blob: c80f57cc5dfb0b02800b4de8f5fb62c9ff321892 [file] [log] [blame]
package org.checkerframework.javacutil;
import org.checkerframework.dataflow.qual.Pure;
import org.checkerframework.dataflow.qual.SideEffectFree;
import org.checkerframework.checker.nullness.qual.*;
import org.checkerframework.checker.interning.qual.*;
import com.sun.source.tree.AnnotationTree;
import com.sun.source.tree.MethodTree;
import com.sun.source.tree.ModifiersTree;
import java.lang.annotation.Annotation;
import java.lang.annotation.Inherited;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.Comparator;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Iterator;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.TreeMap;
import java.util.TreeSet;
import javax.lang.model.element.AnnotationMirror;
import javax.lang.model.element.AnnotationValue;
import javax.lang.model.element.ElementKind;
import javax.lang.model.element.ExecutableElement;
import javax.lang.model.element.Name;
import javax.lang.model.element.TypeElement;
import javax.lang.model.type.DeclaredType;
import javax.lang.model.type.TypeMirror;
import javax.lang.model.util.ElementFilter;
import javax.lang.model.util.Elements;
/** A utility class for working with annotations. */
public class AnnotationUtils {
// Class cannot be instantiated.
private AnnotationUtils() {
throw new AssertionError("Class AnnotationUtils cannot be instantiated.");
// TODO: hack to clear out static state.
public static void clear() {
// **********************************************************************
// Factory Methods to create instances of AnnotationMirror
// **********************************************************************
/** Caching for annotation creation. */
private static final Map<CharSequence, AnnotationMirror> annotationsFromNames =
Collections.synchronizedMap(new HashMap<CharSequence, AnnotationMirror>());
private static final int ANNOTATION_CACHE_SIZE = 500;
* Cache names of AnnotationMirrors for faster access. Values in the map are interned Strings,
* so they can be compared with ==.
private static final Map<AnnotationMirror, /*@Interned*/ String> annotationMirrorNames =
CollectionUtils.<AnnotationMirror, /*@Interned*/ String>createLRUCache(
* Cache simple names of AnnotationMirrors for faster access. Values in the map are interned
* Strings, so they can be compared with ==.
private static final Map<AnnotationMirror, /*@Interned*/ String> annotationMirrorSimpleNames =
CollectionUtils.<AnnotationMirror, /*@Interned*/ String>createLRUCache(
* Cache names of classes representing AnnotationMirrors for faster access. Values in the map
* are interned Strings, so they can be compared with ==.
private static final Map<Class<? extends Annotation>, /*@Interned*/ String>
annotationClassNames =
new HashMap<Class<? extends Annotation>, /*@Interned*/ String>());
* Creates an {@link AnnotationMirror} given by a particular fully-qualified name.
* getElementValues on the result returns an empty map.
* @param elements the element utilities to use
* @param name the name of the annotation to create
* @return an {@link AnnotationMirror} of type {@code} name
public static AnnotationMirror fromName(Elements elements, CharSequence name) {
AnnotationMirror res = annotationsFromNames.get(name);
if (res != null) {
return res;
final DeclaredType annoType = typeFromName(elements, name);
if (annoType == null) {
return null;
if (annoType.asElement().getKind() != ElementKind.ANNOTATION_TYPE) {
ErrorReporter.errorAbort(annoType + " is not an annotation");
return null; // dead code
AnnotationMirror result =
new AnnotationMirror() {
String toString = "@" + annoType;
public DeclaredType getAnnotationType() {
return annoType;
public Map<? extends ExecutableElement, ? extends AnnotationValue>
getElementValues() {
return Collections.emptyMap();
public String toString() {
return toString;
annotationsFromNames.put(name, result);
return result;
* Creates an {@link AnnotationMirror} given by a particular annotation class.
* @param elements the element utilities to use
* @param clazz the annotation class
* @return an {@link AnnotationMirror} of type given type
public static AnnotationMirror fromClass(Elements elements, Class<? extends Annotation> clazz) {
return fromName(elements, clazz.getCanonicalName());
* A utility method that converts a {@link CharSequence} (usually a {@link String}) into a
* {@link TypeMirror} named thereby.
* @param elements the element utilities to use
* @param name the name of a type
* @return the {@link TypeMirror} corresponding to that name
private static DeclaredType typeFromName(Elements elements, CharSequence name) {
/*@Nullable*/ TypeElement typeElt = elements.getTypeElement(name);
if (typeElt == null) {
return null;
return (DeclaredType) typeElt.asType();
// **********************************************************************
// Helper methods to handle annotations. mainly workaround
// AnnotationMirror.equals undesired property
// (I think the undesired property is that it's reference equality.)
// **********************************************************************
/** @return the fully-qualified name of an annotation as a String */
public static final /*@Interned*/ String annotationName(AnnotationMirror annotation) {
String res = annotationMirrorNames.get(annotation);
if (res != null) {
return res;
final DeclaredType annoType = annotation.getAnnotationType();
final TypeElement elm = (TypeElement) annoType.asElement();
/*@Interned*/ String name = elm.getQualifiedName().toString().intern();
annotationMirrorNames.put(annotation, name);
return name;
/** @return the simple name of an annotation as a String */
public static String annotationSimpleName(AnnotationMirror annotation) {
String res = annotationMirrorSimpleNames.get(annotation);
if (res != null) {
return res;
final DeclaredType annoType = annotation.getAnnotationType();
final TypeElement elm = (TypeElement) annoType.asElement();
/*@Interned*/ String name = elm.getSimpleName().toString().intern();
annotationMirrorSimpleNames.put(annotation, name);
return name;
* Checks if both annotations are the same.
* <p>Returns true iff both annotations are of the same type and have the same annotation
* values. This behavior differs from {@code AnnotationMirror.equals(Object)}. The equals method
* returns true iff both annotations are the same and annotate the same annotation target (e.g.
* field, variable, etc).
* @return true iff a1 and a2 are the same annotation
public static boolean areSame(
/*@Nullable*/ AnnotationMirror a1, /*@Nullable*/ AnnotationMirror a2) {
if (a1 != null && a2 != null) {
if (annotationName(a1) != annotationName(a2)) {
return false;
Map<? extends ExecutableElement, ? extends AnnotationValue> elval1 =
Map<? extends ExecutableElement, ? extends AnnotationValue> elval2 =
return elval1.toString().equals(elval2.toString());
// only true, iff both are null
return a1 == a2;
* @see #areSame(AnnotationMirror, AnnotationMirror)
* @return true iff a1 and a2 have the same annotation type
public static boolean areSameIgnoringValues(AnnotationMirror a1, AnnotationMirror a2) {
if (a1 != null && a2 != null) {
return annotationName(a1) == annotationName(a2);
return a1 == a2;
/** Checks that the annotation {@code am} has the name {@code aname}. Values are ignored. */
public static boolean areSameByName(AnnotationMirror am, /*@Interned*/ String aname) {
// Both strings are interned.
return annotationName(am) == aname;
/** Checks that the annotation {@code am} has the name of {@code anno}. Values are ignored. */
public static boolean areSameByClass(AnnotationMirror am, Class<? extends Annotation> anno) {
/*@Interned*/ String canonicalName = annotationClassNames.get(anno);
if (canonicalName == null) {
canonicalName = anno.getCanonicalName().intern();
annotationClassNames.put(anno, canonicalName);
return areSameByName(am, canonicalName);
* Checks that two collections contain the same annotations.
* @return true iff c1 and c2 contain the same annotations
public static boolean areSame(
Collection<? extends AnnotationMirror> c1, Collection<? extends AnnotationMirror> c2) {
if (c1.size() != c2.size()) {
return false;
if (c1.size() == 1) {
return areSame(c1.iterator().next(), c2.iterator().next());
Set<AnnotationMirror> s1 = createAnnotationSet();
Set<AnnotationMirror> s2 = createAnnotationSet();
// depend on the fact that Set is an ordered set.
Iterator<AnnotationMirror> iter1 = s1.iterator();
Iterator<AnnotationMirror> iter2 = s2.iterator();
while (iter1.hasNext()) {
AnnotationMirror anno1 =;
AnnotationMirror anno2 =;
if (!areSame(anno1, anno2)) {
return false;
return true;
* Checks that the collection contains the annotation. Using Collection.contains does not always
* work, because it does not use areSame for comparison.
* @return true iff c contains anno, according to areSame
public static boolean containsSame(
Collection<? extends AnnotationMirror> c, AnnotationMirror anno) {
return getSame(c, anno) != null;
* Returns the AnnotationMirror in {@code c} that is the same annotation as {@code anno}.
* @return AnnotationMirror with the same class as {@code anno} iff c contains anno, according
* to areSame; otherwise, {@code null}
public static AnnotationMirror getSame(
Collection<? extends AnnotationMirror> c, AnnotationMirror anno) {
for (AnnotationMirror an : c) {
if (AnnotationUtils.areSame(an, anno)) {
return an;
return null;
* Checks that the collection contains the annotation. Using Collection.contains does not always
* work, because it does not use areSame for comparison.
* @return true iff c contains anno, according to areSameByClass
public static boolean containsSameByClass(
Collection<? extends AnnotationMirror> c, Class<? extends Annotation> anno) {
return getAnnotationByClass(c, anno) != null;
* Returns the AnnotationMirror in {@code c} that has the same class as {@code anno}.
* @return AnnotationMirror with the same class as {@code anno} iff c contains anno, according
* to areSameByClass; otherwise, {@code null}
public static AnnotationMirror getAnnotationByClass(
Collection<? extends AnnotationMirror> c, Class<? extends Annotation> anno) {
for (AnnotationMirror an : c) {
if (AnnotationUtils.areSameByClass(an, anno)) {
return an;
return null;
* Checks that the collection contains the annotation ignoring values. Using Collection.contains
* does not always work, because it does not use areSameIgnoringValues for comparison.
* @return true iff c contains anno, according to areSameIgnoringValues
public static boolean containsSameIgnoringValues(
Collection<? extends AnnotationMirror> c, AnnotationMirror anno) {
return getSameIgnoringValues(c, anno) != null;
* Returns the AnnotationMirror in {@code c} that is the same annotation as {@code anno}
* ignoring values.
* @return AnnotationMirror with the same class as {@code anno} iff c contains anno, according
* to areSameIgnoringValues; otherwise, {@code null}
public static AnnotationMirror getSameIgnoringValues(
Collection<? extends AnnotationMirror> c, AnnotationMirror anno) {
for (AnnotationMirror an : c) {
if (AnnotationUtils.areSameIgnoringValues(an, anno)) {
return an;
return null;
private static final Comparator<AnnotationMirror> ANNOTATION_ORDERING =
new Comparator<AnnotationMirror>() {
public int compare(AnnotationMirror a1, AnnotationMirror a2) {
// AnnotationMirror.toString() prints the elements of an annotation in the
// order in which they were written. So, use areSame to check for equality.
if (AnnotationUtils.areSame(a1, a2)) {
return 0;
String n1 = a1.toString();
String n2 = a2.toString();
// Because the AnnotationMirror.toString prints the annotation as it appears
// in source code, the order in which annotations of the same class are
// sorted may be confusing. For example, it might order
// @IntRange(from=1, to=MAX) before @IntRange(to=MAX,from=0).
return n1.compareTo(n2);
* provide ordering for {@link AnnotationMirror} based on their fully qualified name. The
* ordering ignores annotation values when ordering.
* <p>The ordering is meant to be used as {@link TreeSet} or {@link TreeMap} ordering. A {@link
* Set} should not contain two annotations that only differ in values.
public static Comparator<AnnotationMirror> annotationOrdering() {
* Create a map suitable for storing {@link AnnotationMirror} as keys.
* <p>It can store one instance of {@link AnnotationMirror} of a given declared type, regardless
* of the annotation element values.
* @param <V> the value of the map
* @return a new map with {@link AnnotationMirror} as key
public static <V> Map<AnnotationMirror, V> createAnnotationMap() {
return new TreeMap<AnnotationMirror, V>(annotationOrdering());
* Constructs a {@link Set} suitable for storing {@link AnnotationMirror}s.
* <p>It stores at most once instance of {@link AnnotationMirror} of a given type, regardless of
* the annotation element values.
* @return a new set to store {@link AnnotationMirror} as element
public static Set<AnnotationMirror> createAnnotationSet() {
return new TreeSet<AnnotationMirror>(annotationOrdering());
/** Returns true if the given annotation has a @Inherited meta-annotation. */
public static boolean hasInheritedMeta(AnnotationMirror anno) {
return anno.getAnnotationType().asElement().getAnnotation(Inherited.class) != null;
// **********************************************************************
// Extractors for annotation values
// **********************************************************************
* Returns the values of an annotation's attributes, including defaults. The method with the
* same name in JavacElements cannot be used directly, because it includes a cast to
* Attribute.Compound, which doesn't hold for annotations generated by the Checker Framework.
* @see AnnotationMirror#getElementValues()
* @see JavacElements#getElementValuesWithDefaults(AnnotationMirror)
* @param ad annotation to examine
* @return the values of the annotation's elements, including defaults
public static Map<? extends ExecutableElement, ? extends AnnotationValue>
getElementValuesWithDefaults(AnnotationMirror ad) {
Map<ExecutableElement, AnnotationValue> valMap =
new HashMap<ExecutableElement, AnnotationValue>();
if (ad.getElementValues() != null) {
for (ExecutableElement meth :
ElementFilter.methodsIn(ad.getAnnotationType().asElement().getEnclosedElements())) {
AnnotationValue defaultValue = meth.getDefaultValue();
if (defaultValue != null && !valMap.containsKey(meth)) {
valMap.put(meth, defaultValue);
return valMap;
* Verify whether the attribute with the name {@code name} exists in the annotation {@code
* anno}.
* @param anno the annotation to examine
* @param name the name of the attribute
* @return whether the attribute exists in anno
public static <T> boolean hasElementValue(AnnotationMirror anno, CharSequence name) {
Map<? extends ExecutableElement, ? extends AnnotationValue> valmap =
for (ExecutableElement elem : valmap.keySet()) {
if (elem.getSimpleName().contentEquals(name)) {
return true;
return false;
* Get the attribute with the name {@code name} of the annotation {@code anno}. The result is
* expected to have type {@code expectedType}.
* <p><em>Note 1</em>: The method does not work well for attributes of an array type (as it
* would return a list of {@link AnnotationValue}s). Use {@code getElementValueArray} instead.
* <p><em>Note 2</em>: The method does not work for attributes of an enum type, as the
* AnnotationValue is a VarSymbol and would be cast to the enum type, which doesn't work. Use
* {@code getElementValueEnum} instead.
* @param anno the annotation to disassemble
* @param name the name of the attribute to access
* @param expectedType the expected type used to cast the return type
* @param useDefaults whether to apply default values to the attribute
* @return the value of the attribute with the given name
public static <T> T getElementValue(
AnnotationMirror anno, CharSequence name, Class<T> expectedType, boolean useDefaults) {
Map<? extends ExecutableElement, ? extends AnnotationValue> valmap;
if (useDefaults) {
valmap = getElementValuesWithDefaults(anno);
} else {
valmap = anno.getElementValues();
for (ExecutableElement elem : valmap.keySet()) {
if (elem.getSimpleName().contentEquals(name)) {
AnnotationValue val = valmap.get(elem);
return expectedType.cast(val.getValue());
ErrorReporter.errorAbort("No element with name \'" + name + "\' in annotation " + anno);
return null; // dead code
/** Version that is suitable for Enum elements. */
public static <T extends Enum<T>> T getElementValueEnum(
AnnotationMirror anno, CharSequence name, Class<T> t, boolean useDefaults) {
VarSymbol vs = getElementValue(anno, name, VarSymbol.class, useDefaults);
T value = Enum.valueOf(t, vs.getSimpleName().toString());
return value;
* Get the attribute with the name {@code name} of the annotation {@code anno}, where the
* attribute has an array type. One element of the result is expected to have type {@code
* expectedType}.
* <p>Parameter useDefaults is used to determine whether default values should be used for
* annotation values. Finding defaults requires more computation, so should be false when no
* defaulting is needed.
* @param anno the annotation to disassemble
* @param name the name of the attribute to access
* @param expectedType the expected type used to cast the return type
* @param useDefaults whether to apply default values to the attribute
* @return the value of the attribute with the given name
public static <T> List<T> getElementValueArray(
AnnotationMirror anno, CharSequence name, Class<T> expectedType, boolean useDefaults) {
List<AnnotationValue> la = getElementValue(anno, name, List.class, useDefaults);
List<T> result = new ArrayList<T>(la.size());
for (AnnotationValue a : la) {
return result;
* Get the attribute with the name {@code name} of the annotation {@code anno}, or the default
* value if no attribute is present explicitly, where the attribute has an array type and the
* elements are {@code Enum}s. One element of the result is expected to have type {@code
* expectedType}.
public static <T extends Enum<T>> List<T> getElementValueEnumArray(
AnnotationMirror anno, CharSequence name, Class<T> t, boolean useDefaults) {
List<AnnotationValue> la = getElementValue(anno, name, List.class, useDefaults);
List<T> result = new ArrayList<T>(la.size());
for (AnnotationValue a : la) {
T value = Enum.valueOf(t, a.getValue().toString());
return result;
* Get the Name of the class that is referenced by attribute {@code name}.
* <p>This is a convenience method for the most common use-case. Like getElementValue(anno,
* name, ClassType.class).getQualifiedName(), but this method ensures consistent use of the
* qualified name.
public static Name getElementValueClassName(
AnnotationMirror anno, CharSequence name, boolean useDefaults) {
Type.ClassType ct = getElementValue(anno, name, Type.ClassType.class, useDefaults);
// TODO: Is it a problem that this returns the type parameters too? Should I cut them off?
return ct.asElement().getQualifiedName();
/** Get the list of Names of the classes that are referenced by attribute {@code name}. */
public static List<Name> getElementValueClassNames(
AnnotationMirror anno, CharSequence name, boolean useDefaults) {
List<Type.ClassType> la =
getElementValueArray(anno, name, Type.ClassType.class, useDefaults);
List<Name> names = new ArrayList<>();
for (Type.ClassType classType : la) {
return names;
* Get the Class that is referenced by attribute {@code name}. This method uses Class.forName to
* load the class. It returns null if the class wasn't found.
public static Class<?> getElementValueClass(
AnnotationMirror anno, CharSequence name, boolean useDefaults) {
Name cn = getElementValueClassName(anno, name, useDefaults);
try {
ClassLoader classLoader = InternalUtils.getClassLoaderForClass(AnnotationUtils.class);
Class<?> cls = Class.forName(cn.toString(), true, classLoader);
return cls;
} catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
String msg =
"Could not load class '%s' for field '%s' in annotation %s",
cn, name, anno);
ErrorReporter.errorAbort(msg, e);
return null; // dead code
* See checkers.types.QualifierHierarchy#updateMappingToMutableSet(QualifierHierarchy, Map,
* Object, AnnotationMirror) (Not linked because it is in an independent project.
public static <T> void updateMappingToImmutableSet(
Map<T, Set<AnnotationMirror>> map, T key, Set<AnnotationMirror> newQual) {
Set<AnnotationMirror> result = AnnotationUtils.createAnnotationSet();
// TODO: if T is also an AnnotationMirror, should we use areSame?
if (!map.containsKey(key)) {
} else {
map.put(key, Collections.unmodifiableSet(result));
* Returns the annotations explicitly written on a constructor result. Callers should check that
* {@code constructorDeclaration} is in fact a declaration of a constructor.
* @param constructorDeclaration declaration tree of constructor
* @return set of annotations explicit on the resulting type of the constructor
public static Set<AnnotationMirror> getExplicitAnnotationsOnConstructorResult(
MethodTree constructorDeclaration) {
Set<AnnotationMirror> annotationSet = AnnotationUtils.createAnnotationSet();
ModifiersTree modifiersTree = constructorDeclaration.getModifiers();
if (modifiersTree != null) {
List<? extends AnnotationTree> annotationTrees = modifiersTree.getAnnotations();
return annotationSet;