blob: 5a37eaa876d58c15eb0a30ca18705ec55f93b1d9 [file] [log] [blame]
"""This is an experimental implementation of cc_shared_library.
We may change the implementation at any moment or even delete this file. Do not
rely on this. It requires bazel >1.2 and passing the flag
# Add this as a tag to any target that can be linked by more than one
# cc_shared_library because it doesn't have static initializers or anything
# else that may cause issues when being linked more than once. This should be
# used sparingly after making sure it's safe to use.
CcSharedLibraryPermissionsInfo = provider(
"Permissions for a cc shared library.",
fields = {
"targets": "Matches targets that can be exported.",
GraphNodeInfo = provider(
"Nodes in the graph of shared libraries.",
fields = {
"children": "Other GraphNodeInfo from dependencies of this target",
"label": "Label of the target visited",
"linkable_more_than_once": "Linkable into more than a single cc_shared_library",
CcSharedLibraryInfo = provider(
"Information about a cc shared library.",
fields = {
"dynamic_deps": "All shared libraries depended on transitively",
"exports": "cc_libraries that are linked statically and exported",
"link_once_static_libs": "All libraries linked statically into this library that should " +
"only be linked once, e.g. because they have static " +
"initializers. If we try to link them more than once, " +
"we will throw an error",
"linker_input": "the resulting linker input artifact for the shared library",
"preloaded_deps": "cc_libraries needed by this cc_shared_library that should" +
" be linked the binary. If this is set, this cc_shared_library has to " +
" be a direct dependency of the cc_binary",
def cc_shared_library_permissions(**kwargs):
def cc_shared_library(**kwargs):
# TODO(bazel-team): Everything below this line can be deleted when tests have
# been moved under bazel repo
def _check_if_target_under_path(value, pattern):
if pattern.workspace_name != value.workspace_name:
return False
if == "__pkg__":
return pattern.package == value.package
if == "__subpackages__":
return _same_package_or_above(pattern, value)
return pattern.package == value.package and ==
def _same_package_or_above(label_a, label_b):
if label_a.workspace_name != label_b.workspace_name:
return False
package_a_tokenized = label_a.package.split("/")
package_b_tokenized = label_b.package.split("/")
if len(package_b_tokenized) < len(package_a_tokenized):
return False
if package_a_tokenized[0] != "":
for i in range(len(package_a_tokenized)):
if package_a_tokenized[i] != package_b_tokenized[i]:
return False
return True
for_testing_dont_use_check_if_target_under_path = _check_if_target_under_path