blob: 0bf4d741f8abed5e5ce484e04b1c3cb7d1ac09f9 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2015 The Bazel Authors. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Formattable;
import java.util.Formatter;
import java.util.IllegalFormatException;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.MissingFormatWidthException;
import java.util.UnknownFormatConversionException;
import javax.annotation.Nullable;
/** (Pretty) Printing of Skylark values */
public class Printer {
public static final char SKYLARK_QUOTATION_MARK = '"';
* Creates an instance of {@link BasePrinter} that wraps an existing buffer.
* @param buffer an {@link Appendable}
* @return new {@link BasePrinter}
static BasePrinter getPrinter(Appendable buffer) {
return new BasePrinter(buffer);
* Creates an instance of {@link BasePrinter} with an empty buffer.
* @return new {@link BasePrinter}
public static BasePrinter getPrinter() {
return new BasePrinter(new StringBuilder());
* Creates an instance of {@link PrettyPrinter} with an empty buffer.
* @return new {@link PrettyPrinter}
public static PrettyPrinter getPrettyPrinter() {
return new PrettyPrinter(new StringBuilder());
* Creates an instance of {@link BasePrinter} with an empty buffer and whose format strings allow
* only %s and %%.
public static BasePrinter getSimplifiedPrinter() {
return new BasePrinter(new StringBuilder(), /*simplifiedFormatStrings=*/ true);
private Printer() {}
// These static methods proxy to the similar methods of BasePrinter
* Format an object with Skylark's {@code debugPrint}.
public static String debugPrint(Object x) {
return getPrinter().debugPrint(x).toString();
* Format an object with Skylark's {@code str}.
public static String str(Object x) {
return getPrinter().str(x).toString();
* Format an object with Skylark's {@code repr}.
public static String repr(Object x) {
return getPrinter().repr(x).toString();
* Perform Python-style string formatting, as per pattern % tuple Limitations: only %d %s %r %%
* are supported.
* @param pattern a format string.
* @param arguments an array containing positional arguments.
* @return the formatted string.
public static String format(String pattern, Object... arguments) {
return getPrinter().format(pattern, arguments).toString();
* Perform Python-style string formatting, as per pattern % tuple Limitations: only %d %s %r %%
* are supported.
* @param pattern a format string.
* @param arguments a tuple containing positional arguments.
* @return the formatted string.
public static String formatWithList(String pattern, List<?> arguments) {
return getPrinter().formatWithList(pattern, arguments).toString();
* Perform Python-style string formatting, lazily.
* @param pattern a format string.
* @param arguments positional arguments.
* @return the formatted string.
public static Formattable formattable(final String pattern, Object... arguments) {
final List<Object> args = Arrays.asList(arguments);
return new Formattable() {
public String toString() {
return formatWithList(pattern, args);
public void formatTo(Formatter formatter, int flags, int width, int precision) {
Printer.getPrinter(formatter.out()).formatWithList(pattern, args);
* Append a char to a buffer. In case of {@link IOException} throw an {@link AssertionError}
* instead
* @return buffer
public static Appendable append(Appendable buffer, char c) {
try {
return buffer.append(c);
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new AssertionError(e);
* Append a char sequence to a buffer. In case of {@link IOException} throw an
* {@link AssertionError} instead
* @return buffer
public static Appendable append(Appendable buffer, CharSequence s) {
try {
return buffer.append(s);
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new AssertionError(e);
* Append a char sequence range to a buffer. In case of {@link IOException} throw an
* {@link AssertionError} instead
* @return buffer
private static Appendable append(Appendable buffer, CharSequence s, int start, int end) {
try {
return buffer.append(s, start, end);
} catch (IOException e) {
throw new AssertionError(e);
/** Actual class that implements Printer API */
public static class BasePrinter implements SkylarkPrinter {
// Methods of this class should not recurse through static methods of Printer
protected final Appendable buffer;
* If true, the only percent sequences allowed in format strings are %s substitutions and %%
* escapes.
protected final boolean simplifiedFormatStrings;
* Creates a printer.
* @param buffer the {@link Appendable} that will be written to
* @param simplifiedFormatStrings if true, format strings will allow only %s and %%
protected BasePrinter(Appendable buffer, boolean simplifiedFormatStrings) {
this.buffer = buffer;
this.simplifiedFormatStrings = simplifiedFormatStrings;
* Creates a printer that writes to the given buffer and that does not use simplified format
* strings.
protected BasePrinter(Appendable buffer) {
this(buffer, /*simplifiedFormatStrings=*/ false);
* Creates a printer that uses a fresh buffer and that does not use simplified format strings.
protected BasePrinter() {
this(new StringBuilder());
public String toString() {
return buffer.toString();
* Print an informal debug-only representation of object x.
* @param o the object
* @return the buffer, in fluent style
public BasePrinter debugPrint(Object o) {
if (o instanceof SkylarkValue) {
((SkylarkValue) o).debugPrint(this);
return this;
return this.str(o);
* Print an informal representation of object x. Currently only differs from repr in the
* behavior for strings and labels at top-level, that are returned as is rather than quoted.
* @param o the object
* @return the buffer, in fluent style
public BasePrinter str(Object o) {
if (o instanceof SkylarkValue) {
((SkylarkValue) o).str(this);
return this;
if (o instanceof String) {
return this.append((String) o);
return this.repr(o);
* Print an official representation of object x. For regular data structures, the value should
* be parsable back into an equal data structure.
* @param o the string a representation of which to repr.
* @return BasePrinter.
public BasePrinter repr(Object o) {
if (o == null) {
// Java null is not a valid Skylark value, but sometimes printers are used on non-Skylark
// values such as Locations or ASTs.
} else if (o instanceof SkylarkPrintable) {
((SkylarkPrintable) o).repr(this);
} else if (o instanceof String) {
writeString((String) o);
} else if (o instanceof Integer || o instanceof Double) {
} else if (Boolean.TRUE.equals(o)) {
} else if (Boolean.FALSE.equals(o)) {
} else if (o instanceof Map<?, ?>) {
Map<?, ?> dict = (Map<?, ?>) o;
this.printList(dict.entrySet(), "{", ", ", "}", null);
} else if (o instanceof List<?>) {
List<?> seq = (List<?>) o;
this.printList(seq, false);
} else if (o instanceof Map.Entry<?, ?>) {
Map.Entry<?, ?> entry = (Map.Entry<?, ?>) o;
this.append(": ");
} else if (o instanceof Class<?>) {
this.append(EvalUtils.getDataTypeNameFromClass((Class<?>) o));
} else if (o instanceof Node || o instanceof Location) {
// AST node objects and locations are printed in tracebacks and error messages,
// it's safe to print their toString representations
} else {
// Other types of objects shouldn't be leaked to Skylark, but if happens, their
// .toString method shouldn't be used because their return values are likely to contain
// memory addresses or other nondeterministic information.
this.append("<unknown object " + o.getClass().getName() + ">");
return this;
* Write a properly escaped Skylark representation of a string to a buffer.
* @param s the string a representation of which to repr.
* @return this printer.
protected BasePrinter writeString(String s) {
int len = s.length();
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++) {
char c = s.charAt(i);
return this.append(SKYLARK_QUOTATION_MARK);
private BasePrinter backslashChar(char c) {
return this.append('\\').append(c);
private BasePrinter escapeCharacter(char c) {
return backslashChar(c);
switch (c) {
case '\\':
return backslashChar('\\');
case '\r':
return backslashChar('r');
case '\n':
return backslashChar('n');
case '\t':
return backslashChar('t');
if (c < 32) {
//TODO(bazel-team): support \x escapes
return this.append(String.format("\\x%02x", (int) c));
return this.append(c); // no need to support UTF-8
} // endswitch
* Print a list of object representations
* @param list the list of objects to repr (each as with repr)
* @param before a string to print before the list items, e.g. an opening bracket
* @param separator a separator to print between items
* @param after a string to print after the list items, e.g. a closing bracket
* @param singletonTerminator null or a string to print after the list if it is a singleton The
* singleton case is notably relied upon in python syntax to distinguish a tuple of size one
* such as ("foo",) from a merely parenthesized object such as ("foo").
* @return this printer.
public BasePrinter printList(
Iterable<?> list,
String before,
String separator,
String after,
@Nullable String singletonTerminator) {
int len = appendListElements(list, separator);
if (singletonTerminator != null && len == 1) {
return this.append(after);
* Appends the given elements to the specified {@link Appendable} and returns the number of
* elements.
private int appendListElements(Iterable<?> list, String separator) {
boolean printSeparator = false; // don't print the separator before the first element
int len = 0;
for (Object o : list) {
if (printSeparator) {
printSeparator = true;
return len;
* Print a Skylark list or tuple of object representations
* @param list the contents of the list or tuple
* @param isTuple if true the list will be formatted with parentheses and with a trailing comma
* in case of one-element tuples. 'Soft' means that this limit may be exceeded because of
* formatting.
* @return this printer.
public BasePrinter printList(Iterable<?> list, boolean isTuple) {
if (isTuple) {
return this.printList(list, "(", ", ", ")", ",");
} else {
return this.printList(list, "[", ", ", "]", null);
* Perform Python-style string formatting, similar to the {@code pattern % tuple} syntax.
* <p>The only supported placeholder patterns are
* <ul>
* <li>{@code %s} (convert as if by {@code str()})
* <li>{@code %r} (convert as if by {@code repr()})
* <li>{@code %d} (convert an integer to its decimal representation)
* </ul>
* To encode a literal percent character, escape it as {@code %%}. It is an error to have a
* non-escaped {@code %} at the end of the string or followed by any character not listed above.
* <p>If this printer has {@code simplifiedFormatStrings} set, only {@code %s} and {@code %%}
* are permitted.
* @param pattern a format string that may contain placeholders
* @param arguments an array containing arguments to substitute into the placeholders in order
* @return the formatted string
* @throws IllegalFormatException if {@code pattern} is not a valid format string, or if
* {@code arguments} mismatches the number or type of placeholders in {@code pattern}
public BasePrinter format(String pattern, Object... arguments) {
return this.formatWithList(pattern, Arrays.asList(arguments));
* Perform Python-style string formatting, similar to the {@code pattern % tuple} syntax.
* <p>Same as {@link #format(String, Object...)}, but with a list instead of variadic args.
public BasePrinter formatWithList(String pattern, List<?> arguments) {
// TODO(bazel-team): support formatting arguments, and more complex Python patterns.
// N.B. MissingFormatWidthException is the only kind of IllegalFormatException
// whose constructor can take and display arbitrary error message, hence its use below.
int length = pattern.length();
int argLength = arguments.size();
int i = 0; // index of next character in pattern
int a = 0; // index of next argument in arguments
while (i < length) {
int p = pattern.indexOf('%', i);
if (p == -1) {
Printer.append(buffer, pattern, i, length);
if (p > i) {
Printer.append(buffer, pattern, i, p);
if (p == length - 1) {
throw new MissingFormatWidthException(
"incomplete format pattern ends with %: " + this.repr(pattern));
char directive = pattern.charAt(p + 1);
i = p + 2;
switch (directive) {
case '%':
case 'd':
case 'r':
case 's':
if (simplifiedFormatStrings && (directive != 's')) {
throw new UnknownFormatConversionException(
"cannot use %" + directive + " substitution placeholder when "
+ "simplifiedFormatStrings is set");
if (a >= argLength) {
throw new MissingFormatWidthException(
"not enough arguments for format pattern "
+ Printer.repr(pattern)
+ ": "
+ Printer.repr(Tuple.copyOf(arguments)));
Object argument = arguments.get(a++);
switch (directive) {
case 'd':
if (argument instanceof Integer) {
} else {
throw new MissingFormatWidthException(
"invalid argument " + Printer.repr(argument) + " for format pattern %d");
case 'r':
case 's':
// fall through
throw new MissingFormatWidthException(
// The call to Printer.repr doesn't cause an infinite recursion because it's
// only used to format a string properly
String.format("unsupported format character \"%s\" at index %s in %s",
String.valueOf(directive), p + 1, Printer.repr(pattern)));
if (a < argLength) {
throw new MissingFormatWidthException(
"not all arguments converted during string formatting");
return this;
public BasePrinter append(char c) {
Printer.append(buffer, c);
return this;
public BasePrinter append(CharSequence s) {
Printer.append(buffer, s);
return this;
BasePrinter append(CharSequence sequence, int start, int end) {
return this.append(sequence.subSequence(start, end));
/** A printer that breaks lines between the entries of lists, with proper indenting. */
public static class PrettyPrinter extends BasePrinter {
static final int BASE_INDENT = 4;
private int indent;
protected PrettyPrinter(Appendable buffer) {
indent = 0;
public BasePrinter printList(
Iterable<?> list,
String before,
String untrimmedSeparator,
String after,
@Nullable String singletonTerminator) {
// If the list is empty, do not split the presentation over
// several lines.
if (!list.iterator().hasNext()) {
this.append(before + after);
return this;
String separator = untrimmedSeparator.trim();
this.append(before + "\n");
indent += BASE_INDENT;
boolean printSeparator = false; // don't print the separator before the first element
int len = 0;
for (Object o : list) {
if (printSeparator) {
this.append(separator + "\n");
this.append(Strings.repeat(" ", indent));
printSeparator = true;
if (singletonTerminator != null && len == 1) {
indent -= BASE_INDENT;
this.append(Strings.repeat(" ", indent) + after);
return this;