blob: bac6b10cccf07cced50d9280bdb041fd360d4863 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Bazel Authors. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
import java.util.List;
import javax.annotation.Nullable;
* A context for the execution of test actions ({@link TestRunnerAction}).
public interface TestActionContext extends ActionContext {
TestRunnerSpawn createTestRunnerSpawn(
TestRunnerAction testRunnerAction, ActionExecutionContext actionExecutionContext)
throws ExecException, InterruptedException;
/** Returns whether test_keep_going is enabled. */
boolean isTestKeepGoing();
* Returns {@code true} to indicate that exclusive tests should be treated as regular parallel
* tests.
* <p>Returning {@code true} may make sense for certain forced remote test execution strategies
* where running tests in sequence would be wasteful.
default boolean forceParallelTestExecution() {
return false;
/** Creates a cached test result. */
TestResult newCachedTestResult(Path execRoot, TestRunnerAction action, TestResultData cached)
throws IOException;
* Returns a listenable future that is unique for any given combination of owner and shard number,
* i.e., that is cached across different runs within the same shard of the same target. This is to
* facilitate cross-action cancellation - if {@code runs_per_test} and {@code
* runs_per_test_detects_flake} are both set, then it is sufficient to have a single passing
* result per shard, and any concurrent actions can be cancelled.
* <p>Note that the output files of a test are named after the owner, which guarantees that there
* are no two tests with the same owner.
ListenableFuture<Void> getTestCancelFuture(ActionOwner owner, int shardNum);
* An object representing an individual test attempt result. Note that {@link TestRunnerSpawn} is
* generic in a subtype of this type; this interface only provide a tiny amount of generic
* top-level functionality necessary to share code between the different {@link TestActionContext}
* implementations.
interface TestAttemptResult {
/** Test attempt result, splitting failures into permanent vs retriable. */
enum Result {
/** Test attempt successful. */
/** Test failed, potentially due to test flakiness, can be retried. */
/** Permanent failure. */
boolean canRetry() {
return this == FAILED_CAN_RETRY;
/** Returns the overall test result. */
Result result();
/** Returns a list of spawn results for this test attempt. */
ImmutableList<SpawnResult> spawnResults();
* An object representing a failed non-final attempt. This is only used for tests that are run
* multiple times. At this time, Bazel retries tests until the first passed attempt, or until the
* number of retries is exhausted - whichever comes first. This interface represents the result
* from a previous attempt, but never the final attempt, even if unsuccessful.
interface FailedAttemptResult {}
/** A continuation that represents a single test attempt. */
abstract class TestAttemptContinuation {
public static TestAttemptContinuation of(TestAttemptResult testAttemptResult) {
return new Finished(testAttemptResult);
/** Returns true if this is a final result. */
public boolean isDone() {
return false;
/** Returns a future representing any ongoing concurrent work, or {@code null} otherwise. */
public abstract ListenableFuture<?> getFuture();
/** Performs the next step in the process of executing the test attempt. */
public abstract TestAttemptContinuation execute()
throws InterruptedException, IOException, ExecException;
/** Returns the final result. */
public TestAttemptResult get() {
throw new IllegalStateException();
/** Represents a finished test attempt. */
private static final class Finished extends TestAttemptContinuation {
private final TestAttemptResult testAttemptResult;
private Finished(TestAttemptResult testAttemptResult) {
this.testAttemptResult = testAttemptResult;
public boolean isDone() {
return true;
public ListenableFuture<?> getFuture() {
return Futures.immediateFuture(null);
public TestAttemptContinuation execute() {
return this;
public TestAttemptResult get() {
return testAttemptResult;
/** A delegate to run a test. This may include running multiple spawns, renaming outputs, etc. */
interface TestRunnerSpawn {
ActionExecutionContext getActionExecutionContext();
* Begin the test attempt execution. This may block until the test attempt is complete and
* return a completed result, or it may return a continuation with a non-null future
* representing asynchronous execution.
TestAttemptContinuation beginExecution() throws InterruptedException, IOException;
* After the first attempt has run, this method is called to determine the maximum number of
* attempts for this test.
int getMaxAttempts(TestAttemptResult firstTestAttemptResult);
/** Rename the output files if the test attempt failed, and post the test attempt result. */
FailedAttemptResult finalizeFailedTestAttempt(TestAttemptResult testAttemptResult, int attempt)
throws IOException;
/** Post the final test result based on the last attempt and the list of failed attempts. */
void finalizeTest(
TestAttemptResult lastTestAttemptResult, List<FailedAttemptResult> failedAttempts)
throws IOException;
/** Post the final test result based on the last attempt and the list of failed attempts. */
void finalizeCancelledTest(List<FailedAttemptResult> failedAttempts) throws IOException;
* Return a {@link TestRunnerSpawn} object if test fallback is enabled, or {@code null}
* otherwise. Test fallback is a feature to allow a test to run with one strategy until the max
* attempts are exhausted and then run with another strategy for another set of attempts. This
* is rarely used, and should ideally be removed.
default TestRunnerSpawn getFallbackRunner() throws ExecException {
return null;
* Return a {@link TestRunnerSpawn} object that is used on flaky retries. Flaky retry runner
* allows a test to run with a different strategy on flaky retries (for example, enabling test
* fail-fast mode to save up resources).
default TestRunnerSpawn getFlakyRetryRunner() throws ExecException {
return this;