blob: 6d3d1aabd9b96d93227b830a7c661535fac880f6 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
// Copyright 2015 The Bazel Authors. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
syntax = "proto3";
package blaze.worker;
option java_package = "";
// An input file.
message Input {
// The path in the file system where to read this input artifact from. This is
// either a path relative to the execution root (the worker process is
// launched with the working directory set to the execution root), or an
// absolute path.
string path = 1;
// A hash-value of the contents. The format of the contents is unspecified and
// the digest should be treated as an opaque token.
bytes digest = 2;
// This represents a single work unit that Blaze sends to the worker.
message WorkRequest {
repeated string arguments = 1;
// The inputs that the worker is allowed to read during execution of this
// request.
repeated Input inputs = 2;
// Each WorkRequest must have either a unique
// request_id or request_id = 0. If request_id is 0, this WorkRequest must be
// processed alone (singleplex), otherwise the worker may process multiple
// WorkRequests in parallel (multiplexing). As an exception to the above, if
// the cancel field is true, the request_id must be the same as a previously
// sent WorkRequest. The request_id must be attached unchanged to the
// corresponding WorkResponse. Only one singleplex request may be sent to a
// worker at a time.
int32 request_id = 3;
// EXPERIMENTAL: When true, this is a cancel request, indicating that a
// previously sent WorkRequest with the same request_id should be cancelled.
// The arguments and inputs fields must be empty and should be ignored.
bool cancel = 4;
// Values greater than 0 indicate that the worker should output extra debug
// information to stderr (which will go into the worker log). Setting the
// --worker_verbose flag for Bazel makes this flag default to 10.
int32 verbosity = 5;
// The worker sends this message to Blaze when it finished its work on the
// WorkRequest message.
message WorkResponse {
int32 exit_code = 1;
// This is printed to the user after the WorkResponse has been received and is
// supposed to contain compiler warnings / errors etc. - thus we'll use a
// string type here, which gives us UTF-8 encoding.
string output = 2;
// This field must be set to the same request_id as the WorkRequest it is a
// response to. Since worker processes which support multiplex worker will
// handle multiple WorkRequests in parallel, this ID will be used to
// determined which WorkerProxy does this WorkResponse belong to.
int32 request_id = 3;
// EXPERIMENTAL When true, indicates that this response was sent due to
// receiving a cancel request. The exit_code and output fields should be empty
// and will be ignored. Exactly one WorkResponse must be sent for each
// non-cancelling WorkRequest received by the worker, but if the worker
// received a cancel request, it doesn't matter if it replies with a regular
// WorkResponse or with one where was_cancelled = true.
bool was_cancelled = 4;