blob: 1322f5006d22587f0e5c859222c4f464fe20482d [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2015 The Bazel Authors. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# Unit tests for pkg_deb and pkg_tar
DIR=$(cd "$(dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}")" && pwd)
source ${DIR}/ || { echo " not found!" >&2; exit 1; }
function get_tar_listing() {
local input=$1
local test_data="${TEST_DATA_DIR}/${input}"
tar tvf "${test_data}" | sed -e 's/^.*:00 //'
function get_tar_owner() {
local input=$1
local file=$2
local test_data="${TEST_DATA_DIR}/${input}"
tar tvf "${test_data}" | grep "00 $file\$" | cut -d " " -f 2
function get_numeric_tar_owner() {
local input=$1
local file=$2
local test_data="${TEST_DATA_DIR}/${input}"
tar --numeric-owner -tvf "${test_data}" | grep "00 $file\$" | cut -d " " -f 2
function get_tar_permission() {
local input=$1
local file=$2
local test_data="${TEST_DATA_DIR}/${input}"
tar tvf "${test_data}" | fgrep "00 $file" | cut -d " " -f 1
function get_deb_listing() {
local input=$1
local test_data="${TEST_DATA_DIR}/${input}"
dpkg-deb -c "${test_data}" | sed -e 's/^.*:00 //'
function get_deb_description() {
local input=$1
local test_data="${TEST_DATA_DIR}/${input}"
dpkg-deb -I "${test_data}"
function get_deb_permission() {
local input=$1
local file=$2
local test_data="${TEST_DATA_DIR}/${input}"
dpkg-deb -c "${test_data}" | fgrep "00 $file" | cut -d " " -f 1
function get_deb_ctl_file() {
local input=$1
local file=$2
local test_data="${TEST_DATA_DIR}/${input}"
dpkg-deb -I "${test_data}" "${file}"
function get_deb_ctl_listing() {
local input=$1
local test_data="${TEST_DATA_DIR}/${input}"
dpkg-deb --ctrl-tarfile "${test_data}" | tar tf - | sort
function get_deb_ctl_permission() {
local input=$1
local file=$2
local test_data="${TEST_DATA_DIR}/${input}"
dpkg-deb --ctrl-tarfile "${test_data}" | tar tvf - | egrep " $file\$" | cut -d " " -f 1
function dpkg_deb_supports_ctrl_tarfile() {
local input=$1
local test_data="${TEST_DATA_DIR}/${input}"
dpkg-deb --ctrl-tarfile "${test_data}" > /dev/null 2> /dev/null
function get_changes() {
local input=$1
cat "${TEST_DATA_DIR}/${input}"
function assert_content() {
local listing="./
./usr/bin/java -> /path/to/bin/java"
check_eq "$listing" "$(get_tar_listing $1)"
check_eq "-rwxr-xr-x" "$(get_tar_permission $1 ./usr/titi)"
check_eq "-rw-r--r--" "$(get_tar_permission $1 ./etc/nsswitch.conf)"
check_eq "24/42" "$(get_numeric_tar_owner $1 ./etc/)"
check_eq "24/42" "$(get_numeric_tar_owner $1 ./etc/nsswitch.conf)"
check_eq "42/24" "$(get_numeric_tar_owner $1 ./usr/)"
check_eq "42/24" "$(get_numeric_tar_owner $1 ./usr/titi)"
if [ -z "${2-}" ]; then
check_eq "tata/titi" "$(get_tar_owner $1 ./etc/)"
check_eq "tata/titi" "$(get_tar_owner $1 ./etc/nsswitch.conf)"
check_eq "titi/tata" "$(get_tar_owner $1 ./usr/)"
check_eq "titi/tata" "$(get_tar_owner $1 ./usr/titi)"
function test_tar() {
local listing="./
./usr/bin/java -> /path/to/bin/java"
for i in "" ".gz" ".bz2" ".xz"; do
assert_content "test-tar-${i:1}.tar$i"
# Test merging tar files
# We pass a second argument to not test for user and group
# names because tar merging ask for numeric owners.
assert_content "test-tar-inclusion-${i:1}.tar" "true"
check_eq "./
./nsswitch.conf" "$(get_tar_listing test-tar-strip_prefix-empty.tar)"
check_eq "./
./nsswitch.conf" "$(get_tar_listing test-tar-strip_prefix-none.tar)"
check_eq "./
./nsswitch.conf" "$(get_tar_listing test-tar-strip_prefix-etc.tar)"
check_eq "./
./etc/nsswitch.conf" "$(get_tar_listing test-tar-strip_prefix-dot.tar)"
check_eq "./
./not-etc/mapped-filename.conf" "$(get_tar_listing test-tar-files_dict.tar)"
function test_deb() {
if ! (which dpkg-deb); then
echo "Unable to run test for debian, no dpkg-deb!" >&2
return 0
local listing="./
./usr/bin/java -> /path/to/bin/java"
check_eq "$listing" "$(get_deb_listing test-deb.deb)"
check_eq "-rwxr-xr-x" "$(get_deb_permission test-deb.deb ./usr/titi)"
check_eq "-rw-r--r--" "$(get_deb_permission test-deb.deb ./etc/nsswitch.conf)"
get_deb_description test-deb.deb >$TEST_log
expect_log "Description: toto"
expect_log "Package: titi"
expect_log "Depends: dep1, dep2"
get_changes titi_test_all.changes >$TEST_log
expect_log "Urgency: low"
expect_log "Distribution: trusty"
if ! dpkg_deb_supports_ctrl_tarfile test-deb.deb ; then
echo "Unable to test deb control files, too old dpkg-deb!" >&2
return 0
local ctrl_listing="conffiles
check_eq "$ctrl_listing" "$(get_deb_ctl_listing test-deb.deb)"
check_eq "-rw-r--r--" "$(get_deb_ctl_permission test-deb.deb conffiles)"
check_eq "-rw-r--r--" "$(get_deb_ctl_permission test-deb.deb control)"
local conffiles="/etc/nsswitch.conf
check_eq "$conffiles" "$(get_deb_ctl_file test-deb.deb conffiles)"
run_suite "build_test"