blob: 462364edfa88dcd08994465f4f49e6cb69730eb3 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2016 The Bazel Authors. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;
import javax.annotation.Nullable;
* State for a node that has been dirtied, and will be checked to see if it needs re-evaluation, and
* either marked clean or re-evaluated.
* <p>This class is public only for the benefit of alternative graph implementations outside of the
* package.
public abstract class DirtyBuildingState {
private static final int NOT_EVALUATING_SENTINEL = -1;
static DirtyBuildingState create(
DirtyType dirtyType, GroupedList<SkyKey> lastBuildDirectDeps, SkyValue lastBuildValue) {
return new FullDirtyBuildingState(dirtyType, lastBuildDirectDeps, lastBuildValue);
static DirtyBuildingState createNew() {
return new FullDirtyBuildingState(DirtyType.CHANGE, null, null);
* The state of a dirty node. A node is marked dirty in the DirtyBuildingState constructor, and
* goes into either the state {@link DirtyState#CHECK_DEPENDENCIES} or {@link
* DirtyState#NEEDS_REBUILDING}, depending on whether the caller specified that the node was
* itself changed or not. Never null.
private DirtyState dirtyState;
* The number of dependencies that are known to be done in a {@link NodeEntry}.
* <p>There is a potential check-then-act race here during evaluation, so we need to make sure
* that when this is increased, we always check if the new value is equal to the number of
* required dependencies, and if so, we must re-schedule the node for evaluation.
* <p>There are two potential pitfalls here: 1) If multiple dependencies signal this node in close
* succession, this node should be scheduled exactly once. 2) If a thread is still working on this
* node, it should not be scheduled.
* <p>To solve the first problem, the {@link NodeEntry#signalDep} method also returns if the node
* needs to be re-scheduled, and ensures that only one thread gets a true return value.
* <p>The second problem is solved by first adding the newly discovered deps to a node's {@link
* InMemoryNodeEntry#directDeps}, and then looping through the direct deps and registering this
* node as a reverse dependency. This ensures that the signaledDeps counter can only reach {@link
* InMemoryNodeEntry#directDeps#numElements} on the very last iteration of the loop, i.e., the
* thread is not working on the node anymore. Note that this requires that there is no code after
* the loop in {@link ParallelEvaluator.Evaluate#run}.
private int signaledDeps = NOT_EVALUATING_SENTINEL;
* The number of external dependencies (in contrast to the number of internal dependencies which
* are tracked in NodeEntry. We never keep information about external dependencies across Skyframe
* calls.
// We do not strictly require a counter here; all external deps from one SkyFunction evaluation
// pass are registered as a single logical dependency, and the SkyFunction is only re-evaluated if
// all of them complete. Therefore, we only need a single bit to track this fact. If the mere
// existence of this field turns out to be a significant memory burden, we could change the
// implementation by moving to a single-bit approach, and then store that bit as part of the
// dirtyState field, e.g., by adding a REBUILDING_WAITING_FOR_EXTERNAL_DEPS enum value, as this
// can only happen during evaluation.
private int externalDeps;
* The dependencies requested (with group markers) last time the node was built (and below, the
* value last time the node was built). They will be compared to dependencies requested on this
* build to check whether this node has changed in {@link NodeEntry#setValue}. If they are null,
* it means that this node is being built for the first time. See {@link
* InMemoryNodeEntry#directDeps} for more on dependency group storage.
* <p>Public only for the use of alternative graph implementations.
public abstract GroupedList<SkyKey> getLastBuildDirectDeps() throws InterruptedException;
* The number of groups of the dependencies requested last time when the node was built.
* <p>Getting the number of last-built dependencies should not throw {@link InterruptedException}.
protected abstract int getNumOfGroupsInLastBuildDirectDeps();
/** The number of total dependencies requested the last time the node was built. */
public abstract int getNumElementsInLastBuildDirectDeps();
* The value of the node the last time it was built.
* <p>Public only for the use of alternative graph implementations.
public abstract SkyValue getLastBuildValue() throws InterruptedException;
* Group of children to be checked next in the process of determining if this entry needs to be
* re-evaluated. Used by {@link DirtyBuildingState#getNextDirtyDirectDeps} and {@link
* #signalDepPostProcess}.
protected int dirtyDirectDepIndex;
protected DirtyBuildingState(DirtyType dirtyType) {
dirtyState = dirtyType.getInitialDirtyState();
// We need to iterate through the deps to see if they have changed, or to remove them if one
// has. Initialize the iterating index.
dirtyDirectDepIndex = 0;
/** Returns true if this state does have information about a previously built version. */
protected abstract boolean isDirty();
final void markChanged() {
Preconditions.checkState(dirtyState == DirtyState.CHECK_DEPENDENCIES, this);
Preconditions.checkState(dirtyDirectDepIndex == 0, "Unexpected evaluation: %s", this);
dirtyState = DirtyState.NEEDS_REBUILDING;
final void markForceRebuild() {
if (dirtyState == DirtyState.CHECK_DEPENDENCIES) {
dirtyState = DirtyState.NEEDS_REBUILDING;
final void forceRebuild(int numTemporaryDirectDeps) {
Preconditions.checkState(numTemporaryDirectDeps + externalDeps == signaledDeps, this);
(dirtyState == DirtyState.CHECK_DEPENDENCIES
&& getNumOfGroupsInLastBuildDirectDeps() == dirtyDirectDepIndex)
|| dirtyState == DirtyState.NEEDS_FORCED_REBUILDING,
dirtyState = DirtyState.FORCED_REBUILDING;
final boolean isEvaluating() {
return signaledDeps > NOT_EVALUATING_SENTINEL;
final boolean isChanged() {
return dirtyState == DirtyState.NEEDS_REBUILDING
|| dirtyState == DirtyState.NEEDS_FORCED_REBUILDING
|| dirtyState == DirtyState.REBUILDING
|| dirtyState == DirtyState.FORCED_REBUILDING;
private void checkFinishedBuildingWhenAboutToSetValue() {
dirtyState == DirtyState.VERIFIED_CLEAN
|| dirtyState == DirtyState.REBUILDING
|| dirtyState == DirtyState.FORCED_REBUILDING,
"not done building %s",
final void signalDep() {
final void addExternalDep() {
* If this node is not yet known to need rebuilding, sets {@link #dirtyState} to {@link
* DirtyState#NEEDS_REBUILDING} if the child has changed, and {@link DirtyState#VERIFIED_CLEAN} if
* the child has not changed and this was the last child to be checked (as determined by {@code
* isReady} and comparing {@link #dirtyDirectDepIndex} and {@link
* DirtyBuildingState#getNumOfGroupsInLastBuildDirectDeps()}.
final void signalDepPostProcess(boolean childChanged, int numTemporaryDirectDeps) {
isChanged() || (dirtyState == DirtyState.CHECK_DEPENDENCIES && dirtyDirectDepIndex > 0),
"Unexpected not evaluating: %s",
if (!isChanged()) {
// Synchronization isn't needed here because the only caller is NodeEntry, which does it
// through the synchronized method signalDep.
if (childChanged) {
dirtyState = DirtyState.NEEDS_REBUILDING;
} else if (dirtyState == DirtyState.CHECK_DEPENDENCIES
&& isReady(numTemporaryDirectDeps)
&& getNumOfGroupsInLastBuildDirectDeps() == dirtyDirectDepIndex) {
// No other dep already marked this as NEEDS_REBUILDING, no deps outstanding, and this was
// the last block of deps to be checked.
dirtyState = DirtyState.VERIFIED_CLEAN;
public final void unmarkNeedsRebuilding() {
Preconditions.checkState(dirtyState == DirtyState.NEEDS_REBUILDING, this);
if (getNumOfGroupsInLastBuildDirectDeps() == dirtyDirectDepIndex) {
dirtyState = DirtyState.VERIFIED_CLEAN;
} else {
dirtyState = DirtyState.CHECK_DEPENDENCIES;
* Returns true if {@code newValue}.equals the value from the last time this node was built.
* Should only be used by {@link NodeEntry#setValue}.
* <p>Changes in direct deps do <i>not</i> force this to return false. Only the value is
* considered.
public final boolean unchangedFromLastBuild(SkyValue newValue) throws InterruptedException {
return !(newValue instanceof NotComparableSkyValue)
&& getLastBuildValue() != null
&& getLastBuildValue().equals(newValue);
* Returns true if the deps requested during this evaluation ({@code directDeps}) are exactly
* those requested the last time this node was built, in the same order.
final boolean depsUnchangedFromLastBuild(GroupedList<SkyKey> directDeps)
throws InterruptedException {
return getLastBuildDirectDeps().equals(directDeps);
final boolean noDepsLastBuild() {
return getNumOfGroupsInLastBuildDirectDeps() == 0;
/** @see NodeEntry#getDirtyState() */
final DirtyState getDirtyState() {
return dirtyState;
* Gets the next children to be re-evaluated to see if this dirty node needs to be re-evaluated.
* <p>See {@link NodeEntry#getNextDirtyDirectDeps}.
final List<SkyKey> getNextDirtyDirectDeps() throws InterruptedException {
Preconditions.checkState(dirtyState == DirtyState.CHECK_DEPENDENCIES, this);
Preconditions.checkState(dirtyDirectDepIndex < getNumOfGroupsInLastBuildDirectDeps(), this);
return getLastBuildDirectDeps().get(dirtyDirectDepIndex++);
* Returns the remaining direct deps that have not been checked. If {@code preservePosition} is
* true, this method is non-mutating. If {@code preservePosition} is false, the caller must
* process the returned set, and so subsequent calls to this method will return the empty set.
Set<SkyKey> getAllRemainingDirtyDirectDeps(boolean preservePosition) throws InterruptedException {
if (getLastBuildDirectDeps() == null) {
return ImmutableSet.of();
ImmutableSet.Builder<SkyKey> result = ImmutableSet.builder();
for (int ind = dirtyDirectDepIndex; ind < getNumOfGroupsInLastBuildDirectDeps(); ind++) {
if (!preservePosition) {
dirtyDirectDepIndex = getNumOfGroupsInLastBuildDirectDeps();
final void resetForRestartFromScratch() {
dirtyState == DirtyState.REBUILDING || dirtyState == DirtyState.FORCED_REBUILDING, this);
signaledDeps = 0;
dirtyDirectDepIndex = 0;
protected void markRebuilding(boolean isEligibleForChangePruning) {
Preconditions.checkState(dirtyState == DirtyState.NEEDS_REBUILDING, this);
dirtyState = DirtyState.REBUILDING;
void startEvaluating() {
Preconditions.checkState(!isEvaluating(), this);
signaledDeps = 0;
public int getLastDirtyDirectDepIndex() {
return dirtyDirectDepIndex - 1;
public int getSignaledDeps() {
return signaledDeps;
/** Returns whether all known children of this node have signaled that they are done. */
boolean isReady(int numDirectDeps) {
signaledDeps <= numDirectDeps + externalDeps,
"%s %s %s",
return signaledDeps == numDirectDeps + externalDeps;
protected MoreObjects.ToStringHelper getStringHelper() {
return MoreObjects.toStringHelper(this)
.add("dirtyState", dirtyState)
.add("signaledDeps", signaledDeps)
.add("externalDeps", externalDeps)
.add("dirtyDirectDepIndex", dirtyDirectDepIndex);
public String toString() {
return getStringHelper().toString();
private static class FullDirtyBuildingState extends DirtyBuildingState {
private final GroupedList<SkyKey> lastBuildDirectDeps;
private final SkyValue lastBuildValue;
private FullDirtyBuildingState(
DirtyType dirtyType, GroupedList<SkyKey> lastBuildDirectDeps, SkyValue lastBuildValue) {
this.lastBuildDirectDeps = lastBuildDirectDeps;
!dirtyType.equals(DirtyType.DIRTY) || getNumOfGroupsInLastBuildDirectDeps() > 0,
"%s is being marked dirty but has no children that could have dirtied it",
this.lastBuildValue = lastBuildValue;
protected boolean isDirty() {
return lastBuildDirectDeps != null;
public SkyValue getLastBuildValue() {
return lastBuildValue;
public GroupedList<SkyKey> getLastBuildDirectDeps() throws InterruptedException {
return lastBuildDirectDeps;
protected int getNumOfGroupsInLastBuildDirectDeps() {
return lastBuildDirectDeps == null ? 0 : lastBuildDirectDeps.listSize();
public int getNumElementsInLastBuildDirectDeps() {
return lastBuildDirectDeps.numElements();
protected MoreObjects.ToStringHelper getStringHelper() {
return super.getStringHelper()
.add("lastBuildDirectDeps", lastBuildDirectDeps)
.add("lastBuildValue", lastBuildValue);