| --- |
| steps: |
| - label: "Release rules_java" |
| agents: |
| - "queue=default" |
| plugins: |
| docker#v3.8.0: |
| always-pull: true |
| environment: |
| image: gcr.io/bazel-public/ubuntu2004-java11 |
| network: host |
| privileged: true |
| propagate-environment: true |
| propagate-uid-gid: true |
| shell: ["/bin/bash", "-e", "-c"] |
| volumes: |
| - "/etc/group:/etc/group:ro" |
| - "/etc/passwd:/etc/passwd:ro" |
| - "/etc/shadow:/etc/shadow:ro" |
| - "/opt/android-ndk-r15c:/opt/android-ndk-r15c:ro" |
| - "/opt/android-sdk-linux:/opt/android-sdk-linux:ro" |
| - "/var/lib/buildkite-agent:/var/lib/buildkite-agent" |
| - "/var/lib/gitmirrors:/var/lib/gitmirrors:ro" |
| - "/var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock" |
| command: | |
| echo "+++ Checking out Git branch" |
| git fetch origin ${BUILDKITE_BRANCH} |
| git checkout ${BUILDKITE_BRANCH} |
| |
| echo "+++ Getting the latest rules_java version" |
| contents=$(cat MODULE.bazel) |
| version=$(echo "\${contents}" | grep -m 1 "version") |
| version=$(echo "\${version}" | sed -E 's/[^0-9|\.]//g') |
| echo "version = \"\$version\"" |
| |
| echo "+++ Building the release" |
| bazel build //distro:rules_java-\${version} |
| |
| echo "+++ Preparing release notes" |
| bazel build //distro:relnotes |
| |
| echo "+++ Downloading github-release" |
| curl -L https://mirror.bazel.build/github.com/c4milo/github-release/releases/download/v1.1.0/github-release_v1.1.0_linux_amd64.tar.gz | sudo tar xz -C /usr/local/bin |
| sudo chown root:root /usr/local/bin/github-release |
| sudo chmod 0755 /usr/local/bin/github-release |
| |
| echo "+++ Importing GitHub token" |
| github_token=$(gsutil cat gs://bazel-trusted-encrypted-secrets/github-trusted-token.enc | gcloud kms decrypt --project bazel-public --location global --keyring buildkite --key github-trusted-token --ciphertext-file - --plaintext-file -) |
| |
| echo "+++ Creating a release on GitHub" |
| cd bazel-bin/distro |
| relnotes=$(cat relnotes.txt) |
| GITHUB_TOKEN=\${github_token} github-release "bazelbuild/rules_java" \${version} "\${BUILDKITE_BRANCH}" "\${relnotes}" rules_java-\${version}.tar.gz |