blob: 6c1ea95d404f45a2aab8f4c0857df6e35d06bc2e [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Bazel Authors. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
import java.time.Duration;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import javax.annotation.Nullable;
* A component of the graph over which the critical path is computed. This may be identical to the
* action graph, but does not have to be - it may also take into account individual spawns run as
* part of an action.
public class CriticalPathComponent {
* Converts from nanos to millis since the epoch. In particular, note that {@link System#nanoTime}
* does not specify any particular time reference but only notes that returned values are only
* meaningful when taking in relation to each other.
public interface NanosToEpochConverter {
/** Converts from nanos to millis since the epoch. */
long toEpoch(long timeNanos);
* Creates a {@link NanosToEpochConverter} from clock by taking the current time in millis and the
* current time in nanos to compute the appropriate offset.
public static NanosToEpochConverter fromClock(Clock clock) {
long nowInMillis = clock.currentTimeMillis();
long nowInNanos = clock.nanoTime();
return (startNanos) -> nowInMillis - TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS.toMillis((nowInNanos - startNanos));
// These two fields are values of BlazeClock.nanoTime() at the relevant points in time.
private long startNanos;
private long finishNanos = 0;
private volatile boolean isRunning = true;
/** We keep here the critical path time for the most expensive child. */
private long childAggregatedElapsedTime = 0;
private final Action action;
private final Artifact primaryOutput;
/** Spawn metrics for this action. */
private SpawnMetrics spawnMetrics = SpawnMetrics.EMPTY;
/** Name of the runner used for the spawn. */
@Nullable private String spawnRunnerName;
/** An unique identifier of the component for one build execution */
private final int id;
/** Child with the maximum critical path. */
@Nullable private CriticalPathComponent child;
public CriticalPathComponent(int id, Action action, long startNanos) { = id;
this.action = Preconditions.checkNotNull(action);
this.primaryOutput = action.getPrimaryOutput();
this.startNanos = startNanos;
* Record the elapsed time in case the new duration is greater. This method could be called
* multiple times in the following cases:
* <ol>
* <li>Shared actions run concurrently, and the one that really gets executed takes more time to
* send the finish event and the one that was a cache hit manages to send the event before.
* <li>An action gets rewound, and is later reattempted.
* </ol>
* <p>In both these cases we overwrite the components' times if the later call specifies a greater
* duration.
* <p>In the former case the logic is known to be incorrect, as other actions that depend on this
* action will not necessarily use the correct getElapsedTimeNanos(). But we do not want to block
* action execution because of this. So in certain conditions we might see another path as the
* critical path.
public synchronized void finishActionExecution(long startNanos, long finishNanos) {
if (isRunning || finishNanos - startNanos > getElapsedTimeNanos()) {
this.startNanos = startNanos;
this.finishNanos = finishNanos;
isRunning = false;
boolean isPrimaryOutput(Artifact possiblePrimaryOutput) {
// We know that the keys in the CriticalPathComputer are exactly the values returned from
// action.getPrimaryOutput(), so pointer equality is safe here.
return possiblePrimaryOutput == primaryOutput;
/** The action for which we are storing the stat. */
public final Action getAction() {
return action;
public boolean isRunning() {
return isRunning;
public String prettyPrintAction() {
return action.prettyPrint();
public Label getOwner() {
ActionOwner owner = action.getOwner();
if (owner != null && owner.getLabel() != null) {
return owner.getLabel();
return null;
public String getMnemonic() {
return action.getMnemonic();
/** An unique identifier of the component for one build execution */
public int getId() {
return id;
* An action can run multiple spawns. Those calls can be sequential or parallel. Because we do not
* know in general how to aggregate the data (if it is a sequence of calls we should add, if they
* are run in parallel we should keep the maximum), we keep the maximum. This is better than just
* keeping the latest one.
void addSpawnResult(SpawnResult spawnResult) {
if (spawnResult.getMetrics().totalTime().compareTo(spawnMetrics.totalTime()) > 0) {
this.spawnMetrics = spawnResult.getMetrics();
this.spawnRunnerName = spawnResult.getRunnerName();
/** Returns spawn metrics for the execution of the action. */
public SpawnMetrics getSpawnMetrics() {
return spawnMetrics;
* Returns name of the runner used for the finished spawn which took most time (see {@link
* #addSpawnResult(SpawnResult)}), null if no spawns have finished for this action (either there
* are no spawns or we asked before any have finished).
public String getSpawnRunnerName() {
return spawnRunnerName;
* Add statistics for one dependency of this action. Caller should ensure {@code dep} not running.
synchronized void addDepInfo(CriticalPathComponent dep) {
long childAggregatedWallTime = dep.getAggregatedElapsedTimeNanos();
// Replace the child if its critical path had the maximum elapsed time.
if (child == null || childAggregatedWallTime > this.childAggregatedElapsedTime) {
this.childAggregatedElapsedTime = childAggregatedWallTime;
child = dep;
public long getStartTimeNanos() {
return startNanos;
public long getStartTimeMillisSinceEpoch(NanosToEpochConverter converter) {
return converter.toEpoch(startNanos);
public Duration getElapsedTime() {
return Duration.ofNanos(getElapsedTimeNanos());
long getElapsedTimeNanos() {
if (isRunning) {
// It can happen that we're being asked to compute a critical path even though the build was
// interrupted. In that case, we may not have gotten an action completion event. We don't have
// access to the clock from here, so we have to return 0.
// Note that the critical path never includes interrupted actions, so getAggregatedElapsedTime
// does not get called in this state.
// If we want the critical path to contain partially executed actions in a case of interrupt,
// then we need to tell the critical path computer that the build was interrupt, and let it
// artifically mark all such actions as done.
return 0;
return getElapsedTimeNanosNoCheck();
/** To be used only in debugging: skips state invariance checks to avoid crash-looping. */
private Duration getElapsedTimeNoCheck() {
return Duration.ofNanos(getElapsedTimeNanosNoCheck());
private long getElapsedTimeNanosNoCheck() {
return finishNanos - startNanos;
* Returns the current critical path for the action.
* <p>Critical path is defined as : action_execution_time + max(child_critical_path).
Duration getAggregatedElapsedTime() {
return Duration.ofNanos(getAggregatedElapsedTimeNanos());
private long getAggregatedElapsedTimeNanos() {
Preconditions.checkState(!isRunning, "Still running %s", this);
return getElapsedTimeNanos() + childAggregatedElapsedTime;
* Get the child critical path component.
* <p>The component dependency with the maximum total critical path time.
public CriticalPathComponent getChild() {
return child;
/** Returns a string representation of the action. Only for use in crash messages and the like. */
private String getActionString() {
return action.prettyPrint();
/** Returns a user readable representation of the critical path stats with all the details. */
public String toString() {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
String currentTime = "still running";
if (!isRunning) {
currentTime = String.format("%.2f", getElapsedTimeNoCheck().toMillis() / 1000.0) + "s";
sb.append(", Remote ");
sb.append(getSpawnMetrics().toString(getElapsedTimeNoCheck(), /* summary= */ false));
sb.append(" ");
return sb.toString();