blob: 9e39953c9729909312b0fd961c97f04f7abb94bf [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2016 The Bazel Authors. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# integration tests for bazel query
# --- begin runfiles.bash initialization ---
# Copy-pasted from Bazel's Bash runfiles library (tools/bash/runfiles/runfiles.bash).
set -euo pipefail
if [[ ! -d "${RUNFILES_DIR:-/dev/null}" && ! -f "${RUNFILES_MANIFEST_FILE:-/dev/null}" ]]; then
if [[ -f "$0.runfiles_manifest" ]]; then
export RUNFILES_MANIFEST_FILE="$0.runfiles_manifest"
elif [[ -f "$0.runfiles/MANIFEST" ]]; then
elif [[ -f "$0.runfiles/bazel_tools/tools/bash/runfiles/runfiles.bash" ]]; then
export RUNFILES_DIR="$0.runfiles"
if [[ -f "${RUNFILES_DIR:-/dev/null}/bazel_tools/tools/bash/runfiles/runfiles.bash" ]]; then
source "${RUNFILES_DIR}/bazel_tools/tools/bash/runfiles/runfiles.bash"
elif [[ -f "${RUNFILES_MANIFEST_FILE:-/dev/null}" ]]; then
source "$(grep -m1 "^bazel_tools/tools/bash/runfiles/runfiles.bash " \
"$RUNFILES_MANIFEST_FILE" | cut -d ' ' -f 2-)"
echo >&2 "ERROR: cannot find @bazel_tools//tools/bash/runfiles:runfiles.bash"
exit 1
# --- end runfiles.bash initialization ---
source "$(rlocation "io_bazel/src/test/shell/")" \
|| { echo " not found!" >&2; exit 1; }
# `uname` returns the current platform, e.g "MSYS_NT-10.0" or "Linux".
# `tr` converts all upper case letters to lower case.
# `case` matches the result if the `uname | tr` expression to string prefixes
# that use the same wildcards as names do in Bash, i.e. "msys*" matches strings
# starting with "msys", and "*" matches everything (it's the default case).
case "$(uname -s | tr [:upper:] [:lower:])" in
# As of 2018-08-14, Bazel on Windows only supports MSYS Bash.
declare -r is_windows=true
declare -r is_windows=false
if "$is_windows"; then
# Disable MSYS path conversion that converts path-looking command arguments to
# Windows paths (even if they arguments are not in fact paths).
export MSYS2_ARG_CONV_EXCL="*"
function set_up() {
add_to_bazelrc "build --package_path=%workspace%"
function tear_down() {
bazel shutdown
#### TESTS #############################################################
function test_does_not_fail_horribly() {
rm -rf peach
mkdir -p peach
cat > peach/BUILD <<EOF
sh_library(name='brighton', deps=[':harken'])
bazel query 'deps(//peach:brighton)' > $TEST_log
expect_log "//peach:brighton"
expect_log "//peach:harken"
function test_invalid_query_fails_parsing() {
bazel query 'deps("--bad_target_name_from_bad_script")' >& "$TEST_log" \
&& fail "Expected failure"
expect_log "target literal must not begin with (-)"
function test_visibility_affects_xml_output() {
rm -rf kiwi
mkdir -p kiwi
cat > kiwi/BUILD <<EOF
sh_library(name='kiwi', visibility=['//visibility:private'])
bazel query --output=xml '//kiwi:kiwi' > output_private
cat > kiwi/BUILD <<EOF
sh_library(name='kiwi', visibility=['//visibility:public'])
bazel query --output=xml '//kiwi:kiwi' > output_public
cat > kiwi/BUILD <<EOF
bazel query --output=xml '//kiwi:kiwi' > output_none
cmp output_private output_public && fail "visibility does not affect XML output"
cmp output_none output_private && fail "visibility does not affect XML output"
cmp output_none output_public && fail "visibility does not affect XML output"
assert_contains "//kiwi:kiwi" output_private
assert_contains "//kiwi:kiwi" output_public
assert_contains "//kiwi:kiwi" output_none
assert_contains "//visibility:private" output_private
assert_contains "//visibility:public" output_public
assert_not_contains "//visibility:private" output_none
assert_not_contains "//visibility:public" output_none
function test_visibility_affects_proto_output() {
rm -rf kiwi
mkdir -p kiwi
cat > kiwi/BUILD <<EOF
sh_library(name='kiwi', visibility=['//visibility:private'])
bazel query --output=proto '//kiwi:kiwi' > output_private
cat > kiwi/BUILD <<EOF
sh_library(name='kiwi', visibility=['//visibility:public'])
bazel query --output=proto '//kiwi:kiwi' > output_public
# There is no check for unspecified visibility because proto output format
# adds every attribute to the output, regardless of whether they are specified
# or have the default value
cmp output_private output_public && fail "visibility does not affect proto output"
assert_contains "//kiwi:kiwi" output_private
assert_contains "//kiwi:kiwi" output_public
assert_contains "//visibility:private" output_private
assert_contains "//visibility:public" output_public
function make_depth_tests() {
rm -rf depth
rm -rf depth2
mkdir -p depth depth2 || die "Could not create test directory"
cat > "depth/BUILD" <<EOF
sh_binary(name = 'one', srcs = [''], deps = [':two'])
sh_library(name = 'two', srcs = [''],
deps = [':div2', ':three', '//depth2:three'])
sh_library(name = 'three', srcs = [''], deps = [':four'])
sh_library(name = 'four', srcs = [''], deps = [':div2', ':five'])
sh_library(name = 'five', srcs = [''])
sh_library(name = 'div2', srcs = [''])
echo "sh_library(name = 'three', srcs = [''])" > depth2/BUILD
touch depth/{one,two,three,four,five}.sh depth2/
chmod a+x depth/*.sh depth2/*.sh
# Running a deps query twice should return results in the same order
# if output is sorted, otherwise just the same results.
function assert_depth_query_idempotence() {
if $order_results ; then
add_to_bazelrc "query --order_output=auto"
add_to_bazelrc "query --order_output=no"
for run in {1..5}; do
# Only compare the output stream with the query results.
mv -f $TEST_log $last_log
bazel query 'deps(//depth:one, 4)' $universe_arg > $TEST_log \
|| fail "Expected success"
if [ $run -gt 1 ]; then
if $order_results ; then
diff $TEST_log $last_log || \
fail "Lines differed between query results: $last_log"
diff <(sort $TEST_log) <(sort $last_log) || \
fail "Lines differed between sorted query results"
rm -f $last_log || die "Could not remove $last_log"
function test_depth_query_idempotence_ordered() {
assert_depth_query_idempotence true
function test_depth_query_idempotence_unordered() {
assert_depth_query_idempotence false
function test_universe_scope_with_without_star() {
rm -rf foo
mkdir -p foo || fail "Couldn't mkdir"
echo "sh_library(name = 'foo')" > foo/BUILD || fail "Couldn't write BUILD"
bazel query --order_output=no \
--universe_scope=//foo/... '//foo:BUILD' >& $TEST_log ||
fail "Expected success"
# This is documenting current behavior, rather than enforcing a contract. For
# performance and code simplicity, we return targets if their package was
# loaded, so //foo:BUILD exists as a target (although its deps and rdeps are
# unknown).
expect_log "//foo:BUILD"
bazel query --order_output=no \
--universe_scope=//foo/...:* '//foo:BUILD' >& $TEST_log ||
fail "Expected success"
expect_log "//foo:BUILD"
function test_outside_universe_ok() {
rm -rf foo
rm -rf bar
mkdir -p foo bar || fail "Couldn't mkdir"
echo "sh_library(name = 'foo', deps = ['//bar:bar'])" > foo/BUILD ||
fail "Couldn't write BUILD"
cat <<'EOF' > bar/BUILD || fail "Couldn't write BUILD"
sh_library(name = 'bar')
sh_library(name = 'dep')
sh_library(name = 'top', deps = [':dep'])
bazel query --order_output=no \
--universe_scope=//foo/...:* 'allrdeps(//bar:BUILD)' >& $TEST_log ||
fail "Expected success"
# This is documenting current behavior, rather than enforcing a contract. See
# corresponding comment in test_universe_scope_with_without_star.
expect_log "//bar:BUILD"
bazel query --order_output=no \
--universe_scope=//foo/...:* 'allrdeps(//bar:dep)' >& $TEST_log ||
fail "Expected success"
# This is documenting current behavior, rather than enforcing a contract. See
# corresponding comment in test_universe_scope_with_without_star. In this
# case, even though we return //bar:dep, we do not see its rdep //bar:top.
expect_log "//bar:dep"
expect_not_log "//bar:top"
# Since all targets in deps(..., n) are accessible n steps away, none should
# have a minrank greater than n.
function test_minrank_le_depth_bound() {
for depth in {5..0}; do
bazel query "deps(//depth:one, $depth)" --output=minrank > $TEST_log \
|| fail "Expected success"
for rank in $(cut -d' ' -f 1 $TEST_log); do
[ $rank -le $depth ] || fail "Expected max minrank of $depth, was $rank"
function test_starlark_dep_in_sky_query() {
rm -rf foo
rm -rf bar
mkdir -p foo bar || fail "Couldn't make directories"
echo 'load("//bar:fakerule.bzl", "const")' > foo/BUILD || fail "Couldn't write"
touch bar/BUILD || fail "Couldn't touch bar/BUILD"
echo 'const = 2' > bar/fakerule.bzl || fail "Couldn't write fakerule"
bazel query --universe_scope=//foo/...:* --order_output=no \
'rbuildfiles(bar/fakerule.bzl)' >& $TEST_log || fail "Expected success"
expect_log_once "//foo:BUILD"
expect_not_log "//bar:BUILD"
expect_not_log "fakerule\.bzl"
function test_starlark_regular_file_not_included_in_rbuildfiles() {
rm -rf foo
mkdir -p foo || fail "Couldn't make directories"
echo "baz" > "foo/baz.bzl" || fail "Couldn't create baz.bzl"
echo 'sh_library(name = "foo", srcs = ["baz.bzl"])' > foo/BUILD
bazel query --universe_scope=//...:* --order_output=no \
'rbuildfiles(foo/baz.bzl)' >& $TEST_log || fail "Expected success"
expect_not_log "//foo:BUILD"
# TODO(bazel-team): Remove this once test clean-up is automated.
# Clean up after ourselves.
rm -rf foo
function test_starlark_symlink_source_not_included_in_rbuildfiles() {
rm -rf foo
mkdir -p foo || fail "Couldn't make directories"
echo "moo" > "foo/moo" || fail "Couldn't create moo"
ln -s "$PWD/foo/moo" "foo/baz.bzl" && [[ -f foo/baz.bzl ]] || fail "Couldn't create baz.bzl symlink"
echo 'sh_library(name = "foo", srcs = ["baz.bzl"])' > foo/BUILD
bazel query --universe_scope=//...:* --order_output=no \
'rbuildfiles(foo/baz.bzl)' >& $TEST_log || fail "Expected success"
expect_not_log "//foo:BUILD"
# TODO(bazel-team): Remove this once test clean-up is automated.
# Clean up after ourselves.
rm -rf foo
function test_starlark_symlink_target_not_included_in_rbuildfiles() {
rm -rf foo
mkdir -p foo || fail "Couldn't make directories"
echo "baz" > "foo/baz.bzl" || fail "Couldn't create baz.bzl"
ln -s "$PWD/foo/baz.bzl" "foo/" && [[ -f foo/ ]] || fail "Couldn't create symlink"
echo 'sh_library(name = "foo", srcs = [""])' > foo/BUILD
bazel query --universe_scope=//...:* --order_output=no \
'rbuildfiles(foo/baz.bzl)' >& $TEST_log || fail "Expected success"
expect_not_log "//foo:BUILD"
# TODO(bazel-team): Remove this once test clean-up is automated.
# Clean up after ourselves.
rm -rf foo
function test_starlark_glob_regular_file_not_included_in_rbuildfiles() {
rm -rf foo
mkdir -p foo || fail "Couldn't make directories"
echo "baz" > "foo/baz.bzl" || fail "Couldn't create baz.bzl"
echo 'sh_library(name = "foo", srcs = glob(["*.bzl"]))' > foo/BUILD
bazel query --universe_scope=//...:* --order_output=no \
'rbuildfiles(foo/baz.bzl)' >& $TEST_log || fail "Expected success"
expect_not_log "//foo:BUILD"
# TODO(bazel-team): Remove this once test clean-up is automated.
# Clean up after ourselves.
rm -rf foo
function test_starlark_glob_symlink_source_not_included_in_rbuildfiles() {
rm -rf foo
mkdir -p foo || fail "Couldn't make directories"
echo "moo" > "foo/moo" || fail "Couldn't create moo"
ln -s "$PWD/foo/moo" "foo/baz.bzl" && [[ -f foo/baz.bzl ]] || fail "Couldn't create baz.bzl symlink"
echo 'sh_library(name = "foo", srcs = glob(["*.bzl"]))' > foo/BUILD
bazel query --universe_scope=//...:* --order_output=no \
'rbuildfiles(foo/baz.bzl)' >& $TEST_log || fail "Expected success"
expect_not_log "//foo:BUILD"
# TODO(bazel-team): Remove this once test clean-up is automated.
# Clean up after ourselves.
rm -rf foo
function test_starlark_glob_symlink_target_not_included_in_rbuildfiles() {
rm -rf foo
mkdir -p foo || fail "Couldn't make directories"
echo "baz" > "foo/baz.bzl" || fail "Couldn't create baz.bzl"
ln -s "$PWD/foo/baz.bzl" "foo/" && [[ -f foo/ ]] || fail "Couldn't create symlink"
echo 'sh_library(name = "foo", srcs = glob(["*.java"]))' > foo/BUILD
bazel query --universe_scope=//...:* --order_output=no \
'rbuildfiles(foo/baz.bzl)' >& $TEST_log || fail "Expected success"
expect_not_log "//foo:BUILD"
# TODO(bazel-team): Remove this once test clean-up is automated.
# Clean up after ourselves.
rm -rf foo
function test_starlark_recursive_glob_regular_file_not_included_in_rbuildfiles() {
rm -rf foo
mkdir -p foo/bar || fail "Couldn't make directories"
echo "baz" > "foo/bar/baz.bzl" || fail "Couldn't create baz.bzl"
echo 'sh_library(name = "foo", srcs = glob(["**/*.bzl"]))' > foo/BUILD
bazel query --universe_scope=//...:* --order_output=no \
'rbuildfiles(foo/bar/baz.bzl)' >& $TEST_log || fail "Expected success"
expect_not_log "//foo:BUILD"
# TODO(bazel-team): Remove this once test clean-up is automated.
# Clean up after ourselves.
rm -rf foo
function test_starlark_recursive_glob_symlink_source_not_included_in_rbuildfiles() {
rm -rf foo
mkdir -p foo/bar || fail "Couldn't make directories"
echo "moo" > "foo/moo" || fail "Couldn't create moo"
ln -s "$PWD/foo/moo" "foo/bar/baz.bzl" && [[ -f foo/bar/baz.bzl ]] || fail "Couldn't create baz.bzl symlink"
echo 'sh_library(name = "foo", srcs = glob(["**/*.bzl"]))' > foo/BUILD
bazel query --universe_scope=//...:* --order_output=no \
'rbuildfiles(foo/bar/baz.bzl)' >& $TEST_log || fail "Expected success"
expect_not_log "//foo:BUILD"
# TODO(bazel-team): Remove this once test clean-up is automated.
# Clean up after ourselves.
rm -rf foo
function test_starlark_recursive_glob_symlink_target_not_included_in_rbuildfiles() {
rm -rf foo
mkdir -p foo/bar || fail "Couldn't make directories"
echo "baz" > "foo/bar/baz.bzl" || fail "Couldn't create baz.bzl"
ln -s "$PWD/foo/bar/baz.bzl" "foo/" && [[ -f foo/ ]] || fail "Couldn't create symlink"
echo 'sh_library(name = "foo", srcs = glob(["**/*.java"]))' > foo/BUILD
bazel query --universe_scope=//...:* --order_output=no \
'rbuildfiles(foo/bar/baz.bzl)' >& $TEST_log || fail "Expected success"
expect_not_log "//foo:BUILD"
# TODO(bazel-team): Remove this once test clean-up is automated.
# Clean up after ourselves.
rm -rf foo
function test_starlark_subdir_dep_in_sky_query() {
rm -rf foo
mkdir -p foo bar/baz || fail "Couldn't make directories"
echo 'load("//bar:baz/fakerule.bzl", "const")' > foo/BUILD || fail "Couldn't write"
touch bar/BUILD || fail "Couldn't touch bar/BUILD"
echo 'const = 2' > bar/baz/fakerule.bzl || fail "Couldn't write fakerule"
bazel query --universe_scope=//foo/...:* --order_output=no \
'rbuildfiles(bar/baz/fakerule.bzl)' >& $TEST_log || fail "Expected success"
expect_log_once "//foo:BUILD"
expect_not_log "//bar:BUILD"
expect_not_log "fakerule\.bzl"
function test_parent_independent_of_child() {
rm -rf foo
mkdir -p foo/subdir || fail "Couldn't make directories"
echo 'sh_library(name = "sh", data = glob(["**"]))' > foo/BUILD ||
fail "Couldn't write"
touch foo/subdir/BUILD || fail "Couldn't touch foo/subdir/BUILD"
bazel query --universe_scope=//foo/...:* --order_output=no \
'rbuildfiles(foo/subdir/BUILD)' >& $TEST_log || fail "Expected success"
expect_log_once "//foo/subdir:BUILD"
expect_not_log "//foo:BUILD"
function test_does_not_fail_horribly_with_file() {
rm -rf peach
mkdir -p peach
cat > peach/BUILD <<EOF
sh_library(name='brighton', deps=[':harken'])
echo "deps(//peach:brighton)" > query_file
bazel query --query_file=query_file > $TEST_log
expect_log "//peach:brighton"
expect_log "//peach:harken"
function test_location_output_not_allowed_with_buildfiles_or_loadfiles() {
rm -rf foo
mkdir -p foo
cat > foo/bzl.bzl <<EOF
x = 2
cat > foo/BUILD <<EOF
load('//foo:bzl.bzl', 'x')
bazel query 'buildfiles(//foo)' >& $TEST_log || fail "Expected success"
expect_log "//foo:bzl.bzl"
bazel query 'loadfiles(//foo)' >& $TEST_log || fail "Expected success"
expect_log "//foo:bzl.bzl"
bazel query --output=location '//foo' >& $TEST_log || fail "Expected success"
expect_log "//foo:foo"
local expected_error_msg="Query expressions involving 'buildfiles' or 'loadfiles' cannot be used with --output=location"
local expected_exit_code=2
for query_string in 'buildfiles(//foo)' 'loadfiles(//foo)'
bazel query --output=location "$query_string" >& $TEST_log \
&& fail "Expected failure"
expect_log "$expected_error_msg"
assert_equals "$expected_exit_code" "$exit_code"
function test_subdirectory_named_external() {
mkdir -p foo/external foo/bar
cat > foo/external/BUILD <<EOF
sh_library(name = 't1')
cat > foo/bar/BUILD <<EOF
sh_library(name = 't2')
bazel query foo/... >& $TEST_log || fail "Expected success"
expect_log "//foo/external:t1"
expect_log "//foo/bar:t2"
function test_buildfiles_with_build_bazel() {
if [ "${PRODUCT_NAME}" != "bazel" ]; then
return 0
rm -rf foo
mkdir -p foo
cat > foo/bzl.bzl <<EOF
x = 2
cat > foo/BUILD.bazel <<EOF
load('//foo:bzl.bzl', 'x')
bazel query 'buildfiles(//foo)' >& $TEST_log || fail "Expected success"
expect_log "//foo:bzl.bzl$"
expect_log "//foo:BUILD.bazel$"
expect_not_log "//foo:BUILD$"
function test_buildfile_in_genquery() {
mkdir -p papaya
cat > papaya/BUILD <<EOF
cat > papaya/papaya.bzl <<EOF
foo = 1
mkdir -p honeydew
cat > honeydew/BUILD <<EOF
load('//papaya:papaya.bzl', 'foo')
sh_library(name='honeydew', deps=[':pineapple'])
bazel build //honeydew:q >& $TEST_log || fail "Expected success"
cat bazel-bin/honeydew/q > $TEST_log
expect_log_once "^//honeydew:BUILD$"
function test_genquery_bad_output_formatter() {
mkdir -p starfruit
cat > starfruit/BUILD <<EOF
sh_library(name = 'starfruit')
opts = ["--output=blargh"],)
local expected_error_msg="in genquery rule //starfruit:q: Invalid output format 'blargh'. Valid values are: label, label_kind, build, minrank, maxrank, package, location, graph, xml, proto"
bazel build //starfruit:q >& $TEST_log && fail "Expected failure"
expect_log "$expected_error_msg"
# Regression test for
function test_rbuildfiles_can_handle_non_loading_phase_edges() {
mkdir -p foo
# When we have a package //foo whose BUILD file
cat > foo/BUILD <<EOF
# Defines a target //foo:foo, with input file foo/,
sh_library(name = 'foo', srcs = [''])
# And foo/ has some initial contents.
echo "bar" > foo/
# Then `rbuildfiles` correctly thinks //foo "depends" on foo/BUILD,
bazel query \
--universe_scope=//foo:foo \
--order_output=no \
"rbuildfiles(foo/BUILD)" >& $TEST_log || fail "Expected success"
expect_log //foo:BUILD
# And that no package "depends" on foo/
bazel query \
--universe_scope=//foo:foo \
--order_output=no \
"rbuildfiles(foo/" >& $TEST_log || fail "Expected success"
expect_not_log //foo:BUILD
# But then, after we *build* //foo:foo (thus priming the Skyframe graph with
# a transitive dep path from the input ArtifactValue for foo/ to the
# FileStateValue for foo/,
bazel build //foo:foo >& $TEST_log || fail "Expected success"
# And we modify the contents of foo/,
echo "baz" > foo/
# And we again do a `rbuildfiles(foo/`, Bazel again correctly thinks
# no package "depends" on foo/
# Historically, Bazel would crash here because it would first invalidate the
# UTC of FileStateValue for foo/ (invalidating the ArtifactValue for
# foo/, and then evaluate the DTC of the *skyquery-land* universe of
# //foo:foo (*not* evaluating that ArtifactValue), and then observe an rdep
# edge on the not-done ArtifactValue, and then crash.
bazel query \
--universe_scope=//foo:foo \
--order_output=no \
"rbuildfiles(foo/" >& $TEST_log || fail "Expected success"
expect_not_log //foo:BUILD
function test_infer_universe_scope_considers_only_target_patterns() {
# When we have three targets //a:a, //b:b, //c:c, with //b:b depending
# directly on //a:a, and //c:c depending directly on //b:b.
mkdir -p a b c
echo "sh_library(name = 'a')" > a/BUILD
echo "sh_library(name = 'b', deps = ['//a:a'])" > b/BUILD
echo "sh_library(name = 'c', deps = ['//b:b'])" > c/BUILD
# And we run 'bazel query' with both --infer_universe_scope and
# --order_output=no set (making this invocation eligible for SkyQuery), with
# a query expression of "allrdeps(//a)",
bazel query \
--infer_universe_scope \
--order_output=no \
"allrdeps(//a)" >& $TEST_log || fail "Expected success"
# Then the invocation succeeds (confirming SkyQuery mode was enabled),
# And also the result contains //a:a
expect_log //a:a
# But it does not contain //b:c or //c:c, because they aren't contained in
# the inferred universe scope.
expect_not_log //b:b
expect_not_log //c:c
# And also, when we run 'bazel clean' (just to be sure, since the semantics
# of SkyQuery depends on the state of the Bazel server)
bazel clean >& $TEST_log || fail "Expected success"
# And then we run 'bazel query' again, with the same options as last time,
# but this time with a query expression that contains target patterns whose
# DTC covers //b:b and //c:c too,
bazel query \
--infer_universe_scope --order_output=no \
"allrdeps(//a) ^ deps(//c:c)" >& $TEST_log || fail "Expected success"
# Then the invocation also succeeds (confirming SkyQuery mode was enabled),
# But this time the result contains all three targets.
expect_log //a:a
expect_log //b:b
expect_log //c:c
function test_infer_universe_scope_defers_to_universe_scope_value() {
# When we have two targets, in two different packages, that do not depend on
# each other,
mkdir -p a b
echo "sh_library(name = 'a')" > a/BUILD
echo "sh_library(name = 'b')" > b/BUILD
# And we run 'bazel query' with a --universe_scope value that covers only one
# of the targets but a query expression that has target patterns for both
# targets, but also pass --infer_universe_scope,
bazel query \
--universe_scope=//a:a \
--infer_universe_scope \
--order_output=no \
"//a:a + //b:b" >& $TEST_log && fail "Expected failure"
# Then the query invocation fails, because of the missing target, thus
# verifying that our value of --universe_scope was respected and
# --infer_universe_scope was ignored.
expect_log "Evaluation of subquery \"//b:b\" failed"
# And then, when we run 'bazel clean' (just to be sure, since the semantics
# of SkyQuery depends on the state of the Bazel server)
bazel clean >& $TEST_log || fail "Expected success"
# And we run 'bazel query', this time without setting --universe_scope, but
# with --infer_universe_scope and the same query expression,
bazel query \
--infer_universe_scope \
--order_output=no \
"//a:a + //b:b" >& $TEST_log || fail "Expected success"
# Then the query expression succeeds, because both targets are in the
# inferred universe.
expect_log //a:a
expect_log //b:b
run_suite "${PRODUCT_NAME} query tests"