH"] = env["PATH"] + ";" + _get_system_root(repository_ctx) + "\\system32"
return env
def find_vc_path(repository_ctx):
"""Find Visual C++ build tools install path. Doesn't %-escape the result."""
# 1. Check if BAZEL_VC or BAZEL_VS is already set by user.
if "BAZEL_VC" in repository_ctx.os.environ:
return repository_ctx.os.environ["BAZEL_VC"]
if "BAZEL_VS" in repository_ctx.os.environ:
return repository_ctx.os.environ["BAZEL_VS"] + "\\VC\\"
_auto_configure_warning_maybe(repository_ctx, "'BAZEL_VC' is not set, " +
"start looking for the latest Visual C++ installed.")
# 2. Check if VS%VS_VERSION%COMNTOOLS is set, if true then try to find and use
# vcvarsqueryregistry.bat to detect VC++.
_auto_configure_warning_maybe(repository_ctx, "Looking for VS%VERSION%COMNTOOLS environment variables, " +
for vscommontools_env in [
if vscommontools_env not in repository_ctx.os.environ:
vcvarsqueryregistry = repository_ctx.os.environ[vscommontools_env] + "\\vcvarsqueryregistry.bat"
if not repository_ctx.path(vcvarsqueryregistry).exists:
"@echo off\n" +
"call \"" + vcvarsqueryregistry + "\"\n" +
env = _add_system_root(repository_ctx, repository_ctx.os.environ)
vc_dir = execute(repository_ctx, ["./get_vc_dir.bat"], environment = env)
_auto_configure_warning_maybe(repository_ctx, "Visual C++ build tools found at %s" % vc_dir)
return vc_dir
# 3. User might clean up all environment variables, if so looking for Visual C++ through registry.
# Works for all VS versions, including Visual Studio 2017.
_auto_configure_warning_maybe(repository_ctx, "Looking for Visual C++ through registry")
reg_binary = _get_system_root(repository_ctx) + "\\system32\\reg.exe"
vc_dir = None
for key, suffix in (("VC7", ""), ("VS7", "\\VC")):
for version in ["15.0", "14.0", "12.0", "11.0", "10.0", "9.0", "8.0"]:
if vc_dir:
result = repository_ctx.execute([reg_binary, "query", "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SOFTWARE\\Wow6432Node\\Microsoft\\VisualStudio\\SxS\\" + key, "/v", version])
_auto_configure_warning_maybe(repository_ctx, "registry query result for VC %s:\n\nSTDOUT(start)\n%s\nSTDOUT(end)\nSTDERR(start):\n%s\nSTDERR(end)\n" %
(version, result.stdout, result.stderr))
if not result.stderr:
for line in result.stdout.split("\n"):
line = line.strip()
if line.startswith(version) and line.find("REG_SZ") != -1:
vc_dir = line[line.find("REG_SZ") + len("REG_SZ"):].strip() + suffix
if vc_dir:
_auto_configure_warning_maybe(repository_ctx, "Visual C++ build tools found at %s" % vc_dir)
return vc_dir
# 4. Check default directories for VC installation
_auto_configure_warning_maybe(repository_ctx, "Looking for default Visual C++ installation directory")
program_files_dir = get_env_var(repository_ctx, "PROGRAMFILES(X86)", default = "C:\\Program Files (x86)", enable_warning = True)
for path in [
"Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\BuildTools\\VC",
"Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community\\VC",
"Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Professional\\VC",
"Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Enterprise\\VC",
"Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0\\VC",
path = program_files_dir + "\\" + path
if repository_ctx.path(path).exists:
vc_dir = path
if not vc_dir:
_auto_configure_warning_maybe(repository_ctx, "Visual C++ build tools not found.")
return None
_auto_configure_warning_maybe(repository_ctx, "Visual C++ build tools found at %s" % vc_dir)
return vc_dir
def _is_vs_2017(vc_path):
"""Check if the installed VS version is Visual Studio 2017."""
# In VS 2017, the location of VC is like:
# C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\BuildTools\VC\
# In VS 2015 or older version, it is like:
# C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0\VC\
return vc_path.find("2017") != -1
def _find_vcvarsall_bat_script(repository_ctx, vc_path):
"""Find vcvarsall.bat script. Doesn't %-escape the result."""
if _is_vs_2017(vc_path):
vcvarsall = vc_path + "\\Auxiliary\\Build\\VCVARSALL.BAT"
vcvarsall = vc_path + "\\VCVARSALL.BAT"
if not repository_ctx.path(vcvarsall).exists:
return None
return vcvarsall
def setup_vc_env_vars(repository_ctx, vc_path):
"""Get environment variables set by VCVARSALL.BAT. Doesn't %-escape the result!"""
vcvarsall = _find_vcvarsall_bat_script(repository_ctx, vc_path)
if not vcvarsall:
return None
"@echo off\n" +
"call \"" + vcvarsall + "\" amd64 > NUL \n" +
env = _add_system_root(
{"PATH": "", "INCLUDE": "", "LIB": "", "WINDOWSSDKDIR": ""},
envs = execute(repository_ctx, ["./get_env.bat"], environment = env).split(",")
env_map = {}
for env in envs:
key, value = env.split("=", 1)
env_map[key] = escape_string(value.replace("\\", "\\\\"))
return env_map
def find_msvc_tool(repository_ctx, vc_path, tool):
"""Find the exact path of a specific build tool in MSVC. Doesn't %-escape the result."""
tool_path = ""
if _is_vs_2017(vc_path):
# For VS 2017, the tools are under a directory like:
# C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\BuildTools\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.10.24930\bin\HostX64\x64
dirs = repository_ctx.path(vc_path + "\\Tools\\MSVC").readdir()
if len(dirs) < 1:
return None
# Normally there should be only one child directory under %VC_PATH%\TOOLS\MSVC,
# but iterate every directory to be more robust.
for path in dirs:
tool_path = str(path) + "\\bin\\HostX64\\x64\\" + tool
if repository_ctx.path(tool_path).exists:
# For VS 2015 and older version, the tools are under:
# C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0\VC\bin\amd64
tool_path = vc_path + "\\bin\\amd64\\" + tool
if not repository_ctx.path(tool_path).exists:
return None
return tool_path.replace("\\", "/")
def _find_missing_vc_tools(repository_ctx, vc_path):
"""Check if any required tool is missing under given VC path."""
missing_tools = []
if not _find_vcvarsall_bat_script(repository_ctx, vc_path):
for tool in ["cl.exe", "link.exe", "lib.exe", "ml64.exe"]:
if not find_msvc_tool(repository_ctx, vc_path, tool):
return missing_tools
def _is_support_debug_fastlink(repository_ctx, linker):
"""Run linker alone to see if it supports /DEBUG:FASTLINK."""
if _use_clang_cl(repository_ctx):
# LLVM's lld-link.exe doesn't support /DEBUG:FASTLINK.
return False
result = execute(repository_ctx, [linker], expect_failure = True)
return result.find("/DEBUG[:{FASTLINK|FULL|NONE}]") != -1
def find_llvm_path(repository_ctx):
"""Find LLVM install path."""
# 1. Check if BAZEL_LLVM is already set by user.
if "BAZEL_LLVM" in repository_ctx.os.environ:
return repository_ctx.os.environ["BAZEL_LLVM"]
_auto_configure_warning_maybe(repository_ctx, "'BAZEL_LLVM' is not set, " +
"start looking for LLVM installation on machine.")
# 2. Look for LLVM installation through registry.
_auto_configure_warning_maybe(repository_ctx, "Looking for LLVM installation through registry")
reg_binary = _get_system_root(repository_ctx) + "\\system32\\reg.exe"
llvm_dir = None
result = repository_ctx.execute([reg_binary, "query", "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SOFTWARE\\WOW6432Node\\LLVM\\LLVM"])
_auto_configure_warning_maybe(repository_ctx, "registry query result for LLVM:\n\nSTDOUT(start)\n%s\nSTDOUT(end)\nSTDERR(start):\n%s\nSTDERR(end)\n" %
(result.stdout, result.stderr))
if not result.stderr:
for line in result.stdout.split("\n"):
line = line.strip()
if line.startswith("(Default)") and line.find("REG_SZ") != -1:
llvm_dir = line[line.find("REG_SZ") + len("REG_SZ"):].strip()
if llvm_dir:
_auto_configure_warning_maybe(repository_ctx, "LLVM installation found at %s" % llvm_dir)
return llvm_dir
# 3. Check default directories for LLVM installation
_auto_configure_warning_maybe(repository_ctx, "Looking for default LLVM installation directory")
program_files_dir = get_env_var(repository_ctx, "PROGRAMFILES", default = "C:\\Program Files", enable_warning = True)
path = program_files_dir + "\\LLVM"
if repository_ctx.path(path).exists:
llvm_dir = path
if not llvm_dir:
_auto_configure_warning_maybe(repository_ctx, "LLVM installation not found.")
return None
_auto_configure_warning_maybe(repository_ctx, "LLVM installation found at %s" % llvm_dir)
return llvm_dir
def find_llvm_tool(repository_ctx, llvm_path, tool):
"""Find the exact path of a specific build tool in LLVM. Doesn't %-escape the result."""
tool_path = llvm_path + "\\bin\\" + tool
if not repository_ctx.path(tool_path).exists:
return None
return tool_path.replace("\\", "/")
def _use_clang_cl(repository_ctx):
"""Returns True if USE_CLANG_CL is set to 1."""
return repository_ctx.os.environ.get("USE_CLANG_CL", default = "0") == "1"
def _get_clang_version(repository_ctx, clang_cl):
result = repository_ctx.execute([clang_cl, "-v"])
if result.return_code != 0:
auto_configure_fail("Failed to get clang version by running \"%s -v\"" % clang_cl)
# Stderr should look like "clang version X.X.X ..."
return result.stderr.strip().split(" ")[2]
def configure_windows_toolchain(repository_ctx):
"""Configure C++ toolchain on Windows."""
paths = resolve_labels(repository_ctx, [
repository_ctx.symlink(paths["@bazel_tools//tools/"], "BUILD")
vc_path = find_vc_path(repository_ctx)
missing_tools = None
if not vc_path:
{"%{vc_error_message}": ""},
missing_tools = _find_missing_vc_tools(repository_ctx, vc_path)
if missing_tools:
message = "\r\n".join([
"echo. 1>&2",
"echo Visual C++ build tools seems to be installed at %s 1>&2" % vc_path,
"echo But Bazel can't find the following tools: 1>&2",
"echo %s 1>&2" % ", ".join(missing_tools),
"echo. 1>&2",
{"%{vc_error_message}": message},
if not vc_path or missing_tools:
"%{cpu}": "x64_windows",
"%{default_toolchain_name}": "msvc_x64",
"%{toolchain_name}": "msys_x64",
"%{msvc_env_tmp}": "",
"%{msvc_env_path}": "",
"%{msvc_env_include}": "",
"%{msvc_env_lib}": "",
"%{msvc_cl_path}": "vc_installation_error.bat",
"%{msvc_ml_path}": "vc_installation_error.bat",
"%{msvc_link_path}": "vc_installation_error.bat",
"%{msvc_lib_path}": "vc_installation_error.bat",
"%{dbg_mode_debug}": "/DEBUG",
"%{fastbuild_mode_debug}": "/DEBUG",
"%{compilation_mode_content}": "",
"%{content}": _get_escaped_windows_msys_crosstool_content(repository_ctx),
"%{msys_x64_mingw_content}": _get_escaped_windows_msys_crosstool_content(repository_ctx, use_mingw = True),
"%{opt_content}": "",
"%{dbg_content}": "",
"%{link_content}": "",
"%{cxx_builtin_include_directory}": "",
"%{coverage}": "",
env = setup_vc_env_vars(repository_ctx, vc_path)
escaped_paths = escape_string(env["PATH"])
escaped_include_paths = escape_string(env["INCLUDE"])
escaped_lib_paths = escape_string(env["LIB"])
escaped_tmp_dir = escape_string(
get_env_var(repository_ctx, "TMP", "C:\\Windows\\Temp").replace("\\", "\\\\"),
llvm_path = ""
if _use_clang_cl(repository_ctx):
llvm_path = find_llvm_path(repository_ctx)
if not llvm_path:
auto_configure_fail("\nUSE_CLANG_CL is set to 1, but Bazel cannot find Clang installation on your system.\n" +
"Please install Clang via\n")
cl_path = find_llvm_tool(repository_ctx, llvm_path, "clang-cl.exe")
link_path = find_llvm_tool(repository_ctx, llvm_path, "lld-link.exe")
if not link_path:
link_path = find_msvc_tool(repository_ctx, vc_path, "link.exe")
lib_path = find_llvm_tool(repository_ctx, llvm_path, "llvm-lib.exe")
if not lib_path:
lib_path = find_msvc_tool(repository_ctx, vc_path, "lib.exe")
cl_path = find_msvc_tool(repository_ctx, vc_path, "cl.exe")
link_path = find_msvc_tool(repository_ctx, vc_path, "link.exe")
lib_path = find_msvc_tool(repository_ctx, vc_path, "lib.exe")
msvc_ml_path = find_msvc_tool(repository_ctx, vc_path, "ml64.exe")
escaped_cxx_include_directories = []
for path in escaped_include_paths.split(";"):
if path:
escaped_cxx_include_directories.append("cxx_builtin_include_directory: \"%s\"" % path)
if llvm_path:
clang_version = _get_clang_version(repository_ctx, cl_path)
clang_dir = llvm_path + "\\lib\\clang\\" + clang_version
clang_include_path = (clang_dir + "\\include").replace("\\", "\\\\")
escaped_cxx_include_directories.append("cxx_builtin_include_directory: \"%s\"" % clang_include_path)
clang_lib_path = (clang_dir + "\\lib\\windows").replace("\\", "\\\\")
escaped_lib_paths = escaped_lib_paths + ";" + clang_lib_path
support_debug_fastlink = _is_support_debug_fastlink(repository_ctx, link_path)
"%{cpu}": "x64_windows",
"%{default_toolchain_name}": "msvc_x64",
"%{toolchain_name}": "msys_x64",
"%{msvc_env_tmp}": escaped_tmp_dir,
"%{msvc_env_path}": escaped_paths,
"%{msvc_env_include}": escaped_include_paths,
"%{msvc_env_lib}": escaped_lib_paths,
"%{msvc_cl_path}": cl_path,
"%{msvc_ml_path}": msvc_ml_path,
"%{msvc_link_path}": link_path,
"%{msvc_lib_path}": lib_path,
"%{dbg_mode_debug}": "/DEBUG:FULL" if support_debug_fastlink else "/DEBUG",
"%{fastbuild_mode_debug}": "/DEBUG:FASTLINK" if support_debug_fastlink else "/DEBUG",
"%{content}": _get_escaped_windows_msys_crosstool_content(repository_ctx),
"%{msys_x64_mingw_content}": _get_escaped_windows_msys_crosstool_content(repository_ctx, use_mingw = True),
"%{opt_content}": "",
"%{dbg_content}": "",
"%{link_content}": "",
"%{cxx_builtin_include_directory}": "\n".join(escaped_cxx_include_directories),
"%{coverage}": "",