Improve formatting of cyclical dependency error reporting

This adds a line break between dependencies, since each line tends to be very long. It's easier to understand the cycle if the actual file names are grouped closer together into a column. This change adds a newline between each dependency in the cycle to better achieve that. It also adds space between the stacktrace below and the context above.


Compilation failed Error: Cyclical dependency between files:
src/b.ts -> src/a.ts -> src/b.ts


Compilation failed Error:

Cyclical dependency between files:
src/b.ts ->
src/a.ts ->

PiperOrigin-RevId: 291974463
diff --git a/internal/tsc_wrapped/manifest.ts b/internal/tsc_wrapped/manifest.ts
index 4e5b9f6..3642dc7 100644
--- a/internal/tsc_wrapped/manifest.ts
+++ b/internal/tsc_wrapped/manifest.ts
@@ -22,8 +22,8 @@
     if (!referencedFileName) continue;  // Ambient modules.
     if (!result[referencedFileName]) {
       if (visiting[referencedFileName]) {
-        const path = current + ' -> ' + Object.keys(visiting).join(' -> ');
-        throw new Error('Cyclical dependency between files:\n' + path);
+        const path = [current, ...Object.keys(visiting)].join(' ->\n');
+        throw new Error(`\n\nCyclical dependency between files:\n${path}\n`);
       visiting[referencedFileName] = true;
       topologicalSort(result, referencedFileName, modulesManifest, visiting);
diff --git a/internal/tsc_wrapped/tsc_wrapped_test.ts b/internal/tsc_wrapped/tsc_wrapped_test.ts
index 2351cd8..ccb4eee 100644
--- a/internal/tsc_wrapped/tsc_wrapped_test.ts
+++ b/internal/tsc_wrapped/tsc_wrapped_test.ts
@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@
     f(res, 'src/f3', 'src$f3', ['src$f1']);
     f(res, 'src/f1', 'src$f1', ['src$f2']);
     expect(() => constructManifest(res, {relativeOutputPath}))
-        .toThrowError(/src\/f2 -> src\/f3 -> src\/f1 -> src\/f2/g);
+        .toThrowError(/src\/f2 ->\nsrc\/f3 ->\nsrc\/f1 ->\nsrc\/f2/g);
   it('toposorts diamonds', () => {