Release 7.0.0-pre.20230405.2 (2023-04-12)

Baseline: 177f0d49913d74e7b1a4aae52f835702d7e85401

Cherry picks:

   + 81ee0fc29fb538d0849c6e7ccfff925f99b87453:
     Remove globDeps containing some Glob skyKey check

Important changes:

  - cc_test can now be configured by using a native.toolchain().
  - `@foo` labels can now be used on the command line as the
    top-level target (that is, `bazel build @foo` now works).
    Double-dot syntax is now forbidden (`bazel build ../foo` will no
    longer work).
  - The location of rules that explicitly specify `generator_name`
    and/or `generator_function` attributes (typically because they
    are incidentally copied from `native.existing_rule()`) is now the
    top-level call in the `BUILD` file, which is consistent with
    rules that do not explicitly specify these attributes.
  - Warnings (most notably those associated with the `deprecation`
    rule attribute) are no longer replayed on subsequent invocations
    unless the target in question is re-analyzed. Warnings are purely
    informational, so this change has no bearing on the correctness
    of the build. Downstream tests that break due to this change
    should update their expectations.

This release contains contributions from many people at Google, as well as Fabian Meumertzheim, Jack Dai, Konstantin Erman.
diff --git a/ b/
index 438ac85..f2aaed2 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -1,3 +1,67 @@
+## Release 7.0.0-pre.20230405.2 (2023-04-12)
+Baseline: 177f0d49913d74e7b1a4aae52f835702d7e85401
+Cherry picks:
+   + 81ee0fc29fb538d0849c6e7ccfff925f99b87453:
+     Remove globDeps containing some Glob skyKey check
+Important changes:
+  - cc_test can now be configured by using a native.toolchain().
+  - `@foo` labels can now be used on the command line as the
+    top-level target (that is, `bazel build @foo` now works).
+    Double-dot syntax is now forbidden (`bazel build ../foo` will no
+    longer work).
+  - The location of rules that explicitly specify `generator_name`
+    and/or `generator_function` attributes (typically because they
+    are incidentally copied from `native.existing_rule()`) is now the
+    top-level call in the `BUILD` file, which is consistent with
+    rules that do not explicitly specify these attributes.
+  - Warnings (most notably those associated with the `deprecation`
+    rule attribute) are no longer replayed on subsequent invocations
+    unless the target in question is re-analyzed. Warnings are purely
+    informational, so this change has no bearing on the correctness
+    of the build. Downstream tests that break due to this change
+    should update their expectations.
+This release contains contributions from many people at Google, as well as Fabian Meumertzheim, Jack Dai, Konstantin Erman.
+## Release 7.0.0-pre.20230330.3 (2023-04-06)
+Baseline: f7829f855bc31aaf0c0fcef55ef56adec84daa9e
+Cherry picks:
+   + eee0d9dfe3513042112a0f0ec519e2b232e5d203:
+     Add an option retention option to proto_library.
+Incompatible changes:
+  - `--experimental_execution_graph_log` no longer exists. Current
+    users that want local logs need to pass
+    `--experimental_enable_execution_graph_log
+    --experimental_execution_graph_log_path=/some/local/path`.
+    Current users that want logs uploaded to BEP need to pass
+    `--experimental_enable_execution_graph_log
+    --experimental_stream_log_file_uploads`.
+  - Remove 'darwin' as a CPU value, use 'darwin_x86_64' instead
+Important changes:
+  - Added `native.module_name()` and `native.module_version()` to
+    allow BUILD macro authors to acquire information about which
+    Bazel module the current repo is associated with.
+  - Add `--skip_incompatible_explicit_targets` option
+  - Remove 'darwin' as a CPU value, use 'darwin_x86_64' instead
+This release contains contributions from many people at Google, as well as Benjamin Peterson, Benjamin Sigonneau, Ed Schouten, Fabian Meumertzheim, hvd, Keith Smiley, Malte Poll, Marc Zych.
 ## Release 7.0.0-pre.20230322.4 (2023-04-03)