Move the tsickle auto-quoting logic into a tsetse check.

This check is only useful for code that would be opmitized through a property
renaming optimizer (like Closure, and experiemental uglifyJS option, AFAIK).

It is intentionally, exposed but not turned on by default for rules_typescript.

PiperOrigin-RevId: 236218830
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+<!-- FIXME(alexeagle): generate the docs from the sources -->
+# Property renaming safe
+This check will reject code patterns that are likely to not be safe for an
+optimization known as "property renaming". Closure compiler is currently one of
+the main JS optimizer that performs that optimization and anecdotally it results
+in 5-10% smaller bundles (see [more
+Property renaming is the optimization where writes and accesses to object
+properties like `x.userName` are rewritten to a shorter name like `x.a`. It
+works great until other code expects the property to be the specific string
+'userName'. This check will help catch bad optimization errors like this earlier
+(during TS compilation).
+The check will reject a property access on an object through an index signature
+in its type. For example, if you write this:
+  interface IdxSig {
+    [key: string]: string;
+  }
+  function propAccess(x: IdxSig) {
+    x.prop;     // new error
+    x['prop'];  // ok
+  }
+the compiler will start erring like this:
+  .../errors.ts:6:5 - error TS21227: Property prop is not declared on Type IdxSig.
+  The type has a string index signature, but it is being accessed using a dotted
+  property access.
+  6   x.prop;     // new error
+The presence of an index signature in the type most often means that the
+properties of the object that carries that type are created outside the static
+property renaming scope - for example JSON.parse, or dynamic for-in loop. Thus
+accessing them without a quoted index signature will result in an incorrect
diff --git a/internal/tsetse/error_code.ts b/internal/tsetse/error_code.ts
index 22da857..1e0ea3a 100644
--- a/internal/tsetse/error_code.ts
+++ b/internal/tsetse/error_code.ts
@@ -1,7 +1,15 @@
+ * Error codes for tsetse checks.
+ *
+ * Start with 21222 and increase linearly.
+ * The intent is for these codes to be fixed, so that tsetse users can
+ * search for them in user forums and other media.
+ */
 export enum ErrorCode {
   EQUALS_NAN = 21223,
diff --git a/internal/tsetse/rules/property_renaming_safe.ts b/internal/tsetse/rules/property_renaming_safe.ts
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+import * as ts from 'typescript';
+import {Checker} from '../checker';
+import {ErrorCode} from '../error_code';
+import {AbstractRule} from '../rule';
+ * A Tsetse rule that checks for some potential unsafe property renaming
+ * patterns.
+ *
+ * Note: This rule can have false positives.
+ */
+export class Rule extends AbstractRule {
+  readonly ruleName = 'property-renaming-safe';
+  readonly code = ErrorCode.PROPERTY_RENAMING_SAFE;
+  register(checker: Checker) {
+    checker.on(
+        ts.SyntaxKind.PropertyAccessExpression,
+        checkIndexSignAccessedWithPropAccess, this.code);
+  }
+// Copied from tsickle/src/quoting_transformer.ts, with the intention of
+// removing it from there and only keeping a tsetse rule about this.
+function checkIndexSignAccessedWithPropAccess(
+    checker: Checker, pae: ts.PropertyAccessExpression) {
+  // Reject dotted accesses to types that have an index type declared to quoted
+  // accesses, to avoid Closure renaming one access but not the other. This can
+  // happen because TS allows dotted access to string index types.
+  const typeChecker = checker.typeChecker;
+  const t = typeChecker.getTypeAtLocation(pae.expression);
+  if (!t.getStringIndexType()) return;
+  // Types can have string index signatures and declared properties (of the
+  // matching type). These properties have a symbol, as opposed to pure string
+  // index types.
+  const propSym = typeChecker.getSymbolAtLocation(;
+  // The decision to return below is a judgement call. Presumably, in most
+  // situations, dotted access to a property is correct, and should not be
+  // turned into quoted access even if there is a string index on the type.
+  // However it is possible to construct programs where this is incorrect, e.g.
+  // where user code assigns into a property through the index access in another
+  // location.
+  if (propSym) return;
+  checker.addFailureAtNode(
+      `Property ${} is not declared on Type ` +
+          `${typeChecker.typeToString(t)}. The type has a string index ` +
+          `signature, but it is being accessed using a dotted property ` +
+          `access.
diff --git a/internal/tsetse/tests/property_renaming_safe/errors.ts b/internal/tsetse/tests/property_renaming_safe/errors.ts
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+++ b/internal/tsetse/tests/property_renaming_safe/errors.ts
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+/* tslint:disable */
+interface IdxSig {
+  [key: string]: string;
+function propAccess(x: IdxSig) {
+  x.prop;     // error
+  x['prop'];  // ok
+function descructuring(x: IdxSig) {
+  const {prop} = x;  // ok, but should be an error.
+interface MixedIdxSig extends IdxSig {
+  namedProp: string;
+function mixedPropAccess(x: MixedIdxSig) {
+  x.namedProp;     // ok
+  x['namedProp'];  // ok
+  x.prop;          // error
+  x['prop'];       // ok
+function genericAccess<T extends IdxSig>(x: T) {
+  x.prop;     // error
+  x['prop'];  // ok
+interface MixedIndexSigUsedInUnion {
+  [key: string]: string;
+  namedProp2: string;
+function unionType(x: MixedIdxSig|MixedIndexSigUsedInUnion) {
+  x.prop;     // error
+  x['prop'];  // ok
+ * Curiously Record<string, T> is treated like an index signature.
+ */
+function recordStringType(x: Record<string, number>) {
+  x.prop;     // error
+  x['prop'];  // ok
+ * But narrowing the generic parameter to a string literal union exempts it.
+ */
+function recordNarrowType(x: Record<'prop'|'other', number>) {
+  x.prop;     // ok
+  x['prop'];  // ok
+ * Similary, to Records mapped types of of 'in string' are threated like a
+ * string index signature.
+ */
+function mappedType(x: {[x in string]: boolean}) {
+  x.prop;     // error
+  x['prop'];  // ok