blob: df12d71259835ae158bcb5e48a6923059a335508 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2017 The Bazel Authors. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# Tests that the Skylark interpreter is reading flags passed in on the command
# line, in several different evaluation contexts.
# The --internal_skylark_flag_test_canary flag is built into
# SkylarkSemanticsOptions specifically for this test suite.
# Load the test setup defined in the parent directory
CURRENT_DIR="$(cd "$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")" && pwd)"
source "${CURRENT_DIR}/../" \
|| { echo " not found!" >&2; exit 1; }
MARKER="<== skylark flag test ==>"
function setup_package() {
mkdir -p test
cat > test/BUILD <<'EOF'
load(":test.bzl", "macro")
print("In BUILD: ")
cat >test/test.bzl <<'EOF'
print("In bzl: ")
def _rule_impl(ctx):
print("In rule: ")
some_rule = rule(
implementation = _rule_impl,
def _aspect_impl(target, ctx):
print("In aspect: ")
return []
some_aspect = aspect(
implementation = _aspect_impl,
def macro():
print("In macro: ")
function test_sanity() {
# Control test: Make sure the print strings appear, and the marker string
# doesn't appear, when we don't pass the flag.
bazel build //test:some_target --aspects test/test.bzl%some_aspect \
&>"$TEST_log" || fail "bazel build failed";
fail_msg="Marker string '$MARKER' was seen even though "
fail_msg+="--internal_skylark_flag_test_canary wasn't passed"
expect_not_log "$MARKER" "$fail_msg"
expect_log "In BUILD: " "Did not find BUILD print output"
expect_log "In bzl: " "Did not find .bzl print output"
expect_log "In macro: " "Did not find macro print output"
expect_log "In rule: " "Did not find rule print output"
# TODO(brandjon): If we add computed default functions as per below, add a
# sanity check for it here too.
expect_log "In aspect: " "Did not find aspect print output"
function test_skylark_flags() {
# Check that the marker string appears when we pass the flag.
bazel build //test:some_target --aspects test/test.bzl%some_aspect \
--internal_skylark_flag_test_canary \
&>"$TEST_log" || fail "bazel build failed";
expect_log "In BUILD: $MARKER" \
"Skylark flags are not propagating to BUILD file evaluation"
expect_log "In bzl: $MARKER" \
"Skylark flags are not propagating to .bzl file evaluation"
expect_log "In macro: $MARKER" \
"Skylark flags are not propagating to macro evaluation"
expect_log "In rule: $MARKER" \
"Skylark flags are not propagating to rule implementation function evaluation"
# TODO(brandjon): Once we're no long dropping print() output in computed
# default functions, also test that we're propagating flags there.
# Alternatively, this could be tested by having conditional code that crashes
# while evaluating the Skylark function iff the flag is set.
expect_log "In aspect: $MARKER" \
"Skylark flags are not propagating to aspect implementation function evaluation"
run_suite "skylark_flag_test"