blob: f7a69ba14bb011c2deb0e8c58f626c861fe6b34f [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2024 The Bazel Authors. All rights reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
"""All providers for rule-based bazel toolchain config."""
# Until the providers are stabilized, ensure that rules_cc is the only place
# that can access the providers directly.
# Once it's stabilized, we *may* consider opening up parts of the API, or we may
# decide to just require users to use the public user-facing rules.
# Note that throughout this file, we never use a list. This is because mutable
# types cannot be stored in depsets. Thus, we type them as a sequence in the
# provider, and convert them to a tuple in the constructor to ensure
# immutability.
ActionTypeInfo = provider(
doc = "A type of action (eg. c-compile, c++-link-executable)",
# @unsorted-dict-items
fields = {
"label": "(Label) The label defining this provider. Place in error messages to simplify debugging",
"name": "(str) The action name, as defined by action_names.bzl",
ActionTypeSetInfo = provider(
doc = "A set of types of actions",
# @unsorted-dict-items
fields = {
"label": "(Label) The label defining this provider. Place in error messages to simplify debugging",
"actions": "(depset[ActionTypeInfo]) Set of action types",
AddArgsInfo = provider(
doc = "A provider representation of Args.add/add_all/add_joined parameters",
# @unsorted-dict-items
fields = {
"label": "(Label) The label defining this provider. Place in error messages to simplify debugging",
"args": "(Sequence[str]) The command-line arguments to add",
"files": "(depset[File]) The files required to use this variable",
ArgsInfo = provider(
doc = "A set of arguments to be added to the command line for specific actions",
# @unsorted-dict-items
fields = {
"label": "(Label) The label defining this provider. Place in error messages to simplify debugging",
"actions": "(depset[ActionTypeInfo]) The set of actions this is associated with",
"requires_any_of": "(Sequence[FeatureConstraintInfo]) This will be enabled if any of the listed predicates are met. Equivalent to with_features",
"args": "(Sequence[AddArgsInfo]) The command-line arguments to add.",
"files": "(depset[File]) Files required for the args",
"env": "(dict[str, str]) Environment variables to apply",
ArgsListInfo = provider(
doc = "A ordered list of arguments",
# @unsorted-dict-items
fields = {
"label": "(Label) The label defining this provider. Place in error messages to simplify debugging",
"args": "(Sequence[ArgsInfo]) The flag sets contained within",
FeatureInfo = provider(
doc = "Contains all flag specifications for one feature.",
# @unsorted-dict-items
fields = {
"label": "(Label) The label defining this provider. Place in error messages to simplify debugging",
"name": "(str) The name of the feature",
"enabled": "(bool) Whether this feature is enabled by default",
"args": "(Sequence[ArgsInfo]) Flag sets enabled by this feature",
"implies": "(depset[FeatureInfo]) Set of features implied by this feature",
"requires_any_of": "(Sequence[FeatureSetInfo]) A list of feature sets, at least one of which is required to enable this feature. This is semantically equivalent to the requires attribute of rules_cc's FeatureInfo",
"provides": "(Sequence[MutuallyExclusiveCategoryInfo]) Indicates that this feature is one of several mutually exclusive alternate features.",
"known": "(bool) Whether the feature is a known feature. Known features are assumed to be defined elsewhere.",
"overrides": "(Optional[FeatureInfo]) The feature that this overrides",
FeatureSetInfo = provider(
doc = "A set of features",
# @unsorted-dict-items
fields = {
"label": "(Label) The label defining this provider. Place in error messages to simplify debugging",
"features": "(depset[FeatureInfo]) The set of features this corresponds to",
FeatureConstraintInfo = provider(
doc = "A predicate checking that certain features are enabled and others disabled.",
# @unsorted-dict-items
fields = {
"label": "(Label) The label defining this provider. Place in error messages to simplify debugging",
"all_of": "(depset[FeatureInfo]) A set of features which must be enabled",
"none_of": "(depset[FeatureInfo]) A set of features, none of which can be enabled",
MutuallyExclusiveCategoryInfo = provider(
doc = "Multiple features with the category will be mutally exclusive",
# @unsorted-dict-items
fields = {
"label": "(Label) The label defining this provider. Place in error messages to simplify debugging",
"name": "(str) The name of the category",
ToolInfo = provider(
doc = "A binary, with additional metadata to make it useful for action configs.",
# @unsorted-dict-items
fields = {
"label": "(Label) The label defining this provider. Place in error messages to simplify debugging",
"exe": "(Optional[File]) The file corresponding to the tool",
"runfiles": "(depset[File]) The files required to run the tool",
"requires_any_of": "(Sequence[FeatureConstraintInfo]) A set of constraints, one of which is required to enable the tool. Equivalent to with_features",
"execution_requirements": "(Sequence[str]) A set of execution requirements of the tool",
ActionConfigInfo = provider(
doc = "Configuration of a Bazel action.",
# @unsorted-dict-items
fields = {
"label": "(Label) The label defining this provider. Place in error messages to simplify debugging",
"action": "(ActionTypeInfo) The name of the action",
"enabled": "(bool) If True, this action is enabled unless a rule type explicitly marks it as unsupported",
"tools": "(Sequence[ToolInfo]) The tool applied to the action will be the first tool in the sequence with a feature set that matches the feature configuration",
"args": "(Sequence[ArgsInfo]) Set of flag sets the action sets",
"implies": "(depset[FeatureInfo]) Set of features implied by this action config",
"files": "(depset[File]) The files required to run these actions",
ActionConfigSetInfo = provider(
doc = "A set of action configs",
# @unsorted-dict-items
fields = {
"label": "(Label) The label defining this provider. Place in error messages to simplify debugging",
"action_configs": "(depset[ActionConfigInfo]) A set of action configs",