blob: 215be3b044d8459b8a6d89a2490e613b7a899f48 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Bazel Authors. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
import java.util.logging.Level;
import java.util.logging.LogManager;
import java.util.logging.Logger;
* Utility methods for access to UNIX filesystem calls not exposed by the Java
* SDK. Exception messages are selected to be consistent with those generated
* by the package where appropriate--see package javadoc for details.
public final class NativePosixFiles {
private NativePosixFiles() {}
* Returns true iff the file identified by 'path' is a symbolic link. Has
* similar semantics to POSIX stat(2) syscall, with all errors being mapped to
* a false return.
* @param path the file of interest
* @return true iff path exists, is accessible and is a symlink
public static boolean isSymbolicLink(File path) {
try {
return lstat(path.toString()).isSymbolicLink();
} catch (IOException e) {
return false;
* Returns true iff the file identified by 'path' is a directory. Has
* similar semantics to POSIX stat(2) syscall, with all errors being mapped to
* a false return.
* @param path the file of interest
* @return true iff path exists, is accessible and is a symlink
public static boolean isDirectory(String path) {
try {
return lstat(path).isDirectory();
} catch (IOException e) {
return false;
* Marks the file or directory {@code path} as executable. (Non-atomic)
* @see File#setReadOnly
* @param path the file of interest
* @throws FileAccessException if path can't be accessed
* @throws FileNotFoundException if path doesn't exist
* @throws IOException for other filesystem or path errors
public static void setExecutable(File path) throws IOException {
String p = path.toString();
chmod(p, stat(p).getPermissions() | FileStatus.S_IEXEC);
* Marks the file or directory {@code path} as owner writable. (Non-atomic)
* @see File#setReadOnly
* @param path the file of interest
* @throws FileAccessException if path can't be accessed
* @throws FileNotFoundException if path doesn't exist
* @throws IOException for other filesystem or path errors
public static void setWritable(File path) throws IOException {
String p = path.toString();
chmod(p, stat(p).getPermissions() | FileStatus.S_IWUSR);
* Changes permissions of a file.
* @param path the file whose mode to change.
* @param mode the mode bits within 07777, interpreted according to
* long-standing UNIX tradition.
* @throws IOException if the chmod() syscall failed.
public static void chmod(File path, int mode) throws IOException {
int mask = FileStatus.S_ISUID
| FileStatus.S_ISGID
| FileStatus.S_ISVTX
| FileStatus.S_IRWXA;
chmod(path.toString(), mode & mask);
* Native-based implementation
static {
if (!java.nio.charset.Charset.defaultCharset().name().equals("ISO-8859-1")) {
// Defer the Logger call, so we don't deadlock if this is called from Logger
// initialization code.
new Thread() {
public void run() {
// wait (if necessary) until the logging system is initialized
synchronized (LogManager.getLogManager()) {}
"WARNING: Default character set is not latin1; and "
+ " will represent some filenames "
+ "differently.");
* Native wrapper around Linux readlink(2) call.
* @param path the file of interest
* @return the pathname to which the symbolic link 'path' links
* @throws IOException iff the readlink() call failed
public static native String readlink(String path) throws IOException;
* Native wrapper around POSIX chmod(2) syscall: Changes the file access
* permissions of 'path' to 'mode'.
* @param path the file of interest
* @param mode the POSIX type and permission mode bits to set
* @throws IOException iff the chmod() call failed.
public static native void chmod(String path, int mode) throws IOException;
* Native wrapper around POSIX symlink(2) syscall.
* @param oldpath the file to link to
* @param newpath the new path for the link
* @throws IOException iff the symlink() syscall failed.
public static native void symlink(String oldpath, String newpath)
throws IOException;
* Native wrapper around POSIX link(2) syscall.
* @param oldpath the file to link to
* @param newpath the new path for the link
* @throws IOException iff the link() syscall failed.
public static native void link(String oldpath, String newpath) throws IOException;
* Native wrapper around POSIX stat(2) syscall.
* @param path the file to stat.
* @return a FileStatus instance containing the metadata.
* @throws IOException if the stat() syscall failed.
public static native FileStatus stat(String path) throws IOException;
* Native wrapper around POSIX lstat(2) syscall.
* @param path the file to lstat.
* @return a FileStatus instance containing the metadata.
* @throws IOException if the lstat() syscall failed.
public static native FileStatus lstat(String path) throws IOException;
* Native wrapper around POSIX stat(2) syscall.
* @param path the file to stat.
* @return an ErrnoFileStatus instance containing the metadata.
* If there was an error, the return value's hasError() method
* will return true, and all stat information is undefined.
public static native ErrnoFileStatus errnoStat(String path);
* Native wrapper around POSIX lstat(2) syscall.
* @param path the file to lstat.
* @return an ErrnoFileStatus instance containing the metadata.
* If there was an error, the return value's hasError() method
* will return true, and all stat information is undefined.
public static native ErrnoFileStatus errnoLstat(String path);
* Native wrapper around POSIX utime(2) syscall.
* Note: negative file times are interpreted as unsigned time_t.
* @param path the file whose times to change.
* @param now if true, ignore actime/modtime parameters and use current time.
* @param modtime the file modification time in seconds since the UNIX epoch.
* @throws IOException if the utime() syscall failed.
public static native void utime(String path, boolean now, int modtime) throws IOException;
* Native wrapper around POSIX mkdir(2) syscall.
* Caveat: errno==EEXIST is mapped to the return value "false", not
* IOException. It requires an additional stat() to determine if mkdir
* failed because the directory already exists.
* @param path the directory to create.
* @param mode the mode with which to create the directory.
* @return true if the directory was successfully created; false if the
* system call returned EEXIST because some kind of a file (not necessarily
* a directory) already exists.
* @throws IOException if the mkdir() syscall failed for any other reason.
public static native boolean mkdir(String path, int mode)
throws IOException;
* Native wrapper around POSIX opendir(2)/readdir(3)/closedir(3) syscall.
* @param path the directory to read.
* @return the list of directory entries in the order they were returned by
* the system, excluding "." and "..".
* @throws IOException if the call to opendir failed for any reason.
public static String[] readdir(String path) throws IOException {
return readdir(path, ReadTypes.NONE).names;
* An enum for specifying now the types of the individual entries returned by
* {@link #readdir(String, ReadTypes)} is to be returned.
public enum ReadTypes {
NONE('n'), // Do not read types
NOFOLLOW('d'), // Do not follow symlinks
FOLLOW('f'); // Follow symlinks; never returns "SYMLINK" and returns "UNKNOWN" when dangling
private final char code;
private ReadTypes(char code) {
this.code = code;
private char getCode() {
return code;
* A compound return type for readdir(), analogous to struct dirent[] in C. A low memory profile
* is critical for this class, as instances are expected to be kept around for caching for
* potentially a long time.
public static final class Dirents {
* The type of the directory entry.
public enum Type {
private static Type forChar(char c) {
if (c == 'f') {
return Type.FILE;
} else if (c == 'd') {
return Type.DIRECTORY;
} else if (c == 's') {
return Type.SYMLINK;
} else {
return Type.UNKNOWN;
/** The names of the entries in a directory. */
private final String[] names;
* An optional (nullable) array of entry types, corresponding positionally
* to the "names" field. The types are:
* 'd': a subdirectory
* 'f': a regular file
* 's': a symlink (only returned with {@code NOFOLLOW})
* '?': anything else
* Note that unlike libc, this implementation of readdir() follows
* symlinks when determining these types.
* <p>This is intentionally a byte array rather than a array of enums to save memory.
private final byte[] types;
/** called from JNI */
public Dirents(String[] names, byte[] types) {
this.names = names;
this.types = types;
public int size() {
return names.length;
public boolean hasTypes() {
return types != null;
public String getName(int i) {
return names[i];
public Type getType(int i) {
return Type.forChar((char) types[i]);
* Native wrapper around POSIX opendir(2)/readdir(3)/closedir(3) syscall.
* @param path the directory to read.
* @param readTypes How the types of individual entries should be returned. If {@code NONE},
* the "types" field in the result will be null.
* @return a Dirents object, containing "names", the list of directory entries
* (excluding "." and "..") in the order they were returned by the system,
* and "types", an array of entry types (file, directory, etc) corresponding
* positionally to "names".
* @throws IOException if the call to opendir failed for any reason.
public static Dirents readdir(String path, ReadTypes readTypes) throws IOException {
// Passing enums to native code is possible, but onerous; we use a char instead.
return readdir(path, readTypes.getCode());
private static native Dirents readdir(String path, char typeCode)
throws IOException;
* Native wrapper around POSIX rename(2) syscall.
* @param oldpath the source location.
* @param newpath the destination location.
* @throws IOException if the rename failed for any reason.
public static native void rename(String oldpath, String newpath)
throws IOException;
* Native wrapper around POSIX remove(3) C library call.
* @param path the file or directory to remove.
* @return true iff the file was actually deleted by this call.
* @throws IOException if the remove failed, but the file was present prior to the call.
public static native boolean remove(String path) throws IOException;
* Native wrapper around POSIX mkfifo(3) C library call.
* @param path the name of the pipe to create.
* @param mode the mode with which to create the pipe.
* @throws IOException if the mkfifo failed.
public static native void mkfifo(String path, int mode) throws IOException;
* *
* Linux extended file attributes *
* *
* Native wrapper around Linux getxattr(2) syscall.
* @param path the file whose extended attribute is to be returned.
* @param name the name of the extended attribute key.
* @return the value of the extended attribute associated with 'path', if
* any, or null if no such attribute is defined (ENODATA).
* @throws IOException if the call failed for any other reason.
public static native byte[] getxattr(String path, String name)
throws IOException;
* Native wrapper around Linux lgetxattr(2) syscall. (Like getxattr, but
* does not follow symbolic links.)
* @param path the file whose extended attribute is to be returned.
* @param name the name of the extended attribute key.
* @return the value of the extended attribute associated with 'path', if
* any, or null if no such attribute is defined (ENODATA).
* @throws IOException if the call failed for any other reason.
public static native byte[] lgetxattr(String path, String name)
throws IOException;
* Returns the MD5 digest of the specified file, following symbolic links.
* @param path the file whose MD5 digest is required.
* @return the MD5 digest, as a 16-byte array.
* @throws IOException if the call failed for any reason.
static native byte[] md5sumAsBytes(String path) throws IOException;
* Returns the MD5 digest of the specified file, following symbolic links.
* @param path the file whose MD5 digest is required.
* @return the MD5 digest, as a {@link HashCode}
* @throws IOException if the call failed for any reason.
public static HashCode md5sum(String path) throws IOException {
return HashCode.fromBytes(md5sumAsBytes(path));
* Removes entire directory tree. Doesn't follow symlinks.
* @param path the file or directory to remove.
* @throws IOException if the remove failed.
public static void rmTree(String path) throws IOException {
if (isDirectory(path)) {
String[] contents = readdir(path);
for (String entry : contents) {
rmTree(path + "/" + entry);