Refactor artifact_name_pattern in CROSSTOOL

Instead of using a string pattern, we replace it with a prefix and an

PiperOrigin-RevId: 197132215
diff --git a/third_party/com/github/bazelbuild/bazel/src/main/protobuf/crosstool_config.proto b/third_party/com/github/bazelbuild/bazel/src/main/protobuf/crosstool_config.proto
index 3663f72..927d0f4 100644
--- a/third_party/com/github/bazelbuild/bazel/src/main/protobuf/crosstool_config.proto
+++ b/third_party/com/github/bazelbuild/bazel/src/main/protobuf/crosstool_config.proto
@@ -260,10 +260,10 @@
     // categories include "linked_output" or "debug_symbols". An error is thrown
     // if no category is matched.
     required string category_name = 1;
-    // The pattern for creating the artifact for this selection.  The given
-    // pattern is templated by bazel and then used to create an artifact in
-    // a target-specific directory in bazel-bin.
-    required string pattern = 2;
+    // The prefix and extension for creating the artifact for this selection.
+    // They are used to create an artifact name based on the target name.
+    required string prefix = 2;
+    required string extension = 3;
   // An action config corresponds to a blaze action, and allows selection of