blob: 891c337ff91b1781fd9a47c1177ee39ab4fdb77d [file] [log] [blame]
- name: Getting started
heading: Getting started with Bazel
- name: Why Bazel?
- title: Overview
path: /start/
- title: Intro to Bazel
path: /start/bazel-intro
- title: Bazel vision
path: /start/bazel-vision
- title: Get started
path: /start/getting-started
- title: FAQ
path: /faq
- name: Install
- title: Overview
path: /install
- title: Install with Bazelisk
path: /install/bazelisk
- title: Fedora/CentOS
path: /install/redhat
- title: macOS
path: /install/os-x
- title: openSUSE
path: /install/suse
- title: Ubuntu
path: /install/ubuntu
- title: Windows
path: /install/windows
- title: Compile from source
path: /install/compile-source
- heading: Setting up your environment
- title: Command-line completion
path: /install/completion
- title: Integrate with IDEs
path: /install/ide
- name: Migrate
- title: Overview
path: /migrate/
- title: Maven
path: /migrate/maven
- title: Xcode
path: /migrate/xcode
- title: CocoaPods
path: /migrate/cocoapods
- name: Tutorials
- heading: Build a project
- title: C++
path: /tutorials/cpp
- title: C++ use cases
path: /tutorials/cpp-use-cases
- title: Java
path: /tutorials/java
- heading: Build an app
- title: Android
path: /tutorials/android-app
- title: iOS
path: /tutorials/ios-app
- heading: Configure toolchains
- title: Configure C++ toolchain
path: /tutorials/cc-toolchain-config
- name: Basics
heading: Build Basics
- name: Basics
- title: Overview
path: /basics/
status: new
- title: Why a build system?
path: /basics/build-systems
status: new
- title: Task-based builds
path: /basics/task-based-builds
status: new
- title: Artifact-based builds
path: /basics/artifact-based-builds
status: new
- title: Distributed builds
path: /basics/distributed-builds
status: new
- title: Dependency management
path: /basics/dependencies
status: new
- name: Using
heading: Using Bazel
- name: Build
- title: Overview
path: /docs/
- heading: Concepts
- title: Workspaces, packages, & targets
path: /concepts/build-ref
- title: Labels
path: /concepts/labels
- title: BUILD files
path: /concepts/build-files
- title: Dependencies
path: /concepts/dependencies
- title: Visibility
path: /concepts/visibility
- title: Platforms
path: /concepts/platforms-intro
- title: Hermeticity
path: /concepts/hermeticity
- heading: Work with BUILD files
- title: BUILD style guide
path: /rules/build-style
- title: Share variables
path: /rules/tutorial-sharing-variables
- title: Work with external dependencies
path: /docs/external
- title: Manage dependencies with Bzlmod
path: /docs/bzlmod
status: new
- heading: Run Bazel
- title: Build with Bazel
path: /docs/build
- title: Commands and options
path: /docs/user-manual
- title: Write bazelrc files
path: /docs/bazelrc
- title: Call Bazel from scripts
path: /docs/scripts
- title: Client/server implementation
path: /docs/client-server
- heading: Configure your build
- title: Configurable attributes
path: /docs/configurable-attributes
- title: Integrate with C++ rules
path: /docs/integrating-with-rules-cc
- title: Toolchain resolution implementation
path: /docs/toolchain_resolution_implementation
- title: Code coverage with Bazel
path: /docs/coverage
- heading: Query your build
- title: Query quickstart
path: /docs/query-how-to
- title: Query reference
path: /reference/query
- title: Action graph query (aquery)
path: /docs/aquery
- title: Configurable query (cquery)
path: /docs/cquery
- heading: Optimizing Bazel
- title: Best practices
path: /docs/best-practices
- title: Optimize memory
path: /docs/memory-saving-mode
- title: Using Bazel on Windows
path: /docs/windows
- name: Extending Bazel
- title: Overview
path: /rules/concepts
- title: Recommended rules
path: /rules/
- heading: Rules concepts
- title: Rules
path: /rules/rules
- title: Macros
path: /rules/macros
- title: Depsets
path: /rules/depsets
- title: Aspects
path: /rules/aspects
- title: Repository rules
path: /rules/repository_rules
- title: Configuring
path: /rules/config
- heading: Write rules
- title: Rules tutorial
path: /rules/rules-tutorial
- title: Write rules on Windows
path: /rules/windows_tips
- title: Example rules
status: external
- title: Challenges
path: /docs/rule-challenges
- heading: Write macros
- title: Create a macro
path: /rules/tutorial-creating-a-macro
- title: Create custom verbs
path: /rules/tutorial-custom-verbs
- heading: Test
- title: Test rules
path: /rules/testing
- title: Lint
status: external
- title: Optimize performance
path: /rules/performance
- heading: Rules authors
- title: Deploy rules
path: /rules/deploying
- title: Document rules with Stardoc
status: external
- name: Distributed builds
- heading: Remote execution
- title: Overview
path: /docs/remote-execution
- title: Guidelines
path: /docs/remote-execution-rules
- title: Configure Bazel CI with remote execution
path: /docs/remote-execution-ci
- title: Dynamic execution
path: /docs/dynamic-execution
- heading: Troubleshooting
- title: Troubleshoot with Docker Sandbox
path: /docs/remote-execution-sandbox
- title: Non-hermetic WORKSPACE rules
path: /docs/workspace-log
- title: Remote—Debug remote chaching
path: /docs/remote-execution-caching-debug
- heading: Remote caching
- title: Overview
path: /docs/remote-caching
- title: Local—Debug remote chaching
path: /docs/remote-caching-debug
- heading: Persistent workers
- title: Overview
path: /docs/persistent-workers
- title: Multiplex workers
path: /docs/multiplex-worker
- title: Create workers
path: /docs/creating-workers
- heading: Build Event Protocol
- title: Overview
path: /docs/build-event-protocol
- title: BEP examples
path: /docs/bep-examples
- title: BEP glossary
path: /docs/bep-glossary
- name: Reference
heading: Reference
- name: Reference
- title: Overview
path: /reference
- title: Build encyclopedia
include: /reference/be/_toc.yaml
- title: Test encyclopedia
path: /reference/test-encyclopedia
- title: Command line reference
path: /reference/command-line-reference
- title: Query reference
path: /reference/query
- title: Execution groups
path: /reference/exec-groups
- title: Output directory layout
path: /docs/output_directories
- title: Platforms
path: /docs/platforms
- title: Toolchains
path: /docs/toolchains
- title: Skyframe
path: /reference/skyframe
status: new
- title: Glossary
path: /reference/glossary
- name: Language
- heading: Build language
- title: Starlark
path: /rules/language
- title: Starlark style guide
path: /rules/bzl-style
- title: Build API
include: /rules/lib/_toc.yaml
- name: Releases & Versions
- heading: Release
- title: Understand releases
path: /release/
- title: Release versioning
path: /release/versioning
- title: Backward compatibility
path: /release/backward-compatibility
- heading: Versions
- title: Choose a version
path: /versions/
- title: Update versions with Bazelisk
path: /versions/updating-bazel
- name: Contributing
heading: Contributing to Bazel
- name: Contributors
- title: Overview
path: /contribute/
- title: Contributor guide
path: /contribute/guide
- title: Start contributing
path: /contribute/getting-started
- title: Contribution policy
path: /contribute/contribution-policy
- title: Patch acceptance process
path: /contribute/patch-acceptance
- title: Special Interest Groups
path: /contribute/sig
- heading: Understand the codebase
- title: Codebase guide
status: external
- title: Search the codebase
path: /contribute/searching-codebase
- heading: Contribute documentation
- title: Contribute documentation
path: /contribute/docs
- title: Documentation style guide
path: /contribute/docs-style-guide
- name: Propose changes
- title: Write design documents
path: /contribute/design-documents
- title: Write release notes
path: /contribute/release-notes
- title: Nominate recommended rules
path: /contribute/recommended-rules
- title: Name Bazel projects
path: /contribute/naming
- title: Roll out breaking changes
path: /contribute/breaking-changes
- name: Support
- title: Get help
path: /help
- title: Support policy
path: /contribute/support
- heading: Community support
- title: Community experts
path: /community/experts/
- title: Bazel users
path: /community/users
- title: Remote execution services
path: /community/remote-execution-services
- title: Roadmaps
path: /community/roadmaps
- name: Maintainers
- title: Maintainer guide
path: /contribute/maintainers-guide
- title: Maintaining Chocolatey on Windows
path: /contribute/windows-chocolatey-maintenance
- title: Bazel Scoop on Windows
path: /contribute/windows-scoop-maintenance