blob: 713ad729d05e7818dc89f37bd16c680d5f8a9572 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2014 The Bazel Authors. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
import java.util.ArrayList;
* Logic for figuring out what base directories to place outputs generated from a given
* configuration.
* <p>In other words, when your output ends up in <code>blaze-out/x86-fastbuild/...</code>, this
* class is why.
public class OutputDirectories {
* Directories in the output tree.
* <p>The computation of the output directory should be a non-injective mapping from
* BuildConfiguration instances to strings. The result should identify the aspects of the
* configuration that should be reflected in the output file names. Furthermore the returned
* string must not contain shell metacharacters.
* <p>For configuration settings which are NOT part of the output directory name, rebuilding with
* a different value of such a setting will build in the same output directory. This means that
* any actions whose keys (see Action.getKey()) have changed will be rerun. That may result in a
* lot of recompilation.
* <p>For configuration settings which ARE part of the output directory name, rebuilding with a
* different value of such a setting will rebuild in a different output directory; this will
* result in higher disk usage and more work the <i>first</i> time you rebuild with a different
* setting, but will result in less work if you regularly switch back and forth between different
* settings.
* <p>With one important exception, it's sound to choose any subset of the config's components for
* this string, it just alters the dimensionality of the cache. In other words, it's a trade-off
* on the "injectiveness" scale: at one extreme (output directory name contains all data in the
* config, and is thus injective) you get extremely precise caching (no competition for the same
* output-file locations) but you have to rebuild for even the slightest change in configuration.
* At the other extreme (the output (directory name is a constant) you have very high competition
* for output-file locations, but if a slight change in configuration doesn't affect a particular
* build step, you're guaranteed not to have to rebuild it. The important exception has to do with
* multiple configurations: every configuration in the build must have a different output
* directory name so that their artifacts do not conflict.
* <p>The host configuration is special-cased: in order to guarantee that its output directory is
* always separate from that of the target configuration, we simply pin it to "host". We do this
* so that the build works even if the two configurations are too close (which is common) and so
* that the path of artifacts in the host configuration is a bit more readable.
public enum OutputDirectory {
private final PathFragment nameFragment;
private final boolean middleman;
* This constructor is for roots without suffixes, e.g.,
* [[execroot/repo]/bazel-out/local-fastbuild].
* @param isMiddleman whether the root should be a middleman root or a "normal" derived root.
OutputDirectory(boolean isMiddleman) {
this.nameFragment = PathFragment.EMPTY_FRAGMENT;
this.middleman = isMiddleman;
OutputDirectory(String name) {
this.nameFragment = PathFragment.create(name);
this.middleman = false;
public ArtifactRoot getRoot(
String outputDirName, BlazeDirectories directories, RepositoryName mainRepositoryName) {
// e.g., execroot/repo1
Path execRoot = directories.getExecRoot(mainRepositoryName.strippedName());
// e.g., execroot/repo1/bazel-out/config/bin
if (middleman) {
Path outputDir =
return ArtifactRoot.middlemanRoot(execRoot, outputDir);
// e.g., [[execroot/repo1]/bazel-out/config/bin]
return ArtifactRoot.asDerivedRoot(
private final BlazeDirectories directories;
private final RepositoryName mainRepositoryName;
private final String mnemonic;
private final String outputDirName;
// We precompute the roots for the main repository, since that's the common case.
private final ArtifactRoot outputDirectoryForMainRepository;
private final ArtifactRoot binDirectoryForMainRepository;
private final ArtifactRoot includeDirectoryForMainRepository;
private final ArtifactRoot genfilesDirectoryForMainRepository;
private final ArtifactRoot coverageDirectoryForMainRepository;
private final ArtifactRoot testlogsDirectoryForMainRepository;
private final ArtifactRoot middlemanDirectoryForMainRepository;
private final boolean mergeGenfilesDirectory;
BlazeDirectories directories,
CoreOptions options,
ImmutableSortedMap<Class<? extends Fragment>, Fragment> fragments,
RepositoryName mainRepositoryName) {
this.directories = directories;
this.mainRepositoryName = mainRepositoryName;
this.mnemonic = buildMnemonic(options, fragments);
this.outputDirName =
(options.outputDirectoryName != null) ? options.outputDirectoryName : mnemonic;
this.outputDirectoryForMainRepository =
OutputDirectory.OUTPUT.getRoot(outputDirName, directories, mainRepositoryName);
this.binDirectoryForMainRepository =
OutputDirectory.BIN.getRoot(outputDirName, directories, mainRepositoryName);
this.includeDirectoryForMainRepository =
OutputDirectory.INCLUDE.getRoot(outputDirName, directories, mainRepositoryName);
this.genfilesDirectoryForMainRepository =
OutputDirectory.GENFILES.getRoot(outputDirName, directories, mainRepositoryName);
this.coverageDirectoryForMainRepository =
OutputDirectory.COVERAGE.getRoot(outputDirName, directories, mainRepositoryName);
this.testlogsDirectoryForMainRepository =
OutputDirectory.TESTLOGS.getRoot(outputDirName, directories, mainRepositoryName);
this.middlemanDirectoryForMainRepository =
OutputDirectory.MIDDLEMAN.getRoot(outputDirName, directories, mainRepositoryName);
this.mergeGenfilesDirectory = options.mergeGenfilesDirectory;
private String buildMnemonic(
CoreOptions options, ImmutableSortedMap<Class<? extends Fragment>, Fragment> fragments) {
// See explanation at declaration for outputRoots.
String platformSuffix = (options.platformSuffix != null) ? options.platformSuffix : "";
ArrayList<String> nameParts = new ArrayList<>();
for (Fragment fragment : fragments.values()) {
nameParts.add(options.compilationMode + platformSuffix);
if (options.transitionDirectoryNameFragment != null) {
return Joiner.on('-').skipNulls().join(nameParts);
/** Returns the output directory for this build configuration. */
ArtifactRoot getOutputDirectory(RepositoryName repositoryName) {
return repositoryName.isMain() || repositoryName.equals(mainRepositoryName)
? outputDirectoryForMainRepository
: OutputDirectory.OUTPUT.getRoot(outputDirName, directories, mainRepositoryName);
ArtifactRoot getBinDir() {
return getBinDirectory(RepositoryName.MAIN);
/** Returns the bin directory for this build configuration. */
ArtifactRoot getBinDirectory() {
return getBinDirectory(RepositoryName.MAIN);
* TODO(kchodorow): This (and the other get*Directory functions) won't work with external
* repositories without changes to how ArtifactFactory resolves derived roots. This is not an
* issue right now because it only effects Blaze's include scanning (internal) and Bazel's
* repositories (external) but will need to be fixed.
ArtifactRoot getBinDirectory(RepositoryName repositoryName) {
return repositoryName.isMain() || repositoryName.equals(mainRepositoryName)
? binDirectoryForMainRepository
: OutputDirectory.BIN.getRoot(outputDirName, directories, mainRepositoryName);
/** Returns a relative path to the bin directory at execution time. */
PathFragment getBinFragment() {
return getBinDirectory().getExecPath();
/** Returns the include directory for this build configuration. */
ArtifactRoot getIncludeDirectory(RepositoryName repositoryName) {
return repositoryName.isMain() || repositoryName.equals(mainRepositoryName)
? includeDirectoryForMainRepository
: OutputDirectory.INCLUDE.getRoot(outputDirName, directories, mainRepositoryName);
ArtifactRoot getGenfilesDir() {
return getGenfilesDirectory(RepositoryName.MAIN);
/** Returns the genfiles directory for this build configuration. */
ArtifactRoot getGenfilesDirectory() {
if (mergeGenfilesDirectory) {
return getBinDirectory();
return getGenfilesDirectory(RepositoryName.MAIN);
ArtifactRoot getGenfilesDirectory(RepositoryName repositoryName) {
if (mergeGenfilesDirectory) {
return getBinDirectory(repositoryName);
return repositoryName.isMain() || repositoryName.equals(mainRepositoryName)
? genfilesDirectoryForMainRepository
: OutputDirectory.GENFILES.getRoot(outputDirName, directories, mainRepositoryName);
boolean hasSeparateGenfilesDirectory() {
return !mergeGenfilesDirectory;
* Returns the directory where coverage-related artifacts and metadata files should be stored.
* This includes for example uninstrumented class files needed for Jacoco's coverage reporting
* tools.
ArtifactRoot getCoverageMetadataDirectory(RepositoryName repositoryName) {
return repositoryName.isMain() || repositoryName.equals(mainRepositoryName)
? coverageDirectoryForMainRepository
: OutputDirectory.COVERAGE.getRoot(outputDirName, directories, mainRepositoryName);
/** Returns the testlogs directory for this build configuration. */
ArtifactRoot getTestLogsDirectory(RepositoryName repositoryName) {
return repositoryName.isMain() || repositoryName.equals(mainRepositoryName)
? testlogsDirectoryForMainRepository
: OutputDirectory.TESTLOGS.getRoot(outputDirName, directories, mainRepositoryName);
/** Returns a relative path to the genfiles directory at execution time. */
PathFragment getGenfilesFragment() {
return getGenfilesDirectory().getExecPath();
* Returns the path separator for the host platform. This is basically the same as {@link
*}, except that that returns the value for this JVM, which may or may
* not match the host platform. You should only use this when invoking tools that are known to use
* the native path separator, i.e., the path separator for the machine that they run on.
String getHostPathSeparator() {
// TODO(bazel-team): Maybe do this in the constructor instead? This isn't serialization-safe.
return OS.getCurrent() == OS.WINDOWS ? ";" : ":";
/** Returns the internal directory (used for middlemen) for this build configuration. */
ArtifactRoot getMiddlemanDirectory(RepositoryName repositoryName) {
return repositoryName.isMain() || repositoryName.equals(mainRepositoryName)
? middlemanDirectoryForMainRepository
: OutputDirectory.MIDDLEMAN.getRoot(outputDirName, directories, mainRepositoryName);
String getMnemonic() {
return mnemonic;
boolean mergeGenfilesDirectory() {
return mergeGenfilesDirectory;
BlazeDirectories getDirectories() {
return directories;