blob: ee13edcb54c38a2b03951fcfa7c8fe908aac4b23 [file] [log] [blame]
# This directory serves as the root of the builtins_bzl tree for Bazel, both in
# source form and as the value of --experimental_builtins_bzl_path.
# Because we use globs to gather builtins sources, there should be no
# subpackages here.
name = "srcs",
srcs = glob(["**"]),
visibility = ["//src:__pkg__"],
# A zipfile containing the builtins_bzl/ directory as it should appear in the
# package zip / install base.
name = "builtins_bzl_zip",
srcs = [f for f in glob(["**"]) if f.endswith(".bzl")] + ["BUILD.builtins"],
outs = [""],
# zip output builtins_root files...
cmd = "$(location //src:zip_builtins)" +
" ''" + # system zip
" $@ src/main/starlark/builtins_bzl $(SRCS)",
output_to_bindir = 1,
tools = ["//src:zip_builtins"],
visibility = ["//src:__pkg__"],