Do .bzl load cycle detection by key instead of label

The inlining code path for StarlarkImportLookupFunction does its own cycle detection since it doesn't use Skyframe. This CL changes it to look for cycles over the graph of bzl key dependencies, instead of their projection onto their labels. This allows two distinct keys that happen to have the same label to not spuriously trigger cycle detection when inlining.

This is likely not a current problem in practice, because there doesn't seem to be a way to construct a non-cyclic path of load()s where any labels are repeated. Package bzl keys can't produce workspace keys and vice versa, even though the same .bzl file may be used for both. Likewise, I do not believe it's possible for the same label to be loaded in a cycle with distinct workspace chunking info, though I'm not 100% sure. When the new @builtins pseudo-repository is added, it may conflict with a proper external repo that happens to be named "@builtins", but even then the two shouldn't be able to load each other.

All the same, let's cycle check the proper object in case any of these assumptions change in the future. It also brings the inlining case's cycle check in-line (ha-ha) with ordinary Skyframe evaluation's cycle check.

This is refactoring work toward adding a new kind of .bzl loading context, for Bazel-internal .bzl files.

Work toward #11437.

PiperOrigin-RevId: 312842293
diff --git a/src/main/java/com/google/devtools/build/lib/skyframe/ b/src/main/java/com/google/devtools/build/lib/skyframe/
index cb27011..16acbe7 100644
--- a/src/main/java/com/google/devtools/build/lib/skyframe/
+++ b/src/main/java/com/google/devtools/build/lib/skyframe/
@@ -178,15 +178,13 @@
       throws InconsistentFilesystemException, StarlarkImportFailedException, InterruptedException {
-    // We use the visitedNested set to track if there are any cyclic dependencies when loading the
-    // Starlark file and the visitedDepsInToplevelLoad set to avoid re-registering previously seen
-    // dependencies. Note that the visitedNested set must use insertion order to display the correct
-    // error.
+    // See comments in computeWithSelfInlineCallsInternal for an explanation of the visitedNested
+    // and visitedDepsInToplevelLoad vars.
     CachedStarlarkImportLookupValueAndDeps cachedStarlarkImportLookupValueAndDeps =
+            // visitedNested must use insertion order to display the correct error.
             /*visitedNested=*/ new LinkedHashSet<>(),
             /*visitedDepsInToplevelLoad=*/ visitedDepsInToplevelLoad);
     if (cachedStarlarkImportLookupValueAndDeps == null) {
@@ -199,7 +197,7 @@
   private CachedStarlarkImportLookupValueAndDeps computeWithSelfInlineCallsInternal(
       StarlarkImportLookupValue.Key key,
       Environment env,
-      Set<Label> visitedNested,
+      Set<StarlarkImportLookupValue.Key> visitedNested,
       Map<StarlarkImportLookupValue.Key, CachedStarlarkImportLookupValueAndDeps>
       throws InconsistentFilesystemException, StarlarkImportFailedException, InterruptedException {
@@ -239,10 +237,14 @@
       return cachedStarlarkImportLookupValueAndDeps;
-    Label label = key.getLabel();
-    if (!visitedNested.add(label)) {
-      ImmutableList<Label> cycle =
-          CycleUtils.splitIntoPathAndChain(Predicates.equalTo(label), visitedNested).second;
+    // visitedNested is keyed on the SkyKey, not the label, because it's possible for distinct keys
+    // to share the same label. Examples include the "@builtins" pseudo-repo vs a real repository
+    // that happens to be named "@builtins", or keys for the same .bzl with different workspace
+    // chunking information. It's unclear whether these particular cycles can arise in practice, but
+    // it doesn't hurt to be robust to future changes that may make that possible.
+    if (!visitedNested.add(key)) {
+      ImmutableList<StarlarkImportLookupValue.Key> cycle =
+          CycleUtils.splitIntoPathAndChain(Predicates.equalTo(key), visitedNested).second;
       throw new StarlarkImportFailedException("Starlark import cycle: " + cycle);
@@ -268,7 +270,7 @@
             new InliningState(visitedNested, inlineCachedValueBuilder, visitedDepsInToplevelLoad));
     // All imports traversed, this key can no longer be part of a cycle.
-    Preconditions.checkState(visitedNested.remove(label), label);
+    Preconditions.checkState(visitedNested.remove(key), key);
     if (value != null) {
@@ -321,13 +323,13 @@
   private static class InliningState {
-    private final Set<Label> visitedNested;
+    private final Set<StarlarkImportLookupValue.Key> visitedNested;
     private final CachedStarlarkImportLookupValueAndDeps.Builder inlineCachedValueBuilder;
     private final Map<StarlarkImportLookupValue.Key, CachedStarlarkImportLookupValueAndDeps>
     private InliningState(
-        Set<Label> visitedNested,
+        Set<StarlarkImportLookupValue.Key> visitedNested,
         CachedStarlarkImportLookupValueAndDeps.Builder inlineCachedValueBuilder,
         Map<StarlarkImportLookupValue.Key, CachedStarlarkImportLookupValueAndDeps>
             visitedDepsInToplevelLoad) {