blob: 2e9bad6891ed421bb8331ae28e54916522bf68c8 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2022 The Bazel Authors. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
"""Providers for Python rules."""
DEFAULT_STUB_SHEBANG = "#!/usr/bin/env python3"
def _PyRuntimeInfo_init(
interpreter_path = None,
interpreter = None,
files = None,
coverage_tool = None,
coverage_files = None,
stub_shebang = None):
if (interpreter_path == None) == (interpreter == None):
fail("exactly one of interpreter_path or interpreter must be set")
if (interpreter == None) != (files == None):
fail("interpreter and files must both be set or neither must be set")
if (coverage_tool == None) == (coverage_files == None):
fail("coverage_tool and coverage_files must both be set or neither must be set")
if python_version not in _PYTHON_VERSION_VALUES:
fail("invalid python_version: '{}'; must be one of {}".format(
if not stub_shebang:
return {
"interpreter_path": interpreter_path,
"interpreter": interpreter,
"files": files,
"coverage_tool": coverage_tool,
"coverage_files": coverage_files,
"python_version": python_version,
"stub_shebang": stub_shebang,
# TODO(#15897): Rename this to PyRuntimeInfo when we're ready to replace the Java
# implemented provider with the Starlark one.
Starlark_PyRuntimeInfo, _unused_raw_py_runtime_info_ctor = provider(
doc = """Contains information about a Python runtime, as returned by the `py_runtime`
A Python runtime describes either a *platform runtime* or an *in-build runtime*.
A platform runtime accesses a system-installed interpreter at a known path,
whereas an in-build runtime points to a `File` that acts as the interpreter. In
both cases, an "interpreter" is really any executable binary or wrapper script
that is capable of running a Python script passed on the command line, following
the same conventions as the standard CPython interpreter.
init = _PyRuntimeInfo_init,
fields = {
"interpreter_path": (
"If this is a platform runtime, this field is the absolute " +
"filesystem path to the interpreter on the target platform. " +
"Otherwise, this is `None`."
"interpreter": (
"If this is an in-build runtime, this field is a `File` representing " +
"the interpreter. Otherwise, this is `None`. Note that an in-build " +
"runtime can use either a prebuilt, checked-in interpreter or an " +
"interpreter built from source."
"files": (
"If this is an in-build runtime, this field is a `depset` of `File`s" +
"that need to be added to the runfiles of an executable target that " +
"uses this runtime (in particular, files needed by `interpreter`). " +
"The value of `interpreter` need not be included in this field. If " +
"this is a platform runtime then this field is `None`."
"coverage_tool": (
"If set, this field is a `File` representing tool used for collecting code coverage information from python tests. Otherwise, this is `None`."
"coverage_files": (
"The files required at runtime for using `coverage_tool`. " +
"Will be `None` if no `coverage_tool` was provided."
"python_version": (
"Indicates whether this runtime uses Python major version 2 or 3. " +
"Valid values are (only) `\"PY2\"` and " +
"stub_shebang": (
"\"Shebang\" expression prepended to the bootstrapping Python stub " +
"script used when executing `py_binary` targets. Does not " +
"apply to Windows."
PyRuntimeInfo = _builtins.toplevel.PyRuntimeInfo
PyInfo = _builtins.toplevel.PyInfo
# TODO(b/203567235): Re-implement in Starlark
PyCcLinkParamsProvider = _builtins.toplevel.PyCcLinkParamsProvider # buildifier: disable=name-conventions