blob: e1a33ab07b92f831b5e549acbb1e8791e438f6e2 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Bazel Authors. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.LinkedHashSet;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.TreeSet;
import java.util.function.Predicate;
import javax.annotation.Nullable;
* An StarlarkThread represents a Starlark thread.
* <p>It holds the stack of active Starlark and built-in function calls. In addition, it may hold
* per-thread application state (see {@link #setThreadLocal}) that passes through Starlark functions
* but does not directly affect them, such as information about the BUILD file being loaded.
* <p>Every {@code StarlarkThread} has a {@link Mutability} field, and must be used within a
* function that creates and closes this {@link Mutability} with the try-with-resource pattern. This
* {@link Mutability} is also used when initializing mutable objects within that {@code
* StarlarkThread}. When the {@code Mutability} is closed at the end of the computation, it freezes
* the {@code StarlarkThread} along with all of those objects. This pattern enforces the discipline
* that there should be no dangling mutable {@code StarlarkThread}, or concurrency between
* interacting {@code StarlarkThread}s. It is a Skylark-level error to attempt to mutate a frozen
* {@code StarlarkThread} or its objects, but it is a Java-level error to attempt to mutate an
* unfrozen {@code StarlarkThread} or its objects from within a different {@code StarlarkThread}.
* <p>One creates an StarlarkThread using the {@link #builder} function, then populates it with
* {@link #setup} and sometimes {@link #setupOverride}, before to evaluate code in it with {@link
* StarlarkFile#eval}, or with {@link StarlarkFile#exec} (where the AST was obtained by passing a
* {@link ValidationEnvironment} constructed from the StarlarkThread to {@link StarlarkFile#parse}.
* When the computation is over, the frozen StarlarkThread can still be queried with {@link
* #lookup}.
// TODO(adonovan): further steps for StarlarkThread remediation:
// Its API should expose the following concepts, and no more:
// 1) "thread local variables": this holds per-thread application
// state such as the current Label, or BUILD package, for all the
// native.* built-ins.
// This may include any thread-specific behaviour relevant to the
// load and print statements.
// 2) a stack of call frames, each representing an active function call.
// Only clients needing debugger-like powers of reflection should need
// this, such as the debugger itself, and the ill-conceived
// generator_name attribute. The API for call frames should not
// expose an object of class CallFrame, because for efficiency we
// will want to recycle objects in place rather than generate garbage
// on every call.
// So the API will look like getCallerLocation(depth),
// not getCaller(depth).location, with one method per "public" CallFrame
// attribute, such as location.
// We must expose these basic CallFrame attributes, for stack traces and errors:
// - function name
// - PC location
// Advanced clients such as the debugger, and the generator_name rule attribute, also need:
// - the function value (Warning: careless clients can pin closures in memory)
// - Object getLocalValue(Identifier parameter).
// 3) Debugging support (thread name, profiling counters, etc).
// And that is all. See for the model.
// The Frame interface should be hidden from clients and then eliminated.
// The dynamic lookup mechanism should go away.
// The GlobalFrame class should be redesigned.
// The concept struggling to get out of it is a Module,
// which is created before file initialization and
// populated by execution of the top-level statements in a file;
// every UserDefinedFunction value should hold a reference to its Module.
// As best I can tell, all the skyframe serialization
// as it applies to LexicalFrames is redundant, as these are transient
// and should not exist after loading.
// We will remove the FuncallExpression parameter from
// Clients should use getCallerLocation instead.
// The Continuation class should be deleted.
// Once the API is small and sound, we can start to represent all
// the lexical frames within a single function using just an array,
// indexed by a small integer computed during the validation pass.
public final class StarlarkThread implements Freezable {
* A mapping of bindings, either mutable or immutable according to an associated {@link
* Mutability}. The order of the bindings within a single {@link Frame} is deterministic but
* unspecified.
* <p>Any non-frozen {@link Frame} must have the same {@link Mutability} as the current {@link
* StarlarkThread}, to avoid interference from other evaluation contexts. For example, a {@link
* StarlarkFunction} will close over the global frame of the {@link StarlarkThread} in which it
* was defined. When the function is called from other {@link StarlarkThread}s (possibly
* simultaneously), that global frame must already be frozen; a new local {@link Frame} is created
* to represent the lexical scope of the function.
* <p>A {@link Frame} can have an associated "parent" {@link Frame}, which is used in {@link #get}
* and {@link #getTransitiveBindings()}
* <p>TODO(laurentlb): "parent" should be named "universe" since it contains only the builtins.
* The "get" method shouldn't look at the universe (so that "moduleLookup" works as expected)
private interface Frame extends Freezable {
* Gets a binding from this {@link Frame} or one of its transitive parents.
* <p>In case of conflicts, the binding found in the {@link Frame} closest to the current one is
* used; the remaining bindings are shadowed.
* @param varname the name of the variable whose value should be retrieved
* @return the value bound to the variable, or null if no binding is found
Object get(String varname);
* Assigns or reassigns a binding in the current {@code Frame}.
* <p>If the binding has the same name as one in a transitive parent, the parent binding is
* shadowed (i.e., the parent is unaffected).
* @param thread the {@link StarlarkThread} attempting the mutation
* @param varname the name of the variable to be bound
* @param value the value to bind to the variable
void put(StarlarkThread thread, String varname, Object value) throws MutabilityException;
* TODO(laurentlb): Remove this method when possible. It should probably not be part of the
* public interface.
void remove(StarlarkThread thread, String varname) throws MutabilityException;
* Returns a map containing all bindings of this {@link Frame} and of its transitive parents,
* taking into account shadowing precedence.
* <p>The bindings are returned in a deterministic order (for a given sequence of initial values
* and updates).
Map<String, Object> getTransitiveBindings();
interface LexicalFrame extends Frame {
static LexicalFrame create(Mutability mutability) {
return mutability.isFrozen()
? ImmutableEmptyLexicalFrame.INSTANCE
: new MutableLexicalFrame(mutability);
static LexicalFrame create(Mutability mutability, int numArgs) {
return new MutableLexicalFrame(mutability, /*initialCapacity=*/ numArgs);
private static final class ImmutableEmptyLexicalFrame implements LexicalFrame {
private static final ImmutableEmptyLexicalFrame INSTANCE = new ImmutableEmptyLexicalFrame();
public Mutability mutability() {
return Mutability.IMMUTABLE;
public Object get(String varname) {
return null;
public void put(StarlarkThread thread, String varname, Object value)
throws MutabilityException {
Mutability.checkMutable(this, thread.mutability());
throw new IllegalStateException();
public void remove(StarlarkThread thread, String varname) throws MutabilityException {
Mutability.checkMutable(this, thread.mutability());
throw new IllegalStateException();
public Map<String, Object> getTransitiveBindings() {
return ImmutableMap.of();
public String toString() {
return "<ImmutableEmptyLexicalFrame>";
private static final class MutableLexicalFrame implements LexicalFrame {
private final Mutability mutability;
/** Bindings are maintained in order of creation. */
private final LinkedHashMap<String, Object> bindings;
private MutableLexicalFrame(Mutability mutability, int initialCapacity) {
this.mutability = mutability;
this.bindings = Maps.newLinkedHashMapWithExpectedSize(initialCapacity);
private MutableLexicalFrame(Mutability mutability) {
this.mutability = mutability;
this.bindings = new LinkedHashMap<>();
public Mutability mutability() {
return mutability;
public Object get(String varname) {
return bindings.get(varname);
public void put(StarlarkThread thread, String varname, Object value)
throws MutabilityException {
Mutability.checkMutable(this, thread.mutability());
bindings.put(varname, value);
public void remove(StarlarkThread thread, String varname) throws MutabilityException {
Mutability.checkMutable(this, thread.mutability());
public Map<String, Object> getTransitiveBindings() {
return bindings;
public String toString() {
return String.format("<MutableLexicalFrame%s>", mutability());
* A {@link Frame} that represents the top-level definitions of a file. It contains the
* module-scope variables and has a reference to the universe.
* <p>Bindings in a {@link GlobalFrame} may shadow those inherited from its universe.
* <p>A {@link GlobalFrame} can also be constructed in a two-phase process. To do this, call the
* nullary constructor to create an uninitialized {@link GlobalFrame}, then call {@link
* #initialize}. It is illegal to use any other method in-between these two calls, or to call
* {@link #initialize} on an already initialized {@link GlobalFrame}.
// TODO(adonovan): move this to toplevel, call it "Module", and remove references to it from
// StarlarkThread.
public static final class GlobalFrame implements Frame, ValidationEnvironment.Module {
* Final, except that it may be initialized after instantiation. Null mutability indicates that
* this Frame is uninitialized.
@Nullable private Mutability mutability;
/** Final, except that it may be initialized after instantiation. */
@Nullable private GlobalFrame universe;
// The label (an optional piece of metadata) associated with the file.
@Nullable private Object label;
/** Bindings are maintained in order of creation. */
private final LinkedHashMap<String, Object> bindings;
* A list of bindings which *would* exist in this global frame under certain semantic
* flags, but do not exist using the semantic flags used in this frame's creation.
* This map should not be used for lookups; it should only be used to throw descriptive
* error messages when a lookup of a restricted object is attempted.
private final LinkedHashMap<String, FlagGuardedValue> restrictedBindings;
/** Set of bindings that are exported (can be loaded from other modules). */
private final HashSet<String> exportedBindings;
/** Constructs an uninitialized instance; caller must call {@link #initialize} before use. */
public GlobalFrame() {
this.mutability = null;
this.universe = null;
this.label = null;
this.bindings = new LinkedHashMap<>();
this.restrictedBindings = new LinkedHashMap<>();
this.exportedBindings = new HashSet<>();
Mutability mutability,
@Nullable GlobalFrame universe,
@Nullable Object label,
@Nullable Map<String, Object> bindings,
@Nullable Map<String, FlagGuardedValue> restrictedBindings) {
Preconditions.checkState(universe == null || universe.universe == null);
this.mutability = Preconditions.checkNotNull(mutability);
this.universe = universe;
if (label != null) {
this.label = label;
} else if (universe != null) {
this.label = universe.label;
} else {
this.label = null;
this.bindings = new LinkedHashMap<>();
if (bindings != null) {
this.restrictedBindings = new LinkedHashMap<>();
if (restrictedBindings != null) {
if (universe != null) {
this.exportedBindings = new HashSet<>();
public GlobalFrame(Mutability mutability) {
this(mutability, null, null, null, null);
public GlobalFrame(Mutability mutability, @Nullable GlobalFrame universe) {
this(mutability, universe, null, null, null);
public GlobalFrame(
Mutability mutability, @Nullable GlobalFrame universe, @Nullable Object label) {
this(mutability, universe, label, null, null);
/** Constructs a global frame for the given builtin bindings. */
public static GlobalFrame createForBuiltins(Map<String, Object> bindings) {
Mutability mutability = Mutability.create("<builtins>").freeze();
return new GlobalFrame(mutability, null, null, bindings, null);
* Constructs a global frame based on the given parent frame, filtering out flag-restricted
* global objects.
private static GlobalFrame filterOutRestrictedBindings(
Mutability mutability, GlobalFrame parent, StarlarkSemantics semantics) {
if (parent == null) {
return new GlobalFrame(mutability);
Map<String, Object> filteredBindings = new LinkedHashMap<>();
Map<String, FlagGuardedValue> restrictedBindings = new LinkedHashMap<>();
for (Entry<String, Object> binding : parent.getTransitiveBindings().entrySet()) {
if (binding.getValue() instanceof FlagGuardedValue) {
FlagGuardedValue val = (FlagGuardedValue) binding.getValue();
if (val.isObjectAccessibleUsingSemantics(semantics)) {
filteredBindings.put(binding.getKey(), val.getObject(semantics));
} else {
restrictedBindings.put(binding.getKey(), val);
} else {
filteredBindings.put(binding.getKey(), binding.getValue());
return new GlobalFrame(
null /*parent */,
private void checkInitialized() {
Preconditions.checkNotNull(mutability, "Attempted to use Frame before initializing it");
public void initialize(
Mutability mutability,
@Nullable GlobalFrame universe,
@Nullable Object label,
Map<String, Object> bindings) {
universe == null || universe.universe == null); // no more than 1 universe
this.mutability == null, "Attempted to initialize an already initialized Frame");
this.mutability = Preconditions.checkNotNull(mutability);
this.universe = universe;
if (label != null) {
this.label = label;
} else if (universe != null) {
this.label = universe.label;
} else {
this.label = null;
* Returns a new {@link GlobalFrame} with the same fields, except that {@link #label} is set to
* the given value. The label associated with each function (frame) on the stack is accessible
* using {@link #getLabel}, and is included in the result of {@code str(fn)} where {@code fn} is
* a StarlarkFunction.
public GlobalFrame withLabel(Object label) {
return new GlobalFrame(mutability, /*universe*/ null, label, bindings,
/*restrictedBindings*/ null);
/** Returns the {@link Mutability} of this {@link GlobalFrame}. */
public Mutability mutability() {
return mutability;
* Returns the parent {@link GlobalFrame}, if it exists.
* <p>TODO(laurentlb): Should be called getUniverse.
public GlobalFrame getParent() {
return universe;
* Returns the label (an optional piece of metadata) associated with this {@code GlobalFrame}.
* (For Bazel LOADING threads, this is the build label of its BUILD or .bzl file.)
public Object getLabel() {
return label;
* Returns a map of direct bindings of this {@link GlobalFrame}, ignoring universe.
* <p>The bindings are returned in a deterministic order (for a given sequence of initial values
* and updates).
* <p>For efficiency an unmodifiable view is returned. Callers should assume that the view is
* invalidated by any subsequent modification to the {@link GlobalFrame}'s bindings.
public Map<String, Object> getBindings() {
return Collections.unmodifiableMap(bindings);
* Returns a map of bindings that are exported (i.e. symbols declared using `=` and
* `def`, but not `load`).
public Map<String, Object> getExportedBindings() {
ImmutableMap.Builder<String, Object> result = new ImmutableMap.Builder<>();
for (Map.Entry<String, Object> entry : bindings.entrySet()) {
if (exportedBindings.contains(entry.getKey())) {
public Set<String> getNames() {
return getTransitiveBindings().keySet();
public String getUndeclaredNameError(StarlarkSemantics semantics, String name) {
FlagGuardedValue v = restrictedBindings.get(name);
return v == null ? null : v.getErrorFromAttemptingAccess(semantics, name);
public Map<String, Object> getTransitiveBindings() {
// Can't use ImmutableMap.Builder because it doesn't allow duplicates.
LinkedHashMap<String, Object> collectedBindings = new LinkedHashMap<>();
if (universe != null) {
return collectedBindings;
public Object getDirectBindings(String varname) {
return bindings.get(varname);
public Object get(String varname) {
Object val = bindings.get(varname);
if (val != null) {
return val;
if (universe != null) {
return universe.get(varname);
return null;
public void put(StarlarkThread thread, String varname, Object value)
throws MutabilityException {
Mutability.checkMutable(this, thread.mutability());
bindings.put(varname, value);
public void remove(StarlarkThread thread, String varname) throws MutabilityException {
Mutability.checkMutable(this, thread.mutability());
public String toString() {
if (mutability == null) {
return "<Uninitialized GlobalFrame>";
} else {
return String.format("<GlobalFrame%s>", mutability());
// The mutability of the StarlarkThread comes from its initial global frame.
private final Mutability mutability;
private final Map<Class<?>, Object> threadLocals = new HashMap<>();
* setThreadLocal saves {@code value} as a thread-local variable of this Starlark thread, keyed by
* {@code key}, so that it can later be retrieved by {@code getThreadLocal(key)}.
public <T> void setThreadLocal(Class<T> key, T value) {
// The clazz parameter is redundant, but it makes the API clearer.
threadLocals.put(key, value);
* getThreadLocal returns the value {@code v} supplied to the most recent {@code
* setThreadLocal(key, v)} call, or null if there was no prior call.
public <T> T getThreadLocal(Class<T> key) {
Object v = threadLocals.get(key);
return v == null ? null : key.cast(v);
* A Continuation contains data saved during a function call and restored when the function exits.
private static final class Continuation {
/** The {@link BaseFunction} being evaluated that will return into this Continuation. */
final BaseFunction function;
/** The {@link FuncallExpression} to which this Continuation will return. */
@Nullable final FuncallExpression caller;
/** The next Continuation after this Continuation. */
@Nullable final Continuation continuation;
/** The lexical Frame of the caller. */
final Frame lexicalFrame;
/** The global Frame of the caller. */
final GlobalFrame globalFrame;
@Nullable Continuation continuation,
BaseFunction function,
@Nullable FuncallExpression caller,
Frame lexicalFrame,
GlobalFrame globalFrame) {
this.continuation = continuation;
this.function = function;
this.caller = caller;
this.lexicalFrame = lexicalFrame;
this.globalFrame = globalFrame;
/** An Extension to be imported with load() into a BUILD or .bzl file. */
// TODO(janakr,brandjon): Do Extensions actually have to start their own memoization? Or can we
// have a node higher up in the hierarchy inject the mutability?
public static final class Extension {
private final ImmutableMap<String, Object> bindings;
* Cached hash code for the transitive content of this {@code Extension} and its dependencies.
* <p>Note that "content" refers to the AST content, not the evaluated bindings.
private final String transitiveContentHashCode;
/** Constructs with the given hash code and bindings. */
public Extension(ImmutableMap<String, Object> bindings, String transitiveContentHashCode) {
this.bindings = bindings;
this.transitiveContentHashCode = transitiveContentHashCode;
* Constructs using the bindings from the global definitions of the given {@link
* StarlarkThread}, and that {@code StarlarkThread}'s transitive hash code.
public Extension(StarlarkThread thread) {
// Legacy behavior: all symbols from the global Frame are exported (including symbols
// introduced by load).
? thread.globalFrame.getExportedBindings()
: thread.globalFrame.getBindings()),
private String getTransitiveContentHashCode() {
return transitiveContentHashCode;
/** Retrieves all bindings, in a deterministic order. */
public ImmutableMap<String, Object> getBindings() {
return bindings;
public boolean equals(Object obj) {
if (this == obj) {
return true;
if (!(obj instanceof Extension)) {
return false;
Extension other = (Extension) obj;
return transitiveContentHashCode.equals(other.getTransitiveContentHashCode())
&& bindings.equals(other.getBindings());
private static boolean skylarkObjectsProbablyEqual(Object obj1, Object obj2) {
// TODO(b/76154791): check this more carefully.
return obj1.equals(obj2)
|| (obj1 instanceof SkylarkValue
&& obj2 instanceof SkylarkValue
&& Printer.repr(obj1).equals(Printer.repr(obj2)));
* Throws {@link IllegalStateException} if this {@link Extension} is not equal to {@code obj}.
* <p>The exception explains the reason for the inequality, including all unequal bindings.
public void checkStateEquals(Object obj) {
if (this == obj) {
if (!(obj instanceof Extension)) {
throw new IllegalStateException(
"Expected an equal Extension, but got a %s instead of an Extension",
obj == null ? "null" : obj.getClass().getName()));
Extension other = (Extension) obj;
ImmutableMap<String, Object> otherBindings = other.getBindings();
Set<String> names = bindings.keySet();
Set<String> otherNames = otherBindings.keySet();
if (!names.equals(otherNames)) {
throw new IllegalStateException(
"Expected Extensions to be equal, but they don't define the same bindings: "
+ "in this one but not given one: [%s]; in given one but not this one: [%s]",
Joiner.on(", ").join(Sets.difference(names, otherNames)),
Joiner.on(", ").join(Sets.difference(otherNames, names))));
ArrayList<String> badEntries = new ArrayList<>();
for (String name : names) {
Object value = bindings.get(name);
Object otherValue = otherBindings.get(name);
if (value.equals(otherValue)) {
if (value instanceof SkylarkNestedSet) {
if (otherValue instanceof SkylarkNestedSet
&& ((SkylarkNestedSet) value)
.equals(((SkylarkNestedSet) otherValue).toCollection())) {
} else if (value instanceof SkylarkDict) {
if (otherValue instanceof SkylarkDict) {
SkylarkDict<Object, Object> thisDict = (SkylarkDict<Object, Object>) value;
SkylarkDict<Object, Object> otherDict = (SkylarkDict<Object, Object>) otherValue;
if (thisDict.size() == otherDict.size()
&& thisDict.keySet().equals(otherDict.keySet())) {
boolean foundProblem = false;
for (Object key : thisDict.keySet()) {
if (!skylarkObjectsProbablyEqual(
Preconditions.checkNotNull(thisDict.get(key), key),
Preconditions.checkNotNull(otherDict.get(key), key))) {
foundProblem = true;
if (!foundProblem) {
} else if (skylarkObjectsProbablyEqual(value, otherValue)) {
"%s: this one has %s (class %s, %s), but given one has %s (class %s, %s)",
if (!badEntries.isEmpty()) {
throw new IllegalStateException(
"Expected Extensions to be equal, but the following bindings are unequal: "
+ Joiner.on("; ").join(badEntries));
if (!transitiveContentHashCode.equals(other.getTransitiveContentHashCode())) {
throw new IllegalStateException(
"Expected Extensions to be equal, but transitive content hashes don't match:"
+ " %s != %s",
transitiveContentHashCode, other.getTransitiveContentHashCode()));
public int hashCode() {
return Objects.hash(bindings, transitiveContentHashCode);
* Static Frame for lexical variables that are always looked up in the current StarlarkThread or
* for the definition StarlarkThread of the function currently being evaluated.
private Frame lexicalFrame;
* Static Frame for global variables; either the current lexical Frame if evaluation is currently
* happening at the global scope of a BUILD file, or the global Frame at the time of function
* definition if evaluation is currently happening in the body of a function. Thus functions can
* close over other functions defined in the same file.
private GlobalFrame globalFrame;
/** The semantics options that affect how Skylark code is evaluated. */
private final StarlarkSemantics semantics;
* An EventHandler for errors and warnings. This is not used in the BUILD language, however it
* might be used in Skylark code called from the BUILD language, so shouldn't be null.
private final EventHandler eventHandler;
* For each imported extension, a global Skylark frame from which to load() individual bindings.
private final Map<String, Extension> importedExtensions;
* When in a lexical (Skylark) frame, this lists the names of the functions in the call stack. We
* currently use it to artificially disable recursion.
@Nullable private Continuation continuation;
/** A hook for notifications of assignments at top level. */
PostAssignHook postAssignHook;
* Enters a scope by saving state to a new Continuation
* @param function the function whose scope to enter
* @param lexical the lexical frame to use
* @param caller the source AST node for the caller
* @param globals the global Frame that this function closes over from its definition
* StarlarkThread
void enterScope(
BaseFunction function,
Frame lexical,
@Nullable FuncallExpression caller,
GlobalFrame globals) {
continuation = new Continuation(continuation, function, caller, lexicalFrame, globalFrame);
lexicalFrame = lexical;
globalFrame = globals;
/** Exits a scope by restoring state from the current continuation */
void exitScope() {
lexicalFrame = continuation.lexicalFrame;
globalFrame = continuation.globalFrame;
continuation = continuation.continuation;
private final String transitiveHashCode;
* Is this a global StarlarkThread?
* @return true if the current code is being executed at the top-level, as opposed to inside the
* body of a function.
boolean isGlobal() {
return lexicalFrame instanceof GlobalFrame;
public Mutability mutability() {
return mutability;
/** Returns the global variables for the StarlarkThread (not including dynamic bindings). */
public GlobalFrame getGlobals() {
return globalFrame;
* Returns an EventHandler for errors and warnings. The BUILD language doesn't use it directly,
* but can call Skylark code that does use it.
* @return an EventHandler
// TODO(adonovan): turn this into a print handler and break dependency on EventHandler.
// First, we must report scan/parse/validation errors using an exception containing events.
public EventHandler getEventHandler() {
return eventHandler;
* Returns if calling the supplied function would be a recursive call, or in other words if the
* supplied function is already on the stack.
boolean isRecursiveCall(StarlarkFunction function) {
for (Continuation k = continuation; k != null; k = k.continuation) {
// TODO(adonovan): compare code, not closure values, otherwise
// one can defeat this check by writing the Y combinator.
if (k.function.equals(function)) {
return true;
return false;
/** Returns the current function call, if it exists. */
BaseFunction getCurrentFunction() {
return continuation != null ? continuation.function : null;
/** Returns the FuncallExpression and the BaseFunction for the top-level call being evaluated. */
// TODO(adonovan): replace this by an API for walking the call stack.
public Pair<FuncallExpression, BaseFunction> getTopCall() {
Continuation continuation = this.continuation;
if (continuation == null) {
return null;
while (continuation.continuation != null) {
continuation = continuation.continuation;
return new Pair<>(continuation.caller, continuation.function);
* Constructs an StarlarkThread. This is the main, most basic constructor.
* @param globalFrame a frame for the global StarlarkThread
* @param eventHandler an EventHandler for warnings, errors, etc
* @param importedExtensions Extension-s from which to import bindings with load()
* @param fileContentHashCode a hash for the source file being evaluated, if any
private StarlarkThread(
GlobalFrame globalFrame,
StarlarkSemantics semantics,
EventHandler eventHandler,
Map<String, Extension> importedExtensions,
@Nullable String fileContentHashCode) {
this.lexicalFrame = Preconditions.checkNotNull(globalFrame);
this.globalFrame = Preconditions.checkNotNull(globalFrame);
this.mutability = globalFrame.mutability();
this.semantics = semantics;
this.eventHandler = eventHandler;
this.importedExtensions = importedExtensions;
this.transitiveHashCode =
computeTransitiveContentHashCode(fileContentHashCode, importedExtensions);
* A Builder class for StarlarkThread.
* <p>The caller must explicitly set the semantics by calling either {@link #setSemantics} or
* {@link #useDefaultSemantics}.
public static class Builder {
private final Mutability mutability;
@Nullable private GlobalFrame parent;
@Nullable private StarlarkSemantics semantics;
@Nullable private EventHandler eventHandler;
@Nullable private Map<String, Extension> importedExtensions;
@Nullable private String fileContentHashCode;
Builder(Mutability mutability) {
this.mutability = mutability;
* Inherits global bindings from the given parent Frame.
* <p>TODO(laurentlb): this should be called setUniverse.
public Builder setGlobals(GlobalFrame parent) {
Preconditions.checkState(this.parent == null);
this.parent = parent;
return this;
public Builder setSemantics(StarlarkSemantics semantics) {
this.semantics = semantics;
return this;
public Builder useDefaultSemantics() {
this.semantics = StarlarkSemantics.DEFAULT_SEMANTICS;
return this;
/** Sets an EventHandler for errors and warnings. */
public Builder setEventHandler(EventHandler eventHandler) {
Preconditions.checkState(this.eventHandler == null);
this.eventHandler = eventHandler;
return this;
/** Declares imported extensions for load() statements. */
public Builder setImportedExtensions(Map<String, Extension> importMap) {
Preconditions.checkState(this.importedExtensions == null);
this.importedExtensions = importMap;
return this;
/** Declares content hash for the source file for this StarlarkThread. */
public Builder setFileContentHashCode(String fileContentHashCode) {
this.fileContentHashCode = fileContentHashCode;
return this;
/** Builds the StarlarkThread. */
public StarlarkThread build() {
if (semantics == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("must call either setSemantics or useDefaultSemantics");
if (parent != null) {
Preconditions.checkArgument(parent.mutability().isFrozen(), "parent frame must be frozen");
if (parent.universe != null) { // This code path doesn't happen in Bazel.
// Flatten the frame, ensure all builtins are in the same frame.
parent =
new GlobalFrame(
null /* parent */,
// Filter out restricted objects from the universe scope. This cannot be done in-place in
// creation of the input global universe scope, because this environment's semantics may not
// have been available during its creation. Thus, create a new universe scope for this
// environment which is equivalent in every way except that restricted bindings are
// filtered out.
parent = GlobalFrame.filterOutRestrictedBindings(mutability, parent, semantics);
GlobalFrame globalFrame = new GlobalFrame(mutability, parent);
if (importedExtensions == null) {
importedExtensions = ImmutableMap.of();
return new StarlarkThread(
globalFrame, semantics, eventHandler, importedExtensions, fileContentHashCode);
public static Builder builder(Mutability mutability) {
return new Builder(mutability);
/** Remove variable from local bindings. */
void removeLocalBinding(String varname) {
try {
lexicalFrame.remove(this, varname);
} catch (MutabilityException e) {
throw new AssertionError(e);
/** Modifies a binding in the current Frame. If it is the module Frame, also export it. */
StarlarkThread updateAndExport(String varname, Object value) throws EvalException {
update(varname, value);
if (isGlobal()) {
return this;
* Specifies a hook function to be run after each assignment at top level.
* <p>This is a short-term hack to allow us to consolidate all StarlarkFile execution in one place
* even while SkylarkImportLookupFunction implements the old "export" behavior, in which rules,
* aspects and providers are "exported" as soon as they are assigned, not at the end of file
* execution.
public void setPostAssignHook(PostAssignHook postAssignHook) {
this.postAssignHook = postAssignHook;
/** A hook for notifications of assignments at top level. */
public interface PostAssignHook {
void assign(String name, Object value);
* Modifies a binding in the current Frame of this StarlarkThread, as would an {@link
* AssignmentStatement}. Does not try to modify an inherited binding. This will shadow any
* inherited binding, which may be an error that you want to guard against before calling this
* function.
* @param varname the name of the variable to be bound
* @param value the value to bind to the variable
* @return this StarlarkThread, in fluid style
public StarlarkThread update(String varname, Object value) throws EvalException {
Preconditions.checkNotNull(value, "trying to assign null to '%s'", varname);
try {
lexicalFrame.put(this, varname, value);
} catch (MutabilityException e) {
// Note that since at this time we don't accept the global keyword, and don't have closures,
// end users should never be able to mutate a frozen StarlarkThread, and a MutabilityException
// is therefore a failed assertion for Bazel. However, it is possible to shadow a binding
// imported from a parent StarlarkThread by updating the current StarlarkThread, which will
// not trigger a MutabilityException.
throw new AssertionError(
Printer.format("Can't update %s to %r in frozen environment", varname, value), e);
return this;
// Used only for Eval.evalComprehension..
void updateInternal(String name, @Nullable Object value) {
try {
if (value != null) {
lexicalFrame.put(this, name, value);
} else {
lexicalFrame.remove(this, name);
} catch (MutabilityException ex) {
throw new IllegalStateException(ex);
* Initializes a binding in this StarlarkThread. It is an error if the variable is already bound.
* This is not for end-users, and will throw an AssertionError in case of conflict.
* @param varname the name of the variable to be bound
* @param value the value to bind to the variable
* @return this StarlarkThread, in fluid style
public StarlarkThread setup(String varname, Object value) {
if (lookup(varname) != null) {
throw new AssertionError(String.format("variable '%s' already bound", varname));
return setupOverride(varname, value);
* Initializes a binding in this environment. Overrides any previous binding. This is not for
* end-users, and will throw an AssertionError in case of conflict.
* @param varname the name of the variable to be bound
* @param value the value to bind to the variable
* @return this StarlarkThread, in fluid style
public StarlarkThread setupOverride(String varname, Object value) {
try {
return update(varname, value);
} catch (EvalException ee) {
throw new AssertionError(ee);
* Returns the value of a variable defined in Local scope. Do not search in any parent scope. This
* function should be used once the AST has been analysed and we know which variables are local.
Object localLookup(String varname) {
return lexicalFrame.get(varname);
* Returns the value of a variable defined in the Module scope (e.g. global variables, functions).
public Object moduleLookup(String varname) {
return globalFrame.getDirectBindings(varname);
/** Returns the value of a variable defined in the Universe scope (builtins). */
public Object universeLookup(String varname) {
// TODO(laurentlb): look only at globalFrame.universe.
return globalFrame.get(varname);
* Returns the value from the environment whose name is "varname" if it exists, otherwise null.
* <p>TODO(laurentlb): Remove this method. Callers should know where the value is defined and use
* the corresponding method (e.g. localLookup or moduleLookup).
Object lookup(String varname) {
// Lexical frame takes precedence, then globals.
Object lexicalValue = lexicalFrame.get(varname);
if (lexicalValue != null) {
return lexicalValue;
Object globalValue = globalFrame.get(varname);
if (globalValue == null) {
return null;
return globalValue;
public StarlarkSemantics getSemantics() {
return semantics;
void handleEvent(Event event) {
* Returns a set of all names of variables that are accessible in this {@code StarlarkThread}, in
* a deterministic order.
// TODO(adonovan): eliminate sole external call from docgen.
public Set<String> getVariableNames() {
LinkedHashSet<String> vars = new LinkedHashSet<>();
// No-op when globalFrame = lexicalFrame
return vars;
/** Evaluates a Skylark statement in this thread. (Debugger API) This operation mutates expr. */
// TODO(adonovan): push this up into the debugger once the eval API is finalized.
public Object debugEval(Expression expr) throws EvalException, InterruptedException {
return Eval.eval(this, expr);
* Returns the stack frames corresponding of the context's current (paused) state. (Debugger API)
* <p>For all stack frames except the innermost, location information is retrieved from the
* current context. The innermost frame's location must be supplied as {@code currentLocation} by
* the caller.
public ImmutableList<DebugFrame> listFrames(Location currentLocation) {
ImmutableList.Builder<DebugFrame> frameListBuilder = ImmutableList.builder();
Continuation currentContinuation = continuation;
Frame currentFrame = lexicalFrame;
// if there's a continuation then the current frame is a lexical frame
while (currentContinuation != null) {
currentFrame = currentContinuation.lexicalFrame;
currentLocation =
currentContinuation.caller != null ? currentContinuation.caller.getLocation() : null;
currentContinuation = currentContinuation.continuation;
.setFunctionName("<top level>")
* Given a requested stepping behavior, returns a predicate over the context that tells the
* debugger when to pause. (Debugger API)
* <p>The predicate will return true if we are at the next statement where execution should pause,
* and it will return false if we are not yet at that statement. No guarantee is made about the
* predicate's return value after we have reached the desired statement.
* <p>A null return value indicates that no further pausing should occur.
public ReadyToPause stepControl(Stepping stepping) {
final Continuation pausedContinuation = continuation;
switch (stepping) {
case NONE:
return null;
case INTO:
// pause at the very next statement
return thread -> true;
case OVER:
return thread -> isAt(thread, pausedContinuation) || isOutside(thread, pausedContinuation);
case OUT:
// if we're at the outer-most frame, same as NONE
return pausedContinuation == null ? null : thread -> isOutside(thread, pausedContinuation);
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unsupported stepping type: " + stepping);
/** See stepControl (Debugger API) */
public interface ReadyToPause extends Predicate<StarlarkThread> {}
* Describes the stepping behavior that should occur when execution of a thread is continued.
* (Debugger API)
public enum Stepping {
/** Continue execution without stepping. */
* If the thread is paused on a statement that contains a function call, step into that
* function. Otherwise, this is the same as OVER.
* Step over the current statement and any functions that it may call, stopping at the next
* statement in the same frame. If no more statements are available in the current frame, same
* as OUT.
* Continue execution until the current frame has been exited and then pause. If we are
* currently in the outer-most frame, same as NONE.
/** Returns true if {@code thread} is in a parent frame of {@code pausedContinuation}. */
private static boolean isOutside(
StarlarkThread thread, @Nullable Continuation pausedContinuation) {
return pausedContinuation != null && thread.continuation == pausedContinuation.continuation;
/** Returns true if {@code thread} is at the same frame as {@code pausedContinuation. */
private static boolean isAt(StarlarkThread thread, @Nullable Continuation pausedContinuation) {
return thread.continuation == pausedContinuation;
public int hashCode() {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); // avoid nondeterminism
public boolean equals(Object that) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
public String toString() {
return String.format("<StarlarkThread%s>", mutability());
* An Exception thrown when an attempt is made to import a symbol from a file that was not
* properly loaded.
// TODO(adonovan): replace with plain EvalException.
static class LoadFailedException extends Exception {
LoadFailedException(String importString) {
"file '%s' was not correctly loaded. "
+ "Make sure the 'load' statement appears in the global scope in your file",
LoadFailedException(String importString, String symbolString, Iterable<String> allKeys) {
"file '%s' does not contain symbol '%s'%s",
importString, symbolString, SpellChecker.didYouMean(symbolString, allKeys)));
void importSymbol(String importString, Identifier symbol, String nameInLoadedFile)
throws LoadFailedException {
Preconditions.checkState(isGlobal()); // loading is only allowed at global scope.
if (!importedExtensions.containsKey(importString)) {
throw new LoadFailedException(importString);
Extension ext = importedExtensions.get(importString);
Map<String, Object> bindings = ext.getBindings();
if (!bindings.containsKey(nameInLoadedFile)) {
throw new LoadFailedException(importString, nameInLoadedFile, bindings.keySet());
Object value = bindings.get(nameInLoadedFile);
try {
update(symbol.getName(), value);
} catch (EvalException e) {
throw new LoadFailedException(importString);
* Computes a deterministic hash for the given base hash code and extension map (the map's order
* does not matter).
private static String computeTransitiveContentHashCode(
@Nullable String baseHashCode, Map<String, Extension> importedExtensions) {
// Calculate a new hash from the hash of the loaded Extension-s.
Fingerprint fingerprint = new Fingerprint();
if (baseHashCode != null) {
TreeSet<String> importStrings = new TreeSet<>(importedExtensions.keySet());
for (String importString : importStrings) {
return fingerprint.hexDigestAndReset();
* Returns a hash code calculated from the hash code of this StarlarkThread and the transitive
* closure of other StarlarkThreads it loads.
public String getTransitiveContentHashCode() {
return transitiveHashCode;
/** A read-only {@link StarlarkThread.GlobalFrame} with False/True/None constants only. */
@AutoCodec static final GlobalFrame CONSTANTS_ONLY = createConstantsGlobals();
* A read-only {@link StarlarkThread.GlobalFrame} with initial globals as defined in
* MethodLibrary.
@AutoCodec public static final GlobalFrame DEFAULT_GLOBALS = createDefaultGlobals();
/** To be removed when all call-sites are updated. */
public static final GlobalFrame SKYLARK = DEFAULT_GLOBALS;
private static StarlarkThread.GlobalFrame createConstantsGlobals() {
ImmutableMap.Builder<String, Object> builder = ImmutableMap.builder();
return GlobalFrame.createForBuiltins(;
private static StarlarkThread.GlobalFrame createDefaultGlobals() {
ImmutableMap.Builder<String, Object> builder = ImmutableMap.builder();
return GlobalFrame.createForBuiltins(;