blob: f977c94eb1b42dc15600bd8e71084db586fb13d7 [file] [log] [blame]
* ProGuard -- shrinking, optimization, obfuscation, and preverification
* of Java bytecode.
* Copyright (c) 2002-2019 Guardsquare NV
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
* Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option)
* any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for
* more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
* with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
* 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
package proguard.configuration;
import java.lang.reflect.*;
import java.util.*;
* This class can be injected in applications to log information about reflection
* being used in the application code, and suggest appropriate ProGuard rules for
* keeping the reflected classes, methods and/or fields.
* @author Johan Leys
public class ConfigurationLogger implements Runnable
public static final boolean LOG_ONCE = true;
private static final String LOG_TAG = "ProGuard";
public static final String CLASS_MAP_FILENAME = "classmap.txt";
private static final String EMPTY_LINE = "\u00a0\n";
// Set with missing class names.
private static final Set<String> missingClasses = new HashSet<String>();
// Map from class name to missing constructors.
private static final Map<String, Set<MethodSignature>> missingConstructors = new HashMap<String, Set<MethodSignature>>();
// Set of classes on which getConstructors or getDeclaredConstructors is invoked.
private static final Set<String> constructorListingClasses = new HashSet<String>();
// Map from class name to missing method signatures.
private static final Map<String, Set<MethodSignature>> missingMethods = new HashMap<String, Set<MethodSignature>>();
// Set of classes on which getMethods or getDeclaredMethods is invoked.
private static final Set<String> methodListingClasses = new HashSet<String>();
// Map from class name to missing field names.
private static final Map<String, Set<String>> missingFields = new HashMap<String, Set<String>>();
// Set of classes on which getFields or getDeclaredFields is invoked.
private static final Set<String> fieldListingCLasses = new HashSet<String>();
// Map from obfuscated class name to original class name.
private static Map<String, String> classNameMap;
// Set of classes that have renamed or removed methods.
private static Set<String> classesWithObfuscatedMethods;
// Set of classes that have renamed or removed fields.
private static Set<String> classesWithObfuscatedFields;
private static Method logMethod;
// Try to find the Android logging class.
Class<?> logClass = Class.forName("android.util.Log");
logMethod = logClass.getMethod("w", String.class, String. class);
catch (Exception e) {}
// Classes.
* Log a failed call to Class.forName().
* @param callingClassName
* @param missingClassName
public static void logForName(String callingClassName,
String missingClassName)
logMissingClass(callingClassName, "Class", "forName", missingClassName);
* Log a failed call to ClassLoader.loadClass().
* @param callingClassName
* @param missingClassName
public static void logLoadClass(String callingClassName,
String missingClassName)
logMissingClass(callingClassName, "ClassLoader", "loadClass", missingClassName);
* Log a failed call to Class.forName().
* @param callingClassName
* @param missingClassName
public static void logMissingClass(String callingClassName,
String invokedClassName,
String invokedMethodName,
String missingClassName)
if (!LOG_ONCE || !missingClasses.contains(missingClassName))
"The class '" + originalClassName(callingClassName) + "' is calling " + invokedClassName + "." + invokedMethodName + " to retrieve\n" +
"the class '" + missingClassName + "', but the latter could not be found.\n" +
"It may have been obfuscated or shrunk.\n" +
"You should consider preserving the class with its original name,\n" +
"with a setting like:\n" +
keepClassRule(missingClassName) + "\n" +
// Constructors.
* Log a failed call to Class.getDeclaredConstructor().
* @param invokingClassName
* @param reflectedClass
* @param constructorParameters
public static void logGetDeclaredConstructor(String invokingClassName,
Class reflectedClass,
Class[] constructorParameters)
logGetConstructor(invokingClassName, "getDeclaredConstructor", reflectedClass, constructorParameters);
* Log a failed call to Class.getConstructor().
* @param invokingClassName
* @param reflectedClass
* @param constructorParameters
public static void logGetConstructor(String invokingClassName,
Class reflectedClass,
Class[] constructorParameters)
logGetConstructor(invokingClassName, "getConstructor", reflectedClass, constructorParameters);
* Log a failed call to one of the constructor retrieving methods on Class.
* @param invokingClassName
* @param invokedMethodName
* @param reflectedClass
* @param constructorParameters
public static void logGetConstructor(String invokingClassName,
String invokedMethodName,
Class reflectedClass,
Class[] constructorParameters)
MethodSignature signature = new MethodSignature("<init>", constructorParameters);
Set<MethodSignature> constructors = missingConstructors.get(reflectedClass.getName());
if (constructors == null)
constructors = new HashSet<MethodSignature>();
missingConstructors.put(reflectedClass.getName(), constructors);
if ((!LOG_ONCE || !constructors.contains(signature)) && !isLibraryClass(reflectedClass))
"The class '" + originalClassName(invokingClassName) + "' is calling Class." + invokedMethodName + "\n" +
"on class '" + originalClassName(reflectedClass) + "' to retrieve\n" +
"the constructor with signature (" + originalSignature(signature) + "), but the latter could not be found.\n" +
"It may have been obfuscated or shrunk.\n" +
"You should consider preserving the constructor, with a setting like:\n" +
keepConstructorRule(reflectedClass.getName(), signature) + "\n" +
* Log a call to Class.getDeclaredConstructors().
* @param invokingClassName
* @param reflectedClass
public static void logGetDeclaredConstructors(String invokingClassName,
Class reflectedClass )
logGetConstructors(invokingClassName, reflectedClass, "getDeclaredConstructors");
* Log a call to Class.getConstructors().
* @param invokingClassName
* @param reflectedClass
public static void logGetConstructors(String invokingClassName,
Class reflectedClass )
logGetConstructors(invokingClassName, reflectedClass, "getConstructors");
* Log a call to one of the constructor listing methods on Class.
* @param invokingClassName
* @param reflectedClass
* @param reflectedMethodName
private static void logGetConstructors(String invokingClassName,
Class reflectedClass,
String reflectedMethodName)
if (classesWithObfuscatedMethods.contains(reflectedClass.getName()) &&
!constructorListingClasses.contains(reflectedClass.getName()) &&
"The class '" + originalClassName(invokingClassName) + "' is calling Class." + reflectedMethodName + "\n" +
"on class '" + originalClassName(reflectedClass) + "' to retrieve its constructors.\n" +
"You might consider preserving all constructors with their original names,\n" +
"with a setting like:\n" +
keepAllConstructorsRule(reflectedClass) + "\n" +
// Methods.
* Log a failed call to Class.getDeclaredMethod().
* @param invokingClassName
* @param reflectedClass
* @param reflectedMethodName
* @param methodParameters
public static void logGetDeclaredMethod(String invokingClassName,
Class reflectedClass,
String reflectedMethodName,
Class[] methodParameters )
logGetMethod(invokingClassName, "getDeclaredMethod", reflectedClass, reflectedMethodName, methodParameters);
* Log a failed call to Class.getMethod().
* @param invokingClassName
* @param reflectedClass
* @param reflectedMethodName
* @param methodParameters
public static void logGetMethod(String invokingClassName,
Class reflectedClass,
String reflectedMethodName,
Class[] methodParameters )
logGetMethod(invokingClassName, "getMethod", reflectedClass, reflectedMethodName, methodParameters);
* Log a failed call to one of the method retrieving methods on Class.
* @param invokingClassName
* @param invokedReflectionMethodName
* @param reflectedClass
* @param reflectedMethodName
* @param methodParameters
private static void logGetMethod(String invokingClassName,
String invokedReflectionMethodName,
Class reflectedClass,
String reflectedMethodName,
Class[] methodParameters )
Set<MethodSignature> methods = missingMethods.get(reflectedClass.getName());
if (methods == null)
methods = new HashSet<MethodSignature>();
missingMethods.put(reflectedClass.getName(), methods);
MethodSignature signature = new MethodSignature(reflectedMethodName, methodParameters);
if (!methods.contains(signature) && !isLibraryClass(reflectedClass))
"The class '" + originalClassName(invokingClassName) +
"' is calling Class." + invokedReflectionMethodName + "\n" +
"on class '" + originalClassName(reflectedClass) +
"' to retrieve the method\n" +
reflectedMethodName + "(" + originalSignature(signature) + "),\n" +
"but the latter could not be found. It may have been obfuscated or shrunk.\n" +
"You should consider preserving the method with its original name,\n" +
"with a setting like:\n" +
keepMethodRule(reflectedClass.getName(), reflectedMethodName, signature) + "\n" +
* Log a call to Class.getDeclaredMethods().
* @param invokingClassName
* @param reflectedClass
public static void logGetDeclaredMethods(String invokingClassName,
Class reflectedClass )
logGetMethods(invokingClassName, "getDeclaredMethods", reflectedClass);
* Log a call to Class.getMethods().
* @param invokingClassName
* @param reflectedClass
public static void logGetMethods(String invokingClassName,
Class reflectedClass )
logGetMethods(invokingClassName, "getMethods", reflectedClass);
* Log a call to one of the method listing methods on Class.
* @param invokingClassName
* @param invokedReflectionMethodName
* @param reflectedClass
private static void logGetMethods(String invokingClassName,
String invokedReflectionMethodName,
Class reflectedClass )
if (classesWithObfuscatedMethods.contains(reflectedClass.getName()) &&
!methodListingClasses.contains(reflectedClass.getName()) &&
"The class '" + originalClassName(invokingClassName) +
"' is calling Class." + invokedReflectionMethodName + "\n" +
"on class '" + originalClassName(reflectedClass) +
"' to retrieve its methods.\n" +
"You might consider preserving all methods with their original names,\n" +
"with a setting like:\n" +
keepAllMethodsRule(reflectedClass) + "\n" +
// Fields.
* Log a failed call to Class.getField().
* @param invokingClassName
* @param reflectedClass
* @param reflectedFieldName
public static void logGetField(String invokingClassName,
Class reflectedClass,
String reflectedFieldName)
logGetField(invokingClassName, "getField", reflectedClass, reflectedFieldName);
* Log a failed call to Class.getDeclaredField().
* @param invokingClassName
* @param reflectedClass
* @param reflectedFieldName
public static void logGetDeclaredField(String invokingClassName,
Class reflectedClass,
String reflectedFieldName)
logGetField(invokingClassName, "getDeclaredField", reflectedClass, reflectedFieldName);
* Log a failed call to one of the field retrieving methods of Class.
* @param invokingClassName
* @param invokedReflectionMethodName
* @param reflectedClass
* @param reflectedFieldName
private static void logGetField(String invokingClassName,
String invokedReflectionMethodName,
Class reflectedClass,
String reflectedFieldName )
Set<String> fields = missingFields.get(reflectedClass.getName());
if (fields == null)
fields = new HashSet<String>();
missingFields.put(reflectedClass.getName(), fields);
if ((!LOG_ONCE || !fields.contains(reflectedFieldName)) &&
"The class '" + originalClassName(invokingClassName) +
"' is calling Class." + invokedReflectionMethodName + "\n" +
"on class '" + originalClassName(reflectedClass) +
"' to retrieve the field '" + reflectedFieldName + "',\n" +
"but the latter could not be found. It may have been obfuscated or shrunk.\n" +
"You should consider preserving the field with its original name,\n" +
"with a setting like:\n" +
keepFieldRule(reflectedClass.getName(), reflectedFieldName) + "\n" +
* Log a call to Class.getDeclaredFields().
* @param invokingClassName
* @param reflectedClass
public static void logGetDeclaredFields(String invokingClassName,
Class reflectedClass )
logGetFields(invokingClassName, "getDeclaredFields", reflectedClass);
* Log a call to Class.getFields().
* @param invokingClassName
* @param reflectedClass
public static void logGetFields(String invokingClassName,
Class reflectedClass )
logGetFields(invokingClassName, "getFields", reflectedClass);
* Log a call to one of the field listing methods on Class.
* @param invokingClassName
* @param invokedReflectionMethodName
* @param reflectedClass
private static void logGetFields(String invokingClassName,
String invokedReflectionMethodName,
Class reflectedClass )
if (classesWithObfuscatedFields.contains(reflectedClass.getName()) &&
!fieldListingCLasses.contains(reflectedClass.getName()) &&
"The class '" + originalClassName(invokingClassName) +
"' is calling Class." + invokedReflectionMethodName + "\n" +
"on class '" + originalClassName(reflectedClass) +
"' to retrieve its fields.\n" +
"You might consider preserving all fields with their original names,\n" +
"with a setting like:\n" +
keepAllFieldsRule(reflectedClass) + "\n" +
// Implementations for Runnable.
public void run()
private static void printConfiguration()
log("The following settings may help solving issues related to\n" +
"missing classes, methods and/or fields:\n");
for (String clazz : missingClasses)
log(keepClassRule(clazz) + "\n");
for (String clazz : missingConstructors.keySet())
for (MethodSignature constructor : missingConstructors.get(clazz))
log(keepConstructorRule(clazz, constructor) + "\n");
for (String clazz : missingMethods.keySet())
for (MethodSignature method : missingMethods.get(clazz))
log(keepMethodRule(clazz,, method) + "\n");
for (String clazz : missingFields.keySet())
for (String field : missingFields.get(clazz))
log(keepFieldRule(clazz, field) + "\n");
// ProGuard rules.
private static String keepClassRule(String className)
return "-keep class " + className;
private static String keepConstructorRule(String className,
MethodSignature constructorParameters)
return "-keepclassmembers class " + originalClassName(className) + " {\n" +
" public <init>(" + originalSignature(constructorParameters) + ");\n" +
private static String keepMethodRule(String className,
String methodName,
MethodSignature constructorParameters)
return "-keepclassmembers class " + originalClassName(className) + " {\n" +
" *** " + methodName + "(" + originalSignature(constructorParameters) + ");\n" +
private static String keepFieldRule(String className,
String fieldName)
return "-keepclassmembers class " + originalClassName(className) + " {\n" +
" *** " + fieldName + ";\n" +
private static String keepAllConstructorsRule(Class className)
return "-keepclassmembers class " + originalClassName(className) + " {\n" +
" <init>(...);\n" +
private static String keepAllMethodsRule(Class className)
return "-keepclassmembers class " + originalClassName(className) + " {\n" +
" <methods>;\n" +
private static String keepAllFieldsRule(Class className)
return "-keepclassmembers class " + originalClassName(className) + " {\n" +
" <fields>;\n" +
private static String originalClassName(Class className)
return originalClassName(className.getName());
private static String originalClassName(String className)
String originalClassName = classNameMap.get(className);
return originalClassName != null ? originalClassName : className;
* Simple heuristic to see if the given class is a library class or not.
* @param clazz
* @return
private static boolean isLibraryClass(Class clazz)
return clazz.getClassLoader() == String.class.getClassLoader();
* Log a message, either on the Android Logcat, if available, or on the
* Standard error outputstream otherwise.
* @param message the message to be logged.
private static void log(String message)
if (logMethod != null)
logMethod.invoke(null, LOG_TAG, message);
catch (Exception e)
private static void initializeMappings()
if (classNameMap == null)
classNameMap = new HashMap<String, String> ();
classesWithObfuscatedMethods = new HashSet<String> ();
classesWithObfuscatedFields = new HashSet<String> ();
String line;
BufferedReader reader =
new BufferedReader(
new InputStreamReader(
while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null)
StringTokenizer tokenizer = new StringTokenizer(line, ",");
String originalClassName = tokenizer.nextToken();
String obfuscatedClassName = tokenizer.nextToken();
boolean hasObfuscatedMethods = tokenizer.nextToken().equals("1");
boolean hasObfuscatedFields = tokenizer.nextToken().equals("1");
classNameMap.put(obfuscatedClassName, originalClassName);
if (hasObfuscatedMethods)
if (hasObfuscatedFields)
catch (IOException e)
private static String originalSignature(MethodSignature signature)
StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder();
boolean first = true;
for (String clazz : signature.parameters)
if (first)
first = false;
return stringBuilder.toString();
public static class MethodSignature
private String name;
private String[] parameters;
public MethodSignature(String name, Class[] parameters)
{ = name;
this.parameters = new String[parameters.length];
for (int i = 0; i < parameters.length; i++)
this.parameters[i] = parameters[i].getName();
// Implementations for Object.
public boolean equals(Object o)
if (this == o) return true;
if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) return false;
MethodSignature that = (MethodSignature)o;
if (!name.equals( return false;
return Arrays.equals(parameters, that.parameters);
public int hashCode()
int result = name.hashCode();
result = 31 * result + Arrays.hashCode(parameters);
return result;