blob: ce203a0433454884b4a48a600be3b186a493c307 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Bazel Authors. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import javax.annotation.Nullable;
* Checks whether an {@link Action} needs to be executed, or whether it has not changed since it was
* last stored in the action cache. Must be informed of the new Action data after execution as well.
* <p>The fingerprint, input files names, and metadata (either mtimes or MD5sums) of each action are
* cached in the action cache to avoid unnecessary rebuilds. Middleman artifacts are handled
* specially, avoiding the need to create actual files corresponding to the middleman artifacts.
* Instead of that, results of MiddlemanAction dependency checks are cached internally and then
* reused whenever an input middleman artifact is encountered.
* <p>While instances of this class hold references to action and metadata cache instances, they are
* otherwise lightweight, and should be constructed anew and discarded for each build request.
public class ActionCacheChecker {
private static final byte[] EMPTY_DIGEST = new byte[0];
private static final FileArtifactValue CONSTANT_METADATA = new ConstantMetadataValue();
private final ActionCache actionCache;
private final ActionKeyContext actionKeyContext;
private final Predicate<? super Action> executionFilter;
private final ArtifactResolver artifactResolver;
private final CacheConfig cacheConfig;
/** Cache config parameters for ActionCacheChecker. */
public abstract static class CacheConfig {
abstract boolean enabled();
// True iff --verbose_explanations flag is set.
abstract boolean verboseExplanations();
public static Builder builder() {
return new AutoValue_ActionCacheChecker_CacheConfig.Builder();
/** Builder for ActionCacheChecker.CacheConfig. */
public abstract static class Builder {
public abstract Builder setVerboseExplanations(boolean value);
public abstract Builder setEnabled(boolean value);
public abstract CacheConfig build();
public ActionCacheChecker(
ActionCache actionCache,
ArtifactResolver artifactResolver,
ActionKeyContext actionKeyContext,
Predicate<? super Action> executionFilter,
@Nullable CacheConfig cacheConfig) {
this.actionCache = actionCache;
this.executionFilter = executionFilter;
this.actionKeyContext = actionKeyContext;
this.artifactResolver = artifactResolver;
this.cacheConfig =
cacheConfig != null
? cacheConfig
: CacheConfig.builder().setEnabled(true).setVerboseExplanations(false).build();
public boolean isActionExecutionProhibited(Action action) {
return !executionFilter.apply(action);
/** Whether the action cache is enabled. */
public boolean enabled() {
return cacheConfig.enabled();
* Checks whether one of existing output paths is already used as a key.
* If yes, returns it - otherwise uses first output file as a key
private ActionCache.Entry getCacheEntry(Action action) {
if (!cacheConfig.enabled()) {
return null; // ignore existing cache when disabled.
for (Artifact output : action.getOutputs()) {
ActionCache.Entry entry = actionCache.get(output.getExecPathString());
if (entry != null) {
return entry;
return null;
private void removeCacheEntry(Action action) {
for (Artifact output : action.getOutputs()) {
* Validate metadata state for action input or output artifacts.
* @param entry cached action information.
* @param action action to be validated.
* @param actionInputs the inputs of the action. Normally just the result of action.getInputs(),
* but if this action doesn't yet know its inputs, we check the inputs from the cache.
* @param metadataHandler provider of metadata for the artifacts this action interacts with.
* @param checkOutput true to validate output artifacts, Otherwise, just validate inputs.
* @return true if at least one artifact has changed, false - otherwise.
private static boolean validateArtifacts(
ActionCache.Entry entry,
Action action,
Iterable<Artifact> actionInputs,
MetadataHandler metadataHandler,
boolean checkOutput) {
Map<String, FileArtifactValue> mdMap = new HashMap<>();
if (checkOutput) {
for (Artifact artifact : action.getOutputs()) {
mdMap.put(artifact.getExecPathString(), getMetadataMaybe(metadataHandler, artifact));
for (Artifact artifact : actionInputs) {
mdMap.put(artifact.getExecPathString(), getMetadataMaybe(metadataHandler, artifact));
return !Arrays.equals(DigestUtils.fromMetadata(mdMap), entry.getFileDigest());
private void reportCommand(EventHandler handler, Action action) {
if (handler != null) {
if (cacheConfig.verboseExplanations()) {
String keyDescription = action.describeKey();
reportRebuild(handler, action, keyDescription == null
? "action command has changed"
: "action command has changed.\nNew action: " + keyDescription);
} else {
reportRebuild(handler, action,
"action command has changed (try --verbose_explanations for more info)");
private void reportClientEnv(EventHandler handler, Action action, Map<String, String> used) {
if (handler != null) {
if (cacheConfig.verboseExplanations()) {
StringBuilder message = new StringBuilder();
message.append("Effective client environment has changed. Now using\n");
for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : used.entrySet()) {
message.append(" ").append(entry.getKey()).append("=").append(entry.getValue())
reportRebuild(handler, action, message.toString());
} else {
"Effective client environment has changed (try --verbose_explanations for more info)");
protected boolean unconditionalExecution(Action action) {
return !isActionExecutionProhibited(action) && action.executeUnconditionally();
private static Map<String, String> computeUsedExecProperties(
Action action, Map<String, String> execProperties) {
return action.getExecProperties().isEmpty() ? execProperties : action.getExecProperties();
private static Map<String, String> computeUsedClientEnv(
Action action, Map<String, String> clientEnv) {
Map<String, String> used = new HashMap<>();
for (String var : action.getClientEnvironmentVariables()) {
String value = clientEnv.get(var);
if (value != null) {
used.put(var, value);
return used;
private static Map<String, String> computeUsedEnv(
Action action,
Map<String, String> clientEnv,
Map<String, String> remoteDefaultPlatformProperties) {
Map<String, String> usedClientEnv = computeUsedClientEnv(action, clientEnv);
Map<String, String> usedExecProperties =
computeUsedExecProperties(action, remoteDefaultPlatformProperties);
// Combining the Client environment with the Remote Default Execution Properties, because
// the Miss Reason is not used currently by Bazel, therefore there is no need to distinguish
// between these two cases. This also saves memory used for the Action Cache.
Map<String, String> usedEnvironment = new HashMap<>();
return usedEnvironment;
* Checks whether {@code action} needs to be executed and returns a non-null Token if so.
* <p>The method checks if any of the action's inputs or outputs have changed. Returns a non-null
* {@link Token} if the action needs to be executed, and null otherwise.
* <p>If this method returns non-null, indicating that the action will be executed, the
* metadataHandler's {@link MetadataHandler#discardOutputMetadata} method must be called, so that
* it does not serve stale metadata for the action's outputs after the action is executed.
// Note: the handler should only be used for DEPCHECKER events; there's no
// guarantee it will be available for other events.
public Token getTokenIfNeedToExecute(
Action action,
List<Artifact> resolvedCacheArtifacts,
Map<String, String> clientEnv,
EventHandler handler,
MetadataHandler metadataHandler,
Map<String, String> remoteDefaultPlatformProperties) {
// TODO(bazel-team): (2010) For RunfilesAction/SymlinkAction and similar actions that
// produce only symlinks we should not check whether inputs are valid at all - all that matters
// that inputs and outputs are still exist (and new inputs have not appeared). All other checks
// are unnecessary. In other words, the only metadata we should check for them is file existence
// itself.
MiddlemanType middlemanType = action.getActionType();
if (middlemanType.isMiddleman()) {
// Some types of middlemen are not checked because they should not
// propagate invalidation of their inputs.
if (middlemanType != MiddlemanType.SCHEDULING_DEPENDENCY_MIDDLEMAN) {
checkMiddlemanAction(action, handler, metadataHandler);
return null;
if (!cacheConfig.enabled()) {
return new Token(getKeyString(action));
NestedSet<Artifact> actionInputs = action.getInputs();
// Resolve action inputs from cache, if necessary.
boolean inputsDiscovered = action.inputsDiscovered();
if (!inputsDiscovered && resolvedCacheArtifacts != null) {
// The action doesn't know its inputs, but the caller has a good idea of what they are.
"Actions that don't know their inputs must discover them: %s", action);
actionInputs = NestedSetBuilder.wrap(Order.STABLE_ORDER, resolvedCacheArtifacts);
ActionCache.Entry entry = getCacheEntry(action);
if (mustExecute(
remoteDefaultPlatformProperties)) {
if (entry != null) {
return new Token(getKeyString(action));
if (!inputsDiscovered) {
return null;
protected boolean mustExecute(
Action action,
@Nullable ActionCache.Entry entry,
EventHandler handler,
MetadataHandler metadataHandler,
Iterable<Artifact> actionInputs,
Map<String, String> clientEnv,
Map<String, String> remoteDefaultPlatformProperties) {
// Unconditional execution can be applied only for actions that are allowed to be executed.
if (unconditionalExecution(action)) {
reportUnconditionalExecution(handler, action);
return true;
if (entry == null) {
reportNewAction(handler, action);
return true;
if (entry.isCorrupted()) {
reportCorruptedCacheEntry(handler, action);
return true;
} else if (validateArtifacts(entry, action, actionInputs, metadataHandler, true)) {
reportChanged(handler, action);
return true;
} else if (!entry.getActionKey().equals(action.getKey(actionKeyContext))) {
reportCommand(handler, action);
return true;
Map<String, String> usedEnvironment =
computeUsedEnv(action, clientEnv, remoteDefaultPlatformProperties);
if (!Arrays.equals(entry.getUsedClientEnvDigest(), DigestUtils.fromEnv(usedEnvironment))) {
reportClientEnv(handler, action, usedEnvironment);
return true;
return false;
private static FileArtifactValue getMetadataOrConstant(
MetadataHandler metadataHandler, Artifact artifact) throws IOException {
if (artifact.isConstantMetadata()) {
} else {
return metadataHandler.getMetadata(artifact);
// TODO(ulfjack): It's unclear to me why we're ignoring all IOExceptions. In some cases, we want
// to trigger a re-execution, so we should catch the IOException explicitly there. In others, we
// should propagate the exception, because it is unexpected (e.g., bad file system state).
private static FileArtifactValue getMetadataMaybe(
MetadataHandler metadataHandler, Artifact artifact) {
try {
return getMetadataOrConstant(metadataHandler, artifact);
} catch (IOException e) {
return null;
public void updateActionCache(
Action action,
Token token,
MetadataHandler metadataHandler,
Map<String, String> clientEnv,
Map<String, String> remoteDefaultPlatformProperties)
throws IOException {
cacheConfig.enabled(), "cache unexpectedly disabled, action: %s", action);
Preconditions.checkArgument(token != null, "token unexpectedly null, action: %s", action);
String key = token.cacheKey;
if (actionCache.get(key) != null) {
// This cache entry has already been updated by a shared action. We don't need to do it again.
Map<String, String> usedEnvironment =
computeUsedEnv(action, clientEnv, remoteDefaultPlatformProperties);
ActionCache.Entry entry =
new ActionCache.Entry(
action.getKey(actionKeyContext), usedEnvironment, action.discoversInputs());
for (Artifact output : action.getOutputs()) {
// Remove old records from the cache if they used different key.
String execPath = output.getExecPathString();
if (!key.equals(execPath)) {
if (!metadataHandler.artifactOmitted(output)) {
// Output files *must* exist and be accessible after successful action execution. We use the
// 'constant' metadata for the volatile workspace status output. The volatile output
// contains information such as timestamps, and even when --stamp is enabled, we don't want
// to rebuild everything if only that file changes.
FileArtifactValue metadata = getMetadataOrConstant(metadataHandler, output);
Preconditions.checkState(metadata != null);
entry.addFile(output.getExecPath(), metadata);
for (Artifact input : action.getInputs().toList()) {
entry.addFile(input.getExecPath(), getMetadataMaybe(metadataHandler, input));
actionCache.put(key, entry);
public List<Artifact> getCachedInputs(Action action, PackageRootResolver resolver)
throws InterruptedException {
ActionCache.Entry entry = getCacheEntry(action);
if (entry == null || entry.isCorrupted()) {
return ImmutableList.of();
List<PathFragment> outputs = new ArrayList<>();
for (Artifact output : action.getOutputs()) {
List<PathFragment> inputExecPaths = new ArrayList<>();
for (String path : entry.getPaths()) {
PathFragment execPath = PathFragment.create(path);
// Code assumes that action has only 1-2 outputs and ArrayList.contains() will be
// most efficient.
if (!outputs.contains(execPath)) {
// Note that this method may trigger a violation of the desirable invariant that getInputs()
// is a superset of getMandatoryInputs(). See bug about an "action not in canonical form"
// error message and the integration test test_crosstool_change_and_failure().
Map<PathFragment, Artifact> allowedDerivedInputsMap = new HashMap<>();
for (Artifact derivedInput : action.getAllowedDerivedInputs()) {
if (!derivedInput.isSourceArtifact()) {
allowedDerivedInputsMap.put(derivedInput.getExecPath(), derivedInput);
List<Artifact> inputArtifacts = new ArrayList<>();
List<PathFragment> unresolvedPaths = new ArrayList<>();
for (PathFragment execPath : inputExecPaths) {
Artifact artifact = allowedDerivedInputsMap.get(execPath);
if (artifact != null) {
} else {
// Remember this execPath, we will try to resolve it as a source artifact.
Map<PathFragment, Artifact> resolvedArtifacts =
artifactResolver.resolveSourceArtifacts(unresolvedPaths, resolver);
if (resolvedArtifacts == null) {
// We are missing some dependencies. We need to rerun this update later.
return null;
for (PathFragment execPath : unresolvedPaths) {
Artifact artifact = resolvedArtifacts.get(execPath);
// If PathFragment cannot be resolved into the artifact, ignore it. This could happen if the
// rule has changed and the action no longer depends on, e.g., an additional source file in a
// separate package and that package is no longer referenced anywhere else. It is safe to
// ignore such paths because dependency checker would identify changes in inputs (ignored path
// was used before) and will force action execution.
if (artifact != null) {
return inputArtifacts;
* Special handling for the MiddlemanAction. Since MiddlemanAction output artifacts are purely
* fictional and used only to stay within dependency graph model limitations (action has to depend
* on artifacts, not on other actions), we do not need to validate metadata for the outputs - only
* for inputs. We also do not need to validate MiddlemanAction key, since action cache entry key
* already incorporates that information for the middlemen and we will experience a cache miss
* when it is different. Whenever it encounters middleman artifacts as input artifacts for other
* actions, it consults with the aggregated middleman digest computed here.
protected void checkMiddlemanAction(
Action action, EventHandler handler, MetadataHandler metadataHandler) {
if (!cacheConfig.enabled()) {
// Action cache is disabled, don't generate digests.
Artifact middleman = action.getPrimaryOutput();
String cacheKey = middleman.getExecPathString();
ActionCache.Entry entry = actionCache.get(cacheKey);
boolean changed = false;
if (entry != null) {
if (entry.isCorrupted()) {
reportCorruptedCacheEntry(handler, action);
changed = true;
} else if (validateArtifacts(entry, action, action.getInputs(), metadataHandler, false)) {
reportChanged(handler, action);
changed = true;
} else {
reportChangedDeps(handler, action);
changed = true;
if (changed) {
// Compute the aggregated middleman digest.
// Since we never validate action key for middlemen, we should not store
// it in the cache entry and just use empty string instead.
entry = new ActionCache.Entry("", ImmutableMap.<String, String>of(), false);
for (Artifact input : action.getInputs().toList()) {
entry.addFile(input.getExecPath(), getMetadataMaybe(metadataHandler, input));
metadataHandler.setDigestForVirtualArtifact(middleman, entry.getFileDigest());
if (changed) {
actionCache.put(cacheKey, entry);
} else {
* Returns an action key. It is always set to the first output exec path string.
private static String getKeyString(Action action) {
return action.getOutputs().iterator().next().getExecPathString();
* In most cases, this method should not be called directly - reportXXX() methods
* should be used instead. This is done to avoid cost associated with building
* the message.
private static void reportRebuild(@Nullable EventHandler handler, Action action, String message) {
// For MiddlemanAction, do not report rebuild.
if (handler != null && !action.getActionType().isMiddleman()) {
EventKind.DEPCHECKER, null, "Executing " + action.prettyPrint() + ": " + message + "."));
// Called by IncrementalDependencyChecker.
protected static void reportUnconditionalExecution(
@Nullable EventHandler handler, Action action) {
reportRebuild(handler, action, "unconditional execution is requested");
private static void reportChanged(@Nullable EventHandler handler, Action action) {
reportRebuild(handler, action, "One of the files has changed");
private static void reportChangedDeps(@Nullable EventHandler handler, Action action) {
reportRebuild(handler, action, "the set of files on which this action depends has changed");
private static void reportNewAction(@Nullable EventHandler handler, Action action) {
reportRebuild(handler, action, "no entry in the cache (action is new)");
private static void reportCorruptedCacheEntry(@Nullable EventHandler handler, Action action) {
reportRebuild(handler, action, "cache entry is corrupted");
/** Wrapper for all context needed by the ActionCacheChecker to handle a single action. */
public static final class Token {
private final String cacheKey;
private Token(String cacheKey) {
this.cacheKey = Preconditions.checkNotNull(cacheKey);
private static final class ConstantMetadataValue extends FileArtifactValue
implements FileArtifactValue.Singleton {
public FileStateType getType() {
return FileStateType.REGULAR_FILE;
public byte[] getDigest() {
public FileContentsProxy getContentsProxy() {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
public long getSize() {
return 0;
public long getModifiedTime() {
return -1;
public boolean wasModifiedSinceDigest(Path path) {
throw new UnsupportedOperationException(
"ConstantMetadataValue doesn't support wasModifiedSinceDigest " + path.toString());