[7.1.0] Move compile StarlarkMethod back to CcModuleAPI (#21605)

This way the documentation is again generated.
Fixes: https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel/issues/20922,

PiperOrigin-RevId: 612810046
Change-Id: I38f3ab01d1f4951eeb9045bbf214057824be6fd4


Co-authored-by: Yun Peng <pcloudy@google.com>
diff --git a/src/main/java/com/google/devtools/build/lib/rules/cpp/CcModule.java b/src/main/java/com/google/devtools/build/lib/rules/cpp/CcModule.java
index 98d57d0..a9b29aa 100755
--- a/src/main/java/com/google/devtools/build/lib/rules/cpp/CcModule.java
+++ b/src/main/java/com/google/devtools/build/lib/rules/cpp/CcModule.java
@@ -73,10 +73,7 @@
 import com.google.devtools.build.lib.rules.cpp.CppActionConfigs.CppPlatform;
 import com.google.devtools.build.lib.rules.cpp.Link.LinkTargetType;
 import com.google.devtools.build.lib.rules.cpp.Link.LinkingMode;
-import com.google.devtools.build.lib.starlarkbuildapi.FileApi;
-import com.google.devtools.build.lib.starlarkbuildapi.cpp.CcCompilationContextApi;
 import com.google.devtools.build.lib.starlarkbuildapi.cpp.CcModuleApi;
-import com.google.devtools.build.lib.starlarkbuildapi.cpp.CppModuleMapApi;
 import com.google.devtools.build.lib.starlarkbuildapi.cpp.ExtraLinkTimeLibraryApi;
 import com.google.devtools.build.lib.util.FileTypeSet;
 import com.google.devtools.build.lib.util.Pair;
@@ -2142,292 +2139,7 @@
     return false;
-  @StarlarkMethod(
-      name = "compile",
-      doc =
-          "Should be used for C++ compilation. Returns tuple of "
-              + "(<code>CompilationContext</code>, <code>CcCompilationOutputs</code>).",
-      useStarlarkThread = true,
-      parameters = {
-        @Param(
-            name = "actions",
-            positional = false,
-            named = true,
-            doc = "<code>actions</code> object."),
-        @Param(
-            name = "feature_configuration",
-            doc = "<code>feature_configuration</code> to be queried.",
-            positional = false,
-            named = true),
-        @Param(
-            name = "cc_toolchain",
-            doc = "<code>CcToolchainInfo</code> provider to be used.",
-            positional = false,
-            named = true),
-        @Param(
-            name = "srcs",
-            doc = "The list of source files to be compiled.",
-            positional = false,
-            named = true,
-            defaultValue = "[]"),
-        @Param(
-            name = "public_hdrs",
-            doc =
-                "List of headers needed for compilation of srcs and may be included by dependent "
-                    + "rules transitively.",
-            positional = false,
-            named = true,
-            defaultValue = "[]"),
-        @Param(
-            name = "private_hdrs",
-            doc =
-                "List of headers needed for compilation of srcs and NOT to be included by"
-                    + " dependent rules.",
-            positional = false,
-            named = true,
-            defaultValue = "[]"),
-        @Param(
-            name = "textual_hdrs",
-            positional = false,
-            named = true,
-            allowedTypes = {
-              @ParamType(type = Sequence.class, generic1 = FileApi.class),
-              @ParamType(type = Depset.class)
-            },
-            documented = false,
-            defaultValue = "[]"),
-        @Param(
-            name = "additional_exported_hdrs",
-            positional = false,
-            named = true,
-            documented = false,
-            allowedTypes = {@ParamType(type = Sequence.class, generic1 = String.class)},
-            defaultValue = "unbound"),
-        @Param(
-            name = "includes",
-            doc =
-                "Search paths for header files referenced both by angle bracket and quotes. "
-                    + "Usually passed with -I. Propagated to dependents transitively.",
-            positional = false,
-            named = true,
-            defaultValue = "[]",
-            allowedTypes = {@ParamType(type = Sequence.class), @ParamType(type = Depset.class)}),
-        @Param(
-            name = "loose_includes",
-            documented = false,
-            positional = false,
-            named = true,
-            defaultValue = "unbound",
-            allowedTypes = {@ParamType(type = Sequence.class), @ParamType(type = NoneType.class)}),
-        @Param(
-            name = "quote_includes",
-            doc =
-                "Search paths for header files referenced by quotes, "
-                    + "e.g. #include \"foo/bar/header.h\". They can be either relative to the exec "
-                    + "root or absolute. Usually passed with -iquote. Propagated to dependents "
-                    + "transitively.",
-            positional = false,
-            named = true,
-            defaultValue = "[]"),
-        @Param(
-            name = "system_includes",
-            doc =
-                "Search paths for header files referenced by angle brackets, e.g. #include"
-                    + " &lt;foo/bar/header.h&gt;. They can be either relative to the exec root or"
-                    + " absolute. Usually passed with -isystem. Propagated to dependents "
-                    + "transitively.",
-            positional = false,
-            named = true,
-            defaultValue = "[]"),
-        @Param(
-            name = "framework_includes",
-            doc =
-                "Search paths for header files from Apple frameworks. They can be either relative "
-                    + "to the exec root or absolute. Usually passed with -F. Propagated to "
-                    + "dependents transitively.",
-            positional = false,
-            named = true,
-            defaultValue = "[]"),
-        @Param(
-            name = "defines",
-            doc =
-                "Set of defines needed to compile this target. Each define is a string. Propagated"
-                    + " to dependents transitively.",
-            positional = false,
-            named = true,
-            defaultValue = "[]"),
-        @Param(
-            name = "local_defines",
-            doc =
-                "Set of defines needed to compile this target. Each define is a string. Not"
-                    + " propagated to dependents transitively.",
-            positional = false,
-            named = true,
-            defaultValue = "[]"),
-        @Param(
-            name = "include_prefix",
-            doc =
-                "The prefix to add to the paths of the headers of this rule. When set, the "
-                    + "headers in the hdrs attribute of this rule are accessible at is the "
-                    + "value of this attribute prepended to their repository-relative path. "
-                    + "The prefix in the strip_include_prefix attribute is removed before this "
-                    + "prefix is added.",
-            positional = false,
-            named = true,
-            defaultValue = "''"),
-        @Param(
-            name = "strip_include_prefix",
-            doc =
-                "The prefix to strip from the paths of the headers of this rule. When set, the"
-                    + " headers in the hdrs attribute of this rule are accessible at their path"
-                    + " with this prefix cut off. If it's a relative path, it's taken as a"
-                    + " package-relative one. If it's an absolute one, it's understood as a"
-                    + " repository-relative path. The prefix in the include_prefix attribute is"
-                    + " added after this prefix is stripped.",
-            positional = false,
-            named = true,
-            defaultValue = "''"),
-        @Param(
-            name = "user_compile_flags",
-            doc = "Additional list of compilation options.",
-            positional = false,
-            named = true,
-            defaultValue = "[]"),
-        @Param(
-            name = "compilation_contexts",
-            doc = "Headers from dependencies used for compilation.",
-            positional = false,
-            named = true,
-            defaultValue = "[]"),
-        @Param(
-            name = "implementation_compilation_contexts",
-            documented = false,
-            positional = false,
-            defaultValue = "unbound",
-            allowedTypes = {
-              @ParamType(type = Sequence.class, generic1 = CcCompilationContextApi.class),
-              @ParamType(type = NoneType.class)
-            },
-            named = true),
-        @Param(
-            name = "name",
-            doc =
-                "This is used for naming the output artifacts of actions created by this "
-                    + "method. See also the `main_output` arg.",
-            positional = false,
-            named = true),
-        @Param(
-            name = "disallow_pic_outputs",
-            doc = "Whether PIC outputs should be created.",
-            positional = false,
-            named = true,
-            defaultValue = "False"),
-        @Param(
-            name = "disallow_nopic_outputs",
-            doc = "Whether NOPIC outputs should be created.",
-            positional = false,
-            named = true,
-            defaultValue = "False"),
-        @Param(
-            name = "additional_include_scanning_roots",
-            documented = false,
-            positional = false,
-            named = true,
-            defaultValue = "[]"),
-        @Param(
-            name = "additional_inputs",
-            doc = "List of additional files needed for compilation of srcs",
-            positional = false,
-            named = true,
-            defaultValue = "[]"),
-        @Param(
-            name = "module_map",
-            positional = false,
-            documented = false,
-            defaultValue = "unbound",
-            allowedTypes = {
-              @ParamType(type = CppModuleMapApi.class),
-              @ParamType(type = NoneType.class)
-            },
-            named = true),
-        @Param(
-            name = "additional_module_maps",
-            positional = false,
-            documented = false,
-            defaultValue = "unbound",
-            allowedTypes = {@ParamType(type = Sequence.class, generic1 = CppModuleMapApi.class)},
-            named = true),
-        @Param(
-            name = "propagate_module_map_to_compile_action",
-            positional = false,
-            named = true,
-            documented = false,
-            allowedTypes = {@ParamType(type = Boolean.class)},
-            defaultValue = "unbound"),
-        @Param(
-            name = "do_not_generate_module_map",
-            positional = false,
-            named = true,
-            documented = false,
-            allowedTypes = {@ParamType(type = Boolean.class)},
-            defaultValue = "unbound"),
-        @Param(
-            name = "code_coverage_enabled",
-            positional = false,
-            named = true,
-            documented = false,
-            allowedTypes = {@ParamType(type = Boolean.class)},
-            defaultValue = "unbound"),
-        @Param(
-            name = "hdrs_checking_mode",
-            positional = false,
-            named = true,
-            documented = false,
-            allowedTypes = {@ParamType(type = String.class), @ParamType(type = NoneType.class)},
-            defaultValue = "unbound"),
-        @Param(
-            name = "variables_extension",
-            positional = false,
-            named = true,
-            documented = false,
-            allowedTypes = {@ParamType(type = Dict.class)},
-            defaultValue = "unbound"),
-        @Param(
-            name = "language",
-            positional = false,
-            named = true,
-            documented = false,
-            allowedTypes = {@ParamType(type = String.class), @ParamType(type = NoneType.class)},
-            defaultValue = "unbound"),
-        @Param(
-            name = "purpose",
-            documented = false,
-            positional = false,
-            named = true,
-            allowedTypes = {@ParamType(type = String.class), @ParamType(type = NoneType.class)},
-            defaultValue = "unbound"),
-        @Param(
-            name = "copts_filter",
-            documented = false,
-            positional = false,
-            named = true,
-            allowedTypes = {@ParamType(type = String.class), @ParamType(type = NoneType.class)},
-            defaultValue = "unbound"),
-        @Param(
-            name = "separate_module_headers",
-            documented = false,
-            positional = false,
-            named = true,
-            allowedTypes = {@ParamType(type = Sequence.class)},
-            defaultValue = "unbound"),
-        @Param(
-            name = "non_compilation_additional_inputs",
-            positional = false,
-            named = true,
-            allowedTypes = {@ParamType(type = Sequence.class, generic1 = Artifact.class)},
-            documented = false,
-            defaultValue = "unbound"),
-      })
+  @Override
   public Tuple compile(
       StarlarkActionFactory starlarkActionFactoryApi,
diff --git a/src/main/java/com/google/devtools/build/lib/starlarkbuildapi/cpp/CcModuleApi.java b/src/main/java/com/google/devtools/build/lib/starlarkbuildapi/cpp/CcModuleApi.java
index 64f7ff7..6174591 100755
--- a/src/main/java/com/google/devtools/build/lib/starlarkbuildapi/cpp/CcModuleApi.java
+++ b/src/main/java/com/google/devtools/build/lib/starlarkbuildapi/cpp/CcModuleApi.java
@@ -92,6 +92,333 @@
   default void compilerFlagExists() {}
+      name = "compile",
+      doc =
+          "Should be used for C++ compilation. Returns tuple of "
+              + "(<code>CompilationContext</code>, <code>CcCompilationOutputs</code>).",
+      useStarlarkThread = true,
+      parameters = {
+        @Param(
+            name = "actions",
+            positional = false,
+            named = true,
+            doc = "<code>actions</code> object."),
+        @Param(
+            name = "feature_configuration",
+            doc = "<code>feature_configuration</code> to be queried.",
+            positional = false,
+            named = true),
+        @Param(
+            name = "cc_toolchain",
+            doc = "<code>CcToolchainInfo</code> provider to be used.",
+            positional = false,
+            named = true),
+        @Param(
+            name = "srcs",
+            doc = "The list of source files to be compiled.",
+            positional = false,
+            named = true,
+            defaultValue = "[]"),
+        @Param(
+            name = "public_hdrs",
+            doc =
+                "List of headers needed for compilation of srcs and may be included by dependent "
+                    + "rules transitively.",
+            positional = false,
+            named = true,
+            defaultValue = "[]"),
+        @Param(
+            name = "private_hdrs",
+            doc =
+                "List of headers needed for compilation of srcs and NOT to be included by"
+                    + " dependent rules.",
+            positional = false,
+            named = true,
+            defaultValue = "[]"),
+        @Param(
+            name = "textual_hdrs",
+            positional = false,
+            named = true,
+            allowedTypes = {
+              @ParamType(type = Sequence.class, generic1 = FileApi.class),
+              @ParamType(type = Depset.class)
+            },
+            documented = false,
+            defaultValue = "[]"),
+        @Param(
+            name = "additional_exported_hdrs",
+            positional = false,
+            named = true,
+            documented = false,
+            allowedTypes = {@ParamType(type = Sequence.class, generic1 = String.class)},
+            defaultValue = "unbound"),
+        @Param(
+            name = "includes",
+            doc =
+                "Search paths for header files referenced both by angle bracket and quotes. "
+                    + "Usually passed with -I. Propagated to dependents transitively.",
+            positional = false,
+            named = true,
+            defaultValue = "[]",
+            allowedTypes = {@ParamType(type = Sequence.class), @ParamType(type = Depset.class)}),
+        @Param(
+            name = "loose_includes",
+            documented = false,
+            positional = false,
+            named = true,
+            defaultValue = "unbound",
+            allowedTypes = {@ParamType(type = Sequence.class), @ParamType(type = NoneType.class)}),
+        @Param(
+            name = "quote_includes",
+            doc =
+                "Search paths for header files referenced by quotes, "
+                    + "e.g. #include \"foo/bar/header.h\". They can be either relative to the exec "
+                    + "root or absolute. Usually passed with -iquote. Propagated to dependents "
+                    + "transitively.",
+            positional = false,
+            named = true,
+            defaultValue = "[]"),
+        @Param(
+            name = "system_includes",
+            doc =
+                "Search paths for header files referenced by angle brackets, e.g. #include"
+                    + " &lt;foo/bar/header.h&gt;. They can be either relative to the exec root or"
+                    + " absolute. Usually passed with -isystem. Propagated to dependents "
+                    + "transitively.",
+            positional = false,
+            named = true,
+            defaultValue = "[]"),
+        @Param(
+            name = "framework_includes",
+            doc =
+                "Search paths for header files from Apple frameworks. They can be either relative "
+                    + "to the exec root or absolute. Usually passed with -F. Propagated to "
+                    + "dependents transitively.",
+            positional = false,
+            named = true,
+            defaultValue = "[]"),
+        @Param(
+            name = "defines",
+            doc =
+                "Set of defines needed to compile this target. Each define is a string. Propagated"
+                    + " to dependents transitively.",
+            positional = false,
+            named = true,
+            defaultValue = "[]"),
+        @Param(
+            name = "local_defines",
+            doc =
+                "Set of defines needed to compile this target. Each define is a string. Not"
+                    + " propagated to dependents transitively.",
+            positional = false,
+            named = true,
+            defaultValue = "[]"),
+        @Param(
+            name = "include_prefix",
+            doc =
+                "The prefix to add to the paths of the headers of this rule. When set, the "
+                    + "headers in the hdrs attribute of this rule are accessible at is the "
+                    + "value of this attribute prepended to their repository-relative path. "
+                    + "The prefix in the strip_include_prefix attribute is removed before this "
+                    + "prefix is added.",
+            positional = false,
+            named = true,
+            defaultValue = "''"),
+        @Param(
+            name = "strip_include_prefix",
+            doc =
+                "The prefix to strip from the paths of the headers of this rule. When set, the"
+                    + " headers in the hdrs attribute of this rule are accessible at their path"
+                    + " with this prefix cut off. If it's a relative path, it's taken as a"
+                    + " package-relative one. If it's an absolute one, it's understood as a"
+                    + " repository-relative path. The prefix in the include_prefix attribute is"
+                    + " added after this prefix is stripped.",
+            positional = false,
+            named = true,
+            defaultValue = "''"),
+        @Param(
+            name = "user_compile_flags",
+            doc = "Additional list of compilation options.",
+            positional = false,
+            named = true,
+            defaultValue = "[]"),
+        @Param(
+            name = "compilation_contexts",
+            doc = "Headers from dependencies used for compilation.",
+            positional = false,
+            named = true,
+            defaultValue = "[]"),
+        @Param(
+            name = "implementation_compilation_contexts",
+            documented = false,
+            positional = false,
+            defaultValue = "unbound",
+            allowedTypes = {
+              @ParamType(type = Sequence.class, generic1 = CcCompilationContextApi.class),
+              @ParamType(type = NoneType.class)
+            },
+            named = true),
+        @Param(
+            name = "name",
+            doc =
+                "This is used for naming the output artifacts of actions created by this "
+                    + "method. See also the `main_output` arg.",
+            positional = false,
+            named = true),
+        @Param(
+            name = "disallow_pic_outputs",
+            doc = "Whether PIC outputs should be created.",
+            positional = false,
+            named = true,
+            defaultValue = "False"),
+        @Param(
+            name = "disallow_nopic_outputs",
+            doc = "Whether NOPIC outputs should be created.",
+            positional = false,
+            named = true,
+            defaultValue = "False"),
+        @Param(
+            name = "additional_include_scanning_roots",
+            documented = false,
+            positional = false,
+            named = true,
+            defaultValue = "[]"),
+        @Param(
+            name = "additional_inputs",
+            doc = "List of additional files needed for compilation of srcs",
+            positional = false,
+            named = true,
+            defaultValue = "[]"),
+        @Param(
+            name = "module_map",
+            positional = false,
+            documented = false,
+            defaultValue = "unbound",
+            allowedTypes = {
+              @ParamType(type = CppModuleMapApi.class),
+              @ParamType(type = NoneType.class)
+            },
+            named = true),
+        @Param(
+            name = "additional_module_maps",
+            positional = false,
+            documented = false,
+            defaultValue = "unbound",
+            allowedTypes = {@ParamType(type = Sequence.class, generic1 = CppModuleMapApi.class)},
+            named = true),
+        @Param(
+            name = "propagate_module_map_to_compile_action",
+            positional = false,
+            named = true,
+            documented = false,
+            allowedTypes = {@ParamType(type = Boolean.class)},
+            defaultValue = "unbound"),
+        @Param(
+            name = "do_not_generate_module_map",
+            positional = false,
+            named = true,
+            documented = false,
+            allowedTypes = {@ParamType(type = Boolean.class)},
+            defaultValue = "unbound"),
+        @Param(
+            name = "code_coverage_enabled",
+            positional = false,
+            named = true,
+            documented = false,
+            allowedTypes = {@ParamType(type = Boolean.class)},
+            defaultValue = "unbound"),
+        @Param(
+            name = "hdrs_checking_mode",
+            positional = false,
+            named = true,
+            documented = false,
+            allowedTypes = {@ParamType(type = String.class), @ParamType(type = NoneType.class)},
+            defaultValue = "unbound"),
+        @Param(
+            name = "variables_extension",
+            positional = false,
+            named = true,
+            documented = false,
+            allowedTypes = {@ParamType(type = Dict.class)},
+            defaultValue = "unbound"),
+        @Param(
+            name = "language",
+            positional = false,
+            named = true,
+            documented = false,
+            allowedTypes = {@ParamType(type = String.class), @ParamType(type = NoneType.class)},
+            defaultValue = "unbound"),
+        @Param(
+            name = "purpose",
+            documented = false,
+            positional = false,
+            named = true,
+            allowedTypes = {@ParamType(type = String.class), @ParamType(type = NoneType.class)},
+            defaultValue = "unbound"),
+        @Param(
+            name = "copts_filter",
+            documented = false,
+            positional = false,
+            named = true,
+            allowedTypes = {@ParamType(type = String.class), @ParamType(type = NoneType.class)},
+            defaultValue = "unbound"),
+        @Param(
+            name = "separate_module_headers",
+            documented = false,
+            positional = false,
+            named = true,
+            allowedTypes = {@ParamType(type = Sequence.class)},
+            defaultValue = "unbound"),
+        @Param(
+            name = "non_compilation_additional_inputs",
+            positional = false,
+            named = true,
+            allowedTypes = {@ParamType(type = Sequence.class, generic1 = FileApi.class)},
+            documented = false,
+            defaultValue = "unbound"),
+      })
+  Tuple compile(
+      StarlarkActionFactoryT starlarkActionFactoryApi,
+      FeatureConfigurationT starlarkFeatureConfiguration,
+      CcToolchainProviderT starlarkCcToolchainProvider,
+      Sequence<?> sourcesUnchecked, // <Artifact> expected
+      Sequence<?> publicHeadersUnchecked, // <Artifact> expected
+      Sequence<?> privateHeadersUnchecked, // <Artifact> expected
+      Object textualHeadersStarlarkObject,
+      Object additionalExportedHeadersObject,
+      Object starlarkIncludes,
+      Object starlarkLooseIncludes,
+      Sequence<?> quoteIncludes, // <String> expected
+      Sequence<?> systemIncludes, // <String> expected
+      Sequence<?> frameworkIncludes, // <String> expected
+      Sequence<?> defines, // <String> expected
+      Sequence<?> localDefines, // <String> expected
+      String includePrefix,
+      String stripIncludePrefix,
+      Sequence<?> userCompileFlags, // <String> expected
+      Sequence<?> ccCompilationContexts, // <CcCompilationContext> expected
+      Object implementationCcCompilationContextsObject,
+      String name,
+      boolean disallowPicOutputs,
+      boolean disallowNopicOutputs,
+      Sequence<?> additionalIncludeScanningRoots, // <Artifact> expected
+      Sequence<?> additionalInputs, // <Artifact> expected
+      Object moduleMapNoneable,
+      Object additionalModuleMapsNoneable,
+      Object propagateModuleMapToCompileActionObject,
+      Object doNotGenerateModuleMapObject,
+      Object codeCoverageEnabledObject,
+      Object hdrsCheckingModeObject,
+      Object variablesExtension,
+      Object languageObject,
+      Object purposeObject,
+      Object coptsFilterObject,
+      Object separateModuleHeadersObject,
+      Object nonCompilationAdditionalInputsObject,
+      StarlarkThread thread)
+      throws EvalException, InterruptedException;
+  @StarlarkMethod(
       name = "link",
       doc = "Should be used for C++ transitive linking.",
       useStarlarkThread = true,